Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, July 8, 2024

Hekate's Oracle Card Reading for July 7, 2024


Hekate's Oracle Card Reading


1.  Middle Card SITUATION: 
Night Wanderer #8

2.  To the Left of the Middle Card CHALLENGE: 
The Veil #14

3.  Top Card GUIDANCE: 
Liminal #15

4.  To the Right of the Middle Card HIDDEN: 
Queen of Witches #2

5.  Bottom Card OUTCOME: 
The Guide #13

6.  Bottom Left Card SUMMARY:  
The Seer #3

~ Reading ~

"Finding Your Road Map"  


You are The Night Wanderer trodding the path you chose, the path to find out who you are and what you're made of.  This path is not straight but swerves right and then left and then straightens out again.  It is a path of dark (obstacles and challenges) and light (breakthroughs, successess) and, ultimately, if you stick to it, leading to your empowerment and enlightenment which is why you are here. 

Think of yourself as a Truth Seeker like the Tarot Hermit Card IX. 

If you don't know who you are (your likes and dislikes, your strengths and your weaknessess, etc.) how are you going to get anywhere?   


The Veil is the blockage, the impediment, the shade that stands in front of us.  We are on one side (the side of linear footing, materialism, accidents and delays, lies and deceptions, shock and awe)  blocking us from seeing what's on the other side.

We haven't learned the rules of the game yet, lessons to be learned, the art of listening and learning patience leading to humility and, ultimately Wisdom all those things necessary in order to be granted entrance.  


Liminal stands for:  In Between:  In between jobs; walking in between rain drops; in between day and night (not quite day but not quite night, either) 

This card is asking us to become more aware of those things hidden from us; those things we never even give a thought to because we don't even know they exist.

Oh, but they do.  

Start becoming more aware of your surroundings, the people around you, paintngs, lights, peoples' faces, furniture, feel the energy in the air is it joyous, sad or fearful?  

These liminals stay hidden until the time comes for us to discover them maybe to learn a lesson, shake us up a bit, let us know there's another side of life that is never talked about.   

Pay Attention to Signs and Signals, to those things that jump out at you, an unexpected tap on your shoulder, a phone call you never expected, that stranger you just met who made an uncanny impression on you.  

This is all part of the initiation into Life and what it means to be alive and Human and finding the gifts you have in order to to help others and realizing that there are other things that require your attention maybe your temper, or your need to always be in control.

There's a war going on within yourself and it needs your attention if you're ever going to get anywhere in life so learn how to grow the right attributes and hone the necessary tools in order to win the battle.

This is why you are here.


Hekate or Hecate is considered The Queen of Witches and a very powerful Goddess.  She is here to help you on your journey.  She will even draw you your own personal road map if you ask her to.  She knows that you have what it takes to overcome no matter how hard the challenges appear to be because she's been down this road many, many times.

She will never leave your side.    

She is the Queen of Crossroads (decisions) and Hedges (Obstacles, Fears and Hiding Those Things You Don't Want to Deal With).   Because she has confidence in you you will develop confidence in yourself.  Because she knows your path you will uncover it as well if you follow the route she has mapped out for you.  

She has confidence in you and through her you will learn to instill confidence in yourself.

The Guide is asking you to look for divine signs.  This is the time for them to appear as there is a mass awakening happening on this planet.  What signs should you be looking for?  Ask spirit to connect with you regarding any questions you may have relating to life, why you're here, your purpose, why is there so much evil on earth?


The Seer represents your Intuition.  Think of the High Priestess Tarot Card II.  You are capable of becoming who you want to be in life you just have to learn how to do it.  And, it's not easy but, then, if you know the route you're taking, you've already made your first important step.

The second part is sticking with it.

The numerical value of this reading is 7:  Reflection; assessment; motives; wisdom, perfect order

Adding the Summary Card is 10:  Completion; end of a cycle and renewal

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