"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."
Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Low Lifes
Our Magnificent Magnetosphere
This is a very good article on earth's magnetosphere and why it's so important and what affects it.
I've been seeing some very different and dramatic cloud formations where I live and wonder if anyone else has been seeing the same?
Now I'm not saying this has anything to do with our magnetosphere just commenting on some things I've noticed lately.
These cloud formations are wavy, voluminous, streaking, long flowing strands, fluffy cotton balls and are layered one on top of the other.
*Also have been trying to find the definition of true north and magnetic north but not coming up with anything I would care to post because the explanation gets too long and involved.
If there are any planet watchers out there who would care to give a simple and brief explanation on this please feel free to do so.
It's important we know about this planet we inhabit.
In this way we'll all be on the same page, looking skyward instead of always looking down, becoming more aware of what is happening over our heads.
We live in a wondrous, dynamic and evolving universe and we here on earth are right smack dab in the middle of it.
This is a very good article on earth's magnetosphere and why it's so important and what affects it.
I've been seeing some very different and dramatic cloud formations where I live and wonder if anyone else has been seeing the same?
Now I'm not saying this has anything to do with our magnetosphere just commenting on some things I've noticed lately.
These cloud formations are wavy, voluminous, streaking, long flowing strands, fluffy cotton balls and are layered one on top of the other.
*Also have been trying to find the definition of true north and magnetic north but not coming up with anything I would care to post because the explanation gets too long and involved.
If there are any planet watchers out there who would care to give a simple and brief explanation on this please feel free to do so.
It's important we know about this planet we inhabit.
In this way we'll all be on the same page, looking skyward instead of always looking down, becoming more aware of what is happening over our heads.
We live in a wondrous, dynamic and evolving universe and we here on earth are right smack dab in the middle of it.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Thursday, October 27, 2016
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Enlightenment |
Completion: Finishing what you started, completing a task, something old and outworn that doesn't work anymore is ending and something new is starting.
You can feel this. It's almost like another side of you, long hidden, is opening up and you're feeling, thinking and acting differently.
You're even feeling a lot happier than you were before. Like, everything is going to be alright.
That Everything is working, according to Plan.
Now, nobody told you this, you're just 'sensing and feeling' this.
There has been talk that part of this Shift in Consciousness is a feeling that time is speeding up. Well, I've never experienced this phenomenon before but today I can tell you for sure, I did experience it for the first time.
And, I'm also noticing Synchronicity taking place over the last week. Seeing a sequence of numbers like 3:33, 5:55, 2"22, 4"44, 11:11, 12:12.
These are little 'prompts' from the universe just letting you know that someone new is now driving the train and not to worry.
Another thing I'm feeling is a purification process taking place like a great cleansing of mind, body and soul.
Not only from within but from without--when I go outside the air feels different, a lot cleaner than I've noticed.
Another clue is you're starting to feel happier, things that used to bother you you just overlook now as they don't seem to be such a big problem as they were before.
Another change taking place in our perception of the world and who we are.
Another one is you're putting yourself second and everyone else first.
You want everyone to be happy and for peace to be the driving force on this planet.
Unfortunately we still have to deal with the reality that there are many who do not think this way nor do they want any peace at all.
It's plainly obvious that under their control things aren't (and haven't been) working out for any of us.
Something is happening here that is bringing with it, a new way of living, for all. It's like a breath of fresh air. Maybe that is why I am feeling some sort of a cleansing going on.
Quite possibly the elite are also very well aware of this and don't be surprised if they pull out all the stops to quash it, derail it or destroy it.
But, try as they will they know it, I know it, you know it...You can't stop the Universe.
Something old and evil is biting the dust and something new is coming in.
A path through the darkness is being lit.
Where did this new consciousness come from and why now?
I believe it came from those who have been watching over us since we first arrived here. They have determined that we're at an important cusp in our spiritual development and are helping our progress along by allowing that hidden portion of us to open up, as it will enable us to feel this new awareness taking place as they fuse its energy with our body, mind and soul.
Gradually, as things progress, our awareness of what is happening will become more acute, more attuned.
We will actually be able to look at a tree, or a plant and 'feel' its life force, its energy and realize that it has every right to exist on this planet as we do.
The same way with animals.
I believe we're all coming together in a profound way and when this process is finally complete, the wonderment we experience will be unlike anything we've ever experienced before.
When an engine gets going and gathers steam, it's hard to stop. We just need to ensure that the track up ahead is free of debris.
Our work of Completion here is not over, yet.
Humanity Awakening
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
AT&T and What It's Doing Behind Our Backs
The Unit
I continue to ponder our 'reality' down here on earth. What it's made up of -- is it some type of plasma or a soft, gelatinous intelligent substance we're existing in that's designed to slowly push us along, prodding us forward, quietly propelling us toward a definitive end called Death? This will continue to be a source of contention and debate by many whether "Death" as we know it (the physical death of the body) is The End. I personally do not believe it is. There is too much evidence from those who have "passed over' and come back with information to convince me otherwise. I, too, have had my share of experiences that clearly tell me Life continues to go on but in a different form.
Maybe earth is a 'womb' which we are 'birthed' into and the universe is the placenta. Could it be that this planet is just one of many thousands of other 'birthing' planets out there and that humans are here on this particular planet (earth) because we have a rebellious streak in us and need to be taught a lesson? If so, it sure looks like we've all been enrolled in boot camp. We all know about boot camp, right? It ain't easy and it sure as hell ain't fun. And before we are allowed to graduate, we have to pass the test in order to advance to the next level--it's called Basics 101.
All of us are dealing with crap down here and some more than others. Just being able to survive on this planet is a huge challenge for millions of human beings.
When you really take a good, hard look at where we all are, October 26, 2016 and what's going on in the world and where we're all headed, nothing seems to make sense anymore. Then why do we continue to wonder and ponder? Why do we continue to try and figure things out? Why do we keep 'hanging' in there?
Because, just like in boot camp we're learning about our strengths and our weaknesses, what works and what doesn't but more importantly, finding that together we can accomplish great things.
We're learning that together we're stronger, that together we can make a difference, that together we're a formidable team, that together we find having the same goals only ensures our success. Sometimes we find that other members of the team lift us up when we're down, that color doesn't matter as underneath we're all the same, that we begin to feel good about ourselves, that we were stronger than we thought.
Teamwork, togetherness, unity, solidarity, common goals, hard work, compassion, courtesy, honesty, respect, humility.
It's taken thousands of years but we've finally arrived. This is the year to remember.
**2016 when we finally graduate from boot camp having come face to face with all the hyprocisy, all the lies, all the deception, all the ugliness, everything that's bad with the world.
Where we finally get it!
We've just plain had enough, thank you.
Where we say to all the corruption and evil doers, it's off with the old and in with the new.
Try and stop us.
Go Team Go!
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
The Truth is Out There
Isn't it Time We Cleaned Up Our Own Backyard?
Sunday, October 23, 2016
It's a Bug's Life
Are human beings really that flawed, that ignorant, that incapable of learning and evolving? I don't see any difference now as where we were thousands of years ago--wars, killing, butchering, debauchery, hating and raging. We are always busting around, running out of time, caught up in a frenzy. We never take the time to stop and think where we are and where we fit into the bigger picture. Have you ever watched a tiny bug going about its daily grind? It takes its time doing things slowly and methodically, until its task is complete. And when needed, they all come together to get the job done instead of pissing and moaning about this and that. They don't bother anyone other than when someone bothers them. They don't wage war, they don't hate, they don't criticize and they don't condemn. They are here for a short time and complete all that is required of them.
All Life is Temporal. We forget that we only have a small amount of time on this planet. Our life span here is approximately 83 years. It is really sad when we see how many of us don't even reach this age as their lives are snuffed out much earlier.
How much do we accomplish while we're here? We catapult those who have nothing in common with us (lots of money, the political and Hollywood elite, etc.) and hail them as "role models" , hoisting them high up on lofty pedestals whilst the tiniest of us goes unnoticed (under our feet).
Then, who is really the most intelligent?
A tiny bug who knows its role in the world and endeavours to complete its mission while here or a human being who can't find its butt with both hands?
Maybe we're looking at the wrong role models.
Life is incremental and takes place in small, almost insignificant tiny moments with some dramatic moments. But humans aren't satisfied with simple and uncomplicated but are always looking for something more, something that will give them a bigger buzz, a bigger jolt or make them feel more important.
Have we not yet learned that we are earthly emissaries on this planet? That our lives count and what we do here to make things more comfortable, more safe and more peaceful for ourselves as well as others, counts in the celestial order of things? That the words we utter, our kind deeds, the jobs we undertake, the smiles, the hope, the handshakes, the hugs and the concern we show for others is only helping to attune us and help humanity and the world attain the peace and harmony we all desire?
At some point in our existence, if we continue to ignore our earthly mission, letting others control and dominate the message, we're going to fall off.
Do we not know there is a huge celestial wheel that keeps turning. Some may call it Karma, some may call it circumstance, some may call it Chance.
We're all on it and, at some point, what goes up is going to come down.
We need to heed the message that we're approaching a point in time where our fate WILL BE decided for us as we have shown that we are incapable of creating a world where human life and the well being of others is tantamount to any amount of money or status.
We still have time, but how much.....
All Life is Temporal. We forget that we only have a small amount of time on this planet. Our life span here is approximately 83 years. It is really sad when we see how many of us don't even reach this age as their lives are snuffed out much earlier.
How much do we accomplish while we're here? We catapult those who have nothing in common with us (lots of money, the political and Hollywood elite, etc.) and hail them as "role models" , hoisting them high up on lofty pedestals whilst the tiniest of us goes unnoticed (under our feet).
Then, who is really the most intelligent?
A tiny bug who knows its role in the world and endeavours to complete its mission while here or a human being who can't find its butt with both hands?
Maybe we're looking at the wrong role models.
Life is incremental and takes place in small, almost insignificant tiny moments with some dramatic moments. But humans aren't satisfied with simple and uncomplicated but are always looking for something more, something that will give them a bigger buzz, a bigger jolt or make them feel more important.
Have we not yet learned that we are earthly emissaries on this planet? That our lives count and what we do here to make things more comfortable, more safe and more peaceful for ourselves as well as others, counts in the celestial order of things? That the words we utter, our kind deeds, the jobs we undertake, the smiles, the hope, the handshakes, the hugs and the concern we show for others is only helping to attune us and help humanity and the world attain the peace and harmony we all desire?
At some point in our existence, if we continue to ignore our earthly mission, letting others control and dominate the message, we're going to fall off.
Do we not know there is a huge celestial wheel that keeps turning. Some may call it Karma, some may call it circumstance, some may call it Chance.
We're all on it and, at some point, what goes up is going to come down.
We need to heed the message that we're approaching a point in time where our fate WILL BE decided for us as we have shown that we are incapable of creating a world where human life and the well being of others is tantamount to any amount of money or status.
We still have time, but how much.....
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Ripe Fruit
Humanity is a blossoming orchard with a few rotten apples. And those few, rotten apples have been getting away with murder and making the the rules for everyone else, excluding themselves.
I believe we're slowly coming together at this time, united in wanting a different world. Different from the one we've lived in since we first set foot on this planet. I don't want to see anymore suffering. And I want a change of heart, a new consciousness among our world leaders. No more war, no more suffering, no more starvation, no more hunger and disease.
I'm tired of the lies, I'm tired of the spin, I can see clearly now so I know something is happening and it's good.
I have a few short years left on this planet and many of you, who follow me, are considerably younger.
I love each and every one of you and delight in the rich tapestry of colors you weave together.
If I were to give you any advice from what I've learned while here it would be this:
There are those who do not want us to Hope.
There are those who do not want us to Live.
There are those who do not want us to Survive.
There are those who are more interested in dividing us, then uniting us.
There are those who continue to instigate war and trample any prospects of peace.
There are those whose agenda is one of complete dominance and subjugation of us and our humanity and they're hoping you haven't caught on.
There are those who lift us up while others bring us down.
We all need a blueprint for our lives and, sadly, many of us do not even have the first inkling of where we are, where we are going in life or even where to start. So, in order for you to get to first base, decide what it is you wish to do and accomplish and seek out and surround yourselves with those who encourage you in finding your footing.
Stop allowing yourselves to be indoctrinated and start thinking on your own. That's why G-d gave you a brain. Stop watching the news whether it be Fox, MSNBC, CBS, NBC. You'll gain more insight and be able to figure things out without being sidetracked, subjected to all the spin, distractions, lies and name calling.
All of you are here because you were meant to make a difference in this world.
You were meant to change the world even if just by just a little.
When in doubt, pray.
You'd be surprised how many prayers are answered.
Our spirituality as a species has been maligned and trampled by others; yet what is happening globally is actually helping to re-ignite it.
Do not give up hope but continue to have faith.
And Love, Love One Another and see what comes of sharing this wonderful gift with someone else.
Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You.
And, lastly, there is nothing better in this world than forgetting oneself in the service of others.
I believe we're slowly coming together at this time, united in wanting a different world. Different from the one we've lived in since we first set foot on this planet. I don't want to see anymore suffering. And I want a change of heart, a new consciousness among our world leaders. No more war, no more suffering, no more starvation, no more hunger and disease.
I'm tired of the lies, I'm tired of the spin, I can see clearly now so I know something is happening and it's good.
I have a few short years left on this planet and many of you, who follow me, are considerably younger.
I love each and every one of you and delight in the rich tapestry of colors you weave together.
If I were to give you any advice from what I've learned while here it would be this:
There are those who do not want us to Hope.
There are those who do not want us to Live.
There are those who do not want us to Survive.
There are those who are more interested in dividing us, then uniting us.
There are those who continue to instigate war and trample any prospects of peace.
There are those whose agenda is one of complete dominance and subjugation of us and our humanity and they're hoping you haven't caught on.
There are those who lift us up while others bring us down.
We all need a blueprint for our lives and, sadly, many of us do not even have the first inkling of where we are, where we are going in life or even where to start. So, in order for you to get to first base, decide what it is you wish to do and accomplish and seek out and surround yourselves with those who encourage you in finding your footing.
Stop allowing yourselves to be indoctrinated and start thinking on your own. That's why G-d gave you a brain. Stop watching the news whether it be Fox, MSNBC, CBS, NBC. You'll gain more insight and be able to figure things out without being sidetracked, subjected to all the spin, distractions, lies and name calling.
All of you are here because you were meant to make a difference in this world.
You were meant to change the world even if just by just a little.
When in doubt, pray.
You'd be surprised how many prayers are answered.
Our spirituality as a species has been maligned and trampled by others; yet what is happening globally is actually helping to re-ignite it.
Do not give up hope but continue to have faith.
And Love, Love One Another and see what comes of sharing this wonderful gift with someone else.
Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You.
And, lastly, there is nothing better in this world than forgetting oneself in the service of others.
"A Sign of the Times," The Proverbs of King Solomon, Chapter 9
To all who have ears, hear
To all who have eyes, see
Wisdom has built her house;
she has set up its seven pillars.
She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine;
she has also set her table.
She has sent out her servants, and she calls
from the highest point of the city,
Let all who are simple come to my house!
To those who have no sense she says,
Come, eat my food
and drink the wine I have mixed.
Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of insight.
she has set up its seven pillars.
She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine;
she has also set her table.
She has sent out her servants, and she calls
from the highest point of the city,
Let all who are simple come to my house!
To those who have no sense she says,
Come, eat my food
and drink the wine I have mixed.
Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of insight.
Whoever corrects a mocker invites insults;
whoever rebukes the wicked incurs abuse.
Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you;
rebuke the wise and they will love you.
Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still;
teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.
whoever rebukes the wicked incurs abuse.
Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you;
rebuke the wise and they will love you.
Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still;
teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom,
and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
For through Wisdom your days will be many,
and years will be added to your life.
If you are wise, your Wisdom will reward you;
if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer.
and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
For through Wisdom your days will be many,
and years will be added to your life.
If you are wise, your Wisdom will reward you;
if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer.
Folly is an unruly woman;
she is simple and knows nothing.
She sits at the door of her house,
on a seat at the highest point of the city,
calling out to those who pass by,
who go straight on their way,
she is simple and knows nothing.
She sits at the door of her house,
on a seat at the highest point of the city,
calling out to those who pass by,
who go straight on their way,
Let all who are simple come to my house!
To those who have no sense she says,
Stolen water is sweet,
food eaten in secret is delicious!
But little do they know that the dead are there,
that her guests are in the depths of hell.
Stolen water is sweet,
food eaten in secret is delicious!
But little do they know that the dead are there,
that her guests are in the depths of hell.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Monday, October 17, 2016
The Elite and Their New World Dis-Order
Russian Times Says All RT Bank Accounts Frozen in UK
"Do We Want Truth or Fiction"? - Think About the Larger Picture - Isn't the Timing of this Suspicious?
@wikileaks | ||
Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party. We have activated the appropriate contingency plans.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Approaching the Killshot
Drag Me to Hell
Well, Hell's Bells! --It's October 15, 2016!
We made it this far but it better hurry up and be Halloween because I'm gonna get all dressed up in my centuries old witch costume and dance around my boiling cauldron in the front yard letting off a little steam (did you get it, "a little steam?") cackling:
Back to reality: We have celestial objects overhead that are becoming more and more visible that governments don't seem to care about that may be impacting earth and its inhabitants in the very near future.
If it weren't for some plucky You Tubers taking it upon themselves to photograph and report on these celestial objects then how many of us would know? And they're now being tracked, threatened and hacked. If this isn't such a big deal then why would this be happening?
Yesterday, Oct. 14, it was announced the CIA is going to launch a cyber attack against Russia.
Is this some kind of retribution because we're being told that the Russians are responsible for all the hacking here?
Who can you trust to tell the truth anymore, on anything?
Then there's the U.S. election in which we have people more interested in who groped who than who is more capable of running a country and fixing the mess Obama has left.
Then we have Hillary--who doesn't know the difference between a small lie and a big lie not to mention the fact that she clearly has some type of physical (mental?) issue that everyone around her is trying to hide.
Now on to the last but not least--Obama antics in which he was filmed, on Air Force One, having an erection.
Does this mean that Obama is more interested in his erection than a U.S. election? --You decide.
Drag me to hell.
Well, no, you don't have to.
I'm already there.
We made it this far but it better hurry up and be Halloween because I'm gonna get all dressed up in my centuries old witch costume and dance around my boiling cauldron in the front yard letting off a little steam (did you get it, "a little steam?") cackling:
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"BOIL, DAMN IT!!!!" |
"Double, Double, Toil and Trouble, Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble,
Holy Shit, I forgot my dress is flammable, I'm now on Fire, this is Unimaginable! I just read the small print and my herbs are Unboilable, *&@!!! I'm trying not to become totally Irrational! This whole Spell I wrote is now an Unpractical, I'm mad as Hell as this is just too Unfathomable! I think I better stop now before I'm Arrestable!
Back to reality: We have celestial objects overhead that are becoming more and more visible that governments don't seem to care about that may be impacting earth and its inhabitants in the very near future.
If it weren't for some plucky You Tubers taking it upon themselves to photograph and report on these celestial objects then how many of us would know? And they're now being tracked, threatened and hacked. If this isn't such a big deal then why would this be happening?
Yesterday, Oct. 14, it was announced the CIA is going to launch a cyber attack against Russia.
Is this some kind of retribution because we're being told that the Russians are responsible for all the hacking here?
Who can you trust to tell the truth anymore, on anything?
Then there's the U.S. election in which we have people more interested in who groped who than who is more capable of running a country and fixing the mess Obama has left.
Then we have Hillary--who doesn't know the difference between a small lie and a big lie not to mention the fact that she clearly has some type of physical (mental?) issue that everyone around her is trying to hide.
Now on to the last but not least--Obama antics in which he was filmed, on Air Force One, having an erection.
Does this mean that Obama is more interested in his erection than a U.S. election? --You decide.
Drag me to hell.
Well, no, you don't have to.
I'm already there.
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