Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


This is a weird day although I'm pretty sure I know what's contributing to it.

Today is a Full Moon and a Super Moon to boot (when the moon is closest to the earth) plus a complete solar eclipse in Pisces and an asteroid swinging by to say hello.

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly between the earth and the sun, casting a shadow over the earth.

It can only happen during a new moon (when the dark side of the moon is facing earth).

So the gravitational pull is very strong in fact one of the strongest I've ever felt.  

Watch for higher than normal tides and accelerated earth activity--volcanoes going off, tornadoes, freakish events that don't normally fall under the category of normal.

Beware of people's attitudes, also.
I believe that these celestial events subtly play with our minds and are able to alter our perception of things, turning things upside down and inside out.  

Pisces is the last sign in the Zodiac (there are twelve) and is considered to be the most psychic.

Accompanying all of this drama are intense spring-like storms.


Woke up tired this morning and muddled through my routine.

I opted for tea instead of coffee and snacked on some leftover spaghetti (warmed it up first (cold spaghetti - ugh).

The tiredness soon became overwhelming so I went up to take a short nap.

I didn't bother to look at the time.

Woke up to hail, heavy rain and strong winds.

Looked out the window toward the west but couldn't see a thing as everything was rain-wrapped.

The sky was overcast and I was very aware of that dull feeling when the weather is closing in on you but nothing more unusual than that as I literally bolted downstairs, heading for the freezer to take a pizza out for dinner.  (I'm thinking it's 5:00 P.M.).  

I turned on the oven, waited for it to warm up as I greased a pizza pan.

It was all routine, nothing unusual, except....

I looked at the t.v. and Supernatural was still on.

I looked at the clock on the microwave and it was 11:40 a.m.


I stopped dead in my tracks and tried to take stock of what was happening--it felt like the entire day had come and gone and it was now evening.

The entire day had reversed course.  What was morning was now evening and what was evening was now morning.

I spoke with a neighbor and she agreed that things were unusual except her bout with weirdness took place yesterday on March 7th.

She told me she got out of bed without making it which she always does.

She never made her morning coffee and always has one cup before heading outside.

After tending to some chores outside she came back in when her husband, sitting at the table asked where she had gone and did she have her coffee?  --"why no", she said, quite puzzled, "and I never made my bed either".

The breakfast pizza was good.

So I think I'll make sausage, toast and eggs for dinner.

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