What if this Life we're experiencing was just a video game? Or, maybe a chess game but that seems to me to be too simplistic. What if we're living out our lives under the watchful eye of someone or something that is constantly monitoring us? What if our decisions weren't really our decisions at all but someone else's? That our screw ups, our mistakes, our desires, our passions, our very lives were all under a microscope? That we were created, solely, for someone's enjoyment, pleasure and amusement? Well, what is your reaction when you see a fantastic sci fi movie? Isn't this how you feel while you're watching it and even after you've watched it? Maybe the reason we are seeing so much chaos and brutality today is that someone is pulling out all the stops and actively pushing some of us in that direction. Could it be that some outside force is toying with the human race? That someone or something is actually keeping score and constantly toying with us, manipulating and sizing us up as to our strengths and weaknesses. And, keeping notes. If we happen to stray too much in this direction, we're jerked back. Stray too much in the other direction, we're given free rein. Crazy? Picture yourselves getting up in the morning and going to work or school. You grab a cup of coffee, eat a bowl of cereal, glance at your watch, grab your backpack or briefcase and board a school bus or jump in your car. Your whole day unfolds with all its triumphs and setbacks. Then you're back home doing homework or relaxing in your favorite easy chair. All the while, unbeknownst to you, your every step, your every thought, your every move during the day was being tracked. Come to think of it, isn't that what is happening today? We now have cars that can talk to us. Some cars are only equipped with a Start Car button (no need for a key anymore) so what the heck is the key for? Is this crazy or what??? Cars are now equipped to keep track of how you drive as well as how many miles you drive. There is talk that robots will replace human workers. We have remote controlled drones and remote controlled television. We have cameras, watching our every move on earth and overhead satellites that reportedly can read the wording on a golf ball from hundreds of miles up. We have the NSA, the CIA, the FBI (who knows who else???) and tech giants spying on us, keeping track of what we post, who our friends are, the sites we visit, how we vote and what we read. It's getting to the point (if you read what's taking place on college campuses) even what we think.
A big push is on for AI (Artificial Intelligence). We can now communicate with our frig while at the supermarket, through our cell phones, to check what's inside in case we leave our grocery list at home.
Have you ever wondered why your computer monitor is called a monitor?
One definition of monitor (The Free Dictionary): To keep track of systematically with a view to collecting information. Did you know that there is an effort underway to enable monitors to watch you while you're watching them?
So why is it too crazy to pose a theory that we're just stuck in a movie that has no beginning and no end but is constantly playing, world wide?
We actors are being groomed and tweaked to deliver more action, be more passionate, or engage in terror and brutality.
Could it be that we're all unwitting actors who had no decision in our roles but were already cast as either villains or heroes in the biggest sci fi blockbuster of all time?
And up until now we didn't have a clue.
Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
And Nobody Does a Damn Thing
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Get Ready - Huge Solar Storm Heading Earth's Way
September 30, 2016 - The Second of Two New Moons in One Month is called a "Black" Moon
~Eugene Guillevic, 1907 - 1997~
More and more scientists are beginning to recognize the forces of the moon upon our earth. A new moon is especially powerful because the earth, the sun and the moon are all in alignment.
During a full moon and especially a new moon, its gravitational force is believed to have a strong affect on human behaviour (bizarre, out of the ordinary, more accidents, etc.) as witnessed by Doctors, Nursers, ER technicians, EMTs and Paramedics. This could also include animals.
The moon is also thought to cause an increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
There is much we are still learning about our celestial neighbor.
The term "Black" Moon is an ancient one. Please visit the link below:
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Monday, September 26, 2016
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Bar None
Saturday, September 24, 2016
I woke up this morning thinking from the inside out. Normally the first thing I do in the morning is go over in my mind all the things I have to do during the day and what might go wrong but this time what I was feeling was a very comforting energy and a welcome change. Something had changed. We are all affected by outside forces whether it be of a celestial nature (eclipses, solar storms, etc.) problems at work, family, relationships. At times it seems we are moving through goop so thick and heavy we can't even muster the energy to lift a leg and shake it off. And, in many instances, the goop seems to have a mind of its own because it will not let us. So many distractions, so many obstacles in our way leaves us exhausted. That's what this whole year has felt like and I'm glad the feeling is waning.
Friday, September 23, 2016
![]() |
Don't Take Things at Face Value but Look Beneath |
Do you think the scientists would tell us what the results of the other 10% were or keep the information to themselves? I believe it would have much to do with the deep impact on all of us, collectively. --On our religious institutions and beliefs, world governments, world leaders, the military/industrial complex.
We really wouldn't want anyone to know the Truth of our Existence now, would we?
It's like peeling back the skin of an onion. You keep whittling away even though the onion is fighting back, wiping your burning and stinging eyes, until it gives up and its core is finally revealed.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
No Surprise Here (if it happens, that is)
"Snowden" Director, Oliver Stone
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Holy C**p!
Money Talks and the Little Guy Walks
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Monday, September 19, 2016
Send in the Drones
Close Shave
Death Throes
The whole world is convulsing. From one crisis to another is now commonplace. Cold, hard, unforgiving reality is a very hard thing to come to grips with especially when it shows up on your doorstep, slapping you full in the face. Isn't it interesting then that all the bullshitters, the elite, the Know It Alls, can no longer spin their BS as you are now in a great deal of pain. You now know that what is happening to you is real. The horrific headlines, the horrific happenings are real because they are happening to you. Today reality doesn't seem so far away but much more pervasive, much more horrifying and much more closer. Maybe it's because it's affecting so many of us on this planet as we're now all connected. Just like a woman giving birth to an infant the uncontrollable contractions are real, the pain is real. Yet, when all the convulsing is over the new mother is rewarded with the results of her labor, a new little one to love and nurture. Could it be that what we're in is the old giving way to a new paradigm? That the few who don't want to give up their power over us, their stranglehold on humanity, are becoming desperate and are actually helping to orchestrate the chaos and mayhem, pulling out all the stops?
Today, more than ever all of us need something to believe in and something to hang onto as the craziness we're all witnessing is only going to escalate.
I am concerned for each and every one of you.
Please, find the time to take account of where you and your families are.
If you find some chinks in your armor, some things you've been putting off that need to be addressed such as buying some extra food, water, toiletries, paying off some debt or people to contact, etc., then take the time to get this done.
We have an election coming up and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to imagine that someone or some thing may be willing to pull out all the stops to thwart our ability to exercise a freedom that was hard won by a few, on behalf of the many--our right to vote.
It's time for an in depth, full body assessment, a no holds barred reality check.
~~~ Nightshade
Venezuela in Crisis
China Banking Crisis
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Monday, September 12, 2016
Learn to Drink Your Coffee Black
Pinch yourself, can you feel pain?
Can you explain the origins of earth, life as we know it along with the universe?
Can you explain the Dinosaurs?
Can you explain why there are different races of humans on earth?
Can you explain the weather, where it originates, how it's created and what affects it?
Can you explain how it is that one male sperm impregnates a female egg resulting in a human being being born after nine months of incubation?
Can you explain why we love and hate?
Can you explain why we're here?
Do you believe that this planet is out there, in the middle of nowhere, was impacted at one time and in danger of being hit again by an asteroid a meteor or possibly some other another large planetary body we know nothing about that could alter and change life on this planet as we know it?
Did earth really come with a "Good but only if 'used by a certain date' stamped on it?"
There were times during our evolution when we made breakthroughs that enabled our species to keep moving forward.
We learned about fire that transformed a bloody piece of meat into a well cooked meal.
We learned to use animal hides as they were most effective in keeping ourselves warm.
We learned that certain herbs treated the affects of disease.
We learned to navigate by the stars.
We learned that the four seasons were guideposts teaching us when to sow and reap, when to gather in the harvest, enabling us to survive as we huddled together, seeking warmth and sustenance from our labors in order to endure the long, cold winter ahead.
We developed tools.
We learned that childbirth is a bitch.
We started out fearful, haggard, isolated and lonely bands of wanderers constantly on alert for danger. Steadily and doggedly our insatiable curiosity overcame our fear and drove us forward in our journey of discovery.
We traveled to other places to see who and what was out there, and lo and behold, met others of our kind.
We learned new things, made new friends along with enemies, traded with one another, forming partnerships and relationships.
We slowly realized, over time, we needed a soul source to keep us together and created deities and religions that formed bonds and beliefs, providing a bulwark against things we didn't understand or were frightened of.
We learned that by grouping together (tribal mentality) we were safer and stronger in numbers, effectively more able to accomplish things.
We became more productive and much more formidable.
Or, did we?
It is difficult to piece together a history of something with only fragments.
Yet, what if this happened to be true?
But we still have one common problem--Humility is not one of our stronger suits.
We're all indoctrinated with with a healthy dose of "b******t" every day.
Are we capable of thinking outside the Matrix (you know, that little box we're all housed in?)
Or are we completely comfortable with letting others continue doing the thinking for us?
Are we capable of shedding the BS, the constant drone of indoctrination, finally demanding that we will do our own thinking, thank you?
Today it's "No Thank You, "I'll just take my coffee black, please".
Can you explain the origins of earth, life as we know it along with the universe?
Can you explain the Dinosaurs?
Can you explain why there are different races of humans on earth?
Can you explain the weather, where it originates, how it's created and what affects it?
Can you explain how it is that one male sperm impregnates a female egg resulting in a human being being born after nine months of incubation?
Can you explain why we love and hate?
Can you explain why we're here?
Do you believe that this planet is out there, in the middle of nowhere, was impacted at one time and in danger of being hit again by an asteroid a meteor or possibly some other another large planetary body we know nothing about that could alter and change life on this planet as we know it?
Did earth really come with a "Good but only if 'used by a certain date' stamped on it?"
~Socrates: "All I Know is That I Know Nothing"~
There were times during our evolution when we made breakthroughs that enabled our species to keep moving forward.
We learned about fire that transformed a bloody piece of meat into a well cooked meal.
We learned to use animal hides as they were most effective in keeping ourselves warm.
We learned that certain herbs treated the affects of disease.
We learned to navigate by the stars.
We learned that the four seasons were guideposts teaching us when to sow and reap, when to gather in the harvest, enabling us to survive as we huddled together, seeking warmth and sustenance from our labors in order to endure the long, cold winter ahead.
We developed tools.
We learned that childbirth is a bitch.
We started out fearful, haggard, isolated and lonely bands of wanderers constantly on alert for danger. Steadily and doggedly our insatiable curiosity overcame our fear and drove us forward in our journey of discovery.
We traveled to other places to see who and what was out there, and lo and behold, met others of our kind.
We learned new things, made new friends along with enemies, traded with one another, forming partnerships and relationships.
We slowly realized, over time, we needed a soul source to keep us together and created deities and religions that formed bonds and beliefs, providing a bulwark against things we didn't understand or were frightened of.
We learned that by grouping together (tribal mentality) we were safer and stronger in numbers, effectively more able to accomplish things.
We became more productive and much more formidable.
Or, did we?
We have limited knowledge of any of this--only fossil records, ancient manuscripts, mummified bodies, some personal observations and accounts, petroglyphs and the remnant of ancient beliefs that still exist today.It is difficult to piece together a history of something with only fragments.
Yet, what if this happened to be true?
We are still learning today, as we did back then, researching cures, learning about other cultures and daring to travel to the farthest reaches of the universe.But we still have one common problem--Humility is not one of our stronger suits.
We have those in power who continue to preach to us their own version of the Gospel each and every day.We're all indoctrinated with with a healthy dose of "b******t" every day.
Are we capable of thinking outside the Matrix (you know, that little box we're all housed in?)
Or are we completely comfortable with letting others continue doing the thinking for us?
Are we capable of shedding the BS, the constant drone of indoctrination, finally demanding that we will do our own thinking, thank you?
This is a good time to shed the illusion and get a good, healthy dose of reality before reality hits us square between the running lights.
"None of us have no answers to anything and none of us have no clue as to what tomorrow will bring."
* Reality: "We are living in a cosmic shooting gallery." ~ Dr. Michio Kaku.*
Today I'm saying no to the BS.
Today, I'm saying "No to the Troika: The "Hoka Moka, the Vanilly Hazelnut Coka Mocha, the one and only Poka Troka". Today it's "No Thank You, "I'll just take my coffee black, please".
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Paying Tribute
Saturday, September 10, 2016
LGBT Community Comes to Grips
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Something Beautiful This Way Comes
I have an angel in my house, today.
I can feel her, I can sense her. I can see her.
She is moving from room to room, a soft whisper as her gossamer garment billows out behind her, flowing like gentle waves on an ocean.
She is moving from room to room.
She is here for a reason (a Blessing):
Her message is this:
*Write down your expectations, your dreams, your wishes, your hopes on a piece of paper and tuck them inside an envelope and leave them in a special place.
*If you've been troubled by anything or you have any addictions you've been dealing with, write them down, also.
Do it now.
*Miracles are all around us it's just that we're too busy to see them let alone acknowledge them.
Say a prayer as you fold up your wishes and put them in your special place.
Do not be afraid but be full of Hope.
Without Hope the World would be lost.
I can feel her, I can sense her. I can see her.
She is moving from room to room, a soft whisper as her gossamer garment billows out behind her, flowing like gentle waves on an ocean.
She is moving from room to room.
She is here for a reason (a Blessing):
Her message is this:
*Write down your expectations, your dreams, your wishes, your hopes on a piece of paper and tuck them inside an envelope and leave them in a special place.
*If you've been troubled by anything or you have any addictions you've been dealing with, write them down, also.
Do it now.
*Miracles are all around us it's just that we're too busy to see them let alone acknowledge them.
Say a prayer as you fold up your wishes and put them in your special place.
Do not be afraid but be full of Hope.
Hope is what gets all of us through tough times.
Without Hope the World would be lost.
Remember, We are the World.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Two Moons? --Nah, Are You Nuts?
Last night (September 6, 2016) was just another ordinary night (or so I thought).
No dogs howling, no boogey man prowling around.
Just a beautiful summer night with a gorgeous sky, stars and a moon.
* At approximately 8:57 p.m. I took the dog out in the backyard.
As I'm a moon lover I cast my eyes upward to glimpse this celestial beauty.
I gulped and my breathing almost stopped.
This is the first quarter of the moon's cycle so you will see a crescent in the sky.
But, instead of one crescent I was seeing two.
I stood for a moment in utter disbelief. I squinted, I looked again, I moved to different locations.
Nothing changed.
This can't be happening. What the hell am I seeing?
I ran in the house and grabbed my I-Phone. I came back out and looked at the moon with glasses on, glasses off.
I was still seeing the same exact thing--two crescents with the second one slightly below and to the right of the first one.
But what was most extraordinary of all was the stationary orb in the upper left hand corner (it actually looked like a cutout) of the first crescent.
It was a dark brownish red the color of the sun in the link below:
I called my neighbor but because of the trees she could not confirm what I was seeing.
I posted what I saw last night on a link today that encourages one to describe unusual phenomena.
It wasn't until after I emailed some friends that I received a reply from one of them who pointed me to another link (see link below):
I never knew there was a discussion going on about the possibility of earth having two moons, did you?
And I would really like a plausible (believable) explanation from someone as to what I saw last night.
In no way did this second crescent appear to be any reflection of some sort as it (and the first crescent) were so clear cut and bright.
And there were no clouds obstructing my view.
And what about the orb???
I've viewed the moon hundreds of times and it's always the same ole same ole.
Last night something had changed.
September 7, 2016, 8:57 p.m.
I made a point to go out and look at the moon again; same two crescents but they are closer together; and the same orb.
What I believe I am seeing is the sun shining on the moon from a different angle as I have never seen the moon look like this before.
The pictures I took on the 6th did not reveal two crescents but only one object -the moon.
Like I said before, something has definitely changed.
Go and look for yourself.
No dogs howling, no boogey man prowling around.
Just a beautiful summer night with a gorgeous sky, stars and a moon.
* At approximately 8:57 p.m. I took the dog out in the backyard.
As I'm a moon lover I cast my eyes upward to glimpse this celestial beauty.
I gulped and my breathing almost stopped.
This is the first quarter of the moon's cycle so you will see a crescent in the sky.
But, instead of one crescent I was seeing two.
I stood for a moment in utter disbelief. I squinted, I looked again, I moved to different locations.
Nothing changed.
This can't be happening. What the hell am I seeing?
I ran in the house and grabbed my I-Phone. I came back out and looked at the moon with glasses on, glasses off.
I was still seeing the same exact thing--two crescents with the second one slightly below and to the right of the first one.
But what was most extraordinary of all was the stationary orb in the upper left hand corner (it actually looked like a cutout) of the first crescent.
It was a dark brownish red the color of the sun in the link below:
I called my neighbor but because of the trees she could not confirm what I was seeing.
I posted what I saw last night on a link today that encourages one to describe unusual phenomena.
It wasn't until after I emailed some friends that I received a reply from one of them who pointed me to another link (see link below):
I never knew there was a discussion going on about the possibility of earth having two moons, did you?
And I would really like a plausible (believable) explanation from someone as to what I saw last night.
In no way did this second crescent appear to be any reflection of some sort as it (and the first crescent) were so clear cut and bright.
And there were no clouds obstructing my view.
And what about the orb???
I've viewed the moon hundreds of times and it's always the same ole same ole.
Last night something had changed.
September 7, 2016, 8:57 p.m.
I made a point to go out and look at the moon again; same two crescents but they are closer together; and the same orb.
What I believe I am seeing is the sun shining on the moon from a different angle as I have never seen the moon look like this before.
The pictures I took on the 6th did not reveal two crescents but only one object -the moon.
Like I said before, something has definitely changed.
Go and look for yourself.
How Many Americans Knew About This?
Bad to the Bone
is going to be short and on point. This is the timeline for Hillary Clinton
being let off the hook for obvious crimes involving her illegal use of emails
and lying to Congress and the American people.
9, 2016 Obama endorses Hillary Clinton for President despite the fact that she
was the subject of a criminal investigation by the Department of Justice, under
the control of Obama and AG Loretta Lynch.
27, 2016 Dems issue minority report on Benghazi investigation that exonerates
Hillary Clinton and Obama for lying to the American people about the fact that
Benghazi was a terrorist attack. Instead the report attacked Donald Trump
mentioning him 27 times, much more than it mentioned Clinton. Yet, at the time
Benghazi occurred Trump was not running for political office and had no
connection to Benghazi. This report was extensively covered by the majority of
the mainstream media.
June 28, 2016 Report of House of
Representatives majority report on Benghazi investigation is released. IT
establishes conclusively that Clinton and the Obama administration lied to the
American people about the fact that this was a terrorist attack. It further
shows that American military units that could have saved some of the Americans
killed that night were never deployed. This report was essentially ignored by
most of the mainstream media.
29, 2016, Obama announces he will join Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail in
North Carolina on July 5, 2016.
30, 2016 Bill Clinton supposedly has a chance encounter with Attorney General
Loretta Lynch at the airport in Phoenix, Arizona. They spent almost forty
minutes in private on board the AG’s plan and claim they discussed
grandchildren, and golf, but not the fact that Bill Clinton’s wife was under
criminal investigation by the DOJ. By the way, Loretta Lynch has no
grandchildren and doesn’t play golf.
3, 2016 New York Times reports that Hillary is considering continuing to have
Loretta Lynch as AG, if Hillary is elected President.
4, 2016 CNN reports that FBI will not recommend prosecution of Hillary. This
could only be a result of leak from the DOJ, the FBI or the White House.
July 5, 2016 FBI director
James Comey states that Hillary repeatedly lied about the use of her private
email server, but the FBI will not recommend prosecution.
July 5, 2016 Obama
appears with Hillary at a campaign event in North Carolina.
6, 2016 Attorney General Loretta Lynch says she will not charge Hillary Clinton
for any crimes related to her misuse of a private email server containing
classified information.
9, 2016 Additional formerly undisclosed Hillary Clinton emails are released
showing direct connections between the donors to the Clinton Foundation and
special access to the Secretary of State’s office during Hillary’s term.
2, 2016 The FBI releases its notes of the July interview with Hillary that
shows that on numerous occasions she claimed not to remember critical
information about security training or what constituted classified material. It
is apparent that the Clintons and everyone involved in her campaign are
incapable of telling the truth.
2016 Hillary admits to reporters that she did know that the letter C meant
classified or confidential when on an email. That means she lied during the FBI
6, 2016 International banking giant Goldman Sachs paid Hillary over $650,000
for speeches after she left the Secretary of State’s office. The contents of
those speeches have been kept secret, but today Goldman Sachs banned its
highest paid employees from donating to the Trump campaign. Incredible! Hillary
is already setting up a pay for play system for her Presidency.
is the timeline. It speaks for itself. It is not a conspiracy theory; it is
simply a conspiracy that proves that the Obama administration, the Clintons,
and the Democrat Party are totally lawless and have become the most powerful
criminal enterprise in American history.
Constitutional Law Alliance
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Life is like riding the bow of a ship.
We're always hoping for calm seas which don't pose a problem.
It's those forty foot waves and gale force winds that are now being forecast.
We could run away and pretend it will just blow over or we could meet the storm head on.
In either case we will reap the results of our decision.
Life is about us--coming to grips with who we are--our weaknesses, where we are strong and, hopefully, learning from the mistakes we make.
Life is a Surprise each and every day.
You never know what Life has in store.
Life can reach out to you when you're unaware or the least bit interested.
Life is Here and Now even though many of us would like to escape it.
Eventually, Life can and will grab you and pull you in.
It can turn our world right side up or upside down.
Our outcomes in life really depend on us.
We are flesh and blood, creatures of habit, heroes and villains but we do have choices.
At some point you come face to face with it--you suddenly realize you bought a one way ticket on a train that is going nowhere and realize you've got a lot of catching up to do.
Is a beginning more important than the end?
Well you can't have a beginning without and end and you can't have an end without a beginning.
Life is all about the stuff that makes us tick; our weaknesses, our strengths.
Life continues to push us forward as we frantically grasp for a life jacket.
Are we born with the capacity to hurt others?
Are we born with compassion? What about hate, what about love?
Are these part of our DNA or are these things learned?
Today is a good day to make a decision on what we want to be and where we want to go in Life.
I am reminded of the movie, "The Perfect Storm," with George Clooney.
The creepiest part in the movie is when the captain on the Andrea Gail out of Gloucester, Massachusetts (Clooney) a captain with an ego on steroids, realizes he's unwittingly participated in his own demise.
He's made several decisions but the most costly one, the one to steer his boat toward happier fishing grounds, even though a monstrous hurricane was just forecast, will cost him his life and that of his crew.
As he realizes that it's too late to outrun the hurricane, a young crew member who doesn't wait for the boat to go down, jumps overboard.
He is seen bobbing up and down in the vast ocean like a tiny cork, all the while telling his girlfriend that he will always love her.
The captain watches in horror with a look that frames the stark reality of his brief reign on earth, the moment, the "In Your Face" realization hits that he's going to die yet still maintaining an entrenched stoic look that "I'm still in charge." --"No, you're not....
He has made all the decisions he will ever make and has used up all his options
His last decision to make more money in spite of the hurricane warning, not only sealed his fate but that of his crew.
Life has caught up with him.
Now it's over.
This captain treated Life with disdain.
Life is Not a Game --Life is Real and fraught with dangers.
And we all need life jackets if we're going to make it to shore.
Surprise! We're all in the same boat; we all have decisions to make--where we want to go; who we want to be with; what we want to do and how we want to do it.
Our decisions will not only chart our own destinies but will, almost certainly, affect others, as well.
Surprise! Life is not a game--It's an "In Your Face" mystery novel complete with suspense, trauma, drama, excitement, extras, actors and all the embellishments.
You and you alone are the captain of your ship.
It's up to you as to how you want to sail your own boat.
But remember, you have a crew who's also counting on you.
We're always hoping for calm seas which don't pose a problem.
It's those forty foot waves and gale force winds that are now being forecast.
We could run away and pretend it will just blow over or we could meet the storm head on.
In either case we will reap the results of our decision.
Life is about us--coming to grips with who we are--our weaknesses, where we are strong and, hopefully, learning from the mistakes we make.
Life is a Surprise each and every day.
You never know what Life has in store.
Life can reach out to you when you're unaware or the least bit interested.
Life is Here and Now even though many of us would like to escape it.
Eventually, Life can and will grab you and pull you in.
It can turn our world right side up or upside down.
Our outcomes in life really depend on us.
We are flesh and blood, creatures of habit, heroes and villains but we do have choices.
At some point you come face to face with it--you suddenly realize you bought a one way ticket on a train that is going nowhere and realize you've got a lot of catching up to do.
Is a beginning more important than the end?
Well you can't have a beginning without and end and you can't have an end without a beginning.
Life is all about the stuff that makes us tick; our weaknesses, our strengths.
Life continues to push us forward as we frantically grasp for a life jacket.
Are we born with the capacity to hurt others?
Are we born with compassion? What about hate, what about love?
Are these part of our DNA or are these things learned?
Today is a good day to make a decision on what we want to be and where we want to go in Life.
I am reminded of the movie, "The Perfect Storm," with George Clooney.
The creepiest part in the movie is when the captain on the Andrea Gail out of Gloucester, Massachusetts (Clooney) a captain with an ego on steroids, realizes he's unwittingly participated in his own demise.
He's made several decisions but the most costly one, the one to steer his boat toward happier fishing grounds, even though a monstrous hurricane was just forecast, will cost him his life and that of his crew.
As he realizes that it's too late to outrun the hurricane, a young crew member who doesn't wait for the boat to go down, jumps overboard.
He is seen bobbing up and down in the vast ocean like a tiny cork, all the while telling his girlfriend that he will always love her.
The captain watches in horror with a look that frames the stark reality of his brief reign on earth, the moment, the "In Your Face" realization hits that he's going to die yet still maintaining an entrenched stoic look that "I'm still in charge." --"No, you're not....
He has made all the decisions he will ever make and has used up all his options
His last decision to make more money in spite of the hurricane warning, not only sealed his fate but that of his crew.
Life has caught up with him.
Now it's over.
This captain treated Life with disdain.
Life is Not a Game --Life is Real and fraught with dangers.
And we all need life jackets if we're going to make it to shore.
Surprise! We're all in the same boat; we all have decisions to make--where we want to go; who we want to be with; what we want to do and how we want to do it.
Our decisions will not only chart our own destinies but will, almost certainly, affect others, as well.
Surprise! Life is not a game--It's an "In Your Face" mystery novel complete with suspense, trauma, drama, excitement, extras, actors and all the embellishments.
You and you alone are the captain of your ship.
It's up to you as to how you want to sail your own boat.
But remember, you have a crew who's also counting on you.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Samaritans Purse - Disaster Relief for Louisiana
Friday, September 2, 2016
Earth Changes?
I don't know what's up with t-storms this year but the thunder is much more thunderous with a deep, reverberating width and breadth I've never heard before.
And the lightning is non stop and more violent.
Yesterday was another good example of a cell that developed quickly in my area.
Its intensity was such that I feared for any animals huddling under trees or caught out in the open along with any hapless human beings.
If you dared go outside to check on anything with all the electricity in the air, you could only be counted in the "Fool" category.
There were two deafening cracks of thunder close to where livestock bedded down and it was clear I would have to go out and check (after it was safe to do so) to see if anyone had been injured or a tree had been struck.
Luckily, when I did go and check I found everyone accounted for and no damage to trees or anything else.
But it was a miracle.
My two Pry Pups were wet but excited to see me as I was them.
I don't know if people in the city can sense what I'm sensing...the ferocity, the magnitude of the storms now occurring.
Just look at what happened in Louisiana and now Florida is in the cross hairs of a hurricane; first one in eleven years.
These changes are subtle because you really don't pay them much mind (at first) until they start getting your attention and occurring on a regular basis, each storm more intense than the last one.
Slowly you're thrust into a different reality--a realization that something has changed; something is different; you know because you're experiencing it and seeing it with your own two eyes.
The storm was so violent yesterday I called the local meteorologist to let him know.
I think they know more about these changes than they're telling.
Flowers that normally bloom once per season (along with some flowering trees) are blooming twice, and in some cases three times where I am.
Deer normally give birth in the spring but more and more we're seeing late spring, early summer, mid summer babies.
Weeds that mature and cause a real headache in the fall are already heading out.
Birds that normally show up in warmer climates are showing up here along with some strange insects.
The torrential rainfall makes one think they're living in another part of the planet.
The suffocating bind weed and other weeds proliferating in the heat and humidity, completely obliterating gardens and filling up pastures so to such a height that in some cases you even have a hard time walking.
And there's no telling what's lying beneath all this ground cover.
It's like the planet is transitioning, changing, yet we're always the last ones to catch on.
Well, hopefully, maybe, we are.
And the lightning is non stop and more violent.
Yesterday was another good example of a cell that developed quickly in my area.
Its intensity was such that I feared for any animals huddling under trees or caught out in the open along with any hapless human beings.
If you dared go outside to check on anything with all the electricity in the air, you could only be counted in the "Fool" category.
There were two deafening cracks of thunder close to where livestock bedded down and it was clear I would have to go out and check (after it was safe to do so) to see if anyone had been injured or a tree had been struck.
Luckily, when I did go and check I found everyone accounted for and no damage to trees or anything else.
But it was a miracle.
My two Pry Pups were wet but excited to see me as I was them.
I don't know if people in the city can sense what I'm sensing...the ferocity, the magnitude of the storms now occurring.
Just look at what happened in Louisiana and now Florida is in the cross hairs of a hurricane; first one in eleven years.
These changes are subtle because you really don't pay them much mind (at first) until they start getting your attention and occurring on a regular basis, each storm more intense than the last one.
Slowly you're thrust into a different reality--a realization that something has changed; something is different; you know because you're experiencing it and seeing it with your own two eyes.
The storm was so violent yesterday I called the local meteorologist to let him know.
I think they know more about these changes than they're telling.
Flowers that normally bloom once per season (along with some flowering trees) are blooming twice, and in some cases three times where I am.
Deer normally give birth in the spring but more and more we're seeing late spring, early summer, mid summer babies.
Weeds that mature and cause a real headache in the fall are already heading out.
Birds that normally show up in warmer climates are showing up here along with some strange insects.
The torrential rainfall makes one think they're living in another part of the planet.
The suffocating bind weed and other weeds proliferating in the heat and humidity, completely obliterating gardens and filling up pastures so to such a height that in some cases you even have a hard time walking.
And there's no telling what's lying beneath all this ground cover.
It's like the planet is transitioning, changing, yet we're always the last ones to catch on.
Well, hopefully, maybe, we are.
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