Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
"What's Coming: - Telling it Like it Is"
Google/Blogger blocked a video I posted (the one below).
Go to Youtube and the channel, Full Spectrum Survival for the latest video (the one I tried to post on here) and be informed.
This is a very good site for the latest "intel".
Monday, July 29, 2024
Sunday, July 28, 2024
Hekate's Oracle Card Reading for July 28, 2024
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Hecate Oracle Card Reading for July 21, 2024
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Friday, July 19, 2024
Joseph Tittel, aka Spirit Man, Psychic, Medium, Channeler
Thursday, July 18, 2024
July 14, 2024 Oracle Card Reading
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Hekate's Oracle Card Deck Card Positions Middle Card SITUATION: Of the Earth #5 Upper Left CHALLENGE: Empowerment #27 Top GUIDANCE/HELP: Of the Road #6 Upper Right HIDDEN: Brimo #17 Bottom OUTCOME: Of the Sea #4 Lower Left SUMMARY: The Guide #13 ~ Reading ~ "Taking Root" ***** SITUATION: Of the Earth - Build a Steady Foundation: Definition of "Grounded": Mentally and Emotionally Stable If you haven't found your footing now it's time you do. Do you have suitable shelter if a tornado, a severe storm or an earthquake hits? Do you have enough food, water and meds to sustain yourself and your family for a few days, or weeks? Not only during a crisis do we need a solid structure to escape into, we also need a mental shelter for our minds as well. A place we can retreat to, knowing that no matter what happens on the outside we have everything we need (on the inside) because we took the time to prepare for the battle, including learning the leadership skills necessary leading to comfidemce, stamina and success. ***** CHALLENGE: Empowerment - Welcome to Your Shadow. Each one of us has a Shadow side we have difficulty dealing with because it has its own set of rules. It isn't interested in releasing us from addictions or abuse or other types of trauma or blockages to our growth but just the opposite - complete control. This is why it is such a powerful predator - it knows everything about you but you kmow nothing about it. Isn't it time to ask yourself why you can't stand up amd take charge of your own life? You are a leader with the necessary skills to embolden others but until you make the decision that you're in charge nothing is going to change. ***** GUIDANCE/HELP: Of the Road - Walk the way with courage. Steady as you go. Walk the path you were meant to walk. But, first, you must know which one. We reap what we sow. ***** HIDDEN: Brimo - Sudden change and chaos. We never know when something unexpected is going to happen only after it happens. This message is a reminder to keep those things on hand that we may need in times of need. So this is why preparedness is so important. Take the necessary steps to see that you have considered everything you need in order to secure the safety of yoirself and loved ones. ***** OUTCOME: Of the Sea - Bathe in nuturimg waters. It is time to consider your emotional needs and the areas that need some work. We live in volatile times now and people are showing their stress meters by how they drive and talk to one another. Not only is water peaceful, healing and purifying, it can be violent as well. This is a reminder to keep things in check like our reaction to things. This is not the time to overreact because someome said something that didn't set very well with you or a driver came a little to close to you on the freeway. We can be, under the right circumstances, catalyts of peace, which this world needs more of. On the other hand, we can choose to be "catalysts of violence". Keep a check on things as well as you'll also be setting an example for others. SUMMARY: The Guide. Look for Divine Guidance. ***** The numerical value of this reading is 5: Instability; conflict; loss; opportunity for change Adding the Summary Card is 9: Attainment; bringing things to a conclusion; selflessness ***** Added info: |
Saturday, July 13, 2024
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
The Times Prophesied Are Upon Us
Please watch the Video entitled, "The Great Shift Approaches"
Again, Google/Blogger are preventing me from sharing this video with all of you.
Please go to Youtube and look up "Great Shift Approaches" from Joseph Tittel (he put it out about 20 hours ago)
and share with friends and family,
The information contained in the video is important
I guess Big Tech maybe "knows" something we don't know????
What do you think?
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
The Abomination of Humanity
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Samael "The Destroyer" "Damn It, I Don't Have Time for This!" "Humanity Playing God, Again" "Anybody have a Smoke?" |
Monday, July 8, 2024
Hekate's Oracle Card Reading for July 7, 2024
Sunday, July 7, 2024
Heart to Heart
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"Where the Fuck Am I?" |
My Unexpected Encounter, Uncanny, Crazy, Mind Altering, Deep Dive Crash Course into What it Feels Like to Take a Walk Down a "Liminal" Path
The definition of liminal is "in between"
Friday, July 5, 2024 was a New Moon in Cancer.
New Moons stand for Endings, Cycles, Completion and New Beginnings)
The Zodiac Sign Cancer stands for the Heart, Love, Compassion, Relationships and Emotions
(Yesterday, Saturday, July 6, 2024 was unlike any day I've ever had on this planet and I'm used to some pretty powerful energies).
I'll try to explain so that you will have some understanding of what I went through.
No big bang to start my day, nothing extraordinary but boy, was I tired.
You could say 'DEAD Tired but even that term doesn't come close.
NOTE: 7/10/24: Very POWERFUL Planetary Energies are now targeting earth, affecting all life.
Please take this post to heart (because it was real and no joke)
This experience I had was like when someone says, "I'm losing my mind."
Even though I've never been drugged (nor do I want to be) I would say that this is probably the closest to describing my condition because I found that I acted like a zombie.
I just walked the walk and talked the talk.
Roller coaster ups and dowms, vibrations and levels of awareness I've never felt before like being able to look at your injuries after a horrific car accident, actually being forced to see the level of damage you sustained, not blinking an eye at it nor feeling any pain.
I then realized, at this point of awarness that I was here as an observer and NOT a participant.
But for what reason?
I continued experiencing myself - body, mind and spirit being turned inside out and upside down, able to see the inside of something from the outside and the outside of something from the inside
Does this make sense to any of you?
My whole sense of direction had changed but I would soon see and clearly understand that it would not affect the outcome.
Did I piss somebody off at the supermarket yesterday, maybe moving my cart ahead of them while they were finally able to reach for their favorite brand of cereal?
Or was it the woman (or man) sitting across from me at the restaurant last week with a look of hatred in her/his eyes that maybe something had gone terribly wrong and they were having difficulty dealing with it?
Was this some kind of curse placed upon me?
The incessant ebb and flow of energy all day long, the myriad of questions I kept asking myself, the ups and downs in energy had just about worn me out when all of this craziness started to subside.
It was about 5 pm when I noticed this incessant energy finally moving away and leaving me.
Throughout all of this, though, I learned something valuable and am passing it on to you, maybe this is why I had to experience it.
There are just some things in life we cannot control, NO MATTER HOW HARD WE TRY.
Death is one of them.
Those things that are going to manifest (whether we like them to or not) have their own time frame no matter how much we wish they'd just go away. They will continue on their mission until it is fulfilled.
No amount of yelling and screaming is going to make any difference so cool your jets.
They're going to go when THEY are ready to go.
This is when we are going to run into problems and need to ask for help.
In order to deal with/understand/come to terms with/and then become fully liberated through courage and determination/ are we ready to make it through whatever situation confronts us.
The old saying "Go With the Flow" is most important now, considering the times we are in.
Understand that difficult times are coming now matter we like this or not.
Understand that You cannot do everything alone and need help.
Understand that We are all in this mess together so There's plenty of help available.
This is when we will meet, for the first time, finding ourselves coming together, heart to heart.
Thus, This was Written Long Ago and finally Here and We Will Witness This With Our Own Eyes.
This is not Good Bye but Hello!
So It is Written,
Please take this message to Heart .
One Heart to Another,
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"Walking Our Path" |
Saturday, July 6, 2024
It's In Our BackYard
Interestingly, Google/Blogger just removed info linking you to a video entitled, "Planet X FAQ - What is Nemesis?"
You can go to Odysee and watch Marshall Masters Video and find out for yourselves.
I think you're going to be more than amazed once you see the information he has to share.
Check it out:
Friday, July 5, 2024
Toss and Turn
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"Straight Line" |
Thursday, July 4, 2024
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Oracle Card Reading for Sunday, June 30, 2024
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Hekate's Oracle Card Deck Card Positions Middle (SITUATION): World Soul #28 Left of Middle (CHALLENGE): Empowerment #27 Top (GUIDANCE): Night Wanderer #8 Right of Middle (HIDDEN): Serpent #16 Bottom (OUTCOME): Torch Bearer #9 Lower Bottom Left (SUMMARY): Brimo #17 READING "A Great Planetary Healing is Underway" ***** Note: The Serpent Card, #16, flipped out of the deck - an indication that it has a major influence on the meaning of today's reading. ***** SITUATION: (Sense of Completion) WORLD SOUL: The World Soul represents Humanity. Alone we cannot accomplish those things we want but when we begin to see ourselves not just as individuals, but as a whole and working harmoniously with others, positive and needed change can and will occur. In order to do this we have to understand that WE are the oracles of our own destinies. But things don't come easy for us as we soon learn as you have to work hard for what you want out of life. In order for the World's Soul to continue to heal, WE need to step up and play our part. It is time to clear our debris fields, getting rid of those things - people, relationships, beliefs, a job you hate, maybe you're doing drugs or drinking too much) as we begin to realize that WE are the ones inhibiting our own paths. CHALLENGE: (Welcome the Shadow) EMPOWERMENT: This card is asking us to acknowledge the destructive forces within ourselves. Whether you know this or not, all of us are on a pathway to Truth - the Truth of Who and What We Are and Where We Belong in This World. This world is made up of light and dark just as we are. All of us have our "shadow" sides that we keep to ourselves. Maybe we're ashamed or just plain "enjoyin the ride" at everyone's expense not just ours. . Maybe it's sexual lust and you just can't stop. Maybe it's playing the role of Manipulator where you just can't get enough satisfaction from seeing the continued suffering of others. If you want to continue to part of the problem, you will never find your true self nor purpose in this world and, worst of all, will continue to aid and abet Humanity's woes. Understand, You are Teachers and Healers, Shamans and Seers, so.... If you decide you've had enough of playing destructive mind games, the universe is calling on you, right now, to step out of the shadows and into your true and authentic self. Make a positive difference in the world, it's why you came here. You have so much to offer and the time is now. GUIDANCE: (Stand by Your Beliefs) NIGHT WANDERER: This message follows the message of the CHALLENGE Card - encouraging you to move toward your goals, no matter what others say or think as you travel your own light path. This card is guiding you toward taking control of your journey and continue to venture forth, even if no one else is walking beside you. Once you get into the habit (routine) of doing this, you will begin to feel "liberated." Which is exactly what needs to happen in order for the change you seek to manifest. Remember, ~ "You've Got This!" HIDDEN: (Awakening to Knowledge) SERPENT: This card is all about an "Awakening." Receiving this card in a reading can mean that a "valuable piece of information will be revealed to you." This information will rejuvenate and set you on your new path. So, look for Signs, Synchronicites and Wonders! OUTCOME: (Light the Way) TORCHBEARER: Hekate is known as the "Torch Bearer" lighting the way for all who seek direction. Pay heed to what follows: Reach out to her for guidance and believe that the answers you seek will come to you, through her. The course she presents to you will be made especially for you as she knows your strengths and weaknesses. This doesn't mean that it won't have its share of obstacles and challenges as she knows that these are the moments when true cognitive change can occur. SUMMARY CARD: (Sudden Change and Chaos) BRIMO: This is a card of brutal honesty and radical transformation. This card will bring us face to face with our own shadow(s) forcing us to acknowledge them, thus depriving them of their power over our lives. This is crucial in order for our attention to be drawn to those things inside us that need healing. This card also represents Mother Nature, Fire and Brimstone, upheaval, cataclysms and chaos. The earth along with Humanity is in massive transformation as we now experience our "normal" weather going off the rails (to the extreme) along with hierarchies crumbling that have affected our health, the food we eat, our water and the air we breathe; corporations, governments, military establishments, scientific/technological and very powerful and ruthless people going down all so the Truth can be revealed. Here's a link to JT aka Spiritman's video that will fill you in on more details. 👇 July 2024 Psychic Forecast & Predictions ⚠️ A Wild Month Of Major Truth Leaks (July Predictions) ( ***** The numerical value of this reading is 7: Reflection; Assessment; Spirituality; Motives; Wisdom; Perfect Order Adding the Summary Card is 6: Communication; Problem Solving; Cooperation; Balance |