Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Who Cares

It is hard to sit here and post happy thoughts about today (and I do want to because it was a beautiful day) because I am thinking of the rest of the world with its horrific living conditions, starving children, little or no food, dirty drinking water, wars, turmoil, disease and terrorism.   How is it that we still have more than half of the world experiencing these atrocities while the rest of the world does not?  Why is it we have a UN that is supposed to be helping in these matters when all I see is little to no help from this global behemoth of a body being extended to this planet's poorest shreds of humanity?  You would think with all the participants from every part of the world in this global body that their main priority and their money (in the millions - probably billions) would be first and foremost to help the human beings who are in dire need but I see very little that anyone or any serious money is being directed in order to help. 

The lack of caring and concern for others on this planet is on a scale that is hard to stomach.  There are good people everywhere who are doing the best they can with what they've got, in order to help others, but it is very apparent that much more help is needed.   

I just recently helped one young girl in Honduras, am presently supporting one child overseas and plan to take on another.  I am setting up a monthly contribution to St. Jude's Children's Hospital as I have seen what a wonderful organization this is and how much it is doing to help children with cancer.  My heart aches for the children and their families and some of these children are only one year old.   

You would think that, by now, with all the money being invested in research, we would have come up with a cure for cancer. 

Each day I wake up and ask G-d, "what can I do for You today?"  as each day is a gift from the Creator to us to be cherished, if...you are lucky enough to be born where you can enjoy it.  Half of the world doesn't care about another beautiful day to be cherished, they just wake up (if they're lucky) hoping to just survive it. 

When will things change on this planet for Mankind?

What will it take for things to change on this planet?

I am doing all I can to make a difference.

I cannot go to my grave knowing that I did nothing to help others in need while I was here.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Fairy NightSongs

What's in a Name?

How dare we call ourselves Progressives?  How dare we call ourselves Conservatives?  I see nothing in our humanity thus far encouraging anyone to Progress toward mutual respect and love for one another.  I see only Conservative measures where we are stopped short trying to connect with one another because of control, fear and intimidation.  We are led to believe that if we are the first to extend a hand in friendship the other party will just walk away or, worse yet, give us the finger.

How do we know if someone is willing or unwilling to come half way if one of us doesn't have the guts to take the first step?

Look at Congress.  What a sorry bunch of freeloaders and to think we keep them in office.  Here is a shining example of humanity in action as both Progressives and Conservatives continue to outdo one another, instead of considering how many people will benefit from the legislation before them, they filibuster, refuse to talk to one another, keeping their distance cancelling important votes because of partisanship, exhibiting mass hatred, envy and hysteria if one side makes the slightest inroads over the other.      

A handful of dismal, ego-driven, Pro-Cons, an entrenched and spoiled bunch of brats, whining and conniving bureaucrats bickering, raging, accusing others and pointing fingers.

I am sad to say that I have reached a conclusion and it is this:  Because I have seen nothing new on the human horizon and in all my years and as a student of history that has documented our past for thousands of years, it is painfully apparent that Humanity is incapable of coming together.  It is unwilling to make the changes needed because it has been intimidated, bought off, killed off, and coerced into embracing the lie that others are far more capable of making the decisions for us because they're a lot smarter and more competent--we're just a bunch of dullards.

So, we bought into their lie as it's less painful for us and far easier for us not rock the boat but continue down the path we're on--a path that is leading to our ultimate demise and eventual oblivion.   

That is why I am appealing to those of you, and you know who you are, to make yourselves known.

You have said that we humans have free will and unless we ask for your help, you will not come to our aid.

Well, let it be known that, as of this moment, I'm exercising my free will and asking for your intervention. 

We need help down here below, from those of you who are watching, from up above.

Friday, March 24, 2017

En Courage Ment

You've heard the saying, "Don't Give Up."  But, in reality, that's what's facing you now as you're all used up, you've given your all and there is nothing more of you to give.  Did you receive any help, any words of encouragement along the way, like "you're doing a fine job" or, "is there anything I can do to help?" or were you just hung out to dry?  Maybe a word of encouragement could have made all the difference as to whether you finished your project or threw up your hands and just walked away.  Words are inherent to our well being and are instrumental to our progress in life.  Negatively charged words can maim, hurt and in some instances, kill.  Positive words motivate, encourage, energize and, in some instances, can even heal.  What type of family were you brought up in?  One where there was only criticism and no praise?    What type of person will result from a family who only sees someone's faults vs. a family that looks past your faults and focuses on your strengths and abilities?  We will either have a well-adjusted, happy and inspired individual or one who brings his childhood baggage with him, winding up being an intolerant boss or an authoritative figure continuing to act out his or her past in a vengeful, hurtful and harmful manner. 

We all have value.  Everything on this planet has value.  We are here for a brief time whether it be an animal, a tree leaf, an ant or a human being. 

We all are an invaluable part of a much larger picture, a universal interconnectedness.  We are beyond priceless, incalculable and of inestimable worth.    

Now go out there and shine. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


As this day wears on I'm aware that I'm experiencing anxiousness. 

>It's one step forward and two steps backward.  My focus is off as I start to do something and then stop.

I've been down this road before and, no, it's not some type of mental problem.  It's just my sixth sense kicking in.

The last time I felt like this is when I experienced something spiritually unpleasant.  I did a blog post about this some time back. 

When I feel like this it is a "heads up" that something is coming into being (coalescing).  I just can't pinpoint exactly what it will be.       

Some indications could be an earth event (volcanic eruption(s), earthquake(s), outbreak of tornadoes) or an attack of some sort, etc.--We just had one in London.

You get the drift.

*Heads up and stay close*. 


     Yesterday the temp was 83 degrees; today it's 60 with a cold, blustery wind.  Yeah there's some possibly severe weather coming in on Friday (a front) as the NWS has talked about this for several days which I find curious as they started informing us about 5 days ago.  Interesting because I've never seen them making so many references to severe weather and doing so so many days in advance.  The sunrise this morning was breath taking with the top of the sun peeking out from the top of the clouds as lavender, pink and gold rays spread across the sky.  The wind chimes were singing in unison.  I got the feeling that they knew something and couldn't contain their excitement.  Yes, I know the wind was blowing but still, I sensed that they were excited about something.  --Something's coming and it's just a breath away.  We're on the cusp of an extraordinary event and one can sense it even if one cannot see it.    Even the wind chimes know it. 

The Harvest

Judgement - XX   
Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Purification, 
Wholeness, Transformation, Cleansing, 
Completion, Accountability, 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Carlos Nakai: Earth Spirit

Don't Chance It

Get a move on; confront your obstacles and push them out of the way.  Don't consider them a threat or a hindrance but learn from them; if you're going to do something, do it; say hello or say goodbye; ask yourself, "am I here or am I there?  --you can't be in both places.     

Life is moving quickly.  Have you noticed and we're all a little (?) stressed.  What's new?  This year with the change to daylight savings time, I'm astonished at how much faster everything seems to be going.

The other day I took a nap and I'm usually down for an hour to an hour and a half.  When I woke up it was 4:30 p.m. and I wondered, "where the heck did the day go?" and scrambled around trying to accomplish things before the lights went out.   Is anyone else experiencing this?  I know at least one other person is, besides myself, and she was the one to say it first.

When we can't keep up we're left behind.  Time waits for no one.  When we keep procrastinating and can't seem to make up our mind the decision will be made for us.  Sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes this is bad.

I'd rather be in charge of making my own decision instead of leaving it up to chance.

At least I'd know who to blame if it didn't work out the way I wanted.  

A life of uncertainty can result of being too fearful of making the wrong decision.  We're all guilty of this but isn't it time to take stock of where you are going?

In order to do this, you need to take charge of your life, don't chance it

Friday, March 10, 2017

What Privacy?


Be All That You Can Be

There is so much darkness, calamity and confusion down here.  It can eventually consume us all, if we let it.  We have no one pointing the way to enlightenment and few if any, ever reach this point in life because nobody's provided a detailed map (a plan).  The whole point of being here is to reach this stage.  It's difficult if not impossible to acquire any state of balance and spiritual awareness in the world because we are constantly being jockeyed around, sidetracked, manipulated, pulled and seduced.  We just can't seem to bring the body, mind, spirit complex into harmony.  The really painful truth is we find we lack the fortitude and discipline necessary to keep ourselves in line, especially when our urges overtake us, knowing that what we're doing (or will do) is wrong, unhealthy, harmful.  How do you think the military is able to slog through the mud, hold their breath and stay underwater for long periods of time, endure weeks and weeks of painful endurance training, carry 70# of crap (gear, weapons, ammo, night vision, etc.) in 120 degree heat?  Do you think this all came about by accident?  Hell no, they made a decision as to what they wanted out of life, signed on the dotted line and then saw their decision through to the end.  They had a plan.  They worked long and hard and in the process learned they were stronger than they thought and capable of doing and accomplishing much more than they thought, learning restraint, respect, discipline and courage.   This decision, this plan, resulted in their being able to sync their minds, bodies and spirits together into one effective working unit.  They learned to take that part of themselves that always wanted to do what it wanted to do and subdue it, bringing it into harmony with the other parts.  So, without a plan to follow and a lack of discipline to follow it through, we wind up, where?  Take a look at where you are now.  Are you any where you want to be (do you even know where you want to be?) or are you just hanging out, biding your time, (there's plenty of time, right?) mingling with the wrong crowd, doing drugs, etc., or... but, oh, it's so cool, right?  Are you even interested in taking charge of your life or are you still hell bent on letting others do it for you, charging full speed ahead with no direction and no regard to where you'll wind up because, silly, it's all a game?  --I got new for you--Life isn't a game.  Life is a minefield that has to be navigated properly and safely if we ever want to make it to the other side without blowing up first.  Why is it that the few wind up controlling the many? Could it be that they know something we don't?  That their privilege, their liaisons, their wealth, their positions, their knowledge allow them to be out of the starting gate first, leaving the rest of us in the dust?  To a great extent yes, this is true.  But these are flesh and blood people just like us with strengths and weaknesses, needs, wants, desires, vices, addictions and perversions.  But it's clear there is a difference and it is this:  They know all about life and have learned how to successfully navigate it, learning how to control it (to a point) bending it to meet their wishes and desires.  Their families knew in order to advance successfully in life you needed a map, a map to help you avoid the many perils in life.  Along with this you needed to learn discipline and control.  A detailed road map  was in place before the baby was even born and afterwards there were those learned individuals who made sure the young man or woman grew up within the regimens of this plan, thus insuring a long, healthy and productive life.  But this is just an excuse, isn't it?  I mean there are plenty of others (like us) not so fortunate who have made it through life's minefield with nary a scratch.  I chalk this up to 1:  They made a decision; 2.  They developed a plan; 3.  They stuck with it.  The statistics show that most of us are called, Sheeple (and the elites know this that's why they're in control and we're not).  They know they can boss us around, turn us around, kick us around, toss us around and shove us around.  But don't forget, this is our decision isn't it as, apparently, most of us don't mind.  So I'd say we're 3/4 of the problem.  Listen, this is a brand new today so why not stop and take an early assessment of your life right now and figure out just where the heck you're going.  

~It might be time to turn it around and head in a brand new way.~     

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Down the Rabbit Hole

Johnny Depp as "The Mad Hatter"

 "We're All Mad, Here"
In the event of an unforeseen emergency, it's always good practice to be prepared:

*Keep your car's gas tank at least half full
*Have some bottled water in your house and canned goods
*Your Wallet, Car Keys, Credit Cards, Cell Phone and Chargers together, in one place
*Candles and matches
*Dried Fruit
*Extra Cash

*Make sure you have one of those mechanical can openers handy, not an electric one.*   

Things in our world have always been unstable--just look at our weather.

Many times we don't get any advance warning that bad things are about to happen.

For example, volcanoes erupting, earthquakes tearing us a new one and monstrous tornadoes.  These things just happen.

We are then faced with dusting ourselves off, putting ourselves back together and picking up the pieces (if any pieces are left).  

Aside from our being unable to accurately predict destructive weather we are now, somehow, able to see a growing chaos happening (an advance warning) taking place in our nation's capitol as we watch the nightly news.     

One Washington insider says this, another insider says that.  Confusion, chaos panic and mayhem are erupting because these entrenched insiders are being soundly challenged and rebuked along with their way of doing business, as a myriad of unecessary bills and regulations are being overhauled or done away with entirely.

This is having having a mind altering, painful, deep and profound affect on the collective alter ego that is Washington, D.C.  

To be truthful things were never quite right in our nation's mental institution, the Mad Hatter's House  known as Washington, D.C. but now with a new commander in charge along with a new perspective on things, it appears we're coming to a boiling point (meltdown?) as tempers flare and, figuratively speaking, guns are drawn and pointing haphazardly in all directions.     

Because events locally and worldwide, can occur with no or little warning, (weather, wars, disease outbreaks) it would be good if we all adopt a more mindful approach to where we are, at all times no matter if we're at work, the movie theater, the corner grocery store or heading downtown.

How will we react when a crisis comes? --Just ask the survivors of the 2004 Earthquake and subsequent Indonesian Tsnumi that killed over 240,000 people. Or the devastating 2016 deluge of rain (I think it was 30 or more ") that struck Baton Rouge, LA in 2016.

Did you know that there are many people who still have not received money from the government or their insurance adjusters in order to fix their homes and get on with their lives?  

The hard truth is, We really won't know how we'll react until it happens but it doesn't hurt to be prepared even if it's just a little.                      


Monday, March 6, 2017


I am nauseated by all the left-wing tactics taking place on Capital Hill.

Government, Congress, aka our elected officials and representatives, were elected to do the bidding of the American people and work together for the betterment all.

Well we can see now that these scumbags don't give a rat's a** about this country, the American People or the U.S. Constitution.

Thanks to President Trump, they are now emerging from their foul and stench-filled hidey holes as the Trump spotlight continues to focus squarely on them.

We have an entrenched bunch of Senators and Congressmen, along with a number of accomplices, who have dug in their claws, hoping to regain some respectability and salvaging what's left of their demonic stranglehold over us.

They will stop at nothing, do anything, to keep their fingers on the power and control button.     

I am ashamed, horrified and angered as I watch just how far these vermin will go.  It is apparent that these Senators and others' endgame is to hobble the new President and pick off his supporters one by one, feigning Russian interference.

The American People don't have anything to fear from the Russians.

But we definitely have much to fear from the likes of Senator Schumer, a spokesman for the wayward Left who has sold his soul to the Devil.  

My advice to President Trump, "stay the course, keep ferreting them out and into the light of day".

Then, Fire the Bastards, Every Last One of Them. 

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Planet X


It is Time

It is time for some serious assessment and soul searching.

Please take the time to consider where you are in Life, right now  as,

~We are running out of time~ 

All of us take too much for granted in our lives, including Life itself.  We don't have a scrying mirror we can hold up in front of our face that tells us something's coming. 

 It just comes.

~The Good, the Bad and the Ugly~ 
~Expect the Unexpected~ 

Life is not linear.  It is a series of waves, ups and downs, a roller coaster ride that starts out slow but comes to an abrupt end, leaving us breathless.

It can be wavy, soft and sensuous or upheaval - turbulent, violent and damaging.

Just a note that I love all of you and please take to heart this post.

Don't wait, do it now.  