Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Dream State
I'm at the keyboard this morning but not before I visited a site dear to my heart. They asked that I support them by visiting Amazon and so I did. The first thing to catch my eye was a book entitled, "D Day Through German Eyes, the Hidden Story of D Day, June 6, 1944," by Holger Eckhertz. This is a German soldier's recollections, his thoughts and fears as he watched the western allies descend upon the beaches of Normandy France in 1944. D Day was courtesy of the western allies (Britain, Free French Forces, Canada, the United States) and a final, monumental effort to put an end to Hitler's hegemony and World War II. wiki/Invasion_of_Normandy I encourage everyone to read about D Day and history, in general. For in looking to our past mistakes, we can hopefully plan a little better for our future. In finding this book I became aware of a feeling coming over me that this man's memoirs weren't just an account from someone I had never met before, let alone heard of, but that through his experiences and through his eyes, I was there also. Kind of like a collective memory of some sort. Then my mind offered up some interesting theories as to why I had just experienced this. We're all in a dream state on this planet. In other words, we've experienced what others have gone though but have forgotten the experience. It's like awaking from a dream in the morning--you can only recall certain parts of the dream because the other parts are missing (forgotten). You and I are here on this planet to experience just another part of the Collective Thought. Once we've experienced (learned from) all parts of this Collective Thought we are made whole. This is another puzzle piece that fits perfectly into place when we hear, "We are All One." And yet, we still have those among us insisting not on what unites us but what divides us. They would rather that we continue to curse one another, hurt one another and refuse to talk to one another. And yet, our collective memories teach us that we have all walked in each other's shoes. We have all bled together, hurt together, cried together, laughed together. Aren't you tired of the same ole, same ole happening on this planet? It's like a broken record that keeps repeating itself by playing over and over.
Friday, April 28, 2017
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Chris Potter - A Physicist's Views on Why the Earth is Wobbling (an Excellent Presentation, BTW)
Monday, April 24, 2017
Apocalypse (Revelation)
I recently came across a video of immense importance. We're going to go from the light; that happy, cozy, comfortable, no cares, who cares, "who stole my weed?, "wait, I need another drink" to alt reality. The information in this video is like getting slapped right across the face. This video also reveals the hierarchical rot that has held this planet in a death grip for thousands of years. All the deception, all the lies are bubbling up to the surface now for everyone to see. Evil and Evil Doers are OUT IN THE OPEN. Their cover's been blown. What happens when something evil is suddenly thrust up and into the light? They at first react in dismay and confusion but are quick to recover as they gear up to fight back. This planet is undergoing an apocalypse. The word apocalypse has been hijacked by Hollywood and used to show destruction, devastation, chaos and unrest. Actually the word "apocalypse" has an entirely different meaning.
Please distribute this video to family and friends. I do believe we're on the cusp of a Great Battle shaping up between the forces of Light and Dark. (Yeah, I know, just like in the Bible). And after I watched it, I had a vision (okay, if that's too heavy for you let's just say I saw this in my mind's eye) of an angel holding up a sword in its right hand (when I viewed it I saw the sword in its left hand but in reality it is holding it in its right). The same with the foot--I saw its right foot resting on a boulder but in reality it's really its left foot). It's hair was short and curled and it was completely a cream or an off-white color. It's wings were completely unfurled and there was a lot of stuff going on in the background that I couldn't make out. I even sketched a picture so I'd have it for safekeeping. I'll post a picture when I refine the details a little more.
The word "apocalypse" comes from the Greek and it's meaning is: An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω, literally meaning "an uncovering") is a disclosure of knowledge or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden, "a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities".[1]
Please distribute this video to family and friends. I do believe we're on the cusp of a Great Battle shaping up between the forces of Light and Dark. (Yeah, I know, just like in the Bible). And after I watched it, I had a vision (okay, if that's too heavy for you let's just say I saw this in my mind's eye) of an angel holding up a sword in its right hand (when I viewed it I saw the sword in its left hand but in reality it is holding it in its right). The same with the foot--I saw its right foot resting on a boulder but in reality it's really its left foot). It's hair was short and curled and it was completely a cream or an off-white color. It's wings were completely unfurled and there was a lot of stuff going on in the background that I couldn't make out. I even sketched a picture so I'd have it for safekeeping. I'll post a picture when I refine the details a little more.
The word "apocalypse" comes from the Greek and it's meaning is: An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω, literally meaning "an uncovering") is a disclosure of knowledge or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden, "a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities".[1]
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Let's Talk Sex
Mind, Body, Soul (or Spirit)
In the Western world we have been taught that all three of these are separate from the other. The mind does its own thing, the body does its own thing and spirit does its own thing. This is incorrect as all three act as a caduceus; an interwoven, integral and vital cohabitation within us, aiding in man's understanding of his role in the universe, self and others. Necessary for his growth and ascension in personal/interpersonal relationships, understanding and intellect and overall well being as they seek each other out, embracing, interacting, communicating and interconnecting with one another. The sad state of affairs we see today with humanity's dismal understanding of sexual self is reflected in the number of abortions, the leap in the porn industry, a general lack of concern with unprotected sex, marital affairs, one night flings and a flippant, disrespectful attitude by youth who have been brainwashed into, "if it feels good, do it." Sex is a very private and sacred matter and not to be taken lightly. The sexual act involves three things coming together and interacting: the mind, the body and the spirit. When two bodies come together and unite with one another, something earthly, deeply profound, sensual, spiritual, mindful and liberating takes place. This act is not about self gratification but about trusting and letting go, sharing a part of yourself with another human being, an act that can result in the creation of another. So, Man is not the lone spectator he's been made to believe of all that happens around him but is also a Creator Being. A vital and indispensable creature who is constantly re cloning himself, in search of himself. The suit you wear was constructed for your arrival and survival. It wasn't made with your good looks in mind but to withstand this planet's atmosphere and climate and came equipped with all the necessary software and hardware, all in preparation for your earthly journey. Think about this for a moment, your body and how wonderful and miraculous it is and, yet, how do we treat it? Is man capable of creating this miraculous wonder in a laboratory? I don't think so and hope to G-d he never will because he will fail, miserably. Man is and always will be the consummate student, always learning about himself. That is why we're here, on this planet--to Learn. Man is not the teacher. But, sadly, there are those among us who have managed to puff themselves up to such an extent that they now look down upon the rest of us with disdain, having become (in their own minds) mankind's teacher and saviour even though they are in desperate need of saving, themselves. They know what's best for us. We know Nothing. Thousands of years ago Man was nothing more than a basic instrument all about discovering the basics --tools and fire, scrounging, hunting for food and mating. Very little thought was given to anything other than survival as his mind had not progressed spiritually enough to develop the sensitive and cognitive abilities that would enable him to grow in spiritual understanding. As we can see, through the ages, man's leaps and bounds toward this spiritual understanding has been slowed down and, in many instances, halted as materialistic things have become more important.--How we look, how we smell, how much money we make, the clothes we wear, where we eat, who we hang out with, to name a few. We still haven't made it to first base in our understanding of who, what and where we're going, collectively, even though we have managed to develop our technological prowess to such an extent that it is now, off the charts. Technology has nothing to do with our body,mind,spirit complex as it's created its own and now inhabits a special subcategory all by itself. Its methods and its ultimate end result are the efforts of a long and logical, linear, mechanical and robotic process. There is nothing spiritual, whatsoever, in this pursuit. Can technology and spirit ultimately work together? I don't know as Technology has taken a different path, away from spirit and developed a life of its own> If left, unchecked, I believe it will eventually snuff out any spirit whatsoever in its quest to rule man's mind, rule the world. So, today, please reflect on what is stated here. Take the time to revisit relationships with friends, lovers, loved ones and family. Take the time to count your fingers, your toes and think about how wondrous your body is, its role in your life and how much it is capable of accomplishing. You have, contained within you, all you need to be.
~Blessings, Nightshade
~Blessings, Nightshade
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Earth ~ The Planet of the Crossing
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Decision Making Time |
Mercury, Pluto, Venus and Saturn
Monday, April 17, 2017
Why There is a Divided Korea
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Friday, April 14, 2017
2 Timothy 1:7
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Folks, Something Happening in our Solar System - Please Watch This Video
Puppy Love
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Who, Me??? |
Be gentle today. That heavy load you're under, let it go. A gentle touch, a soft whisper, a word of encouragement is all that's needed to help you get over what's bothering you. When we're in a cycle of despair, frustration can lead to anger and anger can lead to things spiraling out of control. I noticed something very interesting the other day. I have a new puppy and he is proving to be a challenge. Well, I went out and inspected the yard and found that he had chewed up the wiring to the sump pump. Good thing it wasn't plugged in. I had three people in the house at the time and all three of us were upset and handled what had happened in their own way. There was disbelief (What the h*ll?? --this, from me) Then I could quickly feel an angry and retaliatory energy starting to manifest itself around us as we loaded the puppy in his crate. One person shook a fist in defiance at the puppy while another uttered some unintelligible words. The third individual adopted a more benign attitude toward what had happened and actually helped the other two people calm down. This third person turned out to be the key to whether the reaction to the puppy's chewing would be physical or a more balanced approach. Let's equate this puppy with a small child. Is there really any difference between a puppy and a small child? No as both feel pain. Anger begets anger. In the heat of the battle, sometimes it's best to fall back and rethink your approach to things before you regret your actions.
Monday, April 10, 2017
Curious Alice
I don't know what's happening lately but I'll post my experiences anyway. I'm missing a lot of time lately not to mention objects. It could be a day or two (and sometimes more) and yes, I'm aware that it could be the first signs of Dementia and I'll consider that but don't think so. This missing time doesn't happen on a regular basis but has happened enough times to catch my attention. Things are getting curiouser and curiouser. I'm very organized and punctual with labeling manila envelopes and putting receipts away but I'll be damned, that receipt I just had in my hand is missing. I know I set in on the table but for the life of me, I don't remember doing so and yet, I know I did. The ring I was wearing the other day (and I've searched high and low for it) is not in its little red box where I normally put it but, it too is now missing. (And, no it's not in the refrigerator). I feel I'm being hard pressed for time; I feel myself having to get things done in a hurry as if some unseen force was pushing me from behind. I'm chugging food down quickly as if I'm running out of time. I've never experienced this before. I believe there are things we still do not understand nor not yet discovered that will point the way to unraveling the many mysteries of our earthly existence, life in general, the passage of time and other curious things. I look at the clock in wonderment and wonder where the day went as it's now time to come in and cook dinner. There is something funny with the atmosphere when I walk out and look at the trees and plants on a sunny day. It's like some kind of faery dust is in the air, making for a soft and muted look. I think I'll go up into the attic and retrieve the book "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carrol to see if Alice has any clues as to what is going on. Remember, she tumbled down the rabbit hole and encountered a new existence. Maybe the rabbit hole was really a worm hole. Something to ponder. Curious, isn't it?
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Setting the Record Straight
I watched myself punching through a brick wall this morning, with my bare hands, then standing back, looking at the massive hole I created as the wall deteriorated, crumbled and fell to the ground. The brick wall is an example of illusion; the limitations, division, obstacles and barriers that are falling down all around us. Can you feel it? The statement that We are all One means this: Human beings all want the same thing; to be loved, to feel wanted, to live out their lives in peace and harmony. If I could physically touch each one of you, you would feel loving warmth come over you as healing vibes enter into your bodies letting you know that, unequivocally, there is no fear. Fear is an errant and malevolent parasitic thought form. We manifest it into being and into reality by giving it meaning, embellishing it and worshiping it. The more we allow ourselves to do this, the more power we assign to it thus the more invasive it becomes as it slowly consumes us. Today, have no fear. Instead, fill yourselves up with love. Feel this love moving down from the crown of your head into your heart chakra. Listen to your breathing as it slows down and welcomes this loving warmth into your body.You were created to help one another on this planet. You were created to make this world a better place. You were created to bring forth and manifest love in all places.Love is Creation. Creation is Love.
2 Timothy 1:7
For G-d has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Friday, April 7, 2017
Actions have Consequences
I believe the world is being presented with a much clearer picture now. One in which we are seeing the bigger picture and we don't like what we're seeing. The old illusion we've all been living under is shattering. This illusion of disease, starvation, poverty, and war followed by war, sick and dying people, small children, infants, young and old, their lives snuffed out as easily as you would snuff out a candle by ruthless dictators with weapons of mass destruction at their disposal is coming to an end. How long will we continue to allow this sort of thing to happen? What happens to One of us happens to All of us. Are we not all inhabitants of this planet? More and more, I believe that we have been and continue to be under the watchful eye of others and they are keeping score. Who has the right to take a life? All life on this planet is sacred. The pictures coming out of Syria are horrifying and nauseating. Is there no shame, no remorse, no feeling whatsoever by those responsible for this cruel and reprehensible act against men, women and children? What is even more horrifying is this is not the first time this has happened. We all should be ashamed.
The world has run out of excuses.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Simply Stated
This morning I awoke from a dream in which someone was crying out, desperately asking for forgiveness. I could feel their pain deeply. What is forgiveness, anyway? --Wikipedia: Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. I wondered why I experienced this dream now, did it have anything to do with me, personally, or was this person crying out for forgiveness a message to and on behalf of all of us? This world could use a bit of forgiveness, don't you think? Each one of could use a bit of forgiveness, don't you think? Just as a spring rain washes the impurities out of the air and the sun whitens and purifies, when you forgive someone it is a healing, a cleansing of the soul that takes place that benefits not only you but the one(s) whom you forgive. Today, I wish for all of you, forgiveness. Pick up that eraser and erase those things that have been gnawing at you and holding you back. Put those things that don't matter behind you and start out with a clean slate.
As I forgive you, so shall you forgive others.
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