Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Sunday, July 31, 2016
And Now This
Mob Rule
I urge you to consider the information contained within it.
First of all I am of mixed ancestry as I believe many of us, if not most of us are.
But, I am an American first.
I hope and pray that all who read this, especially you young people out there will, in some way, consider that maybe, just maybe the message conveyed has merit and is worth your time and consideration.
This message is about the Democratic Party and what it has turned into, and what this means to all of us no matter what party affiliation we may be, no matter what the color of our skin is.
Yes, I will focus on the Republican Party in the near future but the continuing gnawing in my gut regarding the Democratic Party and what it now stands for needs to be shared.
If you have any questions, wish to dialogue with me, agree or disagree with me, offer your comments, etc. please feel free to do so.
Just to set the record straight, this is not being posted to control or sway anyone's vote come November.
On the contrary, this is an effort to merely offer a personal opinion and to inform.
Voting is an act of self-reliance, a duty, a responsibility of all if we are to remain a healthy, free and vibrant nation.
The trouble begins when you have two parties who are hell bent on winning with one more sinister than the other, winning anyway they can and the other one stopping to scratch its ass as it is clueless as to how to stop an out of control train barreling down the tracks aimed directly at the heart of this country.
Voting is the time to voice your opinion, to have your say in how you want the future of your country to evolve, who is the most qualified to run it and the people who will be appointed to positions of importance, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Supreme Court Justices, and so on.
Your vote will determine the direction the country goes.
Many Americans fought and died for this right.
For a free country to survive there must be those willing to stand up, to serve and protect in order that the rest of us remain free and prosper.
All throughout history it's always been that way.
These individuals who step up are not only heroes--they are the actual, virtual fabric that keeps a country together, keeps a country from being ripped apart at the seams with the end result being first a civil war followed by anarchy and then martial law being imposed because of a complete breakdown in law and order.
This is what I see happening now and it's being orchestrated in this country by the Democratic Party.
Under this democrat administration something has occurred I've never seen happen before --An overt "In Your Face" attack on law enforcement and on our military.
Our military has been so denuded now, under the pretext of "Political Correctness", so severely hamstrung as to what they can and cannot do while under attack by the enemy, that they cannot effectively carry out their mission of winning a battle.
Sadly, to add even more horror to this, our veterans are committing suicide every day due, no doubt to their war injuries and the mental anguish they suffered but also, in great part to the lack of care by a federal agency, the VA, that was commissioned to do just that--provide them with the resources and care they need.
They took care of us and now we have turned our backs on them.
This is one of the most reprehensible, sickening things taking place under the Obama Administration and the VA still has not fixed the problem but keeps denying there is one.
Under this democrat administration this country has suffered immeasurably and has been weakened both militarily and economically to the point where it is now extremely vulnerable to anyone or anything that has us squarely in their cross hairs.
This makes all of us vulnerable.
Was this done deliberately or was this just happenstance?
In either case it doesn't matter as our personal liberties, our personal safety, has now been compromised.
It is clear an unrelenting and egregious assault is being made on this country's very fabric - on people's lives, on their families, on their well being, on their ability to do their jobs, on the very precepts that have separated the United States from other countries for over 240 years -- those third world countries controlled by deranged despots, evil murderous dictators who systematically line their pockets with blood money, strangle their populace with threats and brutality, using fear and exploitation, lies, threats, starvation and last but not least, annihilation.
I declare that The Democratic Party has turned into a whore for Special Interests.
It spreads its legs and let's anyone enter for a price. Donors are especially welcome.
I think the Republican Party is not far behind.
The Democratic Party is a corrupt organization that shakes down people and governments, amasses money for more power, more status, a group of miscreants who use people for their own arcane and selfish purposes but touts it's "really all about the poor, the middle class, the downtrodden, the unfortunate".
Nothing could be further from the truth.
I admire Bernie Sanders, if you're wondering because he had the guts to go out there and campaign for something he believed in even if I didn't and he took on Hillary Clinton.
Now, I'm unsure what the end result is...whether Bernie fell for some money to just go away or he just left in disgust.
Socialism does not work anywhere in the world.
It's been tried in many countries along with this one --just look at Obamacare.
Obamacare -- it was touted as the solution to our healthcare problem. Free to all who would just sign up--the federal government will take care of you--no worries, don't worry about how much it will cost as others will pick up the tab--problem is we didn't have a healthcare problem (we had one of the best health care systems in the world) but now, under Obamacare, we don't.
And did you know that Congress (you know, that body that swore to look out for us) conveniently exempted themselves along with their staff from Obamacare--BOTH parties signed on to this.
The people enrolled are going to see their premiums swell to almost insurmountable levels, something the Democrat Party doesn't want them to know and are trying to come up with a way of stalling this information (more premium rate hikes) until after the November election.
I wonder why.
Lies, scandals, fraud and abuse, special interests, money and power, bribery, insurmountable debt, tragic loss of life, unsolved mysteries, backroom deals, violence, murder, suicides, abortions.
The Democrat Party is a mob and run by mob rule.
It uses lawlessness, trickery, lies, mayhem, exploitation, playing one group against the other, encouraging hate and divisiveness, painting its opponents as an enemy against the people (when, in reality they--the Democrats are now the real enemy of the people) pandering to terrorist organizations (by not defining them as terrorists and now we're finding out that they actually may be covertly funding them), eliminating those who get in their way (make no mistake about this) and then, when forced to walk among the peasantry because they are campaigning for the highest office in the land, grit their teeth and hold their nose when they are amongst the most decrepit of us, holding their tongue because underneath they really believe that they are superior to us, dismiss any facts on anything when asked instead, waxing eloquent and saying nothing about nothing.
The Democratic Party and its allies didn't pull the trigger on the five Dallas Police Officers murdered weeks ago; they didn't pull the trigger on the two Baton Rouge, LA police officers targeted several days ago and they didn't pull the trigger on the police officer ambushed and killed while sitting in his squad car in New York city months ago but by their visceral lack of respect and outright hostility toward those who have sworn to serve and protect, their hostile attitude of not condemning these murders of our law enforcement officers but instead, pandering to groups who openly demonstrate and show their extreme hate for this country and what she stands for, they in fact DID.
And did you note that the White House lit up the people's house in rainbow colors in honor of the LGBT Community after Orlando?
Did you see them light up the people's house in blue after five of our finest police officers were gunned down in Texas?
If there's respect for one there should be respect for all.
The Democratic Party should be put on the DHS Terror Watch Group.
What I want to know is, "why haven't they?"
All of this that we are sadly witnessing now happening in this country, directly affects you and your families.
Do you want these things to continue?
Do you want mob rule as the law of the land?
Do you, because you happen to voice another opinion and it doesn't happen to be in lock step with the 'party' line want to end up in jail or worse?
Debate is healthy. It's what happens and is encouraged in a free society, not something that is snuffed out because one party has become the oppressor of freedom and liberty as it believes it has all the answers.
This is the time when all of us must fully understand what is happening here.
This is the time when all of us must really search ourselves and look deep within because this November is the Bellwether for America.
It is up to you, it is up to me, it is up to all of us to hold the line.
We either choose to rush headlong into the abyss that is yawning back at us or start to take back what was taken from us during these past eight years.
Our very way of life, our families, our lives, our futures all depend on the decision we make.
Governments are instituted on behalf of, for and by the people.
They are not created solely to be used as someone's private club nor wielded like one.
G-d Bless America.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Thomas Jefferson on Freedom of the Press
"The most effectual engines for (pacifying a nation) are the public papers... (A despotic) government always (keeps) a kind of standing army of news writers who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, (invent) and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper."
--Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp, Oct. 13, 1785.
--Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp, Oct. 13, 1785.
Friday, July 29, 2016
A Never Ending Story and What a Beautiful One it Is
Quote: "An educated citizenry is a vital requisite to our survival as a free people"
~~~This country is in real trouble. No, not from those who are aware of exactly what is going on but from groups that have co-opted and and wish to control us: What we watch and what we read, what we say, what we write (blog) -- (social media, MSM) who to vote for and who NOT to vote for, our educational system (what is permitted and what is not permitted to be taught in schools) and attacks on our religious beliefs.
We've come 360 degrees from where we started 240 years ago.
If you look at the world, in general, it is plain to see that people and events come in cycles.
It's a never ending story.
But a great part of the survival of any nation has to do with how educated the people are.
A nation, if it is to survive, is not elected by a group of pandering free loaders who have no respect for themselves and no respect for others, who are led by the nose to go out and vent their anger and rage at others for so-called grievances.
This is exactly what is happening in this country today.
We need a citizenry that is aware of their responsibilities in order to stay free; show courtesy and respect for those who protect us, self-reliance and keeping government out of their lives, and a belief in G-d.
When you lose these qualities, when you pander to groups who have sucked at the breast of Big Government for generations, when you flood a country with people who have no respect for laws, who live solely by a code of violence, who freely take what doesn't belong to them, who flaunt the Rule of Law, when you elect leaders who pander to exactly these same type of individuals and encourage them to do more of the same, you, by your very vote are actually helping in your country's demise.
When this country was founded the people were painfully aware, after having to submit to a brutal dictator and fleeing their homeland (Gr. Britain) for another, fighting a long and tortuous War for Independence (The American Revolutionary War) as to the harmful consequences of allowing a tyrant king, King George III of Great Britain, to govern every aspect of their lives.
It's the same ole same ole just a different time frame: Big Brother King George III back then vs. Big Brother Obama, Clinton and Soros today.
The game hasn't changed, the goal of the players hasn't changed and the end result will be the same.
You reap what you sow or (you get what you vote for).
These disgruntled British families made the difficult decision to leave Great Britain in search of a better life for themselves and their families.
They crossed the Atlantic Ocean on a perilous journey, some on the Mayflower and others on the Speedwell, risking everything in order to find a better existence.
Now, of course, I wasn't there (and neither were you) but you can read the story of the founding of this great nation by looking the information up:
The Mayflower Society and the Pilgrims of Plimouth Colony are other avenues to study.
I believe this oligarchy that we are witnessing now with a noose over our heads was formed under President Woodrow Wilson and has progressed nicely ever since.
It has taken 103 years to get where we are now.
Who will stand up for America? Who will stand up for us?
We really don't need anyone to stand up for us as we are more than capable of doing that for ourselves.
We are Americans and have set an example to the rest of the world for 240 years nn what it takes to live as free people.
I believe this spirit is among us right now and is more defiant than ever.
It ain't goin away--An idea (especially one that works) CAN NOT BE KILLED.
The oligarchy's aim is complete subjugation and it's subtle and slow moving, ruthless, insidious, ominous, defiant, cruel and dangerous.
Never wavering, swallowing its setbacks defiantly as it sets its sights on those who continue to shine the light of day on it and oppose it.
We are at that point right now where desperation creates unstable people and unstable conditions.
This oligarchy, along with people, groups and organizations that follow and fund it, will do anything (I mean anything to stop anyone thwarting its agenda.)
And that agenda is, Complete Subservience under Global Governance.
I am of the WWII Generation and this part of America's history is deliberately being left out of our educational system unless you're children are attending a private school because this omission is part of the oligarchy's plan for complete dominance.
First those who hate us target the problem that's standing in their way, then they weaken it (slander, inuendos, fraud, threats lies, spin, etc.) and condemn it (finding fault, blaming others) in a concerted effort to bring the whole system down.
This is exactly what is playing out today.
Then, when you have located your target and done damage you start on another: You attack and de-legitimize any and all who only have our best interests and safety at heart: Law Enforcement, and the Military.
Throughout political history there have been the good guys and the bad guys (depending on your own political viewpoint) but now the separation between the two is even more acute as those who oppose the American way of life in favor of "Globalization" is particularly evident.
I believe this nation is being turned into a servile one, the end result of everyone bowing at the feet of the few who wish to control the many.
This is nothing new as history has had its share of evil doers who, almost singlehandedly took control of a country and its people only using them to further their evil ends.
We are, sadly, at this very moment in history, right in the cross hairs again.
It is up to us as to the fate we choose for ourselves, for our families, for our very way of life when we go to the polls in November.
It's forward ho and on to the promises America holds for all those who cherish her or forward back, falling headlong into the trap now being set.
Think of all the men and women and the sacrifices they made (and still being made to protect us) when you go to vote in November.
Their sacrifices are why you can freely go to the polls and vote in the first place.
Let's not let them down.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Beware the Adversary
(or, the Adversary is Aware)
The thief comes in the night
The Universe oversees all, Creative forces at work
Protect what you hold dear
A mighty blow to a fortress, After the storm passes,
~Peace and prosperity for all~
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Wake up World
Monday, July 25, 2016
We had a severe (and I mean severe) thunderstorm today.
Another one that popped up out of nowhere.
I've noticed this year the hail has been larger, the intensity of the storms stronger, the severity of the lightning strikes off the chart and the roar of the thunder claps never ending.
Anyway, about 3:00 p.m. the lightning was so bad that I was staring out the window.
As I watched through the pounding rain a deafening thunderous crash and then a brilliant white flash of light.
I didn't see a streak of lightning hit the ground but did see an impressive explosion, a brilliant white ball, a hot flash of light suspended above the ground at about three feet with sparks going everywhere.
Think of a Fourth of July sparkler.
It reminded me of an experience I had several years ago with ball lightning that ended up in my car.
Anyway, after everything calmed down I was back doing what needed to be done and that included washing dishes.
As I was standing at the sink a feeling started to come over me.
Very slowly, very softly I felt that some thing had entered the room and was there with me.
I stopped doing what I was doing to listen to my thoughts, to investigate exactly the emotions I was feeling as the presence grew stronger around me.
It wasn't male or female just a lovely, ethereal, soft, flowing, warm, peaceful, full of love, "everything's going to be alright" feeling that penetrated deep within and filled the entire room.
It wrapped around me, it cocooned me in the most beautiful feeling of warmth and love.
It didn't feel familiar at all like a loved one who had passed or the neighbor down the street.
I stopped and turned around, dish towel in hand, and spoke to it.
I described how it was making me feel.
I told it it was welcome here and that I would like to get to know it, to come back and visit and that maybe we could arrange a time to have a dialogue.
There was no audible "yes" or "no" but as we all are surrounded by spirit, I am certain that it heard me.
Then, I could feel this beautiful presence starting to fade away
I could feel it going until I no longer could feel it anymore and then I knew it was gone.
I wondered, "why today, why now, why did this entity show up?" "Was it just passing through?" "Was it aware this would be an exceptionally severe storm and showed up to offer support and comfort?"
Again, I will never know the answer.
All I know is I was visited today for some reason.
It is times like this that I am again reminded and my belief strengthened knowing there is another realm that surrounds us all.
Even in our deepest, darkest moments, when we are at our lowest, even in our fears, or in our despair when we can't seem to make sense out of anything, a soft whisper from the other side makes its appearance, reminding all of us that we are eternally being watched over and not alone on our earthly journey down here.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Death Becomes Her
Morgan Greer Death Card XIII:
This card does not always signify physical death but contains much more information: It means: Death to the old self (that part of you that is no longer needed, outworn); a new perspective on who you are; a new perspective of the world.
It means transformation, renewal, rebirth and liberation.
No. XIII (13) symbolizes death to the body and birth to the spirit.
This card is one of cleansing and purity.
To me, this is one of the most beautiful cards in Tarot. This card is not to be feared but to be embraced for the message it holds for all of us.
The deep violet represents spirituality; the white rose symbolizes purity; the red background symbolizes passion and desire--holding on to something we are familiar with and don't wish to part with--that which we are all fearful of (the unknown).
Tarot is not an end in itself but a guidebook and a beginning of understanding who we are, why we're here and for what purpose.
Tarot unravels the mystery of our personal journeys, here on earth.
Beginning to know yourself and others along with the vast universe we inhabit is a beautiful place to begin.
This card does not always signify physical death but contains much more information: It means: Death to the old self (that part of you that is no longer needed, outworn); a new perspective on who you are; a new perspective of the world.
It means transformation, renewal, rebirth and liberation.
No. XIII (13) symbolizes death to the body and birth to the spirit.
This card is one of cleansing and purity.
To me, this is one of the most beautiful cards in Tarot. This card is not to be feared but to be embraced for the message it holds for all of us.
The deep violet represents spirituality; the white rose symbolizes purity; the red background symbolizes passion and desire--holding on to something we are familiar with and don't wish to part with--that which we are all fearful of (the unknown).
Tarot is not an end in itself but a guidebook and a beginning of understanding who we are, why we're here and for what purpose.
Tarot unravels the mystery of our personal journeys, here on earth.
Beginning to know yourself and others along with the vast universe we inhabit is a beautiful place to begin.
Secret Life of Crows(full documentary)HD
This morning I was prompted to look up information on crows. I don't know why but do know when I get these messages it is for a reason. This is a remarkable video and I was awestruck at how much I did not know about this very intelligent bird.
Friday, July 22, 2016
One thing lacking in our society today is taking the time to speak to one another.
Don't get me wrong as yes, we do have plenty of communication by way of television, newspapers, the Internet, radio and cell phones.
Yet there is another type of communication we can't seem to grasp and that is one human being actually talking to another human being.
I went to I-Hop this past Sunday and the vestibule was crowded with those of us waiting to be seated.
We were a small United Nations with African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Caucasians all waiting to hear their names ring out so they could go in and eat.
No one was belligerent. No one was impatient. No one was shouting racial slurs or pointing a finger at this one or that one.
There were no accusations, no cursing, no furtive looks.
We all shared one thing in common, we were hungry.
We were seated closely together with others standing in the corners.
There was no eye contact as many were fiddling with their cell phones.
There were young people, old people, babies, adolescents, middle age.
I'm a people person.
I love people so I leaned over and started a conversation with one of the Hispanic families.
I asked the father what he did for a living and he replied that he tinted car windows and travelled extensively.
He seemed happy with his job.
I then turned to his oldest, a young man in his teens.
"And, what do you want to be when you grow up"?
His reply and a rather shy one was, "an architect."
I complimented him on his choice.
His parents then told me he had wanted to be an architect since he was very small.
People were coming and going as the wait now was about twenty five minutes.
I thought to myself as I looked around at all the bodies clinging to their own little spaces, "what a waste of valuable resources".
That valuable resource being us, --human beings.
We sit together, we dine together, we shop together, we pray together, we suffer together, we laugh together, we cry together, we bleed together, we die together.
How much more together can you get?
And, how much longer will it be before the light bulb goes off in our heads that we're all one in mind and spirit?
That we're systematically being divided into this class or that group, fragmented and taken advantage of, used by well heeled and maniacal people with their own sinister agendas?
I wonder how it would be if there were no television, no politicians, no internet, no cell phones.
How then would we communicate with one another?
Answer: It would be like we did it before we had all this technology.
We'd open our mouths and form the words, "Good morning, how are you today?"
How skeleton-like we're all becoming. How private, bone dry, stilted and stunted as we isolate ourselves from others, as we shun basic human contact, sitting all by ourselves, concerned solely with our own self interests, deeply absorbed in our own thoughts.
There is a lot to learn about that person or persons sitting next to you on a bus, in a restaurant, a movie theater, a doctor's office.
You'd be pleasantly surprised how much we all have in common.
Maybe, just maybe, this is one reason why the world is in such a mess.
When you dialogue with someone you come to find out that they are just as concerned about what you are, just as worried about the future, only want what's best for their families and tired of all the squabbles and battles.
Can we finally take matters into our own hands?
Let's begin to really get to know one another.
Don't get me wrong as yes, we do have plenty of communication by way of television, newspapers, the Internet, radio and cell phones.
Yet there is another type of communication we can't seem to grasp and that is one human being actually talking to another human being.
I went to I-Hop this past Sunday and the vestibule was crowded with those of us waiting to be seated.
We were a small United Nations with African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Caucasians all waiting to hear their names ring out so they could go in and eat.
No one was belligerent. No one was impatient. No one was shouting racial slurs or pointing a finger at this one or that one.
There were no accusations, no cursing, no furtive looks.
We all shared one thing in common, we were hungry.
We were seated closely together with others standing in the corners.
There was no eye contact as many were fiddling with their cell phones.
There were young people, old people, babies, adolescents, middle age.
I'm a people person.
I love people so I leaned over and started a conversation with one of the Hispanic families.
I asked the father what he did for a living and he replied that he tinted car windows and travelled extensively.
He seemed happy with his job.
I then turned to his oldest, a young man in his teens.
"And, what do you want to be when you grow up"?
His reply and a rather shy one was, "an architect."
I complimented him on his choice.
His parents then told me he had wanted to be an architect since he was very small.
People were coming and going as the wait now was about twenty five minutes.
I thought to myself as I looked around at all the bodies clinging to their own little spaces, "what a waste of valuable resources".
That valuable resource being us, --human beings.
We sit together, we dine together, we shop together, we pray together, we suffer together, we laugh together, we cry together, we bleed together, we die together.
How much more together can you get?
And, how much longer will it be before the light bulb goes off in our heads that we're all one in mind and spirit?
That we're systematically being divided into this class or that group, fragmented and taken advantage of, used by well heeled and maniacal people with their own sinister agendas?
I wonder how it would be if there were no television, no politicians, no internet, no cell phones.
How then would we communicate with one another?
Answer: It would be like we did it before we had all this technology.
We'd open our mouths and form the words, "Good morning, how are you today?"
How skeleton-like we're all becoming. How private, bone dry, stilted and stunted as we isolate ourselves from others, as we shun basic human contact, sitting all by ourselves, concerned solely with our own self interests, deeply absorbed in our own thoughts.
There is a lot to learn about that person or persons sitting next to you on a bus, in a restaurant, a movie theater, a doctor's office.
You'd be pleasantly surprised how much we all have in common.
Maybe, just maybe, this is one reason why the world is in such a mess.
When you dialogue with someone you come to find out that they are just as concerned about what you are, just as worried about the future, only want what's best for their families and tired of all the squabbles and battles.
Can we finally take matters into our own hands?
Let's begin to really get to know one another.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Monday, July 18, 2016
Six Alinsky Rules That Explain Obama’s Words and Deeds
Six Alinsky Rules That Explain Obama’s Words and Deeds: How Obama is implementing the vision of the Godfather of radical community organizing.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Saturday, July 9, 2016
It's the President, Stupid
We have a problem in this country.
Part of the problem and it's a big one are those politicians and other self-serving individuals and organizations who are masters of deception, choosing certain words to incite while deliberately ignoring others, thus sending mixed messages to those who are desperately waiting to hear that their sacrifices and efforts in protecting others are rewarded, that some remorse for their fallen is shown, that words of comfort and hope and support for the heroic effort they put forth in the face of overwhelming odds.
But, alas, once again, they hear just the opposite.
Do you see a pattern here?
Instead, we hear words by the President of the United States specifically directed at the protesters, words that may exploit their already angry attitudes, thereby fueling more hostility, and the President and Atty. General embellish their grievances, fueling their rage and hate, all by coyly laying the blame for the atrocity committed to five police officers and seven wounded, squarely at the feet of law enforcement.
I am sorry for the loss of the twenty-five year old who went out and brutally murdered these five men and lost his life in the process.
We do not need to lose any more lives.
But here and now is the time to ask a very important question.
If we have a President and others who go out of their way to constantly criticize and lambaste law enforcement and blame the White community for the plight of the Black community, who constantly defend and elevate criminals who were caught lying and, as a result, turn the anger of the Black community into more violence, violence unleashed on entire communities and many innocent people, who constantly keep the Black Community in a state of turmoil, riled up, and instruct them it's okay to go out and riot some more, because you are 'owed' something or it's somebody's else's fault, exactly what do you think will happen?
Exactly what we are witnessing now.
Is it fair to ask that this type of rhetoric will fuel more protests across the country?
Is it fair to ask that this type of rhetoric will fuel more deaths across the country?
The President of the United States and the Atty General had the nerve to address the American people, their comments unashamedly more concerned with the protesters and Black Lives Matter then the men and women who went out and did their job and lost their lives in the service of protecting the protesters.
This is totally beyond the pale but this isn't anything new, under this administration.
This is totally unacceptable but when has this ever stopped Barack Obama?
I'd say we have a problem in this country and it doesn't have to do with law enforcement, nor law abiding citizens of any color.
It has to do with you.
We have a problem here in this country.
Because of government's lack of concern for dysfunctional Black families with no fathers, children growing up with free access to dangerous drugs and dangerous gangs, children who grow up with a healthy lack of respect for any authority figure whom they have been taught to hate and distrust, even though they are there to serve and protect.
This government, under Obama, is more interested in fanning the flames of derision, fanning the flames of division, and instigating anarchy, then speaking to the real problems that are happening to Black families trapped in these poor communities.
Obama along with his cohorts will not even address the abysmal crime rate that is taking more and more Black lives.
I guess that doesn't matter.
These politicians could give a rat's ass about the poverty, the deplorable conditions that many Black families are being forced to raise families under, the rampant drug use, violent gangs and children with no hope and nowhere to go and no one to look up to.
When groups of people are unwilling to assimilate into the fabric of a country because of something that happened in their past they just can't seem to get over, are constantly indoctrinated with lies, are taught to express open hostility toward those who have made a success of their lives, continually let others tell them how to think and how to act and plied with goodies in order to keep pandering to a truckload of other assorted excuses, what is the outcome?
Exactly what we're seeing now.
How can we expect people to get along with one another, to learn about one another, learn to live with one another if they are taught that White people are the enemy, that law enforcement is not to be trusted and that others are to blame?
Because this is the message that the President of the United States keeps spewing.
We lost five honorable and brave men on July 7.
They lost their lives defending and protecting the very same protesters who were protesting against them.
At the same time we had a president who was in Great Britain chumming it up with Britain's David Cameron, wearing a big smile on his face.
We have a problem in this country.
The problem is you, Mr. President.
Part of the problem and it's a big one are those politicians and other self-serving individuals and organizations who are masters of deception, choosing certain words to incite while deliberately ignoring others, thus sending mixed messages to those who are desperately waiting to hear that their sacrifices and efforts in protecting others are rewarded, that some remorse for their fallen is shown, that words of comfort and hope and support for the heroic effort they put forth in the face of overwhelming odds.
But, alas, once again, they hear just the opposite.
Do you see a pattern here?
Instead, we hear words by the President of the United States specifically directed at the protesters, words that may exploit their already angry attitudes, thereby fueling more hostility, and the President and Atty. General embellish their grievances, fueling their rage and hate, all by coyly laying the blame for the atrocity committed to five police officers and seven wounded, squarely at the feet of law enforcement.
I am sorry for the loss of the twenty-five year old who went out and brutally murdered these five men and lost his life in the process.
We do not need to lose any more lives.
But here and now is the time to ask a very important question.
If we have a President and others who go out of their way to constantly criticize and lambaste law enforcement and blame the White community for the plight of the Black community, who constantly defend and elevate criminals who were caught lying and, as a result, turn the anger of the Black community into more violence, violence unleashed on entire communities and many innocent people, who constantly keep the Black Community in a state of turmoil, riled up, and instruct them it's okay to go out and riot some more, because you are 'owed' something or it's somebody's else's fault, exactly what do you think will happen?
Exactly what we are witnessing now.
Is it fair to ask that this type of rhetoric will fuel more protests across the country?
Is it fair to ask that this type of rhetoric will fuel more deaths across the country?
The President of the United States and the Atty General had the nerve to address the American people, their comments unashamedly more concerned with the protesters and Black Lives Matter then the men and women who went out and did their job and lost their lives in the service of protecting the protesters.
This is totally beyond the pale but this isn't anything new, under this administration.
This is totally unacceptable but when has this ever stopped Barack Obama?
I'd say we have a problem in this country and it doesn't have to do with law enforcement, nor law abiding citizens of any color.
It has to do with you.
We have a problem here in this country.
Because of government's lack of concern for dysfunctional Black families with no fathers, children growing up with free access to dangerous drugs and dangerous gangs, children who grow up with a healthy lack of respect for any authority figure whom they have been taught to hate and distrust, even though they are there to serve and protect.
This government, under Obama, is more interested in fanning the flames of derision, fanning the flames of division, and instigating anarchy, then speaking to the real problems that are happening to Black families trapped in these poor communities.
Obama along with his cohorts will not even address the abysmal crime rate that is taking more and more Black lives.
I guess that doesn't matter.
These politicians could give a rat's ass about the poverty, the deplorable conditions that many Black families are being forced to raise families under, the rampant drug use, violent gangs and children with no hope and nowhere to go and no one to look up to.
When groups of people are unwilling to assimilate into the fabric of a country because of something that happened in their past they just can't seem to get over, are constantly indoctrinated with lies, are taught to express open hostility toward those who have made a success of their lives, continually let others tell them how to think and how to act and plied with goodies in order to keep pandering to a truckload of other assorted excuses, what is the outcome?
Exactly what we're seeing now.
How can we expect people to get along with one another, to learn about one another, learn to live with one another if they are taught that White people are the enemy, that law enforcement is not to be trusted and that others are to blame?
Because this is the message that the President of the United States keeps spewing.
We lost five honorable and brave men on July 7.
They lost their lives defending and protecting the very same protesters who were protesting against them.
At the same time we had a president who was in Great Britain chumming it up with Britain's David Cameron, wearing a big smile on his face.
We have a problem in this country.
The problem is you, Mr. President.
"Staying aloof is not a solution, it is a cowardly evasion." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Friday, July 8, 2016
In Memory: Of the Five Dallas, Texas Police Officers who gave their Lives to Protect Others, July 7, 2016
Suicide or??
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Empathically Speaking
I'm going with my gut feeling. Something big is going to happen and soon.
"What", you ask?
I can't answer the "what" but I can definitely assert that I'm feeling some big event or announcement, is on the way.
The energy is ramping up (like standing at the pitcher's mound getting ready to throw a fast ball).
Once the ball is in the air, its energy has been released.
This "thing" could be here in the U.S. (which is where I believe it will happen) or could be, somewhere else.
Keep your families close and stay strong.
I wish there was more good happening in the world today but it appears that evil is being allowed to wreak havoc with everyone and everything.
Things will change for the better but it will take time.
In the meantime we all need to pray and "hang in there."
Maybe my 'gut' feeling has to do with the unusual, unprecedented hot weather in my area. It's as if the sun's radiation has accelerated plant growth (we're at least 4 weeks ahead of schedule) and insects that normally show up weeks from now are already here.
Maybe a massive solar flare, I don't know.
I am feeling it is going to be a more "political" type event than anything else.
Maybe it has to do with something long concealed finally being revealed.
Like all those UFO videos I've been watching--Incredible--and some of them undoubtedly are fakes but not ALL of them.
Or, maybe it has to do with something far more sinister in which I certainly hope I'm wrong.
It actually feels like the time is ripe for someone to step in and put a halt to something and by so doing, making a nefarious and convoluted situation extremely more convoluted and volatile.
There are a lot of very bad people in this world with dark secrets they don't want anyone else to know about and who are willing to do anything to keep them that way.
During these chaotic times, it is very easy to get upset, become anxious and confused.
"These are the times that try men's souls" is an old saying that rings true.
Keep trusting G-d; keep your families close.
Remain vigilant and strong.
Remember, we are Americans.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
The American People Have Been Betrayed
Monday, July 4, 2016
I lost my dog today.
Interesting that today, of all days I decided to take him out of his kennel for a romp in the backyard today, something I hadn't done in a long time because he couldn't get around very well.
And it sure was interesting how quickly he bolted for the yard.
I actually had trouble keeping up. I hadn't seen him move that fast in years.
I left him in the backyard for a few hours and then brought him back to his kennel.
I filled his water bucket as he laid down.
I went back to my yard work.
In a few minutes I checked on him again.
He had moved from outside his dog hooch to inside.
As I walked by I smiled happily at him, seeing that old familiar black and white face peering out at me.
I had an interesting feeling, though, that he was actually looking (seeing) me even though I knew he was blind.
The thought came and went.
I finished my yard work and started for the house.
Taz was still inside his hooch but then I instinctively knew that something had happened.
I knew (but didn't want to believe) that he had passed away.
He was fourteen years old.
I now have another empty, hollow place in my heart.
The reason I am posting this is because life, no matter whether it be an animal or a human being, is precious.
There are far too many people in this world who are only concerned about one thing--themselves.
We're living in a dimension that traps us into a reality where one person does something bad it is applauded and emulated.
We're living in a dimension that traps us into a reality where one person does something to benefit others, it is attacked and rebuked.
We, as human beings, need to understand that each life, no matter how small, is meaningful.
We, as human beings, need to understand that each one of us has a responsibility to care for, and nurture the souls we are entrusted with.
When we leave this planet we will atone for what we did, or didn't do down here.
We humans haven't grasped the fact that all of us are connected to one another, on this planet.
What we do to one another, whether good or bad, will either come back to haunt us or bless us.
We are moving into the light even though it appears we're being held back by events and subhumans, politicians, organizations and other control mechanisms.
Tomorrow morning when you get up, ask yourself "What can I do to be of service to my fellow human beings (or my animal companions) today?"
You will receive the answer to your question.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Happy Birthday America!
This coming Monday, July 4, 2016, is America's Independence Day.
Two-hundred forty years ago {July 4, 1776} a nation was birthed -- The United States of America.
Our fledgling nation came into existence due to the haughtiness, arrogance and subjugation of one pompous King George of Great Britain.
The American colonists, still being considered British subjects and the personal chattel of King George were growing weary and angered at how they were being treated.
They were tired of being excessively taxed, tired of not having their grievances addressed, tired of being told what to do, tired of British soldiers 'occupying' their homeland who delighted into taunting them into compliance and submission, hampering their freedom to go about their daily lives free from fear, interfering with their commerce in their communities and on the high seas, openly accosting them at every opportunity.
The American colonists were angered at Americans being hauled off to Great Britain and being thrown into prison or worse, the result of 'trumped' up charges, many of whom were never heard from again.
The United States of America was birthed by men and women who realized that they and not a haughty, arrogant and pompous king were the ones to take hold of their destinies and took it upon themselves to throw off the yoke of their oppression.
--They and their God who kept the faith and was steadfast in seeing that they eventually triumphed over their ordeals.
I am proud to be an American.
I come from a long line of Americans who dared stand up to tyranny and bring a tyrant king to his knees.
At the present time this nation is suffering again the throes of what we cruelly endured 240 years ago.
This time it is not Great Britain who is hobbling us but a usurper occupying the White House in the guise of being President.
Invasion: Barack Hussein Obama is openly allowing millions of immigrants into this country who don't know our history and who will take a long time to assimilate into our way of life if that is even possible.
Many of them, this from respected law enforcement and others, are terrorists hiding among them.
And yet, we have a president who apparently doesn't give a shit about the safety of Americans nor the security of their country being threatened by this decision.
We are being overly taxed and regulated and under Obamacare, an utterly failed Socialist Healthcare System that was shoved down our throats, many people are now suffering unnecessarily and insurers going out of business along with an economy that was callously mishandled, now on the verge of bankruptcy.
Americans are threatened if they dare utter terms to define terrorists and their diabolical agenda, terms that do not fall within the confines of Political Correctness, or worse yet--ignored if they see someone or something suspicious and watch while veterans languish and die in VA Hospitals, stand by and watch while their rights under the Constitution are freely attacked, endure terrorist attacks on their homeland that are now occurring all too frequently as a feeble and inept president continues to languish in his sworn duties to protect us as we watch what is befalling the American people who are forced to witness one mass atrocity after another, compliments of ISIL, aka Islamist State of Iraq and the Levant (see
There is a term for a president who does not abide by the sworn oath he took when he became president.
It's called -- Traitor.
Barack Hussein Obama is a treacherous, globalist enabler.
Whether his ignorance is to blame for where America and the world is now or he is totally oblivious to reality, totally unaware of the disastrous results of his refusals to call a terrorist a terrorist or an act of terrorism--terrorism, the end result is the same--Death.
We have come full circle.
Let us not continue down the path of destruction by electing another globalist following in Obama's footsteps.
Let us all realize that it is up to each one of us to take responsibility for where we are now but, more importantly, where we all will be in the future.
It's time we again grab the reins of our own destinies just like just like we did 240 years ago.
Just like then and especially what we're seeing now, our lives back then depended on the choices we made but even more so today as I believe critical mass is approaching.
God Bless our Veterans and Each One of You and your Families as you go about your day on July 4, 2016.
We've made it this far but we, as Americans, still have a long way to go.
God Bless America.
This is an article I think you will find interesting regarding the American Revolutionary Soldier.
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