Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
From Joni Patry, Vedic Astrologer
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for August 27, 2023
Sunday, August 27, 2023
What is Going On?
Won't be able to post a weekly Tarot message for this week (or anything else for that matter) because I've been losing connection with the internet all day.
Called my internet provider and technician says can't see any outages in my area.
Turned the modem on and off and, still nothing.
Well this isn't helpful because something is interrupting my service.
Hope to be back online soon.
An Excellent Channel for Up to Date Information on Your Weather
This Weather Pattern Will Be Bizarre… - YouTube
We are now living in Bizarroland.
Yesterday, August 26, the temperature reached 109 degrees.
The hottest on record.
We've had weeks and weeks of over a hundred degrees ranging from 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108 and now 109.
The heat has already killed thousands of livestock crowded in holding pens at sale barns and goats aren't fairing much better, I should know because I raise goats.
This is a very, very sorrowful and sobering year.
Tempers are short and if you have to go anywhere to shop, etc. pay close attention to the other drivers on the road.
Ponds, lakes, trees and shrubs are drying up and turning brown. I'm refilling hummingbird feeders every other day.
Funeral homes are doing a brisk business with many heat-related deaths.
Saturday, August 26, 2023
God Rules
Watch TV Show - Sid Roth – It’s Supernatural! |
Note: This morning I heard the word "Desolation."
It prompted me to research further, thus my sharing this video (above).
More information regarding the definition of Desolation can be found here: 👇
Thursday, August 24, 2023
"Humanity's Liberation"
"All exclusive copyrights belong to Winstar Media & EMVN"
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for August 20, 2023
Make Your Own Break Out of Jail Free Card - Start Using Your Brain
Hey Folks, I'm here to help and I can assure you, "I'm not from the government."
Governments can spend whatever amount of money they want as they have an unlimited supply.
No problem if they run out of cash they just print more.
And, they never ever ding themselves if they miss a payment.
But we, the Peasantry, are dinged and big time.
If we're late on making a credit card payment we're saddled with a late fee.
If we can only make minimum payments, the banksters make sure that interest is included and could be as much as 25% depending on which card you use.
They get away with this because the banksters and government are one big family (cabal) helping each other out.
How do they continue to stay in power?
By screwing the ignorant, the misguided, the little guy who is so busy making a living he doesn't even have time to wipe his butt let alone read the "fine" print.
The evil cabal have us cornered and they know it.
How is this possible?
Because we continue to give them the power.
Most of us are asleep at the wheel.
Is it any wonder? - Look at our lives today.
So I'm sending a shout out to all of you....
Hey, everybody out there, please WISE UP!
Start cutting back (if you can and I know many, many of you cannot) on using your credit cards try a debit card or if you can manage to save some cash, start using it.
This is gonna be a slow process but that's okay, because you and me, we're finally catching on.
And, who says it doesn't pay to be a criminal? 👇
Monday, August 21, 2023
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Free Advice (NO Charge)
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"Wanna Go for a Ride?" |
One of the biggest things we have going for us in life is Hope.
Hope has cured, found solutions to, uplifted people and spared lives.
Once we lose Hope we stand to lose everything.
Know that Satan hates this word Hope because it goes against everything this demon stands for.
Hope inspires us, uplifts us and gives us something to live for and helps us overcome the challenges and hurdles in life.
Today, more than ever, we need Hope in our lives even when we find ourselves in the midst of deep despair because this is when we're at our weakest, our most vulnerable and Satan knows this.
This is when he makes his move.
Today many of us are now operating in crisis mode because of things happening we didn't forsee.
Like losing a job or mounting credit card bills, unforeseen medical bills, steep increases in our rent or mortgages, skyrocketing grocery and fuel bills.
This is when we need to rise to our feet and stare the Tormentor down.
Boldly Go and Shout: "Not today Satan"!
If you don't you will send a clear message that you are fair game by giving him a green light to come after you.
Don't back down and act like prey, giving this POS another opportunity to scratch one more easy notch in his belt.
I am posting this today because this has been one of those days.
A day that has tried the very depth of my soul it's been so frustrating, confusing and draining.
I won't go into details but suffice it to say, I am now suffering because of something I didn't do years ago.
The thing I'm painfully realizing now and have no shame in saying is, I'm the one to blame."
So, I have two choices: Let everything fall apart or 2. Try and figure out a solution.
I'm with #2.
Even though I'm now being confronted by problems I don't even know how I'm going to solve I do know there will be a solution forthcoming because God will show me one.
If I didn't believe this, then life would not have any meaning for me anymore.
I could just do a slip sliding away with my bottle of Pinot Noir and a 4 pack of Seagram Coolers and maybe a Bud Light or two - ???"whaaat? Did I even say this??? See answer below 👇
Not only NO but HELL NO> Satan ain't gonna get me to drink a Bud Light.
Hey Satan! You can go **** yourself (and, I hope you enjoy it lol)
Hey Satan! "I am a child of God, not yours"!
Hey Satan! "I belong to a Creator not a Destroyer"!
Hey Satan! "Where there's a God there's a way"!
Hey Satan! "Defeat ain't in my dictionary"!
So, To All of You Suffering from Something (and who isn't now) - "Stand Up, Rise Up, Shoulder Up and Wise Up"!
Take it from a Witch:
You got a problem go to the Man Himself and ask for help.
No I don't charge for any of my services especially when it comes to giving advice lol.
Know that it (the solution) will come and you won't lose your ass (or your life, either).
Besides, "IT'S FREE!"
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The picture of the little witch at the top of this blog post is when I was younger. Now I'm a little prettier (see above photo) but a whole lot wiser |
Friday, August 18, 2023
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Help One Another
A lot of people are suffering right now, more than ever before from anxiety, depression and confusion. Nobody seems to know what's going on other than there's a lot of chaos occurring.
Between toxic events happening in the world, businesses cutting back and people losing their jobs, sky high fuel and food prices, extreme weather and a government that doesn't give a damn about the plight of the masses people are needlessly suffering, as a result.
I have my own struggles as I'm fighting stage 3 breast cancer since 2018 yet I'm not going to let this stop me from doing what I can to help.
From feeding the homeless to housing a stray dog or cat or reaching out to a neighbor you've been putting off meeting, offering a kind word or even a hug, you have no idea how powereful these small gestures are.
If there is anything you can do to help, even if just a little bit, it's going to make a big difference in someone else's life along with yours!
I think it's becoming very apparent that we are in a battle to save Humanity, actually to Resurrect Humanity from the grips of very evil people, organizations and governments.
Please think deeply about this as I believe, once you bow your head and ask for advice as to how you can help, the answer will come to you.
Thank You and Blessings To You and Yours,
Jesus is Lord
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for August 13, 2023
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The Night Sun Tarot Card Deck |
2. Challenge: VIII Justice (Libra/Lamed)
3. Guidance: XVIII The Moon (Pisces/Qopf)
4. Focus: IV The Emperor (Aries/Tzaddi)
5. Outcome: XIII Death (Scorpio/Nun)
6. Summary: III The Empress (Venus/Daleth)
*There is profound change occurring not only to us but to earth, as well. Please consider the messages enclosed in this reading as a method of preparing yourselves mentally, physically and spiritually for what is coming*.
Note: Each card is accompanied by a Jewish Kabbalistic (Esoteric) meaning which adds to the card's meaning that I've emphasized in italics.
~ The Reading ~
1. The High Priestess (Gimel) represents what is happening now (our situation): Movement (things in motion) change; our ability to acquire hidden knowledge; our intuition and subconscious - that impenetrable part of our psyche closed off to us but now revealing its secrets.
She is holding a book detailing the Key of Solomon (a Book of Spells and Knowledge leading to Wisdom) and her garment is detailed with the Maltese Cross attributed to The Order of St. John.
St John was the disciple whom the Angel chose to dictate the events regarding the biblical "Revelation".
We are now in a deep dive into those hidden recesses, realms and depths of our souls resulting in knowledge and understanding. This sacred penetration is allowing us (revealing to us) the truth of our existence.
2. Justice is coming (Lamed) and represents equilibrium (balance) and the challenge before us as to whether or not we will survive what is coming. Do we have the necessary equipment, attributes and outlook to withstand what is presently happening?
It is a restoration of ALL things, a transition to a new way of living, thinking and being.
It is all for our good but we will be tested like never before.
3. The Moon (Qopf) represents mystery, concealment and deception but also shows an unveiling taking place (a removing or a shedding of our superficial selves resulting in our spiritual liberation through illumination (shining a light on the darkness).
We are being guided by angelic beings whose soul purpose is seeing us safely through this transition. The truth will also reveal the Extraterrestrials and their roles in helping Mankind for thousands of years.
4. The Emperor Card (Tzaddi) represents the Path of Righteousness (think of Jesus' teachings) and the spiritual leader spearheading the change now manifesting on planet earth.
This is someone who is deeply connected to Humanity and passionately involved in redeeming it from its slave state under Satanic rule.
Think again of the Master Jesus and how He is represented in the "Way, the Truth and the Life" a monumental Truth happening now, in yours and my lifetime, propelling us upwards into a whole new spiritual dimension.
5. Death (Nun) is all about something leaving (dying) in order for something new to manifest. Death creates a temporary void as we leave our physical bodies and emerge into spiritual ones. Death is not an ending but a rite of passage where we transform from one element into another.
6. Summary (Daleth) is the Empress Card meaning a door, a pathway or a portal has opened. Note how the Empress is looking up at the Emperor while He is looking down at her.
This card symbolizes a spiritual union made in heaven in which procreation will take place.
The spiritual merging of the Divine Masculine (the Emperor) and the Divine Feminine (The Empress) as the basis (foundation) for a new world of spirituality, balance, order, compassion and forgiveness.
The numerical value of this reading is 9: Awakening; leading by example, the number 9 shows how to handle hardship with grace and understanding.
Adding the Summary Card is: 3: Creativity, communication and optimism.
Note: Because I felt this rteading so important that it needed further clarification, I asked for Guidance and pulled 3 more cards. I asked God for clarity as to exactly what was going on so that you would clearly see His answer:
The 1st Card represents the Past
The 2nd Card represents the Present
The 3rd Card represents the Future:
Past: XX Judgement: Purification; Cleansing; Renewal and Restoration
Present: X The Wheel of Fortune: Sweeping Change
Future: XXI The World: A New Beginning; a Fresh Start
Friday, August 11, 2023
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Monday, August 7, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for August 6, 2023
Sunday, August 6, 2023
It's Time to Connect the Dots ~ "Memories of Past Lives"
This is a remarkable time we are living in - not only are we in the biblical time of Revelation but a another reveal purposely designed for each one of us.
This reveal is happening now because God has deemed that now is the time to learn and understand the truth of why we are here.
Who said this life you're living now is the only one you had?
Don't be surprised if you're minding your own business one day and a stray thought enters your head and you have no idea why.
Say right now you are living your life as a female but now you are surprised to know that in a past life you were male.
How about in this life you are straight but now know that at one point you were gay.
Maybe you're Jewish but learn that in a past life you were Muslim.
How about you were a powerful king or lord back in the Middle Ages but in this life you're living now, you're just plain happy to come up with the money to put food on the table.
Then it really makes no sense as to why we're always going to war with one another.
That we're always quick to point out our differences but ignore our commonality.
You are Me and I am You.
Life is all about learning to live with one another in harmony and peace.
We're all human beings, are we not?
So, what's the problem.
This Truth cannot be learned in one lifetime but in many.
And So It Is,
Blessings, Nightshade
Saturday, August 5, 2023
Friday, August 4, 2023
Not My Will but THY Will Be Done
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The Unveiling of the Glory of God |
Today's word is Restoration:
Exactly what is happening on this planet, now.
Thursday, August 3, 2023
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Prepare for Change
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The Galactic Federation |
Butterflies are Free
It is HOT here and I don't like it but I can't do anything about it other than do the best you can.
Went out this afternoon about 4:30 P.M. to make sure the livestock had enough water. Vitally important when you have days like this.
I filled some tanks and fed all of them some alfalfa hay.
I had a gallon pitcher jug with me I used to fill the dog's tanks also.
As I was getting ready to head back into the house I saw a little orange butterfly close to the jug of water.
I instinctively knew that it was looking for a drink.
It circled around as I was unscrewing the top off of the jug so I could add some water to it.
The little thing came back around and landed on it and drank its fill.
This made my day.