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Hekate's Oracle Card Deck Card Positions Middle Card SITUATION: Of the Earth #5 Upper Left CHALLENGE: Empowerment #27 Top GUIDANCE/HELP: Of the Road #6 Upper Right HIDDEN: Brimo #17 Bottom OUTCOME: Of the Sea #4 Lower Left SUMMARY: The Guide #13 ~ Reading ~ "Taking Root" ***** SITUATION: Of the Earth - Build a Steady Foundation: Definition of "Grounded": Mentally and Emotionally Stable If you haven't found your footing now it's time you do. Do you have suitable shelter if a tornado, a severe storm or an earthquake hits? Do you have enough food, water and meds to sustain yourself and your family for a few days, or weeks? Not only during a crisis do we need a solid structure to escape into, we also need a mental shelter for our minds as well. A place we can retreat to, knowing that no matter what happens on the outside we have everything we need (on the inside) because we took the time to prepare for the battle, including learning the leadership skills necessary leading to comfidemce, stamina and success. ***** CHALLENGE: Empowerment - Welcome to Your Shadow. Each one of us has a Shadow side we have difficulty dealing with because it has its own set of rules. It isn't interested in releasing us from addictions or abuse or other types of trauma or blockages to our growth but just the opposite - complete control. This is why it is such a powerful predator - it knows everything about you but you kmow nothing about it. Isn't it time to ask yourself why you can't stand up amd take charge of your own life? You are a leader with the necessary skills to embolden others but until you make the decision that you're in charge nothing is going to change. ***** GUIDANCE/HELP: Of the Road - Walk the way with courage. Steady as you go. Walk the path you were meant to walk. But, first, you must know which one. We reap what we sow. ***** HIDDEN: Brimo - Sudden change and chaos. We never know when something unexpected is going to happen only after it happens. This message is a reminder to keep those things on hand that we may need in times of need. So this is why preparedness is so important. Take the necessary steps to see that you have considered everything you need in order to secure the safety of yoirself and loved ones. ***** OUTCOME: Of the Sea - Bathe in nuturimg waters. It is time to consider your emotional needs and the areas that need some work. We live in volatile times now and people are showing their stress meters by how they drive and talk to one another. Not only is water peaceful, healing and purifying, it can be violent as well. This is a reminder to keep things in check like our reaction to things. This is not the time to overreact because someome said something that didn't set very well with you or a driver came a little to close to you on the freeway. We can be, under the right circumstances, catalyts of peace, which this world needs more of. On the other hand, we can choose to be "catalysts of violence". Keep a check on things as well as you'll also be setting an example for others. SUMMARY: The Guide. Look for Divine Guidance. ***** The numerical value of this reading is 5: Instability; conflict; loss; opportunity for change Adding the Summary Card is 9: Attainment; bringing things to a conclusion; selflessness ***** Added info: https://yowusa.com/healing-divides-for-victory/ |
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