Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

This Video is Six Years Old and the Pictures are a Little Fuzzy but it's the Message that Counts

What is Really Going on with the Immigration Ban?


As someone who has studied and defended the U.S. Constitution for over 40 years I am appalled and angered by the misinformation being thrown at the American people by the leftist in Congress and the news media. I have watched the last several days of coverage over the Executive Order on immigration issued by President Donald Trump and what is generally being reported is just not true.
          The order is a ban on issuing visas to people from seven nations listed by the Obama administration as hot beds of terrorist activity. The seven countries are Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Sudan, and Syria. In 2011 Obama executed his executive authority to limit immigration from Iraq for six months and there was no outcry by either the Democrats or the liberal media. This was because what he did was completely legal. 
          Now, when Trump does essentially the same thing, we are being told it is a Constitutional crisis denying Constitutional rights to people attempting to immigrate to the United States, and using an “unconstitutional religious test” on immigrants. So let’s look at immigration and the Constitution.
          There is only one article in the Constitution that deals with immigration and that is Article 1, Section 8 that empowers the Congress to make laws “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization…”. The laws passed by Congress shall then be enforced by the President. On the other hand, the only prohibition of a religious test in the Constitution has nothing to do with immigration. The prohibition is in Article VI of the Constitution that states: “The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state Legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and the several States, shall be bound by Oath of Affirmation, to support this Constitution, but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any office or public Trust under the United States.”
          In other words, there is no Constitutional prohibition against a religious test for immigration to the United States although it has rarely been done and was not the situation in this case. While, the seven countries targeted are predominantly Muslim there are forty other countries in the same category that were not on the list. This was not a Muslim ban, but an attempt to limit immigration from countries where Islamic terrorism is actively promoted.
          For the left in this country, the priority must not be protecting Americans from Islamic terrorism, but protecting the non-existent Constitutional rights of immigrants who may not even have entered the country yet. It must also be noted that of the 325, 000 foreigners that entered the country on the day the Executive Order went into effect, only 109 people were actually detained, and most of them were released within a few hours. Compare this to the over 250,000 American veterans who in the last few years who have been deprived of their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms without any due process.
          The main stream news media has ignored these Constitutional violations because it furthers their gun control agenda. For them, the so called constitutional rights of potential terrorists take precedence over the rights of America’s heroes. In other word, it is all about the leftist political agenda, which has been and continues to be the ultimate destruction of our Constitutional Republic.
          The bottom line for all of the leftists’ purveyors of “fake news”, the Hollywood elitists with the combined intelligence of a box of rocks, the wimpy snowflake millennials who can’t accept that the American people rejected the career criminal that the left wanted to be our President, and the squalling Dems in Congress is that:
1.     There is no U.S. Constitutional right to immigrate to the United States or to get a VISA to visit our country.
2.     If you are here illegally you have no Constitutional right to stay.
3.     The U.S. Constitution gives Congress the sole right to impose any requirements it wants on people who want to come to our country. 
4.     There is no authority given to any Federal Judge to amend the Constitution to alter these truths.
Michael Connelly

Monday, January 30, 2017

This is But Another Message Re Earth's Ascension (Happening Now) from the Third Dimension into the Fourth

Urantia, December 03, 2016.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Be Prepared for Change.”

Be prepared for change. Now is the time for all awakening ones to let their light shine. This is a dark world that has been plagued by unrighteousness. All sincere and courageous citizens on this beautiful but backward planet are called to let their light so shine as to encourage the sleepy ones to wake up and accept their part in the great renaissance which is about to commence. It is the beginning of the Correcting Time and people everywhere are needing to wake up and stand united for truth and righteousness.

“All nations’ citizens who believe in truth, beauty and goodness, will survive the coming upheavals. Therefore, it is not the right time to be complacent and sit in a corner somewhere and think that someone else will step up to the plate. There is work ahead for everyone, so give it some thought why you are alive on this planet at this particular time.

“At birth, you mortals were all gifted with your divine blueprint. If you would allow yourselves the time for contemplation and commune with your Thought Adjuster within, you would appreciate this gift. Do make friends with this Entity as it is given to you for all time if you accept it. If you do not accept it, it will be given to another mortal on another planet, who will be more than grateful to receive that gracious Gift from the Creator to accompany him or her on the ascension journey to Paradise.

“This chance is given to all mortals with the capacity to think. Therefore do not shun it but accept it gratefully. Eventually you will find out what a special Companion you have been given; one who might have had numerous in-dwellings on other planets but whose hosts declined the Gift, so now all their previous experiences will be added to yours, unless you also decline; either through doubt, unbelief or laziness. There needs to be some effort made on the part of you mortals to appreciate this priceless Gift within you and the more you get to know this Gift the greater will be your appreciation.

“Think about it in this way: you only live your mortal life once, never mind the well-known fallacy of reincarnation. Think of what good fortune you have been handed by the Creator to make the most of this foundational life on which your ascension journey will be built. Endeavor to live this life with a minimum amount of regrets. There will otherwise be time needed in the hereafter for some remedial work to be done on the way to perfection.

“Give some thought to how marvelous the Universal Creator is, to not only give you life but also to bestow a forever Companion to travel with you on the sure path to Paradise. There is so much more that can be divulged, however there needs to be willing ears to listen. Each human has their journey to fulfill and is therefore responsible as to how their individual road will be travelled. The Creator loves creativity and therefore there is only one personality like you. There are no duplicates ever in all of creation, neither will there be on any of the eventually well-nigh innumerable inhabited planets of space and time.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.


Beware the viper in strike mode
It spirals up from its abode
Conjuring its next attack  
It means to stab you in the back
Its history dark, foul, distorted
Its body, hideously contorted
Its stinking lair is filled with bones
That reeks of human wails and moans
It lies in wait for its next meal
It doesn’t bother to conceal
Just when you thought twas “light of day”
It emerges stealth to sweep away
All that’s good and destined to stay
Good men and women, everywhere
Who do not falter and show no fear
     of the lie that once was
Because we’re ascending 
     in light and love, peace and harmony
Sent from Above

Monday, January 23, 2017

Change is Upon Us


The Galactic Federation


Stan Deyo - Atlantis Discovered -

Take Heart, Help is Here

How many of you have had an experience in life you couldn't explain?  You've gone through months of despair looking for a job and just about given up when, out of the blue, someone approaches while you're in the coffee shop and says they have a job opening.  Or, you pick up a discarded newspaper looking at the want ads again, hoping there's something in there for you and lo and behold (even though you've looked at the same ads many times before) something jumps out at you.  It is so important what I'm about to share with you--I don't know how it works but it works.  It's called Synchronicity (When the Pupil is ready the Teacher will appear) and it has to do with how the Universe operates through Guardian Angels.  All of us have Guardian Angels.  I don't know how many are assigned to each but they are here to assist but only if you ask them.  They will not intervene as each one of us has been granted Free Will and the decision is ours.  First, try and understand that you and I are just a small fragment of a much bigger picture.  Together, each one  of us makes up the Whole.  How do I know all of this?  I can't tell you how but deep down I do know and that's why I'm passing this information on.  I haven't been to Oxford or Harvard but just have an innate "knowing" that something is happening in this world and to us that is starting to profoundly affect us all.  It is an unfolding of some sort, like a prisoner in a jail cell who kept insisting that he was innocent yet no one believed him until finally forensics was able to check DNA samples (after many years after).  Finally, after years of being locked up the prisoner is released out into the light of day.  No longer imprisoned in a dark cell and monitored 24/7 but now free of his chains.  This is what is happening to us on this planet now in spite of all the ugliness we're seeing.  We're slowly being released from jail.  It's not a huge jailbreak but happening slowly and to us, individually.  I have heard that once you are exposed to the Truth you will know the Truth.  But how are you exposed to the Truth?  A good example of exposing someone to the Truth would be parents who tell their son or daughter "you will know the right person when you meet them."  Yeah, right you say, "UNTIL" it happens.  I am feeling a great liberation coming for mankind and am being being pushed and propelled (almost like I'm running out of time) to share with you all that I have learned while here.  We are all part of a living, breathing, cosmos where there are other souls on other planets who are striving toward the light the same way we are and believe it or not, struggling with many of the same issues we have.  We will be learning this hidden Truth soon.  We're all ascending at different speeds based on who we are and our life experiences.  There is a beautiful new paradigm taking shape and we're all enclothed within it.  Nobody prepares us for life even though our parents, priests, rabbis and pastors do their best.  No, the truth is we all experience life at our own pace and endure the hardships and struggles that come our way, based on our decisions.    Sometimes, though, isn't it easier if we ask for help (but only if our damned Egos would step aside)?  There is nothing shameful in humbling oneself in asking for help.  In fact, it is a testament to our Growth.  As a young girl growing up we moved around a lot, I never had one home but many.  I was rebellious, fearful and frightened of many things.  I suffered trauma through a demonic experience, endured shame and embarrassment, had my own set of personal vices (that I am still trying to get under control even to this day) and endured ridicule and humiliation for divulging my spiritual experiences.  People don't take too kindly when you tell them you're seeing dark shadows or angelic beings.   Yet, through all of this I was able to slowly grow in understanding that I was experiencing what the scientists were just beginning to acknowledge and  that there was something bigger going on within me and around me.  Question:  "How can you help someone else when you refused to listen, when you refused to ask for help and when you couldn't  even figure out how to bring your own self under control?"   Answer:  You couldn't.  Question:  "How could you help someone else when you didn't experience suffering yourself?"  Answer:  "You couldn't."      

Please take to heart what I've said as all I'm sharing with you is for your benefit.   

Light workers are spiritual markers positioned on your journey.  We stay on the sidelines, just outside of reach yet are on constant watch (yours) waiting to intervene on your behalf, at a moment's notice.   
We are here on this planet at what was agreed to be a predetermined time in order to help others.  I signed up for this mission to don a body suit and experience all the pleasures, pain, setbacks, joys, hardships and sorrows Life has to offer.  

There is a saying and one I wish you would consider adopting in your own lives for there is nothing nobler than surrendering one's life in service to others: 

Non nobis solum nati sumus
"Not for ourselves alone are we born" 
Marcus Tullius Cicero.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Where Did Earth Get Its Name and Other Information


Another View

It is no intent of mine to use "copyrighted" material on this blog and, if posting the above link does violate the "fair use" policy, then I will remove the information. 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Health Check

How healthy is your community?

You could think of community as something that is actually a conscious entity, alive and vibrant, a place where people want to live, a place where people can raise families and start businesses, a place where the infrastructure is in place in order to do so, a place where people feel safe and are encouraged to fulfill their destinies, applauded and praised as they strive to be the best they can be.

A place where mutual respect is fostered between civilians and the essential elements necessary to handle emergencies and keep people safe. 

Too many of our communities have long been forgotten, lost long ago to blatant political backroom deals co-opted for and by political hacks engaged in fraudulent practices including money laundering, skimming, lies, deceptive and illegal practices.

Fear mongering is another tool that is employed to keep people divided and apart from one another instead of encouraging them to get to know one another and learning that we have far more in common than what we don’t as we come together in mutual respect, love and unity.     

These practices have for too long led to deteriorating relationships, buildings and streets, poor sanitation and an overall lack of concern for the people.        

Much too often we’ve left the fate of the people left behind to those who only care about how much they can profit off of their misery or how much they can continue to fan the flame of hate and division, all the while raising a toast after they’ve managed to squander the necessary monies set aside to help, opting instead to pocket it themselves, then smiling as they’ve managed, once again, to pull off another conquest of the human spirit.

I, for one, am tired of this.

If we, as the human species, are to ascend as a brotherhood united and dedicated to the well being of all, then we must get involved and demand that things change.    There has been enough division, sacrifice, war, racial tension and strife on this planet.

We owe it to each one of us, no matter our color, our sexual orientation, our political preference or our spiritual beliefs, that we are here to help one another, not destroy one another. 

We are “Here for One and One for All.”      

Too long an elite group of usurpers has had a stranglehold on humanity and I say it stops here and it stops now. 

If we don’t do this, who will?  
     ~ Nightshade

Babylon 5 The Power of the Earth Alliance

Tuesday, January 17, 2017



The growing tree / Time lapse Animation

Explain Earth's Magnetosphere


Just Another Ordinary Day

Okay, you wake up, get out of bed, stagger to the bathroom, look in the mirror, fumble around for your toothbrush, layer it with toothpaste and stick it in your mouth.  Your day has started.  A cup of coffee and maybe a piece of toast and you're off to the races.  Let's see, you either have to be at work, looking bright eyed and bushy tailed or you're doing chores, like me, letting the chickens out and tending to livestock.  We all have assigned ourselves certain tasks whether it be a 9 - 5 job or otherwise.   Routines can be painstakingly boring yet are necessary to our way of life as if we didn't show up for work or feed the animals, we'd lose our jobs or animals would starve.  And there's the  extraordinarily important part that in order to pay our bills, we have to generate the money to do so.  Life for all of us is mundane with maybe a few 'shock and awe' moments in which we can become momentarily unplugged and disconnected from our own engineered view of reality and plunged headlong into depths of our being we've never experienced.  How do you know when and if these events will happen?  Well the answer is, we don't.  They come along, unexpectedly and can savagely uproot us from our comfort zones, injecting confusion and chaos into our lives.    I have learned that there are things I can control in my life and things I cannot.  I have learned that in order to make it through Life, I have to get in the flow.  In order to do this, I had to surrender myself to something higher because I've learned, through much pain and many mistakes--that allowing Ego to make my decisions for me has brought me more pain than I can deal with.  One of the biggest reasons we're here is learning to connect with our Higher Selves (Spirit).  All of us are prone to believing that we don't need any help, that we can make it on our own.  -- Wrong.  At some point in our life we just may have an experience that will humble us to the point where we will be altered and changed spiritually, giving us the real perspective on life and why we are here.  It is called Growth.  And with these life experiences comes the ability to overcome unless you choose to ignore this most basic and fundamental marker on your transit here.  And we're not alone on our journey--we have company.  Yes, each day is the "same ole, same ole" but, unbeknownst to us is just how close we may have come to disaster during the day, a disaster we weren't even aware of and all because of a Guardian Angel who was assigned to watch over you.  So, I'll ask again, "It's just another ordinary day or, is it"?
      ~ Blessings,

Saturday, January 14, 2017

2017 ~ The Year of Revelations

And when the Time is right
Said the Mighty Men of Old
The Truth will be revealed
The Story will unfold
Just like the rose,
Whose life purpose
Is at first, undisclosed
Until she’s coaxed out in the open
Amidst a great world tribulation
The curtain parted
The veil torn in two
This lovely copse
This lovely Muse
Who has figured out the ruse
Arches upward in exhilaration
And then in joyous anticipation
This long stemmed beauty
This work of art
Who has now completed her
     Coup d’ etat
Is the lovely rouge who’s found her way
And now unfolds in light of day

Ruby Seadragon First Glimpse in Wild

Earth Mysteries


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Atlantis and Inner Earth Mysteries


"Deluge" by Francis Danby

Say your prayers
And count your blessings
For there’s a reason why
We just don’t know what lies ahead
Maybe hello, maybe goodbye 
Things are happening
All around us, above us and to us
And only G-d knows why
Look above your heads
Then look to earth below
We’re suspended in a medium
Of constant ebb and flow
We are here for just an moment
And then it’s time to go
Look at one another,
Forget about the lies
We are fathers and we're mothers
Aunts, Uncles, Sisters, Brothers  
We better wise up
Because time’s running out
And we'll be caught in mid stroke
We've finally learned how to swim
    or we sink and then croak

Something is Happening to Our Weather

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

"Bermuda Triangle" Of Space Creating Portals Over Earth? 1/10/17

A Helping Hand

The moon watches over us at night while the sun tracks our progress during the day.  The cool effervescence of the moon's rays create illusions and scary shadows in our minds while the sun does just the opposite, reversing the moon's effects by radiating warmth over everything and everyone, encouraging things to sprout and grow, fueling our hopes and dreams along with finding purpose in life.  This is as it should be.   This is the yin and yang of the universe.  One pulls us back while the other one gently pushes us forward.  Things had to come together in balance and harmony, as the moon and the sun are positioned exactly where they should be (balance) in order to contribute to life on this planet.  We are learning more and more about earth and how it possibly came into existence along with the many life forms it continues to sustain.  Earth's mantle is 70% water and interesting that the human body is 70% water, also.  We are now thinking that the asteroid belt, the region between Mars and Jupiter where these objects orbit the sun, might very well be the remnants of a planet, blown to smithereens by some unknown force.  When we finally acknowledge that indeed we are part of a great celestial mystery, and in order to serve something exponentially more important than ourselves, we need to learn humility before something that cannot be explained nor even understood.  Then and only then will we be able to tap into the bigger picture the universe is slowly unfolding before us, in which we will finally learn that all and everything are one and part of the Whole.  It seems that we humans take longer to recognize these Truths than others.  We are very fortunate The Galactic Family, our celestial cousins, have demonstrated such patience toward us.  I do believe they feel we are making great strides as never before.  It's nice to know you're in good hands. 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Saturday, January 7, 2017




Friday, January 6, 2017

Jamie Janover | Unified Field Theory – Full Length Lecture

What Was Once Will Always Be

Green leaves poking up
     Through the snow
Is the Promise made
     Long ago
That things will change
     And for the better
Never mind the snowy 
What was once
     Will be again
Like the snow,
     Winter will end
And the spring
   With birds and blooms
Renewal and Promise,
   A honeymoon