Asheville, NC, US of A, July 2, 2017.
Teacher: Unrevealed Celestial Agent.
Subject: “A Message of Mercy for the Dark Worker.”
Agent: “There are many forces at work in and around the earth
plane and the dimensions surrounding it. Both humans and celestials are
acting upon universe energies in a proverbial ‘tug-of-war’ to influence
the minds of those on the earth who can make a difference in the path of
Correction. You and others who are doing the Work of Correction are but
a link in the chain that is feeling the ‘tug’ from both sides. As you
have experienced, there are those who are pulling from a place of
darkness working against Christ Michael’s Plan for the redemption of the
Earth and the path to Light and Life. On the ‘good side’ of the rope,
there are myriad forces of celestial operators working on many
dimensional planes to assist those ‘agents in the field’ to accomplish
the Will of our Heavenly Father.
“Darkness knows that its time of dominance and control over the lives of
so many on the earth is coming to an end. Human consciousness is waking
up to the illusions, manipulations, and propaganda that keeps them
divided and in the chains of their own making. It is a futile attempt
now to hold onto power using the same methods that have worked for so
many centuries — human consciousness is changing and is no longer
satisfied with the mere illusions of freedom. For those humans who
practice the dark arts, they have but a short time to do their dark
deeds and soon they too shall succumb to the grave and to the point of
transition where they shall have to decide, by the mercy of Christ, if
and how they shall participate in the reparations of their actions while
on the earth. Their leaders are no more and there is no rebel glory to
claim victory — only the lucid reality of their own judgment knowing
they have wasted their time on the earth working toward some dark end
that has no place in the Great Plan.
“It is not too late for these dark workers, for they can, even now while
they still live and breathe, turn from their destructive ways; renounce
the allegiance to their former leaders — who are no more, and accept
the mercy of Christ Michael. It is entirely within themselves to change
their destiny from one of great darkness and oblivion to that of a
glorious future where they may participate in the Great Plan of eternal
life and enjoy the benefits of Sonship with all the astonishing
experiences of exploring the Master Universe — becoming like the Creator
Himself! Why would any soul choose oblivion over that?
“Come back, you prodigal sons and daughters, to your Father’s house and
receive his mercy and partake of his bounty — His arms are open wide
with love and desire — willing to accept you unconditionally. The Unholy
Trinity can promise you nothing for your wickedness but oblivion — the
same fate they have chosen for themselves. You have been lied too — your
leaders are defunct and you are only left with a decision while you
still breathe — Life or oblivion? To harm or to heal? Which will you
“Choose wisely, for now you have been given the truth, and you are
wholly responsible for all future actions — you may no longer claim
ignorance at the mercy seat.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Monday, August 28, 2017
![]() | |
Let Your Light Shine |
The dark night is fading
Making way
for the light
World history
as known
We've all quite disliked
Our long
exile over
From a drunk
to a sober
A new age is
Make no
The old
passing way
To make place for
Have no fear
troubles appear
It’s just a
way of showing
We’re not in
We never
we’re undergoing
A change of
From in your
To one of
A sweet
The Whole Human Race
The Whole Human Race
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Naked and Afraid
There are people missing and some have lost their lives. People are stuck on cruise ships in Mexico trying to get back home. Homes and businesses have been lost; livestock, dogs and cats are missing; power lines are down; oil and gas drilling are on hold; interstates, cars and trucks are flooded; restaurants, banks, malls, schools, apartment buildings, hospitals, t.v. stations, churches, synagogues, mosques and gas stations are under water. Emergency personnel are having a difficult time getting to those who need help. Crews are out trying to repair power. This is no time to point fingers or politicize; this is no time to take advantage of a major disaster and hurl accusations. This is a time when all of us need to come together and help those in need.
Disasters do not discriminate.
They come for us no matter our color, no matter whether we're Christian, Atheist, Agnostic, Jewish, Muslim, Democrat, Republican, Independent, homeless, rich or poor, transgender, straight or gay. If what is happening in Texas isn't a wake up call to humanity I don't know what is.How to help:
*A new update from:
*A new update from:
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Urantia, June 27, 2017 (from Aug, 2011).
Teachers: A Mentori Group
Subject: “A Long-Range View and a Warning”
Mentor: “We, from our celestial heights of unbelievable distances, see a tiny planet gasping for life’s breath, as it labors under many negative thoughts and actions.
“We desire to advise you of what it is that you as individuals can do to bring good health to the planet. “Therefore a wake-up call is in order for you to become conscious of what it is that you can do to help yourselves, for God helps those who help themselves. As a result, a beneficial chain of events can be set in motion.
“Think of yourself as minuscule little planets. Know that you have God’s spiritual life-sustaining energy in the form of oxygen is your life-blood flowing through your system. You have a nervous system with all the delicate cellular and glandular influences and self-healing capabilities. “Therefore, you do have in you the capacity to heal yourselves, as all cells despite aging, retain a wonderful memory for self-healing. However, this they can do only when you, as the master of your body and mind, use positive and helpful thoughts and actions. And you support the body with a healthful nutrition and lifestyle. You can literally heal yourself when you put your mind to it. “Now let us take a long range view. Your wonderful and beautiful garden planet also has this capability to restore itself, but right now from our point in space, she does not look too healthy. We do keep a close eye on her but we are astounded, that so many mortals living upon her inflict so much sorrow and grief. They gauge, rape and pillage her with total disrespect, not even realizing that her many human species are all supposed to be the caretakers of this garden planet in space. Urantia (Earth) is on loan to all humans, individuals having responsibility as keepers.
You do not own the planet, the Creator does.
“Think about the planet’s nervous system and her life-blood how that is being poisoned. Even the air and water are at risk through the thoughtless actions of you unawakened humans. You do not even realize that there will come a time of reckoning for whatever is being done to her. “This time of reckoning comes for everyone, and for some it will not be easy as eternity is forever. All have to atone for the way they have lived their life on earth. In this manner, you literally have your potential oblivion in your own hands. “Think instead of how you can become better caretakers and help clean up the congestion in the planet’s nervous system and blood-stream by being more thoughtful and positive. This will have a most beneficial “Do become aware of this planet being of special interest and having a unique place in our universe, since it earned the dubious title of being the world of the cross. The rulers of the Sanhedrin had an innocent Son of God nailed to a wooden cross without due course of law. His only ‘sin’ was that he proclaimed the love of God and showed them how to live the Father’s will. He was and remains an example of being a most merciful Ruler of His own universe.” © The 11:11 Progress Group.
Teachers: A Mentori Group
Subject: “A Long-Range View and a Warning”
Mentor: “We, from our celestial heights of unbelievable distances, see a tiny planet gasping for life’s breath, as it labors under many negative thoughts and actions.
“We desire to advise you of what it is that you as individuals can do to bring good health to the planet. “Therefore a wake-up call is in order for you to become conscious of what it is that you can do to help yourselves, for God helps those who help themselves. As a result, a beneficial chain of events can be set in motion.
“Think of yourself as minuscule little planets. Know that you have God’s spiritual life-sustaining energy in the form of oxygen is your life-blood flowing through your system. You have a nervous system with all the delicate cellular and glandular influences and self-healing capabilities. “Therefore, you do have in you the capacity to heal yourselves, as all cells despite aging, retain a wonderful memory for self-healing. However, this they can do only when you, as the master of your body and mind, use positive and helpful thoughts and actions. And you support the body with a healthful nutrition and lifestyle. You can literally heal yourself when you put your mind to it. “Now let us take a long range view. Your wonderful and beautiful garden planet also has this capability to restore itself, but right now from our point in space, she does not look too healthy. We do keep a close eye on her but we are astounded, that so many mortals living upon her inflict so much sorrow and grief. They gauge, rape and pillage her with total disrespect, not even realizing that her many human species are all supposed to be the caretakers of this garden planet in space. Urantia (Earth) is on loan to all humans, individuals having responsibility as keepers.
You do not own the planet, the Creator does.
“Think about the planet’s nervous system and her life-blood how that is being poisoned. Even the air and water are at risk through the thoughtless actions of you unawakened humans. You do not even realize that there will come a time of reckoning for whatever is being done to her. “This time of reckoning comes for everyone, and for some it will not be easy as eternity is forever. All have to atone for the way they have lived their life on earth. In this manner, you literally have your potential oblivion in your own hands. “Think instead of how you can become better caretakers and help clean up the congestion in the planet’s nervous system and blood-stream by being more thoughtful and positive. This will have a most beneficial “Do become aware of this planet being of special interest and having a unique place in our universe, since it earned the dubious title of being the world of the cross. The rulers of the Sanhedrin had an innocent Son of God nailed to a wooden cross without due course of law. His only ‘sin’ was that he proclaimed the love of God and showed them how to live the Father’s will. He was and remains an example of being a most merciful Ruler of His own universe.” © The 11:11 Progress Group.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Lather Up
There is a war between the spirit realms ramping up in intensity. This planet is ascending in Consciousness. We're in the initial stages of the birthing process, the beginning phase of what some call, "The Purification". The signs are all around us. They've been with us all along but are now much more in your face and occurring with more intensity, frequency. They are: anger, hostility, delusion, disrespect, impatience, revenge, disenchantment, lies, war, upheaval, violence, hatred, brutality, corruption, despair and usury to name just a few. No one will escape this ascension process unless, of course, you're no longer here. It is fundamental not only to the growth of this planet to be able to house this new level of understanding coming but to our own spiritual discernment as well. This birthing process of coming to terms with who and what you are has become up close and personal for me. Just this year, 2017, after many years of living in denial and refusing to face my own demons, I was prompted to dive deeper within myself in order to access the answers I sought. I was given a choice, though, that I could either accept this invitation or walk away. Funny how spirit knows when you're ready to accept the truth even before you do. I accepted the invitation but make no mistake, it is hard work and comes with much pain and responsibility to proceed, as you are now entering uncharted territory, the deep waters surrounding yourself. *This purification process is like taking a hot shower after you've been working outside all day in the heat. You're breathing is labored, you're tired, angry, short tempered and covered in sweat and grime. 12 hours ago you were a different person and in a much better temperament. But things have changed. It's twelve hours later and you've had it. You're ready to go home and take a shower. You step into the shower and reach for the soap. You turn on the tap, letting the warm water cascade over you, soapsuds washing away all the dirt and grime. You step out, refreshed and renewed. *There is much dissension going on right now. Everywhere you turn it's bitterness and hate, grudges and grievances, protests and riots. Nobody is happy with anybody or anything anymore. Things long buried are boiling to the surface. Deep rooted feelings are now out in the open. Tempers are flaring and fists are flying. Sub-humans have been unleashed on this planet, committing as many atrocities as they can. Our weather is acting bizarre. We're reading about freaks of nature and people becoming unhinged and acting strangely like trying to open the door on a commercial airplane 30,000 ft. in the air. I'm giving you my take on what is happening here but don't you think it's time to take a closer look at what's happening? What is unfolding on this planet is like watching an approaching storm. You're outside and the clouds are forming then darkening, you hear thunder and see lightning. You have a decision to make, either stand outside in the pouring rain and take your chances or head inside where you'll be safe. It never hurts to heed the signs and be prepared.
~ Nightshade
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Let There Be Light
On August 21, 2017 (Monday) a total solar eclipse of the sun will take place in North America, the first one in over 99 years. This is when the moon passes between the earth and the sun darkens. The moon asks us to take a time out, interceding on our behalf, prompting us to face our darkest fears. It's the umpire calling the ball or the trained specialist talking a desperate person out of committing suicide or the individual intervening in a fight explaining the virtues of why it's more important to make up than break up. This magical moment is when all of us are under a momentary shadowy umbrella of something much bigger happening. What better time to get our attention and imprint on each of us our own uniqueness, an earthly treasure precious in the sight of the universe while we reflect on all that is, all that was and all that is to come. In this brief planetary interlude something fundamentally profound and beautiful will transcend this planet. For a brief moment in time all trickery and illusion will cease to exist. The moon is a symbol of illusion and shadows but also of hope, of finding the courage to confront and overcome. The moon dares us to believe there is a better way of life for all people on earth. Imagine a world with no war, no bitterness, no grievances, no grudges, no abuse, no poverty, no homelessness, no disease, no chaos and no fear. If it is possible to imagine a planet of peace for a few moments why not a few hours, a few weeks, a few months or forever? This, I believe is the message for all of us. Earth will be plunged into darkness for a few minutes so we can reflect on all of this but after what seems like an eternity, the sun will emerge once again, shedding its light on everything. From darkness and illusion to light and abundance for all. We can make this happen.
Blessings To One and All,
~ Nightshade
Friday, August 18, 2017
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Passing GaS (Guilt and Shame)

Saturday, August 12, 2017
Something I learned just recently is, a Sense Of Self. If you bounce around attending one school after the other, living in different houses and rental units like I did, you never really have time to set down roots when growing up. You're too busy adjusting, making new friends and dealing with anxiety. Maybe you, personally, are experiencing other problems that are interfering with your failure to connect with who you are. Later on in life, when it comes to having confidence and meeting life's challenges, you will feel lost and adrift, awash in a sea of confusion and despair. When we're young we don't give much thought to things like, "who am I or, what is my purpose in life" because it never occurred to us to ask. So, what should you do? Start a dialogue with your self and get connected. Establish a baseline. Think of yourself as a one person Kick Starter Project. Look at yourself in the mirror and examine your face, ask questions like, "what do I like to do and what do I do best? Why am I drawn to basketball or dancing or writing or cooking?" Maybe the answer is, "because you're good at it". A point to remember: "Our lives are not ours until we take ownership of them". What a waste if we carelessly give them away or they are hijacked by some thing or some one. Our lives belong to us and no one else.
~ Nightshade
~ Nightshade
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
No. 51
Do your dreams contain numbers? I don't just see the number but hear the number as well. I did a post just recently entitled "33" because of another dream I had recently. The number 33 led me to the video of the 33 Chilean Miners who were trapped in 2010 after a cave in. A video with a message of faith and courage to all of us. When these dreams occur I don't ignore them as I believe the numbers are prompts containing a message that will manifest itself at the proper time. This morning my dream had the number 51. There was an audible voice in the dream that spoke the number to me clearly. An excellent site on the meaning of numbers is listed here:
Monday, August 7, 2017
It's Okay, It's Okay
Fading into the universe, I feel myself becoming one with the cosmos. Its heavy blackness slowly consuming me, covering me like a warm blanket. There is something to be said for Nothingness as there is a complete absence of fear. You've been cocooned. Nothing can harm you. I glance around at the stars blinking and twinkling all around me. As I pass through them they seem to say, "congratulations on a job well done." Boy, if they ever had any inkling of how many times I screwed up in life, how many times I failed and yet, that doesn't matter to them. They're welcoming me home, "It's okay, it's okay". Upward and onward I go and then I glance back to earth. How far, far away home is now. I have no idea how fast I am going as there is no way of telling. I am in spirit now, not housed in a physical body. I think back to my funeral and all the people who attended. I didn't realize I had so many friends. My family was wonderful with all they had to do, coping with my sudden death and seeing to all the arrangements. I remember looking up at their faces as they leaned over me saying their last goodbyes. Tears were falling and some of them fell on my cheek. They couldn't hear me but I was saying to them, "It's okay, it's okay." Looking back on my life I couldn't believe it was so short. You are born, you live out your life and then you die. You are remembered for awhile and then even those memories fade. Everyone gets over you. I remember the day my sister called, telling me that Dad had passed. She was on her way to the hospital with him as he was having chest pains. She had to leave him at the hospital to pick up something she forgot to bring with her. She was on her way back to the hospital when she received the call that he had just died from a heart attack. He was 87. To this day, she is guilt ridden because she wasn't there for him. Sister please understand that, "It's okay, it's okay. You were there for him for many years. Don't blame yourself for the one time you weren't. It wasn't but a month later I was at my kitchen sink doing dishes when, all of a sudden, I felt Dad standing next to me. He just sauntered in. I stood there trying to get a handle on what I was feeling and then we started chatting. It was just a how are you doing, I miss you sort of thing but the one overriding feeling I got was that this was his own personal goodbye to me as I wasn't able to attend his funeral. He was there to tell me, "It's okay, it's okay."
Will you do one thing for me today? No matter where you are, no matter who you are, no matter what you're doing...if you screw up, make a mistake, if you try hard and still fail, if you feel like just giving up and need to take a day off to cry or pound the walls, remember, "It's okay, it's okay."
~ Nightshade
Will you do one thing for me today? No matter where you are, no matter who you are, no matter what you're doing...if you screw up, make a mistake, if you try hard and still fail, if you feel like just giving up and need to take a day off to cry or pound the walls, remember, "It's okay, it's okay."
~ Nightshade
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Thursday, August 3, 2017
What is courage? We've all heard about it yet how many of us actually have it? Can courage be taught or is it acquired? And, how would we know we had it unless we were put to the test? I guess most of us will never know. When you were growing up, did your parents teach you about it? Did you learn about courage in school? Did religion teach about it? There are accounts of soldiers in battle that faced overwhelming odds and were suddenly filled with courage. There are reports of ordinary people pulling hapless would be victims from burning cars, emergency personnel risking their lives to save others, somebody wading into an icy pond to rescue a drowning animal and, without hesitation, a person jumping onto railroad tracks to rescue someone lying helpless. And when you ask these people why they did it, they always reply, "I didn't think twice" or "it's just what I do" or "I'm no hero." Were these people aware they had any courage in their bodies at the time or did courage just appear? Could it be that these people were put in the right place at just the right time? Courage is not all about rescuing others but a great deal of it has to do with rescuing oneself. How many times was it a good thing to say no to something you knew was bad but just couldn't bring yourself to say it? How many times did you need to apologize but just couldn't muster up the courage to do it? Could it be that fear manifests courage? How many times did it take courage to do something you feared? Did it occur to you that maybe you will be the one called upon with the courage necessary to help someone through a desperate situation? None of us know when we're going to encounter something that will test us. In those instances we will experience either the fight or flee mentality. Maybe, just maybe, when those instances pop up you will be there and expressly for the purpose of showing the rest of us that one ordinary person with courage is capable of extraordinary things.
~ Blessings,
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Want a Job? NASA Hiring a Planetary Protection Officer and the Salary? - $187K +
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