Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Hekate's Oracle Card Reading for July 28, 2024


Hekate Oracle Card Reading
for July 28, 2024


Middle Card (SITUATION):  Maiden #18
Left to Middle Card (CHALLENGE):  Seer #3
Top Card (GUIDANCE):  Fate #11
Right to Middle Card (HIDDEN):  Queen of Witches #2
Bottom Card (OUTCOME):  Crone #20
Lower Left Card (SUMMARY):  Torchbearer #9


"Light the Way"


SITUATION:  The Maiden is a card of new beginnings.  Now is the time to embark on a new project or relationship.  This card also reminds you to guard against naivete in that you believe everything is going to work out precisely the way you wanted it to because it may not.  This is also a card of faith knowing that whatever difficulties do show up you are equipped with the abilities to address and overcome them.    

CHALLENGE:  The Seer represents our Intuition, Trust and Humility.  Is there a situation in your life right now that requires your intuitive senses?  If so, look beyond what you can only see with your eyes and fathom (uncover) its true nature as things are not exactly what they seem to be.  It is through experiences such as this we learn to grow and trust in ourselves, learning a lesson in humility along the way.  

GUIDANCE:  Fate is also Karma, ongoing cycles of ups and downs.  We all have a tendency to worry about what the future holds or dwelling on past regrets.  Continuing to do this will only cloud your path as you are helping to create blockages along the way.  

This is a card of learning to "surrender" to the natural flow (cycles of your life) instead of fighting against them.  By adopting this attitude, you will find that eventually all the puzzle pieces as to the hows and whys will eventually fall into place.  

HIDDEN:  Hekate is known as the Queen of Witches.  She is telling you that "it's time to step into your own power and make some magik happen".  Light a candle, say a prayer, recite a chant.  

Nothing will manifest for you until You take the first step.  

OUTCOME:  The Crone signifies the end of your journey.  You came, you saw, you failed, you succeeded.  She represents your successes and achievements.  Along the way, through hardship and perseverance you gained the Wisdom necessary to make sense of things and continue your journey.  The Crone is the embodiement of Endings (but also symbolizes new beginnings) so take the time to enjoy the rewards you've worked so hard for.

SUMMARY:  You are a torchbearer, lighting the way for others.  You provide clarity and guidance to those who are struggling on their own path, helping them navigate through difficulties, offering advice and encouragement.  

You also teach the importance of the difficulties we all encounter in life in that without encountering them we would not learn the importance and meaning of our own path in life.  

Along with gaining knowledge from our experiences we also accumulate the necessary Wisdom that helps us moving forward.   

You came, you saw, you experienced, you learned, you overcame and are the better for it as the lessons you learned along your journey taught you how to trust in yourself and the decisions you made.    


The numerical value of this reading is 9:  Fruition; attainment; bringing things to a conclusion; completion

Adding the Summary Card is also 9:  Fruition; attainment; bringing things to a conclusion; completion 



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