Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, March 14, 2016

We are The World

Sometimes, all it takes is a miracle

How would you view The World today?  --depressing, healthy, energetic, morbid?

We, collectively, are The World.

We can either make The World live up to its promise of providing a bright future for all of us or habitually fall into the trap of "I don't know how to do this or I'm really not equipped to take on the challenges facing me."

If we adopt this attitude we will never move forward, we will never win anything nor will the human race ever amount to anything.

We are victims of our own minds.

Once you realize that you can change that mindset from one of worry and fear to one of accomplishment and achievement, nothing can stop you.

Think about your family, your community, where you shop, your schools, the people you interact with day in and day out.

How would you rate them?  --Do you see an opportunity to step up and address something that's been bugging you for a long time?  --Do you see an area where healthy change is needed?

A positive and healthy mindset is contagious.

Healthy thinking leads to healthy lives, relationships and communities.

We are the change The World is denying to us but only because we still haven't grasped that all we need to do to accomplish great things is to make a change in our thinking.


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