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Samael "The Destroyer" "Damn It, I Don't Have Time for This!" "Humanity Playing God, Again" "Anybody have a Smoke?" |
Welcome to the You'll Never Look as Good As You Will After We Finish With "What's" Left of You" at the Repair/Remove/and Replace Work Shop.
Any appreciation for the work we've done, have done, half done/can't do, won't do or will do/would do would be very much appreciated.
You can leave the flowers and coins (and make sure they're BIG Coins) in the large receptacle under the "Exit" or "Exodus" door sign.
Are dollars still around? If so, you can add them as well. All they are is thin paper backed up by zero nada and nothing. They don't take up much room.
On second thought, though we don't need no more worthless paper momey laundering up this place so here's an idea fer ya, "why don't you keep it and use it for toilet paper you never know when it might come in mighty handy as scratchin your butt with a brillo pad ain't no pleasant experience believe me ........(head down, thinking and scratching his head)....even if I say so myself, so take all you want before I have another collapse of memory.
Okay, I see y'all 'bout ready to leave! Good!!!! I mean y'all come back and soon (but not too soon, if you know what I mean as we haven't eaten in a while) ..........ha ha ha
Insanity is now taking over Planet Earth
Now Humanity is embracing AI
Instead of investigating the pros and cons of this new tech
why don't we back off a bit and take a good, hard look
at what this newfound technology will do for us what it won't do for us
We contiuue to scorn and ignore God
Instead of honoring our vessels,
We inject our bodies with poisonous drugs
We pollute the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink
We murder babies in the womb
And now, outside the womb
Turn females into males and males into females
Foment Division
Instigate wars
Create weapons of Mass Ddestruction
And then, when we can't reach the kill rate we want
With wars and plagues and Disease
We produce a serpent vaccine that will Finish the Job
What good are Humans?
No Wonder God Has Turned His back on us
We've turned our backs on Him
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