Why do we continue to deceive ourselves?
The truth is, we are nothing but a pack of predatory ravenous wolves, our only aim being to seek out and prey upon the weakest among us and, when possible, destroy anything else that stands in our way.
We have no past, and we certainly have seen to it that we have no future.
We are a savage, merciless and cruel lot.
We are not in need of rescue nor salvation as our actions have clearly demonstrated that we reject both.
We continue to feed our insatiable egos into thinking that we control our destinies and those of everyone else.
Maybe the human race was a mistake.
Maybe we are on 'borrowed'time.
The question is, 'are we even capable of comprehending and acknowledging that this may be a stark truth, and the very possible reality of our existence?"
I don't think we have much time left in which we will have the answer.....
Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Friday, October 30, 2015
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
VA Tries to Confiscate Veteran's Guns
Folks: If you don't know what's going on in your own country, then you better educate yourselves.
Even if you don't own a gun and believe no one else should have one either, this blatant, unwarranted attack on this vet's Second Amendment Rights, if gone unchallenged, will ultimately claim you as a victim also.
There is a small segment of society that doesn't care about anything.
But there's an even bigger segment that does.
This tyranny that we're witnessing starts at the top and works its way down.
It's time we all realized it and started to stand up.
To all you vets out there, you know what's going on and that's why you're a target.
Thank you for your service.
Unfortunately you served your time but it appears that more is required of you.
I've got your back and millions of other Americans do too.
G-d Bless this great country and those who have just plain had enough of what's going on in Washington, D.C.
Folks: If you don't know what's going on in your own country, then you better educate yourselves.
Even if you don't own a gun and believe no one else should have one either, this blatant, unwarranted attack on this vet's Second Amendment Rights, if gone unchallenged, will ultimately claim you as a victim also.
There is a small segment of society that doesn't care about anything.
But there's an even bigger segment that does.
This tyranny that we're witnessing starts at the top and works its way down.
It's time we all realized it and started to stand up.
To all you vets out there, you know what's going on and that's why you're a target.
Thank you for your service.
Unfortunately you served your time but it appears that more is required of you.
I've got your back and millions of other Americans do too.
G-d Bless this great country and those who have just plain had enough of what's going on in Washington, D.C.
The Veil is Lifting
![]() |
One Light, Many Windows |
It doesn't have to announce its presence because it's omnipresent.
It's here long enough to get the attention of those who are desperately seeking help and searching for answers to their problems.
Those souls who are at a point in their lives where desperation is the only thing they know and are now trying to figure a way out.
It arrives at just the right moment and just the right time because it knows that the individual it seeks is ready for a new direction, a new path.
The old ones they've chosen just don't work anymore.
This truth is one of healing, love and forgiveness, hope, compassion and humility.
It is a powerful connecting and unifying force designed to bring people, families and nations together.
I don't know where you are on your Life's Journey at this point in time but I can bet that there are many of you who are at your wits end.
The Universe is Looking for a Few Good Men and Women: You are precisely the ones needed to make a difference in the world.
G-d is now in the process of putting on a new coat of paint on an old and worn out body.
By now the truth is firmly embedded in your hearts and no matter how much others try to dislodge it, you simply cannot nor will you allow it to be taken away.
Your road was once littered with false hopes and shattered, discarded dreams.
You arrived at a point where you wanted none of this anymore and desperately wanted to turn your lives around.
Drugs, alcohol, sex, crime, denial, guilt.
These are things of the past.
Now you realize that you have worth as a human being.
You are loved, you are forgiven not only for what you've done to others but more importantly, what you've done to yourself.
If I did not believe that the evil we are experiencing today was brought on because of a great imbalance due to mankind's ego and erroneous belief that it is G-d and able to solve its own problems, and that we all can make a difference and turn things around, I would have thrown in the towel long ago.
Let me assure you that there are those who are watching over all of us and helping humanity with its ascension to a higher plane of existence.
The time we're currently in is known as The Correcting Time and Correction is well underway.
And you and I, together, are working as a team, bringing this about.
We are an integral part of a much larger picture.
One that is so beautiful we can only imagine.
Hang in there and don't give up just because you can't see what's in front of you.
Trust in G-d.
And with your new found awareness, you have the tools now to make your lives count for something.
Go out there and make a difference.
This planet, the universe is depending on you.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
Getting Closer to the Truth
Please post on your facebook pages and share via your social media! This is information people really need to know.
They may feel they "own the night" , but you own The Light when you have the knowledge. Find out how the National Security State really works.
Join the founder of the global Disclosure movement, Dr. Steven Greer, in Washington DC for a unique opportunity to learn the most comprehensive and explosive expose of UFO secrecy ever presented!
Dr. Greer has been involved in the highest levels of governments and military for over 25 years and will share what he has learned on the who , what , where and why of UFO secrecy and the deep trans-national security state and the constellation of illegal projects that are currently operating.
This 4 hour workshop will include:
-How is secrecy maintained through the hybrid of corporate and government programs?
-Which military bases and facilities and which corporations are involved in this secrecy?
-How is black -budget and criminal activity funding these operations?
-The Connection between the global financial system , UFO technology, drug-running and covert military airspace and bases;
-Where are the key Underground Bases (UGBs) and how are they connected via subterranean tunnels ?
-Who has been involved in managing this secrecy and how is that entity (MAJIC) controlled and operated?
-How do Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) operate and how are they kept secret from the people, the President and Congress?
-The History of UFO secrecy since WW II and how it has devolved into its own illegal trans-national cartel.
-See explosive documents on secrecy, how human military
-controlled "Abductions" are "stage-crafted" - and what is the agenda for this Deception.
-What is the future agenda for the cartel managing UFO secrecy-and how you need to prepare for this future!
- The Planned Cosmic 911 Deception- What you NEED to know!
The workshop will be held at :
1st Congregational United Church of Christ
"Live at 10th and G"
945 G St. NW
Washington DC 20001
Saturday November 21, 2015 - 2pm - 6pm
Make sure you have a seat for the workshop by buying a tickethere ($75)
Or join the Webinar ($30) click here.
Sirius Technology Advanced Research LLC - info@SiriusDisclosure.com
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Eyes in the Skies
This afternoon I fell into a malaise; you know, the feeling that you're coming down with something.
I hate it when I feel like this. You're neither here nor there but are somewhere in between.
You feel like crap and all you can do is go to bed.
Then you wake up to the sun setting, its rays radiating off a myriad of clouds in several shades of somber creamy yellow. Think of scrambled eggs, in a fry pan, saturated in butter, a creamy white and yellow.
After awhile you determine that this sunset has a disorder, a discordant and diseased look to it.
At first you found it beautiful but upon further reflection, now you've determined you don't want to look at it anymore as it's making you uneasy.
Then you remember that when driving home late this afternoon you saw an enormous flock of birds flying high overhead. There had to be hundreds of them.
You look up and out your windshield and see an enormous swarm of vultures flying from the north to the south.
They keep coming in droves flying high overhead. You've never seen anything like this before and wonder what is driving them, what caused them to gather up and fly together in such numbers?
Vultures are scavengers, nature's clean up crew, and they do have their place in the world.
They appear when a meal is left out in the open too long and you'll usually see three or four but not swarms of hundreds, as I saw today.
Being observant is a good thing. If you're good at it, you will see many things others do not.
To Primal Man this was a most important aspect and one that on many occasion, undoubtedly saved his life.
Today, Modern Human has lost this faculty of observation as he is too busy with other things.
Yet, it is still there and waiting to be rediscovered.
It might be a good idea to hone up on this skill as I believe we're not that far off from where we started.
Primal Man vs. Modern Human - We're not that much different although I do think that Primal Man may have taken his role in life a bit more seriously than we do now.
His very life depended on it.
Q: If something is determined to be good, why is it attacked? If something is determined to be evil why is it tolerated?
I hate it when I feel like this. You're neither here nor there but are somewhere in between.
You feel like crap and all you can do is go to bed.
Then you wake up to the sun setting, its rays radiating off a myriad of clouds in several shades of somber creamy yellow. Think of scrambled eggs, in a fry pan, saturated in butter, a creamy white and yellow.
After awhile you determine that this sunset has a disorder, a discordant and diseased look to it.
At first you found it beautiful but upon further reflection, now you've determined you don't want to look at it anymore as it's making you uneasy.
Then you remember that when driving home late this afternoon you saw an enormous flock of birds flying high overhead. There had to be hundreds of them.
You look up and out your windshield and see an enormous swarm of vultures flying from the north to the south.
They keep coming in droves flying high overhead. You've never seen anything like this before and wonder what is driving them, what caused them to gather up and fly together in such numbers?
Vultures are scavengers, nature's clean up crew, and they do have their place in the world.
They appear when a meal is left out in the open too long and you'll usually see three or four but not swarms of hundreds, as I saw today.
Being observant is a good thing. If you're good at it, you will see many things others do not.
To Primal Man this was a most important aspect and one that on many occasion, undoubtedly saved his life.
Today, Modern Human has lost this faculty of observation as he is too busy with other things.
Yet, it is still there and waiting to be rediscovered.
It might be a good idea to hone up on this skill as I believe we're not that far off from where we started.
Primal Man vs. Modern Human - We're not that much different although I do think that Primal Man may have taken his role in life a bit more seriously than we do now.
His very life depended on it.
Q: If something is determined to be good, why is it attacked? If something is determined to be evil why is it tolerated?
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Hung Out to Dry
I feel like I'm in the spin cycle of a washing machine. How can you possibly believe in your government anymore when all you're presented with are half truths, maybes, hype, innuendos, deception, obfuscation, finger pointing, smears, accusations and stalling tactics?
How can you possibly believe in anything decent, honorable and sacred anymore when you see a former Secretary of State skilled in government-speak, adept at picking just the right words and phrases, parsing them in just the right way, in order to neither say she is for something or against something, or had any knowledge whatsoever about this or a that?
What a waste of time.
You walk away with the feeling that these hearings into the truth of what happened in Benghazi, Libya were all for naught.
She is now more confident than ever as she continues her run for office of president while Americans are still left wondering as to what really happened and why to our Ambassador and three other brave Americans on September 11, 2012.
There is more than a cover up going on here, it is a national shame, a national scam, and a deep and ugly wound which is only being allowed to fester in many minds as, once again, we can clearly see that politics trumps the truth.
To The Honorable Trey Gowdy: I appreciate your passion and fervor and the fact that you made possible this public meeting in order to get to the bottom of Benghazi but you and your committee were found wanting as the evidence you were striving for and hoping for, the evidence that would finally connect the dots and give closure to the four families who most assuredly were waiting for an explanation, did not materialize.
Instead, it showed that there is more to what happened than Hillary Clinton was willing to provide to your committee, leaving all of us with many more questions.
What is truly deplorable is the fact that even though Hillary Clinton offered her condolences to the families of the slain and mouthed her sadness for the deaths of these four Americans, they were only words, designed solely to soften any further criticism of her as former Secretary of State, as she was only interested in deflecting any mortal blow your committee was capable of.
It's a wonder that this woman is still getting support and gaining ground, even after we witness her sorry display of nonchalance as to what happened, during her eleven hour ordeal.
Hillary wasted no time getting back on the campaign trail as that is far more important than speaking the truth of what happened.
If this country had a soul anymore, millions of Americans would be standing up, demanding that she not even run as she is unfit to hold the highest office in the land.
But who gives a damn, anymore?
I mean, look who holds the highest office now.
Obama has earned his legacy - Destruction.
Hillary already has hers - Four Dead Americans-No Answers-Benghazi, Libya, September 11, 2012.
And you want her as President of the United States....
No shame, no shame, no shame.
Well, Shame on you.
How can you possibly believe in anything decent, honorable and sacred anymore when you see a former Secretary of State skilled in government-speak, adept at picking just the right words and phrases, parsing them in just the right way, in order to neither say she is for something or against something, or had any knowledge whatsoever about this or a that?
What a waste of time.
You walk away with the feeling that these hearings into the truth of what happened in Benghazi, Libya were all for naught.
She is now more confident than ever as she continues her run for office of president while Americans are still left wondering as to what really happened and why to our Ambassador and three other brave Americans on September 11, 2012.
There is more than a cover up going on here, it is a national shame, a national scam, and a deep and ugly wound which is only being allowed to fester in many minds as, once again, we can clearly see that politics trumps the truth.
To The Honorable Trey Gowdy: I appreciate your passion and fervor and the fact that you made possible this public meeting in order to get to the bottom of Benghazi but you and your committee were found wanting as the evidence you were striving for and hoping for, the evidence that would finally connect the dots and give closure to the four families who most assuredly were waiting for an explanation, did not materialize.
Instead, it showed that there is more to what happened than Hillary Clinton was willing to provide to your committee, leaving all of us with many more questions.
What is truly deplorable is the fact that even though Hillary Clinton offered her condolences to the families of the slain and mouthed her sadness for the deaths of these four Americans, they were only words, designed solely to soften any further criticism of her as former Secretary of State, as she was only interested in deflecting any mortal blow your committee was capable of.
It's a wonder that this woman is still getting support and gaining ground, even after we witness her sorry display of nonchalance as to what happened, during her eleven hour ordeal.
Hillary wasted no time getting back on the campaign trail as that is far more important than speaking the truth of what happened.
If this country had a soul anymore, millions of Americans would be standing up, demanding that she not even run as she is unfit to hold the highest office in the land.
But who gives a damn, anymore?
I mean, look who holds the highest office now.
Obama has earned his legacy - Destruction.
Hillary already has hers - Four Dead Americans-No Answers-Benghazi, Libya, September 11, 2012.
And you want her as President of the United States....
No shame, no shame, no shame.
Well, Shame on you.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Saturday, October 17, 2015
And the Wheel Goes Round and Round
There is a natural balance, a natural order (Respect) to all things.
The trouble begins when we loose control and let things get 'out of balance'
resulting in 'Imbalance'.
I'm going to stay away from the concept of good vs. evil because this is a subject that can be debated over and over without any real consensus of opinion.
A good analogy to begin with is a human baby.
A baby is born into a good home and learns a code of ethics.
He is well cared for and nurtured.
His Life Path is not distracted by outside influences such as poverty and violence, drugs and crime.
He makes his way through life with the knowledge that he can achieve anything he wants and is armed with lessons to help him deal with school bullies and/or any other obstacle that may arise.
When problems do show up, the boy has the support of a loving family and is able to fall back on them as their only goal in life is to see him succeed.
He has learned respect from those around him as well as from his school teachers because he knows they are there to help and guide him.
His chances in life to become a positive contributor to society are excellent.
He will then take what he has learned and teach these lessons to his own offspring.
~It's just the way things are~.
~And the Wheel goes round and round.~
He has not only learned respect for himself but for others, as well,
And all because of the safety net he was born into.
~A strong family unit and others in a community only interested in fostering, nurturing and preserving human life, not destroying it~.
A child is born.
The mother lays in a hospital bed, examining the little one she just brought into the world.
The father wants no part of the baby as he has other, more important things, to do.
She brings the baby home.
Poverty and drugs, crime and violence are the hallmark of her neighborhood.
There is no one to turn to because everyone's involved in the same thing.
~It's just the way things are~.
~And the Wheel goes round and round~.
Even though the mother is loving and supportive of her child, outside influences will play a big part in how well she is able to do this--how well she is able to raise her son.
She sits by her kitchen window, watching the drug deals go down.
The smoke from her cigarette curls slowly upward as she gazes upon a scene that never seems to change for the better.
The baby cries and she goes to him.
She can't go to work because there is no one around to responsibly care for the infant so she is stuck at home.
The years roll on by.
The boy, now ten years old, is familiar with the dark side of human nature even though the mother has tried her best.
Even though she has had a somewhat, small, positive influence on him, others will exert an even more powerful harmful and negative influence on him as he grows up.
He carries a knife in his back pocket and knows all the drug dealers by name.
He stands on the street corner and pokes fun at others.
He and his friends are always looking for trouble and excitement.
They have learned there is a perverse pleasure in sullying something good, harming something else and watch it writhe and moan in pain.
~It's just the way things are~.
~Pain begets more Pain~.
This penchant for delivering pain grows ever stronger as the years go by.
Pretty soon the mother has lost complete control of her son.
He's now the one telling her what to do.....
"F**k You, B***h, I do it my way!"
~And the Wheel goes round and round~.
The trouble begins when we loose control and let things get 'out of balance'
resulting in 'Imbalance'.
I'm going to stay away from the concept of good vs. evil because this is a subject that can be debated over and over without any real consensus of opinion.
A good analogy to begin with is a human baby.
A baby is born into a good home and learns a code of ethics.
He is well cared for and nurtured.
His Life Path is not distracted by outside influences such as poverty and violence, drugs and crime.
He makes his way through life with the knowledge that he can achieve anything he wants and is armed with lessons to help him deal with school bullies and/or any other obstacle that may arise.
When problems do show up, the boy has the support of a loving family and is able to fall back on them as their only goal in life is to see him succeed.
He has learned respect from those around him as well as from his school teachers because he knows they are there to help and guide him.
His chances in life to become a positive contributor to society are excellent.
He will then take what he has learned and teach these lessons to his own offspring.
~It's just the way things are~.
~And the Wheel goes round and round.~
He has not only learned respect for himself but for others, as well,
And all because of the safety net he was born into.
~A strong family unit and others in a community only interested in fostering, nurturing and preserving human life, not destroying it~.
A child is born.
The mother lays in a hospital bed, examining the little one she just brought into the world.
The father wants no part of the baby as he has other, more important things, to do.
She brings the baby home.
Poverty and drugs, crime and violence are the hallmark of her neighborhood.
There is no one to turn to because everyone's involved in the same thing.
~It's just the way things are~.
~And the Wheel goes round and round~.
Even though the mother is loving and supportive of her child, outside influences will play a big part in how well she is able to do this--how well she is able to raise her son.
She sits by her kitchen window, watching the drug deals go down.
The smoke from her cigarette curls slowly upward as she gazes upon a scene that never seems to change for the better.
The baby cries and she goes to him.
She can't go to work because there is no one around to responsibly care for the infant so she is stuck at home.
The years roll on by.
The boy, now ten years old, is familiar with the dark side of human nature even though the mother has tried her best.
Even though she has had a somewhat, small, positive influence on him, others will exert an even more powerful harmful and negative influence on him as he grows up.
He carries a knife in his back pocket and knows all the drug dealers by name.
He stands on the street corner and pokes fun at others.
He and his friends are always looking for trouble and excitement.
They have learned there is a perverse pleasure in sullying something good, harming something else and watch it writhe and moan in pain.
~It's just the way things are~.
~Pain begets more Pain~.
This penchant for delivering pain grows ever stronger as the years go by.
Pretty soon the mother has lost complete control of her son.
He's now the one telling her what to do.....
"F**k You, B***h, I do it my way!"
~And the Wheel goes round and round~.
Friday, October 16, 2015
What Will it Take?
Where will the human race be in say, fifty years or a hundred or five-hundred?
Would it be helpful it we were able to detect our outcome?
Do civilizations evolve in blocks of time or over time?
There are millions of other inhabited planets in the universe.
It is ludicrous to believe that earth is the only one.
Yet, it wasn't too long ago that humans believed the earth was flat.
What I am most curious about is how and why the human race (and other races of beings) came into existence.
I know we have the biblical accounts and the Big Bang Theory but I don't believe this sums it all up.
There's something more to this tantalizing subject than meets the eye.
I believe that other inhabited planets are at different levels of evolution, just like us.
Some are highly advanced while others lag way behind.
I don't believe those planets convulsing and in distress are left to just wither away and die.
I believe that we're all part of one big celestial family and alien intervention is not just possible but has actually taken place, in our past.
I believe we're being groomed slowly to come to the realization that we are not alone in the universe and this eventuality is going to show up in the not too distant future in a very profound way.
No one on earth will be left wondering, anymore whether our alien neighbors have been regular visitors to this planet.
Humans are conditioned (and controlled) by many different things in the world; their news, their religions, their wars, their upbringing, their education and by other people.
We are not cattle yet we continue to be treated as such by those in power.
For those who break out of this herd mentality, they are able to meet others who can play critical roles in helping them overcome the challenges they face, introducing them to others who can help and enable them to become who and what they were meant (or want) to be.
One thing is certain.
We are a very warring group of beings.
It seems that we cannot solve our problems other than by conflict.
This penchant for conflict is, I believe, a glaring marker of just where we are on the rung of the celestial ladder.
And one that is being closely monitored by others.
I mean, who would want a planet to blow itself up either by design or by accident?
No doubt a warring planet and its inhabitants could ultimately affect the well being of other celestial bodies.
There is something inherent in human beings that drive them to do unspeakable things to other human beings.
This may be the result of an experiment of some kind in which the ones conducting it failed miserably.
We may be the end result of something gone horribly wrong in our makeup and there was no way to fix it.
Ultimate solution: Seeing that nothing could be done (implant, gene splicing, etc.) separate the bad (humans) from the others (good) by depositing them on a young planet and keep a celestial eye on them.
End result and the reason we feel so isolated here on earth in such a miserable state, in a state of constant chaos, a cycle of reaching for the stars but allowing our errant, runaway genes to control our destiny.
When will we really be privy to and able to understand all the details of our history?
Not until we are dead and gone and can look down upon the world we left.
If this is true then there is no hope for us unless you believe in ghosts, or another alien race ready to intervene on our behalf, staving off our ultimate disaster and pointing us home, in the right direction.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Ghouls Night Out
Stay with me awhile
I'm sure to make you smile
Please close
the door
And remove your
Don’t mind
the cat
Don’t mind the bat
Sit by my fire
And warm
your bones
Don’t mind
the dust
Don’t mind
the gnomes
Just sink
your teeth
Into pumpkin scones
The warmth
of your body
Is all that I need
Warm blood
to Me
nectar of Meade
I've been so
cold and hungry
And oh, so all
I've stayed
up nights just waiting
For someone
to call home
Relax now,
sip your tea
Pretty soon
you will agree
That it
tastes damned good
As well it
It’s Eye of gnat
And hair of
Mixed with fiery
Dragon’s pee
Once you
imbibe, unable
to hide
It's then you have to agree
You’ve been
caught in my trap
Too late to
say, “Crap”!
As you won’t
be able to flee
It’s just
what I planned
A plan of grand stand
And a big, Ha Ha, Hee Hee!
The joke’s
on you
Can’t blame it on Me
For, you're the
one who sipped the tea
And all
because of Halloween!
And a Merry Meet to Thee!
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Morphing into Breakdown
I contend that someone running for President has to be honest and open, at a much higher level, way above any and all those who will vote for him or her.
Not someone who lies his or her way into office.
It is noble to think that all Americans will act accordingly when the time comes, taking it upon themselves to become staunch defenders of Liberty educating themselves and others as to the perils that any nation faces if the warning signs are clearly visible.
Who will take up the banner of freedom and share their knowledge with as many people as possible as to the greatness of a nation, the underpinnings that made her so, the sacrifices by the few on behalf of the many.
I believe this to be a sacred duty not born by one but by all.
Alas, the sad truth is we already have many who live here who could care less about this country and where she's headed and millions more coming in with the same mindset.
A country cannot withstand an onslaught of this magnitude without some apparatus being employed, put into place, enforcing a law or laws that all those coming in are to be educated into the American Way with English as the primary language.
Those who do not wish to abide by this, feel free to move on to someplace else.
You are not welcome here.
Note: For more information on the founding of this country, please check into Hillsdale College and their online courses.
This country is suffering a meltdown, a breakdown and is morphing away into something unrecognizable.
Something far from where it started that should be very alarming to anyone who cares about their freedom.
But, isn't this what Obama promised?
The health of a nation is a clear reflection of those whom we elect.
The horrific realization we are now facing, the sorry reflection that we see staring back at us, is one that was brought on by an ignorant electorate, one who didn't care who or what they voted for but only if the criteria presented happened to meet their very own narrow and personal view of things.
These voters are now ultimately and solely responsible for the breakdown we are witnessing in this country, the total disaster that is Barack Hussein Obama.
A country is founded on principles.
This country was not founded on mob rule and, yet, that is precisely what is being fomented at the highest levels of government.
A tribal mentality (mob rule) that has no place in a free and open society.
This cancerous mentality has taken over the streets of many of our communities:
>What's yours is mine.
>Destruction of personal property and businesses.
>Injury and death to innocent people.
>Weapons, anarchy and violence are its trademarks.
These tyrants, these mobs, these lawless roaming bands of thugs have no place in a civilized society.
It does matter that we have so many today who are totally oblivious to and ignorant of why we have a Constitution and the Bill of Rights, why we have rules and laws in place in order to protect not only their well being but all of us.
This is a big part of why we are witnessing all the destruction we see going on today.
Our schools, for far too long, have gotten away with not doing their job of teaching kids how to read, how to write and learning Math.
American History is not even taught in many schools anymore.
Our colleges and universities are indoctrinating students into Marxist Theology and left wing tactics.
But that's our fault now, isn't it because we haven't stopped it.
It does matter that we have institutions and governments and those in high places who have had their way for far too long with a covert agenda going back many, many years to slowly transform a nation into something it wasn't meant to be.
A place where good people have been blindsided (lied to) by many candidates running for office, a place where those evildoers that finally made it to the top are now afforded the opportunity to further whittle away at, dismantle and destroy a country, sinking their fangs even deeper into something inherently good, relishing their success as they continue to suck the lifeblood out of a people and a nation.
Who are allowed to continue to run roughshod over everything a country has ever stood for and fought for, led by a president who refuses to abide by the oath of office he took to uphold and protect this nation and its people from all enemies domestic and abroad but who, we are finding out, is even siding with them.
We now have a people, under Obama, who are afraid to leave their homes; a place where police officers are being systematically targeted and murdered; a place where mass murder is taking place on college campuses; a place where anarchists and anarchy are destroying cities and communities, mob rule encouraged by Sharpton, Holder, Jackson, Obama, along with a Baltimore City Mayor); a place where those of faith are singled out and ridiculed; a place where this country's roots in Judeo-Christian Beliefs are being attacked; a place where those who have sacrificed and served this great nation are left to rot and die.
Evil doers are capable of morphing into many different forms.
Evil is capable of invading anything at will, if not stopped, dead in its tracks.
It is present in people and governments, religions and institutions.
It is time that the people in this country who continue to disregard the consequences of their votes along with duty as responsible citizens, who have only been instructed and indoctrinated for years to vote for the one who will give them the most freebies, need not be afforded the opportunity to vote anymore.
We are in serious need of some serious overhaul.
And whether a much needed overhaul is even possible is going to depend a great deal, on who we vote into office the next time.
It is up to We The People to take our country back.
We've allowed it t be parceled off to the highest bidder or someone with an axe to grind or a great deal of money to make.
For eight long years we've willingly watched and allowed a usurper in office and his merry band of henchmen to make mincemeat out of us.
We've watched as Obama has heralded in some very unwelcome, unhealthy and unsavory changes.
And, it's now up to us to turn things around.
Monday, October 12, 2015
The Lid is About to Be Blown Off
Friday, October 9, 2015
Orchestrated Chaos
The world is not a safe place.
There are those who only exist in order to exploit others.
Who stand in the shadows and hide their faces.
You can't see them but have a persistent, uneasy feeling that they're there.
They watch what's going on in silence.
You can't point the finger at them when trouble erupts because they're invisible.
They are the root of the problem and the catalyst for increased mayhem in the world.
They make sure that others take the blame for their clandestine deeds.
They appoint those who will follow them in lock step and purge those who dare stand up in opposition.
These tyrants are the Nobel Laureates of Human Nature.
They know what buttons to push.
They prey upon people's weaknesses, ignorance and fears.
They choose their comrades with care.
All throughout history the world has had its share of tyrants.
They've come and gone but not without leaving, in their wake, a bloody wake of devastating carnage.
At first they may seem harmless as they make no overt moves, winning people's trust, swooning the crowds with just the right choice of words.
Their lips drip with honey but behind their eyes is a powerful and potent, ruthless, cold calculating machine.
The world hasn't changed.
We must safeguard what we hold dear and be vigilant, always.
We must be on guard against tyrants today as well as years gone by.
Examples of some of the world's tyrants are:
Josef Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Mao Zse-tung, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Bashar al-Assad, Vladimir Putin, Fidel Castro, Ahmadinejad, Nicolae Ceausescu, Robert Mugabe, Kim Jong-Il, Moammar Qaddafi, Hugo Chavez.
There are, most certainly, others in the making right now.
Stay close....
Thursday, October 8, 2015
The Joke's on Us
The past and present don't go away.
They are always with us.
At different times and, especially during critical and crucial times, they manage to intersect.
This is where the world is, at the present time.
We are facing a very dangerous global situation.
We have a delusional leader in the White House and a rebellious Russian President who is precipitating great crisis and catastrophe not only by invading a sovereign country, Ukraine, but now, in Syria where he has gained all the momentum he needed to flex his biceps.
Thumbing his nose at Obama and the rest of the free world, Czar Vladimir Putin is now calling the shots.
The world is drastically different from when I grew up.
One only hopes and prays that the world will learn from its past mistakes.
I don't see that happening.
I see a very dangerous convergence of our past mistakes and our present mistakes coming together.
What should be concerning to all is a President of the United States, under his tutelage for 8 years, managing to undo and unravel all the safeguards that were put in place during 230 years of this country's history.
A President who has managed to destroy everything he's touched.
Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history and be remembered as the President who set in motion a chain of events that very well may lead the entire world into Armageddon.
And who will the Liberal Press blame?
They will keep silent as they are the ones that helped propel this lunatic into office.
They will silently slink away to their rat holes when the heat gets too hot.
I am not a doomsayer, I am not an End of Days fanatic.
I just see, with my own eyes, what is happening in the world today.
Obama and Putin are really rogue brothers.
They are really two of a kind.
They both, in their own way, are contributing to exacerbating the world's problems.
On the one hand we have Putin, openly defiant and undeterred, unswayed by others' opinions and goes about doing exactly what he wants.
Obama, on the other hand is passive and just sits back, watching the carnage unfold, his lack of resolve actually contributing to and enabling Putin to continue to stick his finger in the world's eye, daring Obama do anything about it.
Obama continues to be in never never land, struggling with whether or not he should describe a terrorist who just went out and cut the tips of a young boy's fingers off, before they crucified him, as a terrorist.
In order to have world peace you need to have a leader that demands it and then enforces it.
We have a government in total disarray.
I know it, maybe some of you know it, but our enemies damn well know it.
Obama is a joke.
The next President of the United States is going to have to be one helluva mean SOB to straighten out the mess Obama has left, if this is even possible.
If you want anything left of this country so you can live in freedom, then please put this at the top of your list when you go out and vote, next time.
Your life and the lives of many others depend on your decision.
They are always with us.
At different times and, especially during critical and crucial times, they manage to intersect.
This is where the world is, at the present time.
We are facing a very dangerous global situation.
We have a delusional leader in the White House and a rebellious Russian President who is precipitating great crisis and catastrophe not only by invading a sovereign country, Ukraine, but now, in Syria where he has gained all the momentum he needed to flex his biceps.
Thumbing his nose at Obama and the rest of the free world, Czar Vladimir Putin is now calling the shots.
The world is drastically different from when I grew up.
One only hopes and prays that the world will learn from its past mistakes.
I don't see that happening.
I see a very dangerous convergence of our past mistakes and our present mistakes coming together.
What should be concerning to all is a President of the United States, under his tutelage for 8 years, managing to undo and unravel all the safeguards that were put in place during 230 years of this country's history.
A President who has managed to destroy everything he's touched.
Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history and be remembered as the President who set in motion a chain of events that very well may lead the entire world into Armageddon.
And who will the Liberal Press blame?
They will keep silent as they are the ones that helped propel this lunatic into office.
They will silently slink away to their rat holes when the heat gets too hot.
I am not a doomsayer, I am not an End of Days fanatic.
I just see, with my own eyes, what is happening in the world today.
Obama and Putin are really rogue brothers.
They are really two of a kind.
They both, in their own way, are contributing to exacerbating the world's problems.
On the one hand we have Putin, openly defiant and undeterred, unswayed by others' opinions and goes about doing exactly what he wants.
Obama, on the other hand is passive and just sits back, watching the carnage unfold, his lack of resolve actually contributing to and enabling Putin to continue to stick his finger in the world's eye, daring Obama do anything about it.
Obama continues to be in never never land, struggling with whether or not he should describe a terrorist who just went out and cut the tips of a young boy's fingers off, before they crucified him, as a terrorist.
In order to have world peace you need to have a leader that demands it and then enforces it.
We have a government in total disarray.
I know it, maybe some of you know it, but our enemies damn well know it.
Obama is a joke.
The next President of the United States is going to have to be one helluva mean SOB to straighten out the mess Obama has left, if this is even possible.
If you want anything left of this country so you can live in freedom, then please put this at the top of your list when you go out and vote, next time.
Your life and the lives of many others depend on your decision.
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Two of Cups ~ Morgan Greer |
January 24, 2015
Subject: “Some relationships come with an expiration date.”
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, this morning you were pondering human relationships, human friendships. Yes, it seems that some of them do come with expiration dates. Some of your life encounters are there to teach you a short and valuable lesson. Then the teacher moves on as the only thing which brought him/her into your life was the purpose of the lesson.
“Then there are individuals in your life with whom you more particularly resonate, who are on the same ‘wave length.” Those friendships are riding the same wave of life and will be with you as long as your objectives are similar. Do not be distraught when some friendships fade. They may have fulfilled their God given agenda.
“Each human being is constantly in evolution — some of them forward, some of them, unfortunately, backward. Life is an amazing choreography of relationships. The lasting relationships, the ones of eternal value are the ones infused with love and respect as they are equipped to survive any challenges. What causes the breakdown of relationships is the inability to forgive and let go of perceived offenses. Human beings need to look at these challenges from a different perspective, not from their small egos. Hurt feelings are in the way. The hurt needs healing. What is the best way to bring healing about? It is truly the way of forgiveness.
“Call upon Jesus whenever you are encountering a challenge in your relationships. Ask for His spirit to infuse your being with His higher love and understanding for your human siblings. Understand as He did that many hurtful situations are just the outworking of immaturity and ignorance. Be patient with one another as He is with you. Pray for those who are offending you or hurting you so that they can benefit by the purity of your intentions. Love is the most efficient healing balm. It both heals the Giver and the Receiver as it is like a connective tissue, a sound connective tissue.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Rose Petals
Leaves are floating to the ground
Deep rust and yellow, light tan and brown
The scent of fall is in the air
Faint memories from the past, so dear
There is nothing to fear, My Dear
A hooded figure is seen
It comes and goes and in between
This wraith with hushed and hollow sigh
Who has come to say goodbye
To all the tattered leaves and sky
A now forgotten, muted reverie
Where green and gold are boiled and steeped
Where a thousand rose petals now lie at my feet
The scent of Juniper now completes
This haunting scene and one replete
With long lost melody of long lost bird
As it strains its voice to be heard
Gone is lilting laughter
Along with shrouded view
This to me is the same old display
And is not something all brand new
The mystery of life is all around
It comes and goes, without a soundThat Still, Small Voice
There are unseen forces that shape our world.
They are all around us.
They sometimes intervene in our lives in extraordinary ways.
They can manifest themselves as anger and sadness, sorrow and loss, happiness and joy, love and hope, anxiety, excitement.
This morning, around 2:30 a.m. I was awakened by a noise.
I sat up, turning my head to zero in on it.
I heard it again.
It reminded me of a little animal that had been left outside too long.
It was an almost inaudible soft wail, haunting and sorrowful, almost grieving in, a way.
"Someone, please come out and pick me up." I need some cuddling.
Someone, "please say goodbye."
I thought, "maybe a cat or a dog that had wandered into my yard?
I heard the sound again and knew that if it didn't stop I would have to go out and investigate.
The cows on the hill were making all kinds of noise.
Probably because the farmer had weaned off their calves.
Curious, though, I heard the sound of the raucous cattle long after I had heard the sound of the animal.
Even though it was hard to hear, this still, small voice managed to come through loud and clear to me as it was definitely layering itself above and on top of the other noises.
It was like hovering, floating just above them.
It was coming through on its own mindful wavelength.
Upon further investigation, the next morning, I never did find any animal so I never knew what had made the sound.
Yet, I clearly and distinctly heard it.
I remember the feeling like something was going away, there was some kind of loss taking place, maybe a momentary transition as if a soul was leaving this earthly plane, on its way to its final destination.
It just wanted to say "goodbye."
We are all connected in this world.
And, you never know when things are going to happen to reinforce that timeless message.
We are, each and every one of us, on a journey together.
As Ellen DeGeneres says, "Be Kind to One Another."
No matter our frames be covered with a fabric of human skin or we choose to wear a fur coat.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
The Time of Our Lives
Do human beings actually, physically move forward through Time as they mature or are they standing still (in a fixed position --unmovable) while Time (something that scientists may one day be able to actually identify as tangible-- something with depth and width, boundaries and substance) stands behind them and is actually the force that propels them forward, through some sort of unseen tunnel, pushing them onward?
We grow and mature through babyhood, puberty and adolescence, young adult and middle age.
When we are born, we exit through a birth canal into this world.
But, are we really exiting from one canal (tunnel) and falling headfirst into another?
We are also mindful of those who have had near death experiences in which they later recount entering and moving through a tunnel of some sort with a light at the far end.
What exactly is Time, anyway?
Time marches on.
Time waits for no one.
Time Warps.
Time for Tea.
A waste of Time.
Father Time.
The information waiting to be discovered regarding the hidden, unknown mechanisms of our planet and universe including the Van Allen Belt, ETs, UFOs, planets and exoplanets, constellations, galaxies, star clusters, bendable space, black holes, gamma rays, EMPs, asteroids and comets, is truly unfathomable.
It has been proven that humans have their own energy field.
They also have an aura around them which has been demonstrated through Kirlian Photography, the colors of which can indicate how a person is feeling or whether they may have something physically wrong.
We have all heard of our comfort zone in which most of like to inhabit.
It can be daunting and scary to leave one's comfort zone and head out into the unknown.
Could this comfort zone be an energy field of some sort, surrounding us for the sole purpose of protecting us?
When your radar goes off, you know, that feeling when something is wrong but you just can't put your finger on it, could this be your comfort zone telling you (warning you) to pull your head back in?
Kinda like an alarm system.
This planet and the species and creatures that inhabit it are worth studying and preserving.
We continue to learn more and more about ourselves but we can also learn much from earth's plant, animal and mineral kingdoms.
There are plants that know when you're approaching and respond by closing up their leaves.
There are insects that give off an odor when you're too close.
There are animals who growl and the hair goes up on the backs of their necks, warning you to keep your distance.
So isn't it Time we make the most of this day?
For, Time is of the Essence.
We grow and mature through babyhood, puberty and adolescence, young adult and middle age.
When we are born, we exit through a birth canal into this world.
But, are we really exiting from one canal (tunnel) and falling headfirst into another?
We are also mindful of those who have had near death experiences in which they later recount entering and moving through a tunnel of some sort with a light at the far end.
What exactly is Time, anyway?
Time marches on.
Time waits for no one.
Time Warps.
Time for Tea.
A waste of Time.
Father Time.
The information waiting to be discovered regarding the hidden, unknown mechanisms of our planet and universe including the Van Allen Belt, ETs, UFOs, planets and exoplanets, constellations, galaxies, star clusters, bendable space, black holes, gamma rays, EMPs, asteroids and comets, is truly unfathomable.
It has been proven that humans have their own energy field.
They also have an aura around them which has been demonstrated through Kirlian Photography, the colors of which can indicate how a person is feeling or whether they may have something physically wrong.
We have all heard of our comfort zone in which most of like to inhabit.
It can be daunting and scary to leave one's comfort zone and head out into the unknown.
Could this comfort zone be an energy field of some sort, surrounding us for the sole purpose of protecting us?
When your radar goes off, you know, that feeling when something is wrong but you just can't put your finger on it, could this be your comfort zone telling you (warning you) to pull your head back in?
Kinda like an alarm system.
This planet and the species and creatures that inhabit it are worth studying and preserving.
We continue to learn more and more about ourselves but we can also learn much from earth's plant, animal and mineral kingdoms.
There are plants that know when you're approaching and respond by closing up their leaves.
There are insects that give off an odor when you're too close.
There are animals who growl and the hair goes up on the backs of their necks, warning you to keep your distance.
So isn't it Time we make the most of this day?
For, Time is of the Essence.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Blight of Ignorance
I've come to the sad conclusion that we aren't human at all but some deviant offshoot of an alien experiment that showed so much promise in the beginning, but went horribly wrong.
They're now figuring out how to fix their error.
There is no other explanation for why we continue to blow each other up, molest and rape, torture and maim, and abuse one another.
What is it going to take to wake us up?
What is it going to take to bring us to our knees, in submission to a much Higher Authority?
What is it going to take to turn things around down here?
The belief is that we were created with Free Will by a Higher Authority--the right to make our own decisions--the right to pick and choose--the right to act in accordance with a set of laws (or not) that were designed for our own well-being and benefit.
But all through the ages we have chosen to do otherwise and therefore sowed and reaped a disastrous but well deserved, blighted harvest.
Laws are foundations.
Life is a foundation with inexorable dos and don'ts; repercussions and consequences.
We do things the right way and no problem but once we turn our back on wisdom, finding ourselves standing at the door of our own egos and step over our arrogant threshold into the vast unknown, with no safety harness, chances are we will be filled with remorse and regret.
We have foundations because they keep things in place and together.
Earth is a foundation--it has gravity so we don't fly off into the unknown and is terrafirma--we walk on it everyday.
Foundations are the basis for things.
Houses have foundations so they don't fall down.
Governments have foundations (so they don't fall down, either) --a set of principles to work by and live by.
Marriage is a foundation--a commitment to one another and the offspring that result.
Religion is a foundation--a belief in something higher than us that gives us hope and helps with problems as we make our way through life.
Parents are a foundation.
Family is a foundation.
When we let these foundations crumble, when we pervert them so they no longer look like the original or do away with them entirely, we are in trouble.
The Ancients knew this as they dealt with the very same things we're dealing with and warned us about them.
The trouble is we're ignoring their warnings as we're just way too smart for them.
We have all the answers.
Well I'm here to tell you we do not.
When you didn't listen to your parents warning but went out and did it anyway, what was the end result?
You experienced pain and remorse (hopefully) as you reaped the reward of your decision.
You learned your lesson the hard way.
Hopefully, you learned something from that lesson that carried you forward in life.
Maybe you were able to take that painful lesson and turn someone else around before they went out and did the very same thing.
Humility is not one of humanity's stronger points.
I see no humility in our leaders.
I see no humility in the way government operates, nor the way we treat one another.
It's easier and, we're finding out, more profitable, to abort a baby than take responsibility for the life that was created.
It's easier to ignore those who sacrificed for us, to just let our veterans waste away and die because they don't count so we'll just give them a rousing send off and a thank you for their service by letting them waste away and die in a stinking hell hole known as the Veterans Administration.
I only see repetition of things that are harmful and hateful down here, things that were proven long ago not to work.
And our refusal to acknowledge this dire situation we have created and perpetuated is only growing worse.
Our continued refusal to take advice from others and learn from those who have gone before us, our inexcusable actions that continue to adversely affect us all surely have caught the attention of those overseeing our well being and spiritual growth.
We're like the kid that refuses to listen, who continually ignores his parents not to do something (because they know full well what will happen to him) but we turn a deaf ear and bolt out of the house in anger.
We're going to do it our way. Screw you.
But, who are we really screwing?--ourselves.
Well, guess what, our decision didn't work.
Were we lucky enough that our ill-fated decision didn't cost us our way of life or an arm or a leg?
It's too soon to tell but it certainly isn't looking very good.
It's not that I didn't warn you...
They're now figuring out how to fix their error.
There is no other explanation for why we continue to blow each other up, molest and rape, torture and maim, and abuse one another.
What is it going to take to wake us up?
What is it going to take to bring us to our knees, in submission to a much Higher Authority?
What is it going to take to turn things around down here?
The belief is that we were created with Free Will by a Higher Authority--the right to make our own decisions--the right to pick and choose--the right to act in accordance with a set of laws (or not) that were designed for our own well-being and benefit.
But all through the ages we have chosen to do otherwise and therefore sowed and reaped a disastrous but well deserved, blighted harvest.
Laws are foundations.
Life is a foundation with inexorable dos and don'ts; repercussions and consequences.
We do things the right way and no problem but once we turn our back on wisdom, finding ourselves standing at the door of our own egos and step over our arrogant threshold into the vast unknown, with no safety harness, chances are we will be filled with remorse and regret.
We have foundations because they keep things in place and together.
Earth is a foundation--it has gravity so we don't fly off into the unknown and is terrafirma--we walk on it everyday.
Foundations are the basis for things.
Houses have foundations so they don't fall down.
Governments have foundations (so they don't fall down, either) --a set of principles to work by and live by.
Marriage is a foundation--a commitment to one another and the offspring that result.
Religion is a foundation--a belief in something higher than us that gives us hope and helps with problems as we make our way through life.
Parents are a foundation.
Family is a foundation.
When we let these foundations crumble, when we pervert them so they no longer look like the original or do away with them entirely, we are in trouble.
The Ancients knew this as they dealt with the very same things we're dealing with and warned us about them.
The trouble is we're ignoring their warnings as we're just way too smart for them.
We have all the answers.
Well I'm here to tell you we do not.
When you didn't listen to your parents warning but went out and did it anyway, what was the end result?
You experienced pain and remorse (hopefully) as you reaped the reward of your decision.
You learned your lesson the hard way.
Hopefully, you learned something from that lesson that carried you forward in life.
Maybe you were able to take that painful lesson and turn someone else around before they went out and did the very same thing.
Humility is not one of humanity's stronger points.
I see no humility in our leaders.
I see no humility in the way government operates, nor the way we treat one another.
It's easier and, we're finding out, more profitable, to abort a baby than take responsibility for the life that was created.
It's easier to ignore those who sacrificed for us, to just let our veterans waste away and die because they don't count so we'll just give them a rousing send off and a thank you for their service by letting them waste away and die in a stinking hell hole known as the Veterans Administration.
I only see repetition of things that are harmful and hateful down here, things that were proven long ago not to work.
And our refusal to acknowledge this dire situation we have created and perpetuated is only growing worse.
Our continued refusal to take advice from others and learn from those who have gone before us, our inexcusable actions that continue to adversely affect us all surely have caught the attention of those overseeing our well being and spiritual growth.
We're like the kid that refuses to listen, who continually ignores his parents not to do something (because they know full well what will happen to him) but we turn a deaf ear and bolt out of the house in anger.
We're going to do it our way. Screw you.
But, who are we really screwing?--ourselves.
Well, guess what, our decision didn't work.
Were we lucky enough that our ill-fated decision didn't cost us our way of life or an arm or a leg?
It's too soon to tell but it certainly isn't looking very good.
It's not that I didn't warn you...
Friday, October 2, 2015
Staring into the Abyss
30, 2015 is a date that we all need to remember. It is the date we may have
seen the start of World War III and have witnessed our own government preparing
our surrender. For weeks we have watched the Russian military build-up in Syria
and we did nothing to try and prevent it. Why should we; Obama had the personal
assurances of Putin that the Russians were just there to join us in the fight
against ISIS.
Fast forward to Obama’s speech at the
United Nations where he takes Putin to task for continuing to support efforts
to overthrow the legitimate government of the Ukraine and then ask yourself why
Obama doesn’t believe Putin on the Ukraine, but does on Syria. Then two days
after his ninety minute face to face meeting with Putin in New York City,
Obama, the Pentagon, the Secretary of State and the entire U.S. government gets
A three star Russian general showed up
unannounced at the U. S. Embassy in Baghdad and hands a note to a member of the
staff. The note informed the United States government that in one hour the
Russian military would launch airstrikes in Syria. The United States was told
not to get in the way and to remove all of its aircraft from Syrian air space.
The airstrikes started right on time,
but they were not directed at ISIS: in fact the targets are nowhere near ISIS
positions. Instead the strikes are on positions held by the anti-Assad rebels being
supported by the U.S. However, reports indicate that most of the numerous
casualties were innocent civilians including women and children.
Putin got in Obama’s face and made a
fool out of his entire administration. The reaction to this by our government
is almost as scary as the act itself. The White House press secretary toed the
party line and basically said that the Russians would ultimately do the right
thing and the fact that they had attacked non ISIS positions was somehow a sign
of the weakness of Putin. That of course makes no sense.
Ash Carter, the Secretary of Defense
made even less sense when he held a press conference in the Pentagon. He tried
to dodge questions about the Russian attack by initially only admitting that that
it appeared that they had not bombed ISIS positions than he started talking
about the new combat roles being considered for women in the military. He also
started talking about the military budget and then concluded by saying he might
trust what the Russians told him.
Secretary of State John Kerry had what
amounted to a love fest with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov when
they appeared together to tell the world that they were arranging meetings to
“discuss” things. Kerry did say that we would not comply with the Russian
demand to stand down and strop our air strikes in Syria and at least one strike
was launched.
However, the situation is highly
dangerous and could rapidly deteriorate. Russian and U.S. planes are going to
be competing in the same air space over Syria and what happens if the Russians
shoot down an American drone or even one of our fighters. The Russians are
prepared for such a confrontation, we are not. Many of the Russian jets now in
Syria are equipped for air to air combat which is certainly not needed against
ISIS or the Syrian rebels since they don’t have any planes.
Putin is flexing his muscles and
filling the void left by Obama’s failed policies in the Middle East. He has now
allied Russia with the Iranians who persist in their promises to destroy Israel
and the United States. He has also become allies with the Iraqi government and
now it looks like the Chinese are going to be sending troops and planes to
Syria to support Assad and Russia.
It is important to note that both China and
Russia participated in the negotiations that led Obama to give Iran everything
it wanted. Now these two nuclear powers are allied with Iran against the
interests of the U.S. in the Middle East. This forces us to consider the
possibility that Iran will not have to develop its own nuclear weapon. It could
be supplied by either the Chinese or the Russians.
Obama’s failure to confront our
enemies has made us a laughing stock in the world among our enemies. It is also
causing the U.S. to be feared, by our former friends and allies, not our
enemies. The only thing they can rely on Obama to do is retreat, surrender and lie about it. The
result is increasing chaos in the Middle East including expanding attacks by
ISIS and Al Qaeda, the continued protected presence of Assad in Syria, the
increasing influence of Iran in Yemen and other countries and now the
resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
The immediate result of this is going
to be a massive increase in the influx of refugees into Europe. Most of these
so-called refugees, 90 % by some estimates, are young men between the ages of
18 and 45. Some of them are terrorizing innocent civilians in countries like
Hungary and Croatia committing crimes like theft, rape, assaults, and murder.
How many of them will ultimately be brought into the United States to commit
similar acts here.
There is also the probability that Putin
will use his actions in the Middle East to divert the attention of the West
while he invades the Ukraine and possibly even one or more of the Baltic States.
How will Obama respond to
these direct threats posed by multiple enemies? He has said nothing about any
of this over the last two days. Obama is very concerned about his legacy and I
am concerned that his legacy might be World War III.
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