Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, March 4, 2016

Send in the Clowns (No, Wait They're Already Here....)

Who won the Republican Debate last night?  -
     ~ Governor John Kasich, hands down ~

The Republicans are paving the way for a Hillary win.

Their constant brawling and squabbling, and inability to address the important issues facing this nation are a grave mistake.

Meltdown Mode:  The Republican Party is in chaos and upheaval and no one knows who or what they stand for anymore and to invite a failed Presidential candidate, Governor Mitt Romney, to intervene on their behalf, in an effort to stop The Bombastic Trump Machine shows how desperate they are.

Donald Trump is rising in the polls because he has connected with the angst and anger in the American electorate because they have been ignored for far too long.

The Republicans are fueling this deep anger as they have demonstrated that they are just as good as their comrades, the Democrats, at mouthing words and not following up.

The Emperor has no clothes:

The Republican Party is demonstrating for all who can see (and it's not that hard) that it doesn't want the American People to have a say in their own future.

Surprise, surprise.

It also shows the complete shallowness and hypocrisy of this party I once admired.

Cudos to Governor Kasich for keeping the torch of sanity burning during last night's debate.

He was the only one standing tall, the only one left standing.

Governor Kasich demonstrated to the American People that he can answer questions and explain his answers in a way they can understand.


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