Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, September 12, 2016

Learn to Drink Your Coffee Black

Pinch yourself, can you feel pain?


Can you explain the origins of earth, life as we know it along with the universe?
Can you explain the Dinosaurs?    
Can you explain why there are different races of humans on earth?
Can you explain the weather, where it originates, how it's created and what affects it?
Can you explain how it is that one male sperm impregnates a female egg resulting in a human being being born after nine months of incubation?
Can you explain why we love and hate?
Can you explain why we're here?

Do you believe that this planet is out there, in the middle of nowhere, was impacted at one time and in danger of being hit again by an asteroid a meteor or possibly some other another large planetary body we know nothing about that could alter and change life on this planet as we know it?

Did earth really come with a "Good but only if 'used by a certain date' stamped on it?"  

~Socrates:  "All I Know is That I Know Nothing"~  

There were times during our evolution when we made breakthroughs that enabled our species to keep moving forward.
We learned about fire that transformed a bloody piece of meat into a well cooked meal.
We learned to use animal hides as they were most effective in keeping ourselves warm.  
We learned that certain herbs treated the affects of disease.
We learned to navigate by the stars.
We learned that the four seasons were guideposts teaching us when to sow and reap, when to gather in the harvest, enabling us to survive as we huddled together, seeking warmth and sustenance from our labors in order to endure the long, cold winter ahead.  
We developed tools.
We learned that childbirth is a bitch.
We started out fearful, haggard, isolated and lonely bands of wanderers constantly on alert for danger. Steadily and doggedly our insatiable curiosity overcame our fear and drove us forward in our journey of discovery.  
We traveled to other places to see who and what was out there, and lo and behold, met others of our kind.
We learned new things, made new friends along with enemies, traded with one another, forming partnerships and relationships.
We slowly realized, over time, we needed a soul source to keep us together and created deities and religions that formed bonds and beliefs, providing a bulwark against things we didn't understand or were frightened of.
We learned that by grouping together (tribal mentality) we were safer and stronger in numbers, effectively more able to accomplish things.
We became more productive and much more formidable.
Or, did we?
We have limited knowledge of any of this--only fossil records, ancient manuscripts, mummified bodies, some personal observations and accounts, petroglyphs and the remnant of ancient beliefs that still exist today.
It is difficult to piece together a history of something with only fragments.
Yet, what if this happened to be true?
We are still learning today, as we did back then, researching cures, learning about other cultures and daring to travel to the farthest reaches of the universe.
But we still have one common problem--Humility is not one of our stronger suits.
We have those in power who continue to preach to us their own version of the Gospel each and every day.
We're all indoctrinated with with a healthy dose of "b******t" every day.


Are we capable of thinking outside the Matrix (you know, that little box we're all housed in?)  
Or are we completely comfortable with letting others continue doing the thinking for us?
Are we capable of shedding the BS, the constant drone of indoctrination, finally demanding that we will do our own thinking, thank you?  
This is a good time to shed the illusion and get a good, healthy dose of reality before reality hits us square between the running lights.
"None of us have no answers to anything and none of us have no clue as to what tomorrow will bring."    
* Reality:  "We are living in a cosmic shooting gallery." ~ Dr. Michio Kaku.*
Today I'm saying no to the BS.  
Today, I'm saying "No to the Troika:  The "Hoka Moka, the Vanilly Hazelnut Coka Mocha, the one and only Poka Troka".  
Today it's "No Thank You, "I'll just take my coffee black, please".  

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