Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Friday, September 29, 2017
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Peekaboo, I See You
Today there was a system failure in the Matrix as it showed itself to me in a surprising way. One I couldn't have even imagined and one that was an eye opener.
I'm searching for a new SUV because my old one has mileage on it. The base price for the model I'm interested in, $35,000.00 and posted on the internet. I drove my old SUV to the car dealer, met the salesman and we looked at what was available. The model I took for a test drive, according to the salesman, was "selling like hot cakes." We took it around for a spin but I found it was short on power and picked out the sportier version with a bigger engine.
After looking at all the colors and interiors and picking out options like GPS/Navigation system, running boards and remote tailgate option, it was time to sit down and talk.
I waited while he totaled everything up. Without batting an eye he whipped it on me--total vehicle price $52,000.00. "Well", I said, "it appears that car prices just keep going up don't they?" He shook his head sadly, in agreement. (BTW, I talked to a friend after this experience and he told me he bought the same SUV for $35,000.00 back in 2012- interesting). If that is true and there's no reason not to believe him, then this particular SUV has increased $17,000.00 in just 5 years. Talk about inflation.
"And what about my SUV?" "We'll give you $9995.00 for it. So that meant I'd have to come up with another $8,000.00 to pay it off. What they'll do if you don't have the cash on hand (and let's be honest, how many of us have this amount just layin around?) they'll add the $8,000.00 to the $52,000.00 which now brings the total purchase price to $60,000.00. He continued talking for another five minutes and then motioned to the finance manager.
He came over and introduced himself, informing me I qualified for the 0% interest rate for 36 months with a monthly payment of $1500.00 (and this was just on the $52,000.00 not the 60,000.00 so imagine the higher monthly payment). I wanted to reach over and grab him by the collar and shout, "are you people f****g crazy" but resisted the temptation.
He continued, "if you select 48 months at .09% interest your payment will be a little less." (At this point I didn't care how much less it was as I wasn't going to being purchasing any vehicle).
And I have a problem with the word, "purchase." If you take out a loan on something, are you really purchasing something or are you just leasing?"
"Well," he wanted to know, "can we wrap this up today?" I didn't answer but asked instead, "how can young families with a mortgage afford to pay $1500.00 a month for a car?" "Well, he said without missing a beat, " we just extend the length of the loan." Note: If you increase the number of months to pay off the loan the longer you pay and the more it's going to cost you. Obviously this car dealer was raking in the dough and didn't have to worry about their bottom line. And it was now pretty apparent to me that they sure as sh*t didn't care about anyone else's bottom line either.
The dealer was feeling confident that the tantalizing base price (I call it bait price) posted online was instrumental as it was the first step in getting me to stampede to their dealership. They had (or so they thought) accomplished their mission of wining me, dining me and getting ready to sign me until I pointed something out.
"I'm thinking the economy is going to take a downturn." Well that evoked a look of concern. "What do you mean?"
"Just take a look at what happened in Texas and Florida and Puerto Rico with three deadly hurricanes and the billions it's going to take to help them recover. How about all the cars that were lost, the dealerships that went down and the heavy insurance payouts along with the salvage efforts ongoing? Where is all of that going to leave the American consumer? The federal reserve is saying that now they can't even predict where the economy is headed as we've entered a period of uncertainty. People aren't buying homes like they used to. We have people who can't even afford their healthcare. And, how about all the cr@p going on with North Korea? There's even talk that the next bubble to burst is going to be the auto industry as car sales are now tied in with mortgages.
You could have heard a pin drop.
The moral of this: The Matrix (Power, Manipulation, Intimidation, Control) has turned foreplay into an art form. It has succeeded because it knows our trigger points, what drives us and what turns us on. It's a master at playing on these. It doesn't care about us, it never has. We've been conditioned not to question, that resistance is futile, only to comply. In the movie, "The Matrix," Neo takes the red pill to "learn the truth." It's time we all did. It's time we all unplugged.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Monday, September 25, 2017
Ever since the audible prompt I received several months ago re my guilt and shame, I've been undergoing a very deep, profound self examination. I believe that what is happening to me now is something I agreed to (before I came here) as part of my soul cleansing to prepare me for the new earth. Before I came here, I agreed that the year 2017 would be the year I would get in touch with my inner child, who and what I was and all the deep psychological crap embedded in my subconscious. I had waited way too long to tackle this. Waking up at night with fearful thoughts, dealing with fear during the day and a general lack of self confidence has not been easy. I know I'm not alone in this process by reading all the accounts from other people. Actually, what is happening to me and others I believe is for a reason. It is part of the Ascension Process and it's all about a getting rid of the old and putting on the new. This process isn't solely about individuals but is also shaking the foundations of our beliefs, our financial systems, our entertainment and sports industry, what we've been taught in school, and all the other crap that's been shoved down our throats. It's all going down. Collectively we are shedding the old self, that part that is no longer useful but old, worn and outdated. Aside from the pain and anguish of agreeing to confront my dark side there is something else extraordinary going on. I am gaining a lot of confidence. I am finding that I Am Worthy. I Can Do It. I Have Something To Say. My Voice Counts. My Opinion Counts. And that, with this process, comes a sweet liberation. Liberation from the Old Self, Old Habits, Old Wounds. Along with shedding my old self, a new self is emerging and I have to tell you, it feels absolutely wonderful. With this new realization I am also feeling hopeful and much lighter, like I've shed a few extra pounds. Our subconscious is all all about concealment. And the subconscious doesn't play well with others. It is there for a reason and to be taken seriously as it has a voice as to when it will give up its secrets. Opposite of concealment is revelation. The revelation taking place on this planet is the truth that's been hidden (concealed) from us for thousands of years. We are finally waking up to our true nature as human beings and as caregivers, not only caring for each other but all the other life forms that make their home on this planet called earth.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Book Worm
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"The boundaries which divide life are shadowy and vague. Who shall say where one ends and the other begins"? |
Edgar Allan Poe
Halloween came early this year. While standing at my kitchen stove heating up some soup, I glanced into the adjacent hallway. I thought I had seen something in there. The hallway is about 15' long with a floor to ceiling bookcase the length of the hallway on the right and a dark oak built in storage unit on the left. I have all kinds of books stacked in there, those I've read and those I'm planning to read. It's kinda a catch all room where there are canned goods, trinkets, old sheet music, herb seeds, keys, lost earrings, etc. Things appear and disappear according to need. There's a door at the far end that opens into another room and is closed most of the time so there is an absence of light. So, what was it that prompted me to look there in the first place? I caught something out of the corner of my eye and wanted to see what it was. Turned out it was sun beams on the hallway ceiling, filtering in through the glass panel on the front door. After enjoying them for a few moments, my eyes were slowly drawn to the top of the ceiling in the left hand corner. Suspended in mid air was a shrouded figure covered in gray. The picture (above) depicts as close as I could come to an illustration. All I could see were just three quarters of this apparition, the head, shoulders and torso. There were no arms protruding. The material covering it had a knobby look to it and badly shredded as if one had taken a sharp knife and slashed through it. Think of the specter in the movie, "A Christmas Carol" and you'll get some sense of what I'm describing. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I was not surprised at all that this was happening and handled it in a matter of fact way. I did not feel threatened or fearful in any way. I instinctively knew it meant me no harm and also that it was just observing me as I was observing it. Being that the head was completely covered, I could see no facial features other than a slight protuberance where a nose would be. It is interesting that these apparitions, ghosts, entities, appear in corners. I've never read the explanation for this but there are many accounts of people who have seen them. Watching this figure lasted for about 15 seconds and then it simply, faded away. Why it showed up now and for what reason I'll ever know but in a peculiar, sacred and morbid sort of way I felt blessed. I'm hoping it will make another appearance. Maybe it was interested in one of my books, who knows. I'll understand if what I just posted doesn't sit well with others or makes no sense whatsoever. That's okay. This is just another example of the different realms that make up the universe. Most of the time we never see these things but every so often the veil between worlds becomes thin enough for us to make contact with one another. I will post a link to several articles about shadow people and ghosts and the experiences others have had with this phenomenon. If nothing else, it will make for some interesting reading.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Sunday, September 17, 2017
I chose to come here, to live among you in order to get to know you, along with understanding how things work on your planet. There are others of my kind who are here, also. We are many. We look like you, we talk like you and we come in all sizes, shapes and colors (to blend in). We have been doing an audit of your planet in which we assess and observe your interactions with one another, how your governments, associations, organizations, institutions, agencies, corporations and a host of other entities work together and report back the results both good and bad. This is all being done for your benefit as well as earth's as in the not too distant future you will be visited by one or more celestial agents carrying with them a very important message for mankind. So consider what I am saying here as actual preparation taking place. What strikes me most about your planet is the myriad of races that live here. When I watch you, I see an intricate, beautiful, exquisitely detailed blanket with a pattern of subdued hues and vibrant colors all flowing together, the ends of which extend out to all four corners of earth. It brings joy to my heart as I see you increase in numbers, participate in your gatherings and listen as you share your thoughts, your hopes and dreams with me. I can sense a special camaraderie with you, especially when I gaze into your eyes. But there is an internal tug of war going on between your wanting to move forward in trusting one another and hesitating to do so, out of fear. It would appear that those in control have successfully implanted a mechanism in your being that continues to hinder your spirit and block your growth as you are full of resentment, hostility and anger. There are those on this planet who have ascended to positions of great power who do not wish humanity to grow together as they would rather the status quo (division and dissension) remain in place. But, I assure you, humanity is coming together as I write these words. However, the resistance is fighting back, gathering its forces, fomenting trouble and continuing to prey on people's weaknesses, inciting more division and more violence in an all out effort to remain in power. Because of man's static nature he is stuck in place, so to speak, and in the face of great adversity, unable to move. But, this too, is changing as well as you and I just witnessed diverse thousands of you coming together, after two powerful hurricanes struck, under the expert tutelage of those in charge who were relentless in offering hope and aid. The result, yes, destruction and devastation, but those affected bonded together and came through even stronger in an outpouring of love and concern for each other.
On another subject, there is much talk of earth changes. I will speak to that and set the record straight. Yes, there are earth changes taking place and more to come. Consider that there have always been earth changes on this planet such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts and the like, some of them very bad and some not so bad so there is nothing unusual in this other than, at this particular time (now) the changes coming will be abstruse. Man is but one celestial civilization among many in the universe. He was created as a finite visitor on this planet living out his short life until his death. Things are only temporary down here; kingdoms come and kingdoms fall; a plant sprouts and then withers; the shy rosebud opens up in the warmth of the sun and shares her lovely fragrance and beauty with all and then comes to grip with her fate as her blush fades and her petals fall. Such is the way of life down here.
There is much confusion and anxiety taking place today. More so than at any other time on your planet. We understand. That is one big reason we are here.
This is a message of love not fear. This is a message of love, compassion and hope. There are many helping hands stationed in various regions on your planet. Understand that help has arrived. We are on duty, 24/7, 365 days a year. We are here for all of you and will help with the transition coming.
We offer encouragement and help.
Just think of this as a crop circle message that has been decoded: "We are here and right now".
*The conduit is now closed.*
Monday, September 11, 2017
Saturday, September 9, 2017
The Sword of Prayer
Today I received a text message from my niece in which she described a spiritual problem that demanded prayer. I was struck by her choice of words which she will use in the prayer circle at church on Sunday. They were, "putting on the full armor of G-d and swinging the sword of prayer." What powerful words. Standing firm in the midst of adversity, staring down your fears and putting your trust in a higher source in order to find the strength and courage to meet whatever comes. The people in Florida are experiencing a myriad of emotions and anyone who has not gone through something like this can only sit back and wonder how they are coping. Here we have two monster hurricanes, one which struck Texas a week ago and now Hurricane Irma that is barreling down on Florida. Both governors of these states need to be congratulated for their unwavering strength and commitment to the people, assuring them that everything is being done and offering encouragement to others as they steadfastly say, "we will get through this". They are true leaders offering hope and guidance to all in the face of danger. It is easy to sit back in our easy chairs and watch these storms unfolding on t.v. We are afforded the opportunity to second guess or label people because they stayed behind when they should have gone or we could just dismiss the whole thing because we're not personally involved. But, what is needed here is exactly what my niece texted to me this morning. It is prayer. Prayer that with G-d all things are possible. That even in the midst of the unknown we only need put on the armor of G-d and swing the sword of prayer. By this we cut through all the bs and connect with the Divine in our hour of need. G-d answers our cries for help in miraculous, unexpected ways. G-d Bless all who are going through this and those who have heeded the call for help as they will find the grace to endure, the resolve to keep going and the courage to overcome.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
May G-d Help Us All
Powerful X-9 Class Solar Flare Directed Toward Earth
As of Monday, 9/5/17 we've had ten solar flares ranging from an M-1 to an X-9. The X-9 class flare that took place today on September 6 @ 9:52 a.m. is a very powerful flare. Earth is receiving the energy (electromagnetic particles (solar wind)) between 12:00 noon and 4:00 p.m. (CST) today from the flares that took place on the 5th. Already cell phones are being affected. In addition, an alert has just been issued for a "Solar Wind Alert" - "Satellites have detected a sharp solar wind gust (electromagnetic particles) that could stimulate geomagnetic activity. Be alert for auroras."
*9/6/17: According to, NOAA validated the X Class Flare as an X9.3.
*9/6/17: According to, NOAA validated the X Class Flare as an X9.3.
Darkness Falls
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Surrender |
Monday, September 4, 2017
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Saturday, September 2, 2017
One sign of ascension is coming clean, coming to grips with a facet of your personality, an addiction, a phobia, lingering depression (unresolved issues) a temper you can't control or a negative attitude. You've tried to fix the problem before but with little success. The reason that now is the time is because your Higher Self has prompted you to do so. The reason for this, at this particular time in your life is so you'll be able to embrace and conjoin with the new spirit of understanding coming in. Personal issues need to be resolved. If not, they will continue to hold you back. Understand that what you'll be going through is actually liberation. Liberation from the old self to the new self. That nagging feeling, "I'll deal with my problem tomorrow" has been a throbbing drumbeat in your heart and head for years but you never bothered to ask, "just how many more tomorrows are there?" Humanity is on a threshold of Completion. The circle is closing. We are at the midnight hour; at the end of a long and arduous journey in which the sole purpose was for us to get to know ourselves and understand our place in the universe. I believe the epic hurricane that just hit Texas, Hurricane Harvey, was more than just an act of nature. It was an in your face message to the dark forces that have imprisoned humanity for millenia, "your time is up." This disaster showed how people from all walks of lives, despite endangering themselves, came together in a common goal. It was a message of hope and love, courage and compassion in the face of chaos, confusion and fear--we are all brothers and sisters in spirit, all in wants and desires, all in hopes and dreams. The celestials who continue to watch over us and monitor our progress are telling us to "take heart and be of good cheer as Humanity has now reached the point where it's able to take the next step and break out of prison".
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