Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Shedding the Olde and Embracing the New

2020 New Year Resolutions:

*Finding another charity I can give to
*Learning to be more patient with myself and others
*Looking for the best in people
*Saving money
*Eating Healthier
*Continue to spread Love and Light 

I wish all of you a blessed New Year.  May you find your Purpose; may you let go of old habits that are keeping you down; may you continue to grow in Love and Light throughout the year.

~ Blessings,

5G & The Demiurge. (The Left Hand Path)

Thursday, December 26, 2019

And the Littlest Among Us

Red Cardinal

Yesterday afternoon, while making Christmas dinner, I heard a loud thud at the dining room window and instinctively knew what it was.

I went outside and saw the red cardinal lying in a pile of leaves.  I walked over and gently picked it up not knowing if it was dead or alive.

As I lifted it up it showed signs of life as I cradled it in my arms, providing warmth.   

One of its feet was crumpled and I straightened it out, all the time talking in a soothing voice to calm it down. 

After a few minutes when I knew it had gained enough strength, I positioned it on my arm. 

It was still unsteady as it recovered, its little black eye constantly blinking as it looked up at me. 

A few more minutes and I knew it was ready to take off.

In an instant it flew away. 

To explain how I felt after this experience, I just really can't put into words.

I think you know what I mean.

     ~ Blessings,
             ~ Nightshade

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

New Beginnings

New Moon, December 26, 2019

On Thursday, December 26, 2019 there will be a solar eclipse visible from Saudi Arabia, Oman, southern India and parts of Indonesia, most of Asia, North/East Africa and North/West Australia.

Along with this solar eclipse is a new moon in which the moon's position is between the earth and the sun so that the illuminated side of the moon faces away from us.

The new moon stands for new beginnings.  Things you've been mulling around for some time that have outgrown their usefulness and you're yearning for a fresh start, maybe you've decided to leave your job and take on a new one, quite possibly it's time to end a relationship and start a new one. 

This is the time one cycle ends and another begins. 
  ~ Blessings,
             ~ Nightshade



Let It Be So!

"L-rd, lift up this planet from despair and darkness and into the Light"
(and let it start with me) 

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas, December 25, 2019

 "Glory to G-d in the highest and on earth, peace and good will toward men."
~ Luke 2:14 ~

Sunday, December 15, 2019

U2-Peace on Earth lyrics

Telescopically Speaking

Looking for Answers

Yesterday was a bummer of a day.  Didn't feel good, no incentive to do anything.  Just wasted hours fighting to keep on task in order to get things done.

Today is completely different!  Yeah!  I'm really wondering if someone isn't poisoning our air.  Sorry, I can't help but feel this as some days are just great and, then, all of a sudden a complete and sudden downturn, doesn't make sense.

Okay, a new week is starting.  What did you accomplish this past week --did you set any goals, did you make the decision you weren't going to do anything harmful to yourself anymore, did you forgive someone, did you get a handle on your anger issues, did you finally admit to yourself that you can't handle life without some help?

Find room to make new friends, learn to stand up for yourself, help someone who is struggling and  respect your elders because they have learned a helluva lot more than you and,one day, you'll be one.

Something to chew on,

~ Blessings For the Week Ahead,
          ~ Nightshade

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Consciousness, Hidden Knowledge, Mind over Matter, Quantum Physics, Univ...(I'm sorry for the poor video presentation but I believe the information contained is important for all of us)

Scientists Discover Portal Into Parallel Universe. Will it Reveal God’s Hiding Place?

Scientists Discover Portal Into Parallel Universe. Will it Reveal God’s Hiding Place?: Can a startling new discovery of portals into parallel 'dark' universes reveal the ultimate mysteries of creation and the unknowable aspect of God? https://www.breakingisraelnews.com

Learn to Harness the Power of Prayer

Praying Buddha
Over thousands of years, human beings have slowly moved away from using prayer to solve their ailments and manifest solutions to their problems.  

The Ancients that came before us had a natural and personal connection with the earth, the cosmos and Mother Nature and regularly communicated with these entities through prayer. 

As civilization evolved over the years, it lost this ability instead adopted an attitude that what happened back then really doesn't matter or concern us today.

Prayer and meditation were vitally important to ancient peoples to help protect and bring in the harvest, keep evil spirits at bay, cure illnesses and bring people together.  

Powerful shamans and priests, gods and goddesses were spiritually adept at and had a deep understanding of human nature, astrology, planet earth and the healing power of plants and herbs. 

Today we rely on our limited understanding of where we originated from and the powerful gifts we  left behind and have chosen, instead, to rely on our limited intelligence and technology to solve our problems.  Anyone who professes a belief in the spiritual power of prayer is either demonized or shunned. 

We're all familiar with gravity and accept its existence yet we really don't really know how it works, we just know it does.

We've all heard of miraculous healings in which someone literally came back after there was no more hope.  We can't define how prayer was able to manifest the healing we just know that it did.

There are reports in which a group of people have gotten together and prayed for someone to be healed on the other side of the planet.  The results were something the scientists and naysayers weren't expecting. 

Prayer works.  You can call it thought transference, a miracle, a manifestation or whatever you like but it's not going away.  In fact, I predict there is going to be a massive resurgence and outpouring from people wanting to know about it and becoming involved in learning and sharing this spiritual gift for the benefit of humanity.    

There is a saying and it's quite true, "our thoughts create our reality."  Just like praying for someone to get well, so is true of positive thoughts you manifest in order to help yourself reach a goal or overcome something that's holding you back.

There are many schools across the globe that still teach us how to achieve and use this ancient art to benefit all.   

Maybe you have even experienced this yourself.



Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Finding Peace

Oregon, US of A, September 28, 2019.
Christ Michael/Jesus.
Subject: “What Have You Done with My Peace?”


Christ Michael/Jesus: “Dear children, what have you done with the peace I left with you? Have you followed My recommendations to honor My memory with your deeds — to do things in My Name and on My behalf? Have you allowed the intellectual grasp of My living Truth to reach your heart so that you can act upon it from that loving place? Or do you use My words of truth as ammunition in your intellectual squabbles?

“Don’t you see? To be a true follower, you have to remain in My peace — the peace that passes all ‘human’ understanding. You have to operate from a place of unity — not one of antagonism. The words of encouragement I spoke while among you told you to love one another as I loved you. What have you done with My Love? Have you set it aside with My Peace?

“Dear ones, would you ever want to live in an agitated Kingdom where the end justifies the iniquitous means? Never did I allow peer pressure to dictate My behavior. I only took the actions that were fully compatible with the Golden Rule by which the Father Himself forever abides.

“Do not be swayed by the flawed ways of the world; stick to Mine! By doing so, you will become a stronghold for the New World order of Love and Light. Yes, put your lives in the service of Love — staying away from those who cleverly deal in lies and deception to enact what is abominable to the Father’s Eyes.

“By safeguarding your personal honor — your moral integrity — you will live in harmony within. It is how I lived My life, never selling short My precious inner peace.” 

The 11:11 Progress Group. 
~No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love~

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Life is a Balancing Act

There is an unseen spiritual side to giving (charity) and saving money, realizing it that money is a tool meant for bigger and better things, not to be hoarded or worshipped like some sort of god.

Money in the form of coins, tokens or personal items and foodstuff used in barter and trade has been around for centuries as a way to give and receive goods.

Years ago people were cognizant of how much they needed to live on and budgeted accordingly because they simply just didn't have enough.

They were more aware of their finances than we are today and had a healthy respect for what they did receive, grateful for a steady job or being able to work for the farmer or merchant on a part time basis who provided the opportunity to make ends meet.

There was a solid human to human interaction going on back then in which two people participated in this monetary exchange and only two hands, one with the cash for all your hard work and the other hand waiting to receive it.  

Today things have gotten very impersonal.  Money is still money but we now do our purchasing through electronic means using a credit card in which there is no human interaction other than handing your card to the person standing at the checkout register.      

Cash is being phased out as the banks have figured out that they can't really make money off of cash (charging interest) and that purchasing something on a bank credit card is very profitable.   

You pay interest on your purchase (this is how the bank makes its money) and woe to you if you miss a payment.

If we haven't morphed from a cash society to a cash less society by now, I daresay we're getting pretty close. 

In either case, whether you use cash to make your purchases or a credit card, there is something that will help you stay within your budget.

How many of us actually sit down and map out a budget?  This is something very important when you're trying to make ends meet.  Along with your budget you need to determine how much you want to put away (save) for the future for any unforeseen emergency such as a car repair, an appliance going out or a sudden trip to the dentist.

Whether it's a salary or a paycheck you determine how much is coming in monthly and then then start deducting how much you'll be paying in taxes, insurance, groceries and how much to set aside for rainy day emergencies.

Believe me, if you start doing this no matter your age, it will make a big difference in your life as to 1.  how you begin to feel about yourself (I'm finally "in charge") and 2. will have a positive affect on all you care about. 

Developing a healthy respect for this will become a habit and prayerfully asking for guidance is going to make a world of difference as you will begin to learn balance in your life. 

Not only will you feel energized and spiritually refreshed but something else extraordinary will begin to  happen.

Others will take note of your new found confidence and things will magically start to fall into place.

I don't know how this work, only that it does.

So, do something for yourself, your spouse and your family↓

Take charge of where you're going in life - it's called a budget.  

~ Blessings,
          ~ Nightshade

Friday, November 29, 2019

Twin Flames

In order for true enlightenment to happen, we will experience something that strips away our mock covers, reducing us down to our naked self or soul.   

We will be exposed with the result being there will be no more confusion.  We will have the answers to our questions, allowing us to finally see the Light of our Earthly Existence.

~ Life Death Rebirth~

Everything we see around us are cycles of Beginnings and Endings.

Humans are part of these cycles of birth, life and decay.

We are born, we live, we die. 

All of us are at different stages of spiritual growth.  Some are further ahead than others.  Those who are higher on the spiritual scale have an obligation to speak to the rest of us, providing messages of Guidance, Encouragement, Love and Hope.

Sometimes change does come quickly here but, more than likely, real, lasting change takes place over a longer period of time.

We humans do not have the ability to see a universal clock.  We are only allowed to see what is happening to us from an earthly and linear perspective.  

The Beings introducing spiritual change on this planet have a much higher and more complete picture of what will occur down here as they are operating at a much higher spiritual plane.

Yet they do not leave us all to chance as to when these things will happen but provide guideposts and signs to heed.

We all know what to expect when the day suddenly turns dark and we hear thunder and see lightning.
Signs that a storm is approaching and to seek shelter.

In contrast, we all now when to go out and finally enjoy our day because the storm has passed and the sun is shining. 

One of the first signs of our Human Liberation is Awareness.  In order to move forward and survive anything, you must first be aware of whatever it is and devise a plan on how to deal with it, attack it, overcome, thwart or combat whatever it is.

*Change is not only coming, it's already here.* ↓

You can see through social media all the people from different countries who are uprising, trying to break free of Totalitarian governments and live as free human beings.

There is a massive backlash going on against the abortion industry.

One man, President Donald Trump, has done more to unmask our deceptive and corrupt government we all used to have faith in, as more and more people and organizations are exposed to the Light.

People are leery of vaccinations and with good reason.  We just don't know what's in them and the adverse side affects may well have much to do with children and an increase in Autism.

We're leery now of chemical products (Round Up) that care not for the human who uses them so much as the millions of dollars made by the corporations that sell them.

Many of us are switching to organic foods as we're now questioning what goes into our food both manufactured and grown.

And so it goes, and so it is, and so it shall be,

 ~ Nightshade

Saturday, November 23, 2019

New Human Hybrids Are On Earth and They Have Abilities That We Cannot Co...

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Death Throes

We all know the effects of evil.  I daresay most of us if not all of us at one time or another have been a victim of it. 

Think about the Biblical story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and how evil supposedly came about.       

Evil, in the form of a serpent representing the Devil (Temptation and Seduction) seduced Eve into eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Before this, she and Adam were blissfully unaware of their naked bodies.  But as soon as Eve bit into the apple she was immediately aware of her nakedness as well as Adam's.

Embarrassed at realizing this, she sought to cover her nakedness and asked Adam to do the same.

~We could ask why the serpent chose Eve to eat of the apple and not Adam but that's another story for another day lol~ 

Consider that when this planet was in its early stages of development, there was no good or evil.  Only after billions of years of evolution from single cell organisms to human beings did it initially make its appearance. 

Might there be another way in which human beings became aware of it other than in the Garden of Eden?

During our initial stay on this planet there are accounts of alien visitors (The Anunnaki) who used humans as slaves for mining gold.

Even though this is just one account depicting aliens living on this planet there are other civilizations that also corroborate the presence of ETs in their ancient manuscripts.

Could these ETs have conjured up this force of evil in a laboratory in the form of a virus?  Or, how about through gene manipulation?

Could this be exactly what the ETs wanted, an evil force that kept their human slaves submissive to their demands?

Seriously, why not?

Why is it that we cannot consider stuff like this as it stretches the imagination and aids in solving mysteries?  And, what if this actually turns out to have some merit?

Today, we have actual genetic engineering going on in which scientists are hybridizing plants and animals and reintroducing ancient mammoths back into existence.

Parents are now able to select the different traits they want in their children before they conceive; we have genetically modified plants being grown in order to feed more people in the world and I've read  of animal/plant and animal/human hybridization experiments.

I'm not condoning any of this but putting forth data that humans have arrived at such a place in their evolution that they are now dabbling in the same stuff our ancient counterparts did. 

*Evil is a weapon of mass destruction*. 

Instead of continuing to pour billions of dollars into WMDs isn't it time we started to eradicate them?

For the Sake of All Humanity,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Don't Be a Drop Out

"Don't Turn Your Back on Your Future"

This is a heavy subject and one I believe many shy away from or have a problem with. 

It's called Discipline and it involves hard work. 

In order for you to be successful with this virtue, you need to develop a regimen, a discipline, a routine and a "sticktoitiveness."   You need to promise yourself that you will finish whatever it is you start. 

Instilling discipline in your life ain't gonna work if you are into being a habitual drop out.      

Are you one who likes to sleep late, drink too much or into drugs, you don't make your bed in the morning but figure somebody else will, or wait until the last minute to study for an important test?

These are all symptoms of someone lacking the discipline to take on the tasks necessary in life.  They may not sound too important but trust me when I say that they will adversely affect any chances you have of making a success of your life down the road if you don't get a handle on them.  

Discipline first starts with family.  You have parents who instill in you the qualities needed to get you up and running, a head start so to speak.  They are your role models, the first ones you come in contact with.   

Let's be honest.  Today, a two parent family is something that some see as being almost non existent anymore as we see single moms struggling alone, divorce, alcohol and drug related problems that break up families. 

If you are familiar with these situations, even with one hand tied behind your back, if you have a loving parent who only wants the best for you, you will still be able to learn the steps necessary to get you going in the right direction.

Let's say you didn't have any of these people in your life and you're still trying to make a go of things.  In order to accomplish this, the first step is singling out those people or organizations that are known for helping others and have a proven track record.

Sometimes, if you are earnestly searching for answers, someone shows up in your life at just the right moment.  This is a gift and embracing it will enable you to turn your life around and head in the right direction.

Sometimes you hit the local recruiting office just to see what they have to offer and, after mulling the information around for a time, you may find yourself going back to ask more questions or, maybe it turns out it is exactly what you've been looking for. 

The military is know for instilling discipline in its troops.  You can't be a responsible team member if you are unable to first learn how to get your own act together.

Sometimes discipline takes a long time to develop.  Maybe you're good at playing chess and figure that one more move will result in the solution you're looking for as putting things off is one of your strongest traits.

Sometimes it will, sometimes it won't but, it's a well known fact that anything worthwhile is worth the effort and the sooner you get a handle on your life and get serious with where you're going, the sooner you'll see positive results. 

~ Blessings,
          ~ Nightshade



Sunday, November 17, 2019

Let's Face It, Humans are Stuck on Stupid

Earth has been our home for millions of years starting with Neanderthals and ending up with Humans.

We've slept under the stars, sheltered in caves, cooked our meals over an open fire, birthed our young, buried our dead, killed animals for food and learned to depend on each order in order to survive.   

We've gradually come to know one another over a long period of time but we still don't trust one another.

We've graduated from animal skins to cotton and polyester and traded ancient star gazing instruments for cell phones and satellites.

Today we pride ourselves on our technology which has opened up a whole new area of communication and research as to planet earth and the universe we inhabit. 

But, have we progressed into a mutual understanding and respect for who we are, where we are and where we're headed?

* We all inhabit one planet, and are of different colors, black and white, red, tan and brown but many still can't make it to first base in their relationships with others.   

* Scientists cannot figure out why the sun has two cycles, a solar minimum in which there are very few sunspots and a solar maximum in which there are many sunspots that could result in X-Ray solar flares and CMEs, (coronal mass ejections) adversely affecting our power grid.

* A new discovery was made a few years ago and known as ENSO (El-Nino Southern Oscillation) the result of which makes the weather extremely dry in one part of the planet and extremely wet in another.  This is due to one part of the the ocean warming up or cooling down but scientists admit they don't have an answer as to how and why this occurs.     

* Tracking earth bound asteroids is a relatively new and recent phenomena.  NASA started to realize it might be a good idea to keep track of these objects and started tracking NEOs (Near Earth Objects) in 1998.   In the process they are discovering many more they were unaware of and some that have come pretty close to our planet. 

* Cancer is a billion dollar industry yet nobody knows what causes this disease even though untold amounts of money go into research each and every year.

* Mental health issues have stumped the medical community and scientists as to what the causes are and how best to treat the people affected.

* A vast majority of people on this planet want to live peaceful lives without fear but we can't seem to get past this hope as one group of troublemakers or another is determined to wreak havoc on the rest of us.

* The weather is something nobody has a handle on.  Recently, it's from one extreme to the other.  Again, no word as to what is causing these fluctuations even though a number of people both professional and laymen have offered up their version of what may or may not be the cause(s).

* The ungodly and abhorrent practice of aborting infants is something that does not have any place in a civilized society and, yet, we are witnessing this abominable, grisly and hideous practice every day.

I seriously doubt Neanderthals were guilty of doing this to their own offspring.  

To sum up, I personally don't see any progress we're making, have made or will make in the near future unless we can:

1.  First admit we really don't know anything about anything but will continue searching for answers
2.  Start cherishing life instead of destroying it
3.  Have a healthy respect for this planet and our place in the universe
4.  Get down on our knees and pray for guidance
5.  Welcome others into our midst
6.  Make Peace, Not War 

Thursday, November 14, 2019


"And to All, a Goodnight"

Yesterday afternoon I watched the sun going down behind the trees and it was pure enchantment.      

You could feel the stillness in the air and a soft hush settling over everything as another busy day winded down.     

The animals were fed, watered and bedded down for the night.  Have 6 new goat kids as of yesterday, and all of them healthy.   

Both livestock guard dogs are good at what they were trained to do and keep a watchful eye over everything.  G-d help a predator if it mistakenly thinks it can take them on.  Hint:  Pyrs win, You Lose.

The color of the sky was like looking at a dazzling gemstone, radiating its brilliance through the trees with ribbons of purple, pink and gold.    

I am always amazed that I am alive and living on a planet.  It is something I never get over and  I'm always in wonderment at everything that goes on down here and around me and how perfectly aligned and coordinated nature is.

We can learn so much from nature.  It teaches us many things.  And so many of us aren't able to access this environment because of where we live. 

I am grateful for moments like this, they are forever etched in my memory.

I love what I do and in return, rewarded with nature's wisdom.

You can't put a dollar amount on that.

~ Blessings,
          ~ Nightshade

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Cold and Blustery

Monday, November 11, 2019:  The meteorologist said that today was going to be a day for record breaking cold temperatures across the planet.  

A strong and deep, very powerful and frigid air mass was making its way toward us and all the way from Siberia. 

He warned of dropping temps (way below freezing) bottoming out tomorrow morning and blustery wind gusts to 45mph throughout the day.    We're talking in the teens where I am and virtually unheard of for November.    

As I was soon to find out, he wasn't kidding.

I just had a nanny kid on the 10th and was particularly worried about her and her two little ones.

Worked all day, ensuring livestock and poultry were protected.   Put grain out for animals, a heater in the chicken coop, one in the livestock tank, brought wood in for the fireplace, covered tender plants and hydrants, put more hay in the dog houses and another heater in the garage for Pepper, my newest little stray.   

I continued working throughout the day buffeted by horrific wind gusts and dropping temps.  The sky continued to fill with billowing, dark clouds.     

That night I lay in bed and listened to the wind blowing the trees and hitting the house.  It continued to bluster and blow until this morning, (November 12, 2019) not subsiding and winding down until the wee hours.   I was particularly concerned for my livestock.   

This morning, I sat up in bed and watched the sunrise.  What a welcome sight after last night as its warmth slowly crept over the landscape, warming everything and everyone. 

I could finally go out and check on my animals. 

The goats were out of their shelters and facing east soaking up the sun warming their bodies after a very windy and frigid night.   

Now I could sit down and enjoy my first cup of coffee.

Thank You, G-d.  



Friday, November 8, 2019

General Omar N. Bradley Quote

"We live in a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants, in a world that has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience.  We have solved the mystery of the atom and forgotten the lessons of the Sermon on the Mount.  We know more about war than we know about peace, more about dying than we know about living."

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Whale Protects Diver From Nearby Shark

ALL 7 Chakras Balancing - with LOVE - Shaman Drum & RAV Relaxing Meditat...

Volunteers Needed

"You are the Light!  Start Glowing (Going!)
This earth is here so we can have some place to observe from in order to grow.

The message coming through is that all living things on this planet are connected to one another.

 As we shed our fears and those things holding us back, we are slowly coming to realize this truth. 

Birthing a baby is difficult yet rewarding work.  So it is with Planet Earth and the birth of this New Age coming in.

What I am talking about here is the planet (everything on it) spiritually ascending from the 3rd plane of density, obstacles and fear, etc. to the 4th plane.   

If you've noticed, we can now clearly see the components involved leading to all the corruption and evil rampant throughout the world.

Not too long ago, we still had blinders on. 

Subtle changes are already manifesting bringing people together, an awakening at the shameful and cruel way some human beings treat others, animal abuse, child abuse, senior abuse, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, religious persecution, violence, perversion, depravity and illness.

These changes coming that are heralding in a New Earth are a slow process and something we humans cannot hurry up.  However we can do our part by calling out those who are guilty of the aforementioned crimes to humanity.

We can also help this awakening along by sharing more messages of love and rejecting hate.

If you ever doubted your purpose in life, then this message must be for you. 

Bring on the Light!

~ Blessings,
          ~ Nightshade


Sunday, November 3, 2019

ET, Was That You?

"ET"  ~
"You Have Seen the Light"

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy".
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio

A Visitation:  On the morning of November 1, 2019, I was meditating and praying for several hours.  I had been  asking The Creator to bring peace to this planet along with peace into men's hearts.  I asked why this hadn't been done before as we were in desperate straits down here. 

A few seconds after I asked this question, a head materialized.   

I was only able to see a portion of its face and the "rest" of it appeared to be camouflaged by something that looked like billowing clouds.        

Its head was turned away from me at such an angle that I was unable to see two eyes only one (its left eye or its right eye if you were looking directly at it) staring at me.  Its head appeared to be shaped like that of the little alien in the movie, "ET."  

I was in shock (with my mouth open), with the realization that its one eye had locked onto me.      

Then as I stared at it and it stared back, I started to feel pain, equivalent to what you feel after staring at the sun for too long.

I literally had to close my eyes and rub them to make them feel better and, at that point, I found that the face had disappeared.   

Looking into this thing's eye was like looking into a white hot crystal that had occlusions weaving through it and it radiated such a dazzling brilliance it's difficult to even describe it.  

Something I want to add is that I detected no hostility, no fear, no anger, nothing negative emanating from it.  It was completely neutral.  

This picture is as close as I can get to describing the brilliance:    

I am wondering what the message was (if any) - - I think there was...did it have to do with something that will occur soon?  Did it have to do with the sun?  What about something else happening down here on Planet Earth?  - - I don't know.  I don't have an answer.

But this I do know, "we all just better calm down"

Because if something does happen down here and to this planet, it won't matter you're political affiliation, your religion, your race or what flavor ice cream you like.

As to whatever "It" is, "It" will affect ALL of us.

*Side Note:  I hesitated posting about this because I was unsure how well it would be received.  As we all know there are so many who can't wrap their heads around things that don't make sense to them and go out of there way to demonize or shame or? otherwise.

However, as this is my Purpose during this earth cycle, (the mission I signed up for) I have a Duty, an Obligation to Others to post information that otherwise would not be known and is to enlighten not frighten.

BTW, this was such a strong connection (encounter) that I couldn't shake it for several days.  


Saturday, November 2, 2019

Chart Your Course

Captain:  "It's getting rough out there,
where's my chart?  Boatman:  "You forgot to make one, sir"

Setting goals is one key to success in life.

Today we have a vast swath of young people who have not been counseled on how important this is.

Maybe one of them is you.  

> Goal setting first starts with your parents.  They are the ones instrumental in getting you off on the right track.

> Maybe you have a school teacher who believes in setting goals as this was instrumental in their being successfully hired.     

> Business people know all about setting goals.  Before they even consider investing, they first put together a business plan addressing any possible weaknesses they may encounter in the business along with its strengths.   

In this way, they can actually see what lies ahead, the positives and negatives inherent and  instrumental in whether they invest or not.   

Such it is with your life.

Setting goals amounts to making the unvisible, visible.  

A plan (setting goals) is essential for you as it will give you a leg up, a heads up as it charts your course through the rest of your life.

~ Blessings,
          ~ Nightshade

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Battle On

"Yin and Yang"

Mankind is constantly being dragged back and forth between two worlds.  It's a constant tug of war between two forces, one good the other evil.   

Evil rears it ugly head and quickly manifests, knowing that it has a small amount of time to do its dirty work.

It rises from its stink hole and immediately engorges itself on as much slime and vomit it can, its putrid and swollen belly ready to burst as it reaches its azimuth and then finally falters, knowing it has reached the end of its run of creating misery and havoc.

It then slowly dissolves back into the morbid and cold black abyss from whence it came.  

"From darkness it came and to darkness it shall return." 

Goodness, on the other hand, chooses to always be with us, a constant manifestation as our help mate.

It is always here for us and especially when life's trials get to be too much.
So when you see the evil in this world and what it appears to be accomplishing, know that its life span is temporary and what it stands for is false.

The important thing is you are able to recognize evil (and its many faces for what it is) and do everything in your power to defeat it.   This takes hard work and patience. 

In so doing, you will be helping earth ascend to a higher spiritual plane (moving from the 3rd dimension to the 4th dimension) thus tilting this planet to the side of truth.  

In closing, no matter how bad it looks, no matter how much evil tries to cover it up, Truth always prevails.     

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Three Little Words

"Right On!"
Today, child rearing has many challenges unlike the past 50+ years when there was a determined set of rules describing right and wrong behaviour.

Today, there are no rules anymore or so it seems.

Instead, a social conscript (n. to compel into service) is underway changing what was considered normal into anything goes as new ways of raising and teaching children are on full display.

Much of what we see going on today, allowing children to pick their own gender and then pumping them full of male or female hormones is unhealthy and dangerous.

Exposing a child at a very early to a side of life that is much better left unknown until they are older (learning about transgenders, transsexuals) is also unhealthy but it appears that the social change experts have deemed otherwise, forcibly compelling children (and their parents) into a new role of embracing that which they don't understand or even agree with.

There is a forcible coup underway of usurping your rights as a parent in favor of what social change experts now deem acceptable.

No matter what side of the spectrum you're on, you, as a parent, are very much responsible for how your child turns out.  Your love and respect will very much determine their attitude on things and how he or she will respond, react to and handle life's problems.

I am trying to be inclusive here in that there are many parents with good intentions but with differing opinions on how to raise their children.

I understand that and this is why I want to touch on something very important.

It's called praise.

It's easy to scold and punish a child, exposing bad habits, or something wrong they did, sending him or her to their room.

It's easy to point out their fault(s) and remind them they've embarrassed you, made you angry or  crossed a line.

On the other hand, ask yourself this, "how many times have you offered your child praise and recognition for a job well done"?

Are you a parent so hung up on making a point to your child or an example of them that you never have the time to (p)raise them up?

Remember three little words:   
"Make Me Proud."

These words will be a defining moment in your child's life, something they will never forget, something they will rely on in life over and over, having it entrusted to memory by a loving parent. 

~ Peace and Love,



Saturday, October 19, 2019

Constructing a Bridge of Hope

Thomas Kinkade, "Bridge of Hope"

How do you give people hope when they have very little hope left or have lost all hope?

>You could recommend they talk with a priest, rabbi or pastor.

>Confide in family and friends. 

>Or, you could tell them that the answer to their problem will arrive in time.

For the person in turmoil, it's times like this that makes it difficult to keep going when they feel they've reached their wits end.  

No amount of consoling someone or telling them, "every thing is going to be okay" is going to cut it.

An understanding and compassionate listener is what is needed most at this time.

Someone who's been there, someone who actually feels the pain you're going through because they've experienced it, someone who can cut through all the bullshit and actually connect with you on a soul to soul level in order to bring you up and out of yourself so you're able to view your problem from the outside, gaining a clearer picture of exactly what's going on and a clearer perspective of things, thus bringing about a resolution.

I am of the fervent belief that we have unseen beings watching over us.  Day in and day out they know our comings and our goings.

When we pray, even though we can't see to whom we're praying, they do hear what we're praying for and start putting together a plan or bring someone on board in order to activate our healing process.  

The hard part is waiting for an answer to come through.

I have counseled and comforted people from time to time.  It is no easy task to sit and listen to someone's problems because the information is, many times, gut wrenching, someone pouring their heart out, someone who is so far gone that nothing seems like it's going to help but who is only looking at their problem from the inside, so immersed in emotions that their ability to sort things out, think things through, is almost nonexistent. 

Every time I do this, I am actually doing what G-d would have me do.   

To Him, each life is precious and each life is worth fighting for. 

When the person we're working with can't fight anymore, intervention is needed, someone to join their battle to help the person gain a clearer picture of exactly what is happening to them and what is needed and necessary in order for them to overcome and survive.

We are all connected to one another and rely on each other for help when we encounter difficulty and trouble.

You can join this ongoing fight to help other fellow human beings. 

This spiritual intervention will also make a difference in your life, too.    

~ Peace and Love,
          ~ Nightshade

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Earth Changes

Its taken million of years for life to evolve and adapt on this planet amidst direct hits from large asteroids,  meteors, erupting volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and deluges.

Throughout this period, life slowly evolved and adapted, eventually leading to the advent of humans and.

And, according to ancient records, humans really haven't  been around all that long compared to other life forms.

Life was then, as is now, dependent on earth's seasons.    

Today, most of us don't pay much attention to the weather but only if it's going to affect us adversely.

We go about our daily lives, not giving it a second thought.  Farmers, on the other hand, are more susceptible and closely connected to and depend on earth's seasons signalling when to sow, plant and reap.   

In March of this year unprecedented and record flooding hit the midwest.  Many farms were under water along with equipment and livestock as farmers watched helplessly.   

The damage done was catastrophic reaching into the millions of dollars, with whole farms, equipment and livestock lost along with livelihoods and the flooding occurred in some places where there had been none before.

Each year we depend on absolute signs from Mother Nature as to when the seasons are changing.  In summer we enjoy green growth and sunny days; summer fades into fall with chillier temperatures and trees showing off their vibrant colors; winter brings darkened skies, snow and cold;  spring arrives with blue skies, birds twittering and leaves budding out. 

These are all patterns of weather we've come to know.  They've been consistent and something we  count on but I believe something is changing.

For example:  More than normal and torrential rainfall; early and heavier than normal snowfall; devastating heatwaves and droughts,  plants and trees flowering at the wrong time of the year or flowering more than once; different birds showing up along with insects and, instead of a gradual change from one season to the other it's like somebody slammed a door. 

Even with all our technology today, meteorologists and scientists are still trying to understand why the weather behaves the way it does. 

They just recently discovered "ENSO" (El Nino-Southern Oscillation)  a connection between earth's oceans and atmosphere, in which the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean water temperature changes from cool to warm or vice versa resulting in either an El Nino or a La Nina.  

Depending on which way the water temperature, these two events a La Nina or an El Nino play a significant role in how the climate will be in different locations across the planet.

There's been much hue and cry from scientists and laymen alike regarding "Climate Change" in which some have prophesied that all life will disappear from this planet in twelve years and all because the planet is "heating up."

Do they have the answer as to if, how and why the earth is or is not heating up?   ~ Answer:  No.  

What these people are claiming hasn't been proven and we don't need hysterical people making hysterical, uncorroborated and substantiated comments.  We need facts.

There's talk of another planet that has entered our solar system with its own set of moons and a long debris tail soon to be seen here in our skies. 

Unlike the hysteria surrounding climate change there's information to back this up with dates and times:  The biblical account of Exodus in which a heavenly light that shone more brighter than the sun accompanied and heralded the Hebrews out of Egypt thousands of years ago as they made their way across the desert in search of the Promised Land.

This object was believed and described by the ancients as another heretofore unknown planet.  

In addition, the ancient Chinese and Sumerians also took note of this object and described its appearance in their manuscripts.

The sun is in its solar minimum right now (in which we don't see any sunspots or very few).  So, the sun is giving off less heat and could contribute to why we are seeing record and early snowfall in different parts of the planet. 

Again, this is just a theory and has not been substantiated with real hard data but it is something to consider.

In order to delve into the mysteries of the universe in search of answers, we need humility, something many of our esteemed scientists do not possess.

We humans have grown into an arrogant bunch who have demonstrated we are more likely to do or say something in order to save face than reveal what we actually found and all because what we've uncovered doesn't fit a certain narrative or is protecting someone or something.

So, Damn the truth as it is too inconsistent, too controversial or too political.

Cudos to the Planet X researchers and others who have taken it upon themselves to get out as much data as possible about Planet X but are constantly targeted and besieged by naysayers and government trolls hampering their efforts but keep marching on anyway, at considerable cost to themselves in terms of health and credibility, in hopes of enlightening us to one of life's mysteries.      

Back to the weather.  I have to admit that the weather is behaving unusually (something we're not used to seeing).    For example, instead of gradually moving from one season to the other it is now like summer turns instantly into fall; fall turns instantly into winter and spring (there is no spring anymore where I am) it's instant summer. 

I have personally noted that flowers, instead of blooming once are now blooming three times during the season.  This is a first:  I have an apple tree that didn't flower in the spring but is now flowering in October.

I believe there is a new pattern of weather emerging on this planet but one that's already happened in the past, many times over.

And, if so, we're going to have to learn a new way of identifying it, dealing with it, adapting to it, living with it, understanding it, observing it, reacting to it and recording it.




Sunday, October 13, 2019

Enjoy the Moment

October 13, 2019:

There's a full moon tonight and the energy emanating right now is exhilarating, energetic, boundless, hopeful, happy and joyous.

Take to heart these feelings that suddenly engulf you because they are messages from our celestial neighbors. 

Sometimes they can bring us down but sometimes they can raise us up!

Enjoy the moment and Be Happy! 

Have a great week, friends!

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Brick by Brick

"One brick at a time"


"The natural or prepared ground upon which some structure rests; the basis or groundwork of anything".  www.https://dictionary.com

~ Stepping Stones, Building Blocks ~
Human beings are not meant to flail around or spend their whole lives running in circles. 

As human beings with free will we are free to choose whatever we want to do or don't want to do. 

In order to move forward we need attributes necessary for sound moral choices and decision making. 

The first foundation is family.

Second is a knowledge of right and wrong.

Third is learning to believe in something higher than ourselves.

Fourth is learning to trust. 

Fifth is learning respect. 

If you don't have a loving family determined to lay a foundation for you then you're already off on the wrong foot.  It's times like these if you don't take charge of your own destination you either fall by the wayside or are lucky enough to find people who grab you by the bootstraps and raise you back up.

A knowledge of what's right and what's wrong doesn't come easily.  We all are endowed with a sixth sense that sets off alarms if we're tempted to do something harmful but it takes a healthy understanding that doing so will only result in disaster.

We can go just so far in life believing that we can do anything, accomplish anything.  This is healthy but doesn't take into account that there will be instances in life where this is not possible without help.  Learning to believe in something bigger than yourself is necessary to get you through the rough times.

Trust is something that can be fleeting.  You relayed a secret to a friend and the next thing you know it's all over the media.  You meet someone and fall in love only to find out that behind your back he or she is making out with someone else.

It's kinda hard to learn to trust when these things happen to you and can leave you jaded.  Understand that this is the dark side of life and not the light.  There is always good in the world and you will eventually learn this as you encounter someone who goes out of their way to help you or an unlucky situation that meaningfully changes your mind. 

Today, respect is a diminishing factor.    We have lost respect for those who have gone before us; for  someone who has an opinion we don't agree with and for human life.

And it's pretty difficult to maintain a respectful composure when openly attacked for your personal beliefs, political beliefs or gender.

It doesn't help when Hollywood prides itself on making movies where the worst of us are made into heroes and the real heroes degraded.   

Don't let life hijack you, start today.

All you need is one brick.  Each brick thereafter is one more milestone in your journey toward a firm foundation.  

     ~ Blessings,


Sunday, September 29, 2019

Get it Together

There are 3 parts of us:  body, mind and soul (or spirit).  The problem is many of us are unaware of this fact and treat each part as a singular unit.

We were meant to harmonize all three parts into one because only then are we able to operate as a well oiled machine.

The men and women who are keenly aware of this are those in the military.  Boot Camp is the first step in this learning process where you are forced to learn how to bring your mind (mental) your body (physical) and your soul (spirit) together into one complete and formidable fighting unit.   

Think of yourself as a tree with roots spreading deep down into the earth.

You bring up nourishment from the soil in order to grow, replenish and thrive. 

When someone pollutes the soil you're in, your health declines and you stop growing.  

This can be in the form of verbal/sexual abuse, too much alcohol or drugs, etc.    

Many of us are unaware of this BMS connection and continue to do things that harm us.    

Things change, however, when you come face to face with something unexpected. 

It could be in the form of an injury, a drug overdose in which you almost lost your life or some other traumatic event.  

These events trigger an "awakening" inside us in which we can now clearly see that what we were doing (engaging in) was harmful and dangerous.

Now you're a different person as you've decided you don't want to do these things anymore because of the pain and suffering.     

You think and act differently, and can now make healthy decisions regarding your physical and mental well being.

You're starting to flourish now because you realize that operating as a whole person is much better than operating as a partial one.    

Don't wait for something to happen.  Hard decisions in life can be made through introspection, meditation and prayer, before you wind up in dire straits.

~ Blessings,
           ~ Nightshade 

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Between Heaven and Earth

"Can One Count the Stars in the Heavens?  ~ No, yet they are all numbered as are the hairs on a man's head".  ~ Matthew 10:30

We will one day find out the truth of what I've been saying for some time, that there are millions of  angelic beings in different capacities on this planet right now who are teaching, instructing and guiding humanity toward a celestial portal.

They are here to help in any capacity, in any way they can to usher in a new age of planetary compassion and love.   

We are morphing from the old and outworn into something new.  Not only is the planet itself  changing but a reshaping of man's ideas is taking place as to the origins of where he came from and why he's here.

Luke 8:17:  For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light."

The continuing realization that we are not alone in the universe is witness to the many people and governments that are now coming forward, admitting close encounters with alien craft and beings.

The many accounts of ordinary humans recounting visitations from celestial visitors in acts of kindness and compassion.

The slow realization that science is now finding that not only humans but earth also responds to vibrations.

A good example would be nuclear tests and the resultant shock waves, radiation and damage done producing harmful and long term effects on both terra firma and life.

The numbing, savage drumbeat of heavy metal on the brain and how it can change someone from passivity to rage over a period of time.

Hospitals finding that prayer and soothing music actually helps patients dealing with disease and injury to heal faster. 

I am constantly amazed at the savage vitriol, the rage, the senselessness of people who only wish to hurt, cause and foment trouble here.  These bloodthirsty individuals  manage, through coercion and manipulation to rise to the top of the food chain, eating their way through the rest of us with the goal of gaining absolute power and control.

They are contributing to the violence the chaos and the mayhem we are all witnessing.  

But, I tell you, "their days are numbered" even as the hairs on a man's head are numbered.

Change is coming.  No, not like the change Barack Obama was fond of saying but "real" change.

This change is going to be welcomed as healthy and rehabilitating.  

All will welcome this change as we are being made ready for it.   

~ Blessings,

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

11:11 Progress Group ~ Changing the World

Alabama, US of A, May 9, 2013.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Consequences of Your Actions.”


Thought Adjuster: “Life can sometimes seem hard and unfair. However, the majority of the problems human beings face in this world are simply the consequences of their individual or collective actions. In most of the difficulties humans encounter, you can find a human cause and often some generations have had to overcome the problems created by their ancestors.

“But no generation has ever needed to face and resolve problems as complex and devastating as the generations that are currently being born. This world is experiencing the apex of materialism and the increased contact among different regions of the world has contributed to extend some social evils that used to be restricted to some geographical areas, promoting much superstition, prejudice, intolerance, mistrust, and fear. The people of this generation – those who control the natural resources and the direction of civilization – are acting in a way that benefits only those who belong to their inner group at the expense of the rest. They exploit the natural resources like never before and relentless ambition is the norm of success in the minds of most mortals.

“However, these are only the delivery pains of the birth of a new era. Many among you are realizing that this path will not bring a good outcome. The consequences of the irresponsible way in which many behave are becoming evident and this is the reason why so many raise their voices of alarm and warning, looking for an alternative and higher way to live their lives. Others who feel trapped by the inequality of the distribution of resources and by the rejection they feel to the way in which society dictates that they should live their lives, are starting to think independently. The seeds of change are germinating in human hearts and the spiritual light starts to shine with increased brightness in this earth.

“For many, the consequences of their way of life are already obvious. Some fortunate ones have searched within for the answers and have found the Father in their minds and their hearts. Some feel their unconditional love overflowing their being and they spontaneously share the truth they have discovered, and are becoming examples to their peers – beacons that illuminate the way to the goals of eternity. Nevertheless, the vast majority still lingers in confusion, apathy, and shortsighted materialism.

“The time to make a final decision is near. Your world is a part of the Supreme Being, a living world with a developing personality. This planet knows what it needs to promote balance and restore conditions to allow for higher growth, in harmony with the plans of the Creator. Just as human bodies have the inner wisdom to produce a fever when an infection is threatening the integrity of that entire system, our world possesses a higher intelligence that will shake things as needed in order to preserve planetary health.

“If human beings in this world don’t change the course of their decisions and actions they will sooner or later face the consequences of their actions. This will be a ‘judgement day’, not the judgement of an angry and vengeful god, but the natural consequences faced by those who pretend to impose their methods, conceived by their partial view of reality, over the divine will of the One who knows the end from the beginning and truly knows what is best path. On that day, everyone will realize the error of their ways and out of necessity they will have to make the needed corrections. Then, what was originally considered to be a tragedy will become the most important and relevant lesson for those who had to live through those times, a lesson that will raise the consciousness of the masses and will focus everyone’s attention on the divinity that lives within each one of you.

“This is the question: will you wait to face the dire consequences of your actions to realize that you are responsible for what happens in your world? Or will you use your wisdom to mitigate the fall and start to improve things here and now?”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.