Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Monday, August 31, 2015
Stay Close
A friend passed yesterday.
A former Marine, family man, husband and father.
He had been languishing for close to ten years from a slow, pervasive, debilitating disease.
Yet his wife dutifully kept on, visiting him every day, talking to him, staying close.
Now he's gone.
This was a decent and honorable man.
This was a family who stood shoulder to shoulder, incessantly dogged every day by something they couldn't stop yet committed and determined to do the best they could, seeing a life through to the very end.
When I see others whose only goal in life is to amass fortunes and power through any means possible, lying and conniving their way through life, using people and then throwing them away, arrogantly thinking the world revolves around them, I get sick to my stomach.
They are the ones who are given air time, they are the ones fretted and feigned over, they are the ones placed on pedestals and worshipped like gods while the rest of humanity continues its struggle just to put food on the table, a roof over their heads, desperately trying to survive.
This Marine who served his country, this Marine who lived a quiet and decent life, this Marine who asked for nothing from anyone but was willing to give so much of himself on behalf of all of us, this Marine who wasn't granted any air time, wasn't worth millions and wasn't placed on a pedestal.
This Marine sets a shining example for all of us.
We run out and film the fringe groups with axes to grind and the raucous rabble, terrorist rowdies who foment chaos and terror in this country but we ignore the men and women who have kept this country safe, great and together since its founding.
My prayers and condolences to the family.
Yours was a long and hard struggle yet you did it with Grace.
You have succeeded in inspiring us and setting an example for the rest of us to follow.
You are the real Americans not the dung we see on t.v.
Thank You For Your Service.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Veterans Under Attack
A fellow veteran sent me information about this today. He had received the information and questionnaire in the mail. It is from the Department of Veterans Affairs and is soliciting veterans to participate in the Million Veteran Project (MVP). It is a project supposedly to study genetics and veteran health. However, the veterans are asked to not only provide information on their physical health, but also their mental and emotional health, and that of their family members.
Much of that information is similar to what the VA is using to have veterans declared incompetent to handle their own financial affairs and then have their names placed on the NICS list by the FBI so the veterans cannot own or purchase firearms due to a “mental defect”.
The entire letter and questionnaire has been published on a website called the twentiethman. I have also confirmed that it is for real by looking at the Veterans Affairs website. The actual link is below:
As a veteran and constitutional lawyer I find this very troubling. I encourage all of my fellow veterans to carefully read this questionnaire and consider whether you can reap any benefits from participating in this program. Proceed cautiously and consider the possible implications to your Constitutional rights. Please pass this on to all of the veterans you know.
Michael Connelly
Monday, August 24, 2015
Saturday, August 22, 2015
On the 19th of August I stood outside and could hear Mother Earth slowly grind to a stop
She once again took account and gave a soft sigh of relief
She looked around and found that all was good
Hers was a quick and quiet respite as I could hear her slowly reverse gears, starting up her behemoth engine once again
I could hear soft groans, like the small beginnings of a woman in labour
We are so fortunate to have travelled here
We are so fortunate to have sojourned here
This is a beautiful planet, one that has so many wonders contained within it
And ones we take for granted
We are on a journey.
We live among the stars.
We are heading home.
I am Virgo, Earth - Balance
Separately, we are nothing but Together We are One
Enjoy this day for it is a Gift
No matter what your circumstances
No matter what you are going through
No matter what someone did to you
Today is a day full of wonders,
Give Thanks to He Who created us,
We are Star Children
We Have Meaning
We Have Purpose,
Cherish each and every day
For their are little miracles
They lie at your feet
Or they alight on your shoulder
A small beetle scurrying under a leaf
A beautiful butterfly dressed in rainbow colors
A sweet bird whose song lifts you up from the darkness
We are all connected....
Friday, August 21, 2015
New York, New York
This morning I walked past the old sign next to the garage as I do every morning.
The sign reads, "Trust me....".
But, for some reason, this time. an additional word was inserted.
In a flash of cognition the sign now read, "Trust in me".
This was one of those special moments when you are unexpectedly blessed with some type of spiritual insight. --a moment in time
Thank you G-d.
I just posted a video of a group called Night Wish. --great group, BTW.
Thousands of adoring, cheering fans swaying back and forth in unison, giving signs of support, the enthusiastic happy, palpable energy of the crowd being clearly felt by all.
People were alive with excitement and came to listen, enjoy and then leave to go back to their homes maybe a bar or hang out with their friends. --a moment in time
I just posted a video regarding an imminent financial collapse taking place in September of this year.
Now I don't know if this is going to happen or not.
But what I do know is that there are many things being covered up that surface, every once in a while, to the angst of those "in charge". Because, of course, they don't want us peasants to know.
There is a particularly interesting link that you may want to visit concerning the views of a Rabbi and what he perceives is imminent, what is facing us, what is now looming at our front gate.
I don't agree or disagree with what is said I'm just passing this on so you can decide for yourselves:
It is:
There is also another post on this blog that something of a financial nature of "historic proportions" is about to happen.
What I do know is that we inhabit a planet way out in space.
It has a sun (a star) a moon and is susceptible to being hit by asteroids, meteors and comets, its sun can torpedo a massive wave of solar radiation our way that can take down our telecommunications, power plants, and automobiles.
Any one of these "things" could cause massive devastation on this planet.
Our weather can and has produced droughts, floods, hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, blistering heat, ice storms and severe cold.
Our planet is home to many interesting forms of life.
But one thing is for certain--people, countries and civilizations have come and gone.
So why would we 21st century humans think it couldn't happen to us?
Because we're so full of ourselves and so arrogant that we just can't help ourselves in proclaiming our importance (and ignorance) and continue to brazenly chide and push the limits of the boundaries that protect us, keeping things under control?
This planet ebbs and flows according to the fixed and fundamental laws of the cosmos.
Human beings have not yet realized that they are subject to these very same laws.
We all know if you're not prepared to adhere to and respect the laws of mother nature, then you're more than likely going to be putting your life at risk especially if you're from New York and, say, move to Alaska.
You didn't bother to study and bone up on this new place you've moved to. You were more enamored with the scenery and the myriad of quaint little towns and the cute, tiny little roadside cafes.
You never read up on the weather and could care less about the critters that make their home there.
You're unprepared for living out in the bush with bears and wolves and incredible weather that can start out normal but then, with very little warning, go from bad to worse.
Ah, you think you can handle things because you're from New York. You have a nice chunk of change in your bank account and picked out just the right place to build your little cabin.
It's half built and you're living in a camper until it's finished.
But now the builders inform you that you'll have to wait until spring before they come back.
You decided you wanted no more of the city life but the country--why, you can make it on your own.
The warning signs are already showing up--you don't have enough propane to last through the winter.
You can't just call up the local propane dealer and have a fill up as he's 200 miles away and the weather is closing in. He tells you, "sorry, can't make it--have to wait till the blizzard is over and then, maybe we'll see (if I can plow my way through all the snow).
You should have started cutting some timber to have on hand (in the event of an emergency) but you still haven't learned how to use that chain saw you bought and your neighbors are too busy felling and cutting up trees, gathering up all the firewood they can to keep themselves warm through the winter). --Screw you
You decided you'd try out those stupid looking snow shoes and venture out in the middle of a frozen lake bed.
Now you realize you've lost your way.
You see a pack of very hungry wolves skulking along the timber line and guess what, they've spotted you.
You were sure you had that compass in your backpack but now you realize you don't.
Every which way you turn it looks the same. There are no tracks showing where you came from because its been snowing the whole time. --a moment in time (and it may be your last one)
In the cosmos as well as Life there are rules, foundations, laws and boundaries.
They are there for a reason.
To help us, to guide us, protect us.
When we ignore those boundaries we find ourselves in uncharted territory.
What, exactly, do you think will happen?
Prepare now.
Only you know and your family knows what needs to be done.
To begin with, take stock of how much food you have, how much cash you have on hand and anything else that you feel is important to your own personal situation.
Do whatever you think is necessary and prudent, now, to protect your families.
I'm just sayin...
Don't be like that guy from New York.
The sign reads, "Trust me....".
But, for some reason, this time. an additional word was inserted.
In a flash of cognition the sign now read, "Trust in me".
This was one of those special moments when you are unexpectedly blessed with some type of spiritual insight. --a moment in time
Thank you G-d.
I just posted a video of a group called Night Wish. --great group, BTW.
Thousands of adoring, cheering fans swaying back and forth in unison, giving signs of support, the enthusiastic happy, palpable energy of the crowd being clearly felt by all.
People were alive with excitement and came to listen, enjoy and then leave to go back to their homes maybe a bar or hang out with their friends. --a moment in time
I just posted a video regarding an imminent financial collapse taking place in September of this year.
Now I don't know if this is going to happen or not.
But what I do know is that there are many things being covered up that surface, every once in a while, to the angst of those "in charge". Because, of course, they don't want us peasants to know.
There is a particularly interesting link that you may want to visit concerning the views of a Rabbi and what he perceives is imminent, what is facing us, what is now looming at our front gate.
I don't agree or disagree with what is said I'm just passing this on so you can decide for yourselves:
It is:
There is also another post on this blog that something of a financial nature of "historic proportions" is about to happen.
What I do know is that we inhabit a planet way out in space.
It has a sun (a star) a moon and is susceptible to being hit by asteroids, meteors and comets, its sun can torpedo a massive wave of solar radiation our way that can take down our telecommunications, power plants, and automobiles.
Any one of these "things" could cause massive devastation on this planet.
Our weather can and has produced droughts, floods, hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, blistering heat, ice storms and severe cold.
Our planet is home to many interesting forms of life.
But one thing is for certain--people, countries and civilizations have come and gone.
So why would we 21st century humans think it couldn't happen to us?
Because we're so full of ourselves and so arrogant that we just can't help ourselves in proclaiming our importance (and ignorance) and continue to brazenly chide and push the limits of the boundaries that protect us, keeping things under control?
Human beings have not yet realized that they are subject to these very same laws.
We all know if you're not prepared to adhere to and respect the laws of mother nature, then you're more than likely going to be putting your life at risk especially if you're from New York and, say, move to Alaska.
You didn't bother to study and bone up on this new place you've moved to. You were more enamored with the scenery and the myriad of quaint little towns and the cute, tiny little roadside cafes.
You never read up on the weather and could care less about the critters that make their home there.
You're unprepared for living out in the bush with bears and wolves and incredible weather that can start out normal but then, with very little warning, go from bad to worse.
Ah, you think you can handle things because you're from New York. You have a nice chunk of change in your bank account and picked out just the right place to build your little cabin.
It's half built and you're living in a camper until it's finished.
But now the builders inform you that you'll have to wait until spring before they come back.
You decided you wanted no more of the city life but the country--why, you can make it on your own.
The warning signs are already showing up--you don't have enough propane to last through the winter.
You can't just call up the local propane dealer and have a fill up as he's 200 miles away and the weather is closing in. He tells you, "sorry, can't make it--have to wait till the blizzard is over and then, maybe we'll see (if I can plow my way through all the snow).
You should have started cutting some timber to have on hand (in the event of an emergency) but you still haven't learned how to use that chain saw you bought and your neighbors are too busy felling and cutting up trees, gathering up all the firewood they can to keep themselves warm through the winter). --Screw you
You decided you'd try out those stupid looking snow shoes and venture out in the middle of a frozen lake bed.
Now you realize you've lost your way.
You see a pack of very hungry wolves skulking along the timber line and guess what, they've spotted you.
You were sure you had that compass in your backpack but now you realize you don't.
Every which way you turn it looks the same. There are no tracks showing where you came from because its been snowing the whole time. --a moment in time (and it may be your last one)
In the cosmos as well as Life there are rules, foundations, laws and boundaries.
They are there for a reason.
To help us, to guide us, protect us.
When we ignore those boundaries we find ourselves in uncharted territory.
What, exactly, do you think will happen?
Prepare now.
Only you know and your family knows what needs to be done.
To begin with, take stock of how much food you have, how much cash you have on hand and anything else that you feel is important to your own personal situation.
Do whatever you think is necessary and prudent, now, to protect your families.
I'm just sayin...
Don't be like that guy from New York.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
No one had to tell me we were going to have an "early" fall this year.
I just had to watch and listen to the sounds of nature.
The crickets this morning were all singing in a steady unison, not the chirp chirp here and there but a streaming, full-throated chorus.
No one had to tell me we were in for a cold and wet winter.
All I had to do was listen to my inner voice as I quietly morphed into the cosmic rhythm, observing the sunrise, the muted colors of the sky, the shape of the clouds, the fiery sunset and how busy the deer and squirrels were. ~seasonal transition
The old oak nodded its leafy head as its branches swayed softly to and fro under the caress of a soft summer breeze that helped temper the sweltering heat.
I placed the little owl, a stuffed children's toy, in the crook of the old oak.
It nestled there, happily, and watched me with big owl eyes as I went about my work.
Blue birds flapped their wings and cavorted back and forth, twittering noisily throughout the old oak's leafy canopy.
We are all connected to earth.
The oak's roots reach deep within the earth for stability and nourishment.
The birds are sheltered from the wind and cold by its canopy.
The crickets live out their lives on the ground and then run for cover under a blanket of leaves when it starts to rain.
We are born here, we live out our lives here and we die here, only to be returned to the earth from whence we came.
Silence. It speaks to you. It quiets you down so you can think.
Thinking leads to contemplation.
Contemplation leads to meditation.
Meditation leads to God.
Take a moment, wherever you are, and give thanks.
Thanks for being here.
Thanks for being able to journey here.
Think about those little ones who were never permitted the chance to even make it here while others had their lives tragically cut short.
Make the most of this day that was freely given to you and, in return, do something to make someone else's day a bit brighter.
It's called "humanity".
Pass it on.
I just had to watch and listen to the sounds of nature.
The crickets this morning were all singing in a steady unison, not the chirp chirp here and there but a streaming, full-throated chorus.
No one had to tell me we were in for a cold and wet winter.
All I had to do was listen to my inner voice as I quietly morphed into the cosmic rhythm, observing the sunrise, the muted colors of the sky, the shape of the clouds, the fiery sunset and how busy the deer and squirrels were. ~seasonal transition
The old oak nodded its leafy head as its branches swayed softly to and fro under the caress of a soft summer breeze that helped temper the sweltering heat.
I placed the little owl, a stuffed children's toy, in the crook of the old oak.
It nestled there, happily, and watched me with big owl eyes as I went about my work.
Blue birds flapped their wings and cavorted back and forth, twittering noisily throughout the old oak's leafy canopy.
We are all connected to earth.
The oak's roots reach deep within the earth for stability and nourishment.
The birds are sheltered from the wind and cold by its canopy.
The crickets live out their lives on the ground and then run for cover under a blanket of leaves when it starts to rain.
We are born here, we live out our lives here and we die here, only to be returned to the earth from whence we came.
Silence. It speaks to you. It quiets you down so you can think.
Thinking leads to contemplation.
Contemplation leads to meditation.
Meditation leads to God.
Take a moment, wherever you are, and give thanks.
Thanks for being here.
Thanks for being able to journey here.
Think about those little ones who were never permitted the chance to even make it here while others had their lives tragically cut short.
Make the most of this day that was freely given to you and, in return, do something to make someone else's day a bit brighter.
It's called "humanity".
Pass it on.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Anti-Bodies - Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Do you believe in ETs? Do you believe that some of them are walking amongst us? Do you believe that some of them have infiltrated government, corporations, and major institutions?--that some of them have actually formed partnerships with governments? Most of us have heard of Area 51 but most of us really don't have anything concrete to go on as far as what happens there. This is going to sound way out but I'm going to post it anyway. Even though the Thought Police abound, I am still able to think and express my feelings and thoughts. What if, what if, Area 51 contains alien beings? Thus the reason for all the secrecy. Not the fuzzy little aliens we've come to love and accept (The Greys) but other sinister ones with a diabolical agenda? Maybe at some point in the very near future, these beings will be unleashed to discharge a government sanction (on us). Is there a group of benevolent aliens who are able and willing to stop this? Much speculation abounds about the DHS buying up millions of rounds of ammo, MRAPS and training a civilian security force. For what purpose? We're all being spoon fed information that it's because of an eventual economic collapse. Maybe it's really because of something else all together, something they are very well aware of and we aren't. Maybe they really are in cahoots with forces we can only begin to imagine. If you don't like what I post, don't read it. In either case, I believe this is something worth considering. What if, what if, I am right?
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Swimming with Sharks
It grew stronger as the day wore on.
I even shared this with someone but it's always, "don't worry, it's nothing."
Maybe some horrific possibly cataclysmic event was getting ready to make its appearance.
Maybe an errant comet, or an asteroid or a volcano blowing its top and taking everything and everyone with it.
I couldn't get rid of this feeling.
I even consulted my cards but nothing substantive showed up in the spread.
I am tired of the same ole, same ole. Wars, killing, torture, murder, rape, riots, violence, mayhem, chaos, destruction, pestilence and disease.
We need help down here and I am appealing to those beings who are here, who have been visiting earth for thousands of years, and witnessing our slow descent into madness.
I am appealing to all you peace-loving ETs to make an appearance.
Someone needs to save us from ourselves.
Obviously there will be those who will resist this effort but I believe there will be many more who will embrace and welcome it.
I think everyone is as tired as I am as to what is going on in the world today.
And it's not getting any better, only worse.
We need intervention and we need it, now.
Obviously, our state of affairs is well known to our celestial neighbors.
I mean, how could it not be?
We need to stop kidding ourselves and take this reality seriously.
And those scientists who keep poo-pooing the existence of them need to retire.
In my mind's eye I'm seeing fiery red flames with hot tongues of bright yellow leaping skyward like in a fiery furnace.
I'm feeling like something innocent, something pure, something happy and beautiful is being purged from within our midst.
There is some type of loss occurring and something looming on the horizon.
A loss that once it is gone, can never be reclaimed.
To my celestial friends: The time is here, the time is now.
Please, please,
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Sun, Sunspots, Geomagnetic Storms, Fluctuations
What is the Planetary Kindex?
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
This Country is in Crisis Mode - Please Feel Free to Copy This Article and Send to Friends and Family
Barack Hussein Obama became President of the United States it seems that we
have been a constant state of Constitutional crisis. He has repeatedly violated
his oath of office, ignored the Constitutional balance of powers by bypassing
Congress in order to rewrite or make new laws, and ignoring rulings by the
courts. He has sought the destruction of our free market economy, tried to
divide us along racial, ethnic and economic lines, and blamed the American
people for all the ills of the world.
Obama has launched an all-out assault
on the Bill of Rights, seeking to severely limit or completely destroy freedom
of speech, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to
due process, and all the rest of our God given rights. He has decimated the
capability of our military to effectively defend us, has destroyed the morale
of our troops, and caused the death of many of our heroes by imposing rules of
engagement designed to protect our enemies.
He has provided “aid and comfort” to
our enemies by releasing known terrorists from captivity to rejoin the fight
against us, refused to identify our enemy as Islamic Jihadists, and provided
access to the White House and our government to those who support our destruction
and the imposition of Sharia law on the entire world.
With all of this being said, you are
probably wondering what other Constitutional crisis we are facing that could be
even more damaging. The answer is both simple and devastating. Obama is about to
trash other key provisions of the Constitution and he is doing it with the
active support of the Republican leaders in Congress. Remember them; they are
the folks we elected to stop the Obama onslaught.
I am referring specifically to the
treaty with Iran that gives this terrorist supporting nation a quick path to
obtain nuclear weapons while receiving billions of dollars to finance terrorist
attacks around the world. First, I believe a good case can be made that this
agreement is in fact a treaty under the classic legal definition and therefore
cannot go into effect unless consented to by two thirds of the U.S. Senate.
It has to be either a treaty or an
executive agreement made by the President. A treaty is an agreement between two
or more countries, made under international law that is enforceable by the
parties. The so called agreement with Iran certainly appears to fit the
definition. On the other hand, if it is an executive agreement or an executive
order it can be rescinded by the next President. By its very language it is a
long term agreement over the next ten to fifteen years. The wording of the
document clearly indicates that there should not be any way for the parties to
unilaterally rescind it. Yet, the leaders of Congress have acquiesced to Obama’s
claim that it is an Executive agreement.
is the first violation of the Constitution, yet there is a second one that can
be even more devastating. Under the
agreement reached by Obama and the Republican leaders of congress, the House
and Senate will have sixty days to review the agreement and then approve or
disapprove it by a straight up or down vote. If the Congress votes yes than the
agreement goes into effect. If either the House or the Senate votes no than the
President will be allowed to veto that vote and the Congress will have to get a
two thirds majority to override the veto.
I think this is a clear violation of
Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution that allows the President to either
sign or veto laws or bills “passed” by Congress. There is no provision in the
Constitution and no legal precedent that I can find that allows the President
to “veto” and therefor override a bill or law that does not pass both houses of
Congress. The whole idea turns the Constitution on its head. If this was
allowed to stand then the President would essentially be a dictator able to
unilaterally put laws into place that Congress had voted down. I believe even
some liberals on the Supreme Court would be hard pressed to approve of what
would be a major amendment to the Constitution that did not go through the
constitutionally mandated amendment process. I think a challenge to this
procedure would be successful.
However, in order to get by the
question of legal standing to challenge the constitutionality of this I believe
a suit must be filed by a member of Congress, preferably a member of the
Senate. Yet, it appears that no one is willing to do this, although it is
clearly their obligation under their oath of office. If someone does step up to
the plate I will offer my services and those of the United States Justice
Foundation to assist in such litigation.
If no challenge is made than Obama
will certainly get the votes of 13 left wing Democrats in the Senate to prevent
the override of the veto. At that point we can say goodbye to the Constitution
and our freedoms. We will be officially under a dictatorship with none of our
elected members of Congress even willing to put up a fight.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
I just had a long, heartfelt talk with someone.
There are so many people out there struggling with issues.
My heart goes out to all of you who are just about at your wits end.
How can I help?
Some of you prefer to stay right where you are while others are determined to rise above their tormentors and seek help.
Your choice is based upon how much control you feel you have over your situation and just how far down the slippery slope you are. --you may say, "I still have time to turn my situation around".
Maybe you're one who has lost your home, your family along with your job because you just can't stop taking one more drink, snorting one more snort or sticking a needle in your arm.
Do you believe in miracles? Are you the type who can fall on your knees and plead for help?
Spiritual intervention--believe me, it can come at just the right moment--try it, will you please?
So what about those who don't want to participate in their own recovery as they like things just the way they are?
How do they manage to keep on going?
Well, they will continue to keep going but we all know (except them, obviously) that it will be only up to a point--many will not make it to the finish line.
The human mind is capable of absorbing both good and bad and is susceptible to many different forces and temptations.
The human body is a vessel that enjoys pleasure and comfort but can become problematic when it persistently derives its pleasure not from family, friends and faith but from an unlimited supply of poison that is deliberately being produced and made available to countless millions.
There are those in this world who continue to prey upon these weak and hapless individuals, encouraging their addiction. .
This is how they derive their money and stay in power.
These slugs are the scum of the earth.
We, collectively, are all responsible for one another on this planet.
And, we have an obligation to intervene when we see someone self-destructing.
The choice will ultimately be theirs as to how they want to proceed in life but in a fraction of a second you hold their life (their outcome) in your hands.
Whether they choose to heed the warning you deliver and realize they need to make some changes or whether they choose to remain right where they are, you at least tried to alter another human being's dangerous path.
Each time we send out a positive vibe or signal or make a positive gesture, the universe reacts, in kind.
It's kinda like a symbiotic relationship.
We're the transmitter--they're the receiver and vice versa.
We get back what we give out.
We are moving forward toward a collective consciousness on this planet.
You see it playing out today on t.v., and on the internet.
The internet is this planet's game changer.
Let's hope it doesn't eventually and completely fall into the wrong hands.
We can see that some malignant evil doers are up to speed regarding how powerful the internet's voice is and are using it to channel messages of violence and hate.
But there are powerful forces (supernatural) out there in the universe that are overseeing everything going on, down here.
In time, they will visibly and unabashedly, make their presence known to all of earth's inhabitants.
Evil may think it can get away with anything but I've got news for it--"ain't gonna happen, baby".
Today we see a change occurring.
People are no longer listening to talking heads and ingesting their political dribble.
They are actually taking an active part, participating in and bringing forth a new world order--not the one being pushed down our throats by the elites but one that will bring forth a new sense of brotherhood and well being, peace, prosperity and harmony to all peoples on this planet.
That's not to say the power brokers in charge will just fold.
Chances are they will become even more emboldened because they fear they're losing control.
For once they're right.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Do human beings actually have within their DNA a penchant for continuous conflict? --A flaw in their genetic makeup?
Is this the only way the human race is able to move forward, one battle after the other, one war after the other, eliminating the competition, the unwanted, the unsavory, by savagely slaughtering their fellow human beings by the millions? Then falling back after their mission is complete, bloodied sword in hand, smugly surveying the vast landscape littered with corpses as far as the eye can see?
Is this genetic flaw really a flaw or was it introduced into human DNA on purpose?
If so who (or what) did it?
Conflict after conflict, war after war, skirmish after skirmish, battle after battle.
We advance mightily through conquest and brutality but time after time, the heavy toll we exact on others makes us fall far short of claiming any Peace Prize.
I believe we are part of a universal family and our collective family has been watching over our progress for a very long time.
They find we continue to take one step forward and then three steps backward.
They want very much to include us in their family but time after time, our lack of compassion and mercy, our savage and rebellious ways deter us from entering into their midst.
We're never going to get there anyway at the rate we're going.
Just who the hell are we, anyway?
All I see is a bloated and murderous bunch of carnivores savagely butchering others using any excuse necessary to sanction their atrocities.
Who are the real perpetrators of mayhem and violence in this world?
Are they the ones who actually go out and commit the deed or the ones who continue to stand silently by, watching what's going on, ignoring the outcome, refusing to intervene, doing nothing to stop it?
We have within our group a demonic order. It starts at the top with a head demon in charge.
We continually and mightily proclaim our humanity in many ways, counseling the wretched, lifting the poor up and out of poverty, combating crime and fighting disease, but the sad truth is that we are being throttled every step of the way by those whose only mission in life is to stop the very progress we make.
At the rate we're going, we're going to end back in the Stone Age.
Come to think of it, maybe they were far more human than we are.
They weren't as evolved as we like to think we are today, able to rationalize and think up new and more horrific ways to kill each other.
They didn't have nuclear weapons or bio weapons at their disposal.
At the very least the only thing they could do was pick up a club and beat each other to death.
If we don't mend our ways, if we do not lift up those among us whose brains aren't hard-wired into constant conflict but can unite people instead of dividing them, offer workable solutions to problems that beset all of us, our celestial guides will have no choice but to cut us off.
We are in free fall now but haven't managed to hit the bottom yet.
However, we're not that far off.
Is this the only way the human race is able to move forward, one battle after the other, one war after the other, eliminating the competition, the unwanted, the unsavory, by savagely slaughtering their fellow human beings by the millions? Then falling back after their mission is complete, bloodied sword in hand, smugly surveying the vast landscape littered with corpses as far as the eye can see?
Is this genetic flaw really a flaw or was it introduced into human DNA on purpose?
If so who (or what) did it?
Conflict after conflict, war after war, skirmish after skirmish, battle after battle.
We advance mightily through conquest and brutality but time after time, the heavy toll we exact on others makes us fall far short of claiming any Peace Prize.
I believe we are part of a universal family and our collective family has been watching over our progress for a very long time.
They find we continue to take one step forward and then three steps backward.
They want very much to include us in their family but time after time, our lack of compassion and mercy, our savage and rebellious ways deter us from entering into their midst.
We're never going to get there anyway at the rate we're going.
Just who the hell are we, anyway?
All I see is a bloated and murderous bunch of carnivores savagely butchering others using any excuse necessary to sanction their atrocities.
Who are the real perpetrators of mayhem and violence in this world?
Are they the ones who actually go out and commit the deed or the ones who continue to stand silently by, watching what's going on, ignoring the outcome, refusing to intervene, doing nothing to stop it?
We have within our group a demonic order. It starts at the top with a head demon in charge.
We continually and mightily proclaim our humanity in many ways, counseling the wretched, lifting the poor up and out of poverty, combating crime and fighting disease, but the sad truth is that we are being throttled every step of the way by those whose only mission in life is to stop the very progress we make.
At the rate we're going, we're going to end back in the Stone Age.
Come to think of it, maybe they were far more human than we are.
They weren't as evolved as we like to think we are today, able to rationalize and think up new and more horrific ways to kill each other.
They didn't have nuclear weapons or bio weapons at their disposal.
At the very least the only thing they could do was pick up a club and beat each other to death.
If we don't mend our ways, if we do not lift up those among us whose brains aren't hard-wired into constant conflict but can unite people instead of dividing them, offer workable solutions to problems that beset all of us, our celestial guides will have no choice but to cut us off.
We are in free fall now but haven't managed to hit the bottom yet.
However, we're not that far off.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Vine a Little
To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine and
those who don't and are always seen with a bottle of
water in their hand.
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom,
In beer there is freedom,
In water there is bacteria.
In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have
demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at
the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo
of Escherichia coli, (E. Coli) - bacteria found in feces.
In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop annually...
We do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or
rum, whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go
through a purification process of boiling, filtering and
Water = Poop,
Wine = Health
Therefore, it's better to drink wine
and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of Shit.
There is no need to thank me for this
valuable information: I'm doing it as a public
No Trust
Monday, August 3, 2015
Bend Over
Prepare for what's coming - as we don't have much time left.
I am seeing, reading and my gut feeling is that big changes are in for Americans this year and ones they may be wholly unprepared for and ones they definitely will not like.
In other words, if you haven't prepared by now, if you happen to be one of those who thinks that nothing bad is going to happen here (because it can't...we live in America) you're in for a rude awakening.
With a dishonorable and ignoble President in office and his penchant for destruction, his reckless unwillingness to live up to the oath he took, his enacting regulation after regulation with one end result forcing coal plants into bankruptcy, (these coal fired plants happen to fuel the homes of many living in rural communities), encouraging people who have nothing but hatred in their hearts against Americans to come here and continue their reign of terror by murdering and raping and then allowing them sanctuary, fostering and encouraging an atmosphere of hatred between groups of people, threatening American military personnel with court martial because they dared to carry out the oath they honorably took (while Obama turned his back on his) to protect and defend their brothers, berating law enforcement and a host of other things, many can now see who Obama really is.
Obama is nothing but a liar, a cruel and cunning despotic thug who managed to acquire the highest office of the land and all with the help of the American voter.
Well guess what, it's too late for you, too late for me.
Too late for all of us.
For those of us who were born to parents who left their families, their jobs, their homes to go out and fight a European Tyrant, Adolf Hitler, during WWII, whose parents risked everything to keep America safe, along with the world, who weren't afraid of hard work, who paid their bills and didn't do drugs or opt to go on welfare, (the welfare we had back then was in our own two hands...not the federal government) this country has decidedly changed for the worse.
Of course, a country only reflects the leaders it elects.
I have no pity for those who refuse to acknowledge the situation we are in, which is fast approaching a state of desperation.
They deserve what they get.
Trouble is, their wanton ignorance, their stupidity is coming back to bite all of us.
There is a slow burn occurring across the land.
Not one fostered by the White House and its depraved minions, but one that undercuts anything a tyrant can do.
It is a firm resolve, a steady hand, a square look in the eye, an underlying belief and faith in a just God, in the American people and their country.
During WWII, the Japanese Admiral, Isoroku Yamamoto feared that he had "Wakened a Sleeping Giant".
Well, guess what, he did.
And, it looks like history is repeating itself.
Steady as you go lads.....
I am seeing, reading and my gut feeling is that big changes are in for Americans this year and ones they may be wholly unprepared for and ones they definitely will not like.
In other words, if you haven't prepared by now, if you happen to be one of those who thinks that nothing bad is going to happen here (because it can't...we live in America) you're in for a rude awakening.
With a dishonorable and ignoble President in office and his penchant for destruction, his reckless unwillingness to live up to the oath he took, his enacting regulation after regulation with one end result forcing coal plants into bankruptcy, (these coal fired plants happen to fuel the homes of many living in rural communities), encouraging people who have nothing but hatred in their hearts against Americans to come here and continue their reign of terror by murdering and raping and then allowing them sanctuary, fostering and encouraging an atmosphere of hatred between groups of people, threatening American military personnel with court martial because they dared to carry out the oath they honorably took (while Obama turned his back on his) to protect and defend their brothers, berating law enforcement and a host of other things, many can now see who Obama really is.
Obama is nothing but a liar, a cruel and cunning despotic thug who managed to acquire the highest office of the land and all with the help of the American voter.
Well guess what, it's too late for you, too late for me.
Too late for all of us.
For those of us who were born to parents who left their families, their jobs, their homes to go out and fight a European Tyrant, Adolf Hitler, during WWII, whose parents risked everything to keep America safe, along with the world, who weren't afraid of hard work, who paid their bills and didn't do drugs or opt to go on welfare, (the welfare we had back then was in our own two hands...not the federal government) this country has decidedly changed for the worse.
Of course, a country only reflects the leaders it elects.
I have no pity for those who refuse to acknowledge the situation we are in, which is fast approaching a state of desperation.
They deserve what they get.
Trouble is, their wanton ignorance, their stupidity is coming back to bite all of us.
There is a slow burn occurring across the land.
Not one fostered by the White House and its depraved minions, but one that undercuts anything a tyrant can do.
It is a firm resolve, a steady hand, a square look in the eye, an underlying belief and faith in a just God, in the American people and their country.
During WWII, the Japanese Admiral, Isoroku Yamamoto feared that he had "Wakened a Sleeping Giant".
Well, guess what, he did.
And, it looks like history is repeating itself.
Steady as you go lads.....
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Cherish the Moment

And, my purpose for being here is to enable and help you on your own personal journey here on earth.
I post many articles and videos of interest to me that I hope will enlighten all, that in the universe, there is always two sides to everything.
It is called Balance.
When the dark overcomes the light, however, it creates an Imbalance.
That is precisely where we are, right now, on this planet.
I don't know how evil started. I don't know if it was part of God's Plan. Maybe humanity brought it upon themselves. All I know is that all of us are dealing with it in many different ways and in many different forms.
I believe that earth is on a threshold, not looking down into the abyss but finding its footing and able to coalesce more souls into an awareness that there is more to life than birth, suffering and death.
I really won't know what Life is all about until I experience Death, as all of us will.
I stepped out onto my porch this morning, cup of coffee in hand, to watch the sunrise.
Muted colors stretched across the horizon of peach, fiery orange and purple.
I gave thanks to God for all He has given me, my failures in which (hopefully) I've learned something; my gift of mentoring and healing those who come to me for help and guidance, and an earnest prayer that He will keep me on His Path as I make my transit.
I already know what I want to be when I come back. And I definitely will come back.
And I have chosen Earth (again). I love Earth.
Have you ever stopped and studied a leaf? Have you ever taken your finger and followed its fine and intricate pattern? What a marvel of nature.
What is water? We use it everyday o brush our teeth, do our laundry, take a bath, but what, exactly is it?
How about meandering down a garden walkway and being able to smell a thousand fragrant roses that line your path?
Have you ever talked to a tree or heard one talk to you?
Stand beneath one and listen for the wind. Wait as its branches move and its leaves rustle softly back and forth in soft sighs.
Fireflies soar and dance as they flicker and dart among the trees.
A graceful dragonfly lands on a nearby fence and fans its wings to absorb the sun's rays.
A spider spins her lacy web and you watch, in amazement, as she moves back and forth, spinning her beautiful tapestry.
One dew drop balances precariously at the end of a leaf as you watch gravity have its way and it tumbles off and down into the soft grass.
A blue bird keeps you company as she sings her sweet song and all for the purpose of keeping you company while you go about your gardening.
The cattle are moving slowly across the meadow and you can hear the chomp, chomp, chomp as they pull bunches of succulent sweet grass into their sloppy mouths.
A mother gives birth to a baby. She hurts, she is tired and weary and sweaty from heaving to and fro but all that fades as her eyes are focused and full of wonderment and love as she gazes down at her newborn.
The moon rises and sets.
Little miracles.
BTW, last night, July 31st, was a Blue Moon.
A Blue Moon occurs when two full moons happen in one month.
The next time we will experience a Blue Moon is in the year 2018.
Will this be your last? --Life is fleeting.
The warmth from our star, the sun, is felt by everyone on this planet
The earth is harmonious and in rhythm with the universe.
Isn't it time the Human Race follow suit?
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