Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Hecate Oracle Card Reading for July 21, 2024


Hecate Oracle Card Reading



Middle (SITUATION):  Release #22
Upper Left (CHALLENGE):  Seer #3
Top (GUIDANCE):  Endurance #26
Upper Right (HIDDEN):  Queen of Witches #2
Bottom (OUTCOME):  Night Wanderer #8

Bottom Left (SUMMARY):  Fate #11

~ Reading ~

"Own Your Power"


How many of you are still struggling with who you are and where you're going?    

Understand that you are on the brink of finally coming to terms with this issue as you're fed up with trying to figure "you" out.

You've been fighting and searching, wandering and encountering roadblock after roadblock in your life. 

Even though this is hard to understand, all this anxiety, agony and frustration you've endured was for a reason and that was to let the real "you" become emancipated (set free) in order to shine through your darkness.

  Soon you will have the answers you've been seeking because it's your time.  The universe has flicked  on the "kill" switch to your past allowing for a new you to surface,  the real authentic "you.  It's time to move on and emerge into the new you don't hang on to what happened last year or last week, the old you is dying and a new you manifesting.  

Just stop for a moment and feel this new energy now manifesting aroumd you.

Your time of struggle and anxiety, frustration and one setback after another is over.  You're on the brink of starting a new life path, one that will be fulfilling, rewarding and enriching.  


This card exalts the meaning of The Situation Card, #22 Release. 

 You've been through a lot of things that have happened in your life, trauma, endings, hurts, one setback after another.

The Seer is showing up now as "You," who you really are.  The Seer is letting you know you have gifts you didn't even know about because you were constantly being told you were too stupid, or not pretty enough or something else that kept holding you back.

All these years you've wrestled with these remarks allowing them to impact your life in far too many negative ways.

It is not easy to come face to face with your weaknesses along with not knowing how to handle them.  These are the folks who continue to resist the urge to quit on themselves, thereby becoming more focused on getting the answers they seek.    

Enjoy this new beginning, a new cycle has started for you and all because you earned it by not giving up, able to overcome those things pulling you down, thus initiating the change necessary for you to continue courageously down your life path.

You've also learned to trust yourself more not just leaning on other people's personal views.


You've made it this far with all you've been through.  This card is a Testament to You and in so doing, your experiences will allow you to help others cope with their own challenges and obstacles in the future.

Well done.

Queen of Witches

Hecate is known as The Queen of Witches.  She is both an exceptionally powerful Goddess but with a soft side reserved solely for those who have been constantly "kicked to the side of the road" all their lives.

She knows all about you, your struggles, your fears, your suffering and is here to offer help and guidance.  All she needs is to hear from you.      

Call on her in order to connect with her very powerful healing energy. 

Night Wanderer

You're coming out of the dark and heading into the light.  You've walked a dark path stumbled and fell time after time. 

The important point is you kept getting back up.  That's in the past and this is now the present.  It is  time to step into the new role you earned.  


This card is The Medicine Wheel, the Wheel of Life, Karma.  All of us are attached to this heavenlyu wheel and how its highs and lows affect each and every one of us.    

We've all used to hearing that we have to fight for what we want but there are times in which this phrase needs to take a back seat.  There are times when things can become just too much for us we're exhausted, have run out of energy and no answers.  This is the time we surrender ourselves to an outside source (the universe) and ask them for help.

Remember, you can't do everything yourself and sometimes you need some outside help.  It's a good idea to figure out when it's okay to keep fighting and when it's not.  Not giving up but knowing that by handing the fight over to something else, you will find the peace and solace you seek.  

It's called the Collective and, as with Hecate, all you need to do is ask for help.


The numerical value of this reading is 7:  Reflection; assessment; motives, discovery and knowledge

Adding the Summary Card is 9:  Fruition; attainment; fulfillment and bringing things to a conclusion


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