I think it's fair to say that most of us treat our mind (our brains) our bodies and our souls as three distinct and separate entities.
But there is more to ourselves (our spiritual triangle) than what we have been taught.
When we go through life we encounter difficulties, challenges and obstacles that must be overcome if we are to learn and progress. But have you ever noticed that from time to time squabbling takes place between one portion of ourselves and another?
For example: The mind knows it has to get up at 5:00 a.m. in order to be at work on time, show up for an interview or be on campus.
But the body, well, the body has other plans. It doesn't want to get up as it's too lazy. It fights the mind by laying in bed until 10:00 a.m. pulling the covers over its head, feigning it has a headache or it's just too worn out to get up.
Enter the third party (the Soul): Now the soul is our angelic guardian, that part of us with arcane knowledge on right and wrong, good and evil. It instinctively knows what will happen if we do this or if we do that.
But the mind and body don't want to hear any of this and ignore the soul. They have their own plans and go ahead and do whatever they want to do.
Now we've all experienced this from doing something we shouldn't have done --the remorse, the pain, the fallout and the guilt that ensues.
The Ancients learned that in order to be a whole person (body, mind and spirit) all three parts of a human being needed to come together and work together, in unison.
A harmonic convergence, if you will.
How did they accomplish this? --Well their lifestyles were more orderly and quieter than ours are today but they still had their share of conflict and hardship. They learned body and mind discipline such as martial arts and military skills and practiced meditation in order to quiet the mind's inner chatter.
In these ways, the discipline they employed brought all three parts together in unison.
In so doing, all three parts learned to work together, not separately from one another.
It takes discipline and hard work to get where you want to go in life.
It takes discipline to say no to things that will throw you off your path in life.
Today we have many negative people and negative outside influences that greatly interfere with our mental, physical and spiritual growth.
Make the decision, today, to take charge of your life.
Don't be a Humpty Dumpty.
~ Nightshade
Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017
Sunday, February 26, 2017
A nameless,
Was found late
Its hair all
Its teeth unbrushed
Its frame in
Some joggers
found it
What a shock!
They weren’t
While on
their walk
To find a
foot, a hand
A sock.
A scribbled
Was found beside.
A detective
read it
Then decried,
“Another case
of Suicide."
This human
Who was
Elected to
vacate this earth
and all because
It felt unworthed
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Ring of Fire Eclipse
Friday, February 24, 2017
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Before Connection There is Compassion
Regarding Planet X and its affect upon planet earth yes, I do believe there will be earth changes in fact they are occurring now. But along with this happening I believe that this extraordinary event also has another side to it and one that is consistently overlooked and that is its spiritual nature.
Humanity has always belonged to the stars, hell we come from the stars. It's just that we couldn't find the right one to hitch our dreams to (or maybe it couldn't find us) because our the state of affairs we kept finding ourselves in --chaos and confusion.
But the time is here for all of that to change.
There are going to be some extraordinary encounters taking place in the not too distant future and when I say that I can't tell you when they will occur but they will be soon.
I'll try and put my finger on this so I'm not trying to sell anyone on anything and go so far as to say that some of them are "imminent."
Definition of imminent: Something that is just about to happen.
In my research I am finding more and more that something of a profound spiritual nature is happening to us and the veil of ignorance and the shroud of obscurity are falling away.
I am so attuned to things going on around me and within me that it's hard to get this message across to those who have difficulty or cannot even comprehend what I am saying.
Yet I say to you with all sincerity and with an innate knowledge that this truth that we are entering will be a time of planetary peace and prosperity for all.
This afternoon just sitting at my keyboard and minding my own business, I felt a presence. One radiating such peace that I immediately knew I was in the presence of a being. It felt like it actually went right through me, entering my heart chakra.
Whether angelic or otherwise (maybe a loved one paying a visit) I do not know as it did not identify itself. However, I do know that I did not want it to leave.
I shared this experience with one other person and now I'm sharing it with you.
We live in a fear based existence and one that has kept us down and harmed us for far too long.
Things are changing and for the better.
All who are struggling with things I am radiating hope and peace and offer you a compassionate ear knowing of your struggles, your guilt, your vices, your failures, your fears, your hopes and dreams.
After all, we're family, one big family and we've all experienced what you're going through at some time or other so we have something in common.
Isn't it time we all connected with one another?
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Four Letter Words
How do you deal with frustration? Do you walk away from it or do you confront it and deal with it? Maybe you keep putting it off and it keeps replaying over and over in your life like a never ending story.
Frustration is something we all deal with. None of us is immune.
Right now I'm dealing with such a situation. The analogy I'll use to describe how I feel is like that of an octopus. It's life is tidy and secure as it's all curled up in a little ball, all its loose pieces (tentacles) securely under wrap and it's snoozing away, comfy and cozy.
Then, out of nowhere, a tsunami hits (in the form of relatives, next of kin, kids, offspring, etc.) and its ejected out of its little sanctuary exclaiming, what the f**k just happened?
Now I don't know about you but in my home there are chores that have to be done whether you want to do them or not. They come first and everything else comes second but not if you now have someone in your home who has a completely different view.
Now everyone is doing their own thing with no regard to what I have to do. It's like a feeding frenzy. The little octopus, once so cozy and comfy has been blasted out of its comfort zone, its tentacles wildly askew as it tries to regain its bearings.
It would be helpful, it would be nice, it would be courteous, if they visitors respected what I have to do vs. what they have to do. Mutual respect can flow both ways especially when you're the one supplying all their wants and needs.
But nooooo, this is not to be the case as they have made that abundantly clear. Their goals have now superseded mine as they feel that theirs are vastly more important.
Obviously you've made it very clear that a simple "thank you" would be appreciated, a simple offer of help, maybe paying for the fuel you're using to haul them around or an occasional night out, at their expense.
Sorry to say that none of this is occurring.
The truth of the matter is that this person has always been oblivious to anything or anyone outside of their own little comfort zone, their own little view of the world as they have always demonstrated that they come first, you come second.
So seeing that nobody's gonna do anything about anything let's just chalk this up to one of life's painful learning experiences.
And my solution for this frustration is the realization that it is only temporary as they are in the midst of moving out.
And I say, "the sooner they're outta here the better,"
So, you see, I didn't have to resort to name calling, four letter words, calling in the mob or starving them to death (although I do think that might've worked).
I just had to wait for the situation to resolve itself.
Sometimes things just work out if you don't reach for the panic button, although I did come awfully close.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Past, Present, Future
Make no mistake about outside (outside of our perception) energies manifesting themselves. Right now I am experiencing one and I will describe it as some kind of a "holding" pattern. I know I have things that need to be done, I know I have things to do and deadlines to meet and I'm working on them but it seems as if it's one step forward and two steps backward. It's as if something is holding me back (preventing these things from manifesting) in order to get them done. It's as if a wall of some sort has been constructed between me and what I want to get done. But I know it's for a reason and I must be patient for it to pass as these experiences are more than just perception, they are messages from spirit who know far more intuitively what I do not.
Another way to describe this would be you're just about to embark on a trip. You've made all the necessary arrangements, picked out the hotel, etc. and you're ready to go but, for some reason, things start to go haywire. You receive a call back from the travel agency that they were misled in that this resort might not have room for you and your family now and they're "terribly sorry." Then you find out that the airline is going to cost more than you previously thought.
So what do you do? You cancel, of course.
A few days later, after you're done with stomping the airline tickets into the living room floor and throwing a few objects around, you've calmed down enough to listen to the nightly news and find out that a large earthquake just struck this island paradise and many people are injured, dead and missing.
You look at your wife and kids in horror as you suddenly realize that this could have been you and your family.
This is an elaboration, of course, and I could have simplified it but you get the message.
This world we live in is 3D and linear but every so often Spirit breaks through our monotonous and skewed earthly illusion of things with an important message and one that could actually save a life.
Maybe even yours, mine or ours....
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Out of this World
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Artist rendition of a Brown Dwarf Star |
There is plenty of "evidence" from ancient texts, tree rings, volcanic ash deposits and flooding records along with actual eye witnesses to this occurrence during ancient times yet we, this technologically advanced group of homo sapiens who refuse to consider the evidence being presented as "this could not possibly happen to us."
I must admit though it is hard to think through let alone believe something is going to happen when there is so much hype and disinformation going on regarding the evidence being presented.
We cannot blame the researchers who are risking their reputations and receiving death threats because they are trying to at least present information that something big may be occurring, something so many are assailing and trying to cover up.
These private researchers, with little or no money are doing the job the government won't and it's up to us whether or not we want to view the evidence they are providing or ignore it.
If it weren't for them we wouldn't be able to make a decision one way or the other, would we?
Either way if what they are showing is real we will be able to prepare; if what they show is nothing more than a figment of man's imagination, then we won't have to prepare for anything.
The bottom line is you and you alone will make this decision.
Now the scientific community can't figure out if Planet X is a real planet or if this celestial object is a brown dwarf (a star). And there are articles as way back as 1983 detailing that they (the scientists) did indeed find something lurking just beyond our solar system that was the size of Jupiter or even larger and Jupiter's a pretty big planet.
The You tube channels that are reporting strange events occurring all over this planet with weird phenomenon like videos of "two" suns, strange rainbow cloud formations, freaky weather, torrential flooding (are we getting any of this information here in the states? --if you don't know where to look you won't see it) but this is happening all over the planet.
Hey, it's February 19, 2017 and where I live the temperature is in the seventies and we've even had eighties with daffodils in full bloom along with trees. There are wasps flying around, bluebirds and robins are here. Give me a break. --Normally it's the forties and fifties and down into the thirties and occasionally the twenties.
Something is definitely out of whack. And these weather anomalies are occurring all over the place.
So, when you yourselves start seeing this with your own eyes and start following the videos and do some research on your own, you can plainly "see" things happening in your own backyard.
Immanuel Velikovsky, who wrote "Earth in Upheaval" (and I urge you to read his book) was a self-taught "layman" scientist who went to great lengths to connect the dots over a long period of time which included the ancient Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian and Sumerian accounts of a celestial body event that occurred 3600 years ago during the Hebrew Exodus.
Mr. Velikovsky was soundly criticized, ostracized and humiliated by those in the "scientific" community who were close minded and couldn't bring themselves to accept his findings.
More and more we are finding that his facts are being authenticated.
This behaviour is sadly still occurring today in the scientific community against those who are risking everything to show us that we really need to consider that something is indeed, happening to our planet.
I post a lot of information concerning ascension, spiritual awakening, a raising of humanity's consciousness because this is the message I am here to disseminate.
But, along with this new spiritual awareness, there are going to be things happening that we will not be able to comprehend as this will be a first for us, inhabitants of planet earth who just happen to be here at this particular time.
One can see some of this happening now and they are called "signs in the skies."
So, my fervent prayer is that you will take the time to investigate what's going on.
You will arrive at your own conclusion.
Isn't it better to know all the facts regarding something before it happens than knowing nothing at all?
It might be good to consider that, at least, we are being forewarned with all the changes we are seeing taking place. A gradual warmup, if you will, to the Great Event.
Nobody has any idea what is going to transpire if, in fact, all of this is true but I think you'll have a better idea after you consider all the information coming in as to what you can do in your own little corner of the world. --Our World.
I posted this link some time ago but I'm posting it again. Please visit and see the strange things happening around the world. www.strangesounds.org
Saturday, February 18, 2017
The Photon Belt and its ties to Earth's Shift in Consciousness, Spirituality and Ascension
Friday, February 17, 2017
It's curious how thin skinned we are; how close to the surface our real self is (our soul) and how we can sometimes connect with it, and rather painfully, and with little or no warning. Yesterday I received an earful pertaining to what a real family is, according to this individual and the sorry fact that ours was not. Now this was news to me but obviously something they wanted to get off their chest. I was doing a tarot reading for this person and do honestly believe that their truthful outburst (admonishment) had more to do with a healing process taking place within them and that, in a curious way what was shared actually precipitated my own. I felt very uncomfortable after hearing what was said because it negatively reflected on the job I did of raising a family. According to this person, "ours was no family" and proceeded to describe another family that they considered more worthy of being called a family (other than the one they grew up in). "Okay, I get it". I was also made painfully aware of how this individual felt while they were growing up--disconnected somehow, a tiny and distant little satellite orbiting earth, occasionally retrieved for preventive maintenance and then flung back into deep, dark space, all alone once again, looking tearfully down for help and reassurance asking, "is anyone there?" to which they received little or no answer. This is the part that really got me. If I had taken more time to talk and ask how they were feeling while they were growing up, "did they have any questions or any problems, anything bothering them", maybe I could have gotten by with not feeling so rotten but this was not to be the case. Understandably, I was now in for some serious reflection and soul searching. And now that I've had some time to let all this sink in, I'm actually glad it happened. This has really hit me hard and caused me not only to take a look at how I conducted myself in my role as a mother, but at all the other families out there who have no time for their kids, no time to talk over dinner, no time to do anything because it's all hurry, hurry, hurry, deadlines and timelines. I have to ask, does it matter how rich or how poor a "family" you're born into is as both have some really serious drawbacks. I would have to say that most if not all kids are being deprived of growing up under the most healthy and hospitable conditions. And when you really take the time to look at this problem, under a microscope, you come to the same conclusion I have.
We all need to do some serious soul searching as to what our roles our, our responsibilities are as parents, teachers and mentors.
Our kids are depending on us.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Definition of Densities
This site will provide information on what "densities" are. This helps to explain all the chaos and karma presently active here. At the present time, earth is in a 3rd dimensional frequency but is in the process of transcending upwards (ascending in spiritual awareness) into the fourth.
This site will provide information on what "densities" are. This helps to explain all the chaos and karma presently active here. At the present time, earth is in a 3rd dimensional frequency but is in the process of transcending upwards (ascending in spiritual awareness) into the fourth.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Helping Hands
Curious, I'm becoming much more aware of how "finite" my existence is down here. It's like when you're a kid you don't think at all about growing old or how old you'll be when you die as you're caught up in the moment, the world around you, the sunshine, friends and happy times.
But there's a gradual 'coming of age' so to speak as the years roll by.
There will be a time when I will not be here to post my thoughts and feelings, so please take to heart those I do post as they are for your betterment, well being and enlightenment.
I cannot emphasize, strongly enough, that times are changing. We are in the midst of a Great Shift, an Awakening, to name just a few terms of the terms used for the new age that Mankind is now entering.
So I thought it would be useful if I asked you to do something.
Take a look at your hands. Hold them up in front of your face.
What about your hands, what do they do?
Hands can wipe a tear away.
Hands can hold a gun.
Hands can slap you in the face.
Hands can make for fun.
Hands can pet a dog.
Hands can saw a log.
Hands can make obscene gestures.
Hands can salute.
Hands can stroke someone's hair.
Hands can make you quite aware.
Hands can curse and hands can bless
Hands can save you from transgress
Hands can say hello, goodbye.
Hands can make you laugh or cry
Hands give life or make you die.
Hands can provide comfort and encouragement.
What about yours?
Hearts and Roses
February 14, 2017, St. Valentine's Day
I am visualizing a valentine over the earth, a heart full of roses, fragrant and full.
Hearts and roses signify love and encourage us on our earthly journey, letting us know that there is more to life than sorrow, hardship and death.
If we could come to understand that we are living in a false world, one that is fear based and controlled through force, manipulation and deception, we would then start to see through to the 'other' side.
This manifestation is akin to the "Lifting of the Veil" which is taking place now.
There is more to our worldly existence down here than what we've been taught to believe. An existence that has been shoved down our throats and masking what is, in truth, our true and rightful heritage as human beings in the cosmos.
That is all in the process of changing. The signs are all around us from people waking up, to earth changes.
We are now at the dawning of a New and Golden Age also known as The Age of Aquarius.
A new day for Mankind is manifesting before our very eyes and being heralded in by signs in the heavens. The old is breaking down and one can hear heavy chains grinding and breaking, chains that have hobbled Mankind's growth for thousands of years.
Monday, February 13, 2017
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Friday, February 10, 2017
Who Are We? - Plato
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
I get caught up in the fray with everything happening today and occasionally get swept away and post something that isn't going to help anybody but just create more fear. That's why I removed the You Tube Video re Fukushima. Fukushima has already happened, the damage is done and doesn't appear to be abating anytime soon and all of us are going to continue to suffer as a result. It's hard not to post something that deserves our attention but then our attention is constantly being steered away toward something we can't do anything about but only react to. It's good to know the information, of course. My purpose here is to keep people informed with events and things they need to know about but not to the extent that they groan under the weight of all the information. Yeah, there are bad things happening down here on planet earth but there is another underlying message and this is what is getting lost. According to Edgar Cayce, "The Sleeping Prophet," everything we experience in life will either impact the soul adversely or will help the soul as we are here to learn. This includes our life experiences, our decisions and what happens to us. When crises occur we react differently, some of us may flee in fear or others are strengthened and learn by the experience, becoming more spiritually attuned not only within themselves but their relationship with others. What is happening now with earth changes (birds dropping out of the sky, fissures opening up, increased volcanic activity, new celestial objects showing up, etc.) was forecast by psychics and seers. This is where the lesson begins. What we are seeing, witnessing and going through on this planet will in time be recognized for what it is--the betterment of our souls. I know this sounds corny but this message cannot be altered as it is Truth. Remember it ain't you and it ain't me, it's the whole damned menagerie. So, hang in there, you've got plenty of company.
Monday, February 6, 2017
How do you prepare for something? It could be marriage, a new baby, surgery, or a new job. First of all you're aware it's going to happen (become a reality) so if it's marriage you start preparations right away to ensure everything transitions smoothly--who is going to perform the ceremony, buying the rings, guest lists, renting a banquet hall, ordering bridesmaids dresses, etc. If it's a new job you already went to all the trouble to amass the experience necessary, presented your resume for review, made a good impression and now you're hired. If it's a new baby, you've had nine months to prepare for this coming event--the clothes it needs, a crib to sleep in, formula and diapers. When it comes to surgery you already made the decision to see your Dr. as you believed there was a problem. He does an assessment and agrees that there is and schedules you for surgery. This couldn't have happened without an awareness on your part that something wasn't quite right, that something needed to be investigated. Surgery is recommended and a date set.
These are examples of things we can plan for as we can comprehend them and are aware of them but what about things we're not aware of or afraid of or don't even consider in the realm of possibility? How do you plan for these?
More often than not in our lives we don't know what's going to happen (come into being or existence) as these events are unpredictable. They are known as wildcards. I mean, just look at Superbowl 51, the Atlanta Falcons vs. the New England Patriots last night. Score 3 and 20 at the end of the first quarter, in favor of the Falcons. The Patriots were way behind and got off to a really dismal start due to the ramrod Aries energy of the opposing team that allowed for mishaps, fumbles and missed passes but look at just how things unfolded. I bet there's not one of us who would have predicted that the Patriots were going to win.
Our awareness of the likelihood that the NE Patriots were going to pull off an extraordinary win was slowly unfolding in our minds as we were glued to our t.v. sets and watched what was unfolding right before our eyes.
Other examples of wildcards would be a divorce when you least expected it, an unwanted pregnancy even though you were taking precautions, or a car accident. You didn't see any of this coming and yet, quite possibly (more than likely) the signs were already there. You just chose to ignore them or you saw them but didn't want to believe they would actually become a reality. Regarding the car accident, you may have been driving recklessly for years and getting away with it but lo and behold, one fateful night your driving habits caught up with you.
You escaped with your life, didn't kill anyone but now the inevitable has happened and you're left to pick up the pieces of what remains of your life.
Put another way, what if something were to (or was already happening to this planet)? What if there were signs, indications, warnings, changes in eating and sleeping habits, anticipation, a sense of urgency, unusual weather phenomena (earth changes) photos, videos of something new appearing in our skies, and a growing and profound gut feeling that something was indeed happening, something unusual (to say the least) and happening, right before our eyes?
We're experiencing an increase in the number of meteors exploding over our heads, undiscovered asteroids heading our way (the last one scientists didn't even know about until it "showed" up), torrential rain and snowfall in the most unexpected places, Europe is now experiencing a shortage of vegetables because of torrential rains and drought. Spain produces much of these vegetables and is now hoarding what they produce so the UK is now rationing these items if you're buying in bulk, unusual cloud formations, brilliant orange and red sunsets, warmer winters, extremely unusual and dangerous lightning storms (not the lightning storms we're used to). I can attest to this personally because I went through one of these dangerous storms months ago and even called the local meteorologist to report it as it was so severe. Lightning struck an old bull pine in my front yard and at the time it struck the tree, a ball of lightning appeared about fifty feet away from the pine tree, hovering about 5 - 6' above the ground.
We didn't believe in dinosaurs until we dug up their bones; we didn't believe in dragons until several videos were taken in SE Asia showing what appeared to be a flying serpent, we didn't believe in giant humans roaming our planet until scientists dug up their remains, we didn't believe in UFOs until their existence was photographed and documented, we didn't believe in aliens until those who had encountered them shared their details and we can't possibly believe that there are other giant, unknown, celestial bodies that are in our solar system right now (as yet 'undiscovered' according to some scientists) and sharing the skies with us. Until, of course we see it and experience it.
Please take this to heart as it is from the heart. At least consider the possibility that something is headed our way and is being covered up by those who do not wish the masses to know. A celestial body, a planet a comet or a combination of both (as the scientists still don't know) with its own star (a brown dwarf) moons and a debris field.
The elites and governments know and have prepared. Why else all the underground bunkers we've been reading about?
It wouldn't hurt to take some time to consider the possibility that this is a real possibility and doing some preparation.
Like the dinosaurs, why wait until someone digs up their bones?
Why wait until an event is upon you and there isn't any time left?
Isn't it better to at least investigate the evidence being presented now and start to prepare yourselves and your families for the possibility of a celestial object that is well on its way, having visited earth 3600 years ago?
Each one of us has a decision to make. Will our lives be invaded by a wildcard or will we heed the evidence and be prepared for its coming?
~ Nightshade
Sunday, February 5, 2017
A Good Site with Good Information Re Planet X
Saturday, February 4, 2017
There is no repose for the mind except in the absolute; for feeling in the infinite; for the soul except in the divine; nothing finite is true, is interesting, is worthy to fix my attention. All that is particular is exclusive and all that is exclusive repels me. There is nothing non-exclusive but the All; my end is communion with Being through the whole of Being
Henri-Frederic Amiel
1821 - 1881
Friday, February 3, 2017
Each of us
is part of a window
A window of
stained glass
we are fragments,
Lying scattered
about on the craftsman’s table
But when he’s
through making
The rest of
And fits all
the pieces together
He realizes
that he has created a masterpiece
As all the
pieces fit together
To form the
A beautiful
tapestry of oneness
we are alone
we are lost
But now our
potential realized
We are the
Once shy and
awakening and ready to unfold
To share her
exquisite beauty
And essence
with the rest of the world
Thursday, February 2, 2017
A Message to Lightworkers
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"It is Always Darkest Before the Dawn" |
Asheville, NC, US of A, December 11, 2016.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “These Challenges are not Punishments.”
Teacher Ophelius: “Many of you (light workers) are being challenged now, and for some, it has been like a dark night of the soul, which seems to have lasted for more than a fortnight. Just when you think all hope is lost, morning finally dawns. For if you can stay the course, asking for help and diligently searching for the answers, you shall find them and come out the other side wiser and stronger. These challenges are not punishments, or tests of your faith, yet they are something you need to deal with as you begin your ascent — entering a new paradigm of spiritual development. Many of your beliefs have been shattered, and the old scaffolding has fallen away leaving you open for greater truths and opportunities which shall lead you to greater service in the Correcting Time.
“As you look back on these challenging times, you shall see how the hand of providence has mysteriously worked in your life and, how were it not for these ‘unfortunate’ events and circumstances you would not be in a position to help others and grow into the beautiful bright lights you now are. Your Indwelling Spirit is still guiding the ship and you are still the captain in charge of your life sailing toward the light of perfection. Captains make decisions and you must decide how you want your life to play out. Do not let your boat be tossed around by the waves — steer into them and cut through the wake!
“You all look as if you need a vacation! Many of you are so busy helping others that you have neglected to maintain your own wellbeing. Take some time and be good to ‘you.’ When you are feeling well and strong, you can better serve others. Be joyful today, my dear friends. Listen to music, eat well, take time to smell the roses and rejoice! There will be other challenges ahead, and so, for now, take a well-deserved break and recharge your batteries for the journey ahead.
“You shall find that as each new challenge comes, you shall handle it with more grace and spiritual maturity. You are growing wiser and becoming more like your Heavenly Father. Keeping your mind fixed on a greater, brighter future, having the assurance that you are a very powerful being because you have sonship with the Father, you are putting the wheels of the universe to work for you and stepping into your god given inheritance as a developing Finaliter.
“Finaliters are powerful beings that have achieved and overcome the challenges of time and have answered the call of the Universal Father to ‘Be perfect, as I AM perfect.’ Spiritual maturity is ‘final’ and all trust is placed in the hands of a Finaliter to know and execute Father’s perfect Will. With this trust is great power awarded as the divine gift of spiritual maturity and wise choosing. Keep your minds fixed on this sublime achievement as you hurdle over the challenges of planetary life, for within you lives the Fragment of all the creative power in the multi-verse.
“Peace and love to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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