Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
What if all that you and I knew and were taught was false? That everything you ever knew was just a figment of your imagination? That war and poverty, hunger and disease existed (in our minds only) because of a collective thought that kept perpetuating these things as we had, long ago, been conditioned to accept them? What if our world and everything in it turned out to be one giant illusion; one giant holding cell that was keeping us all imprisoned in ignorance and despair until a future date when we would be released to experience another completely different level of being, existence? That unseen forces, beings, had been tutoring us and coaching us, all along, in small increments over time so that we would be able to digest the information gradually? They knew the day was fast approaching when we would finally acknowledge that we didn't want anymore of the same ole same ole but something better.
We are standing on the threshold of the greatest event to have ever happened to the human race--a global graduation ceremony as we turn from the darkness of ignorance and error to one of mutual understanding, compassion, respect and love.
Why not? --We have Remote Viewers who claim to have seen the future and some of their uncanny predictions have, indeed, come true. Why not? --We have people who claim to have seen aliens and been aboard their spaceships and our own government doesn't seem to have any problem mentioning the names of a few ETs, outside visitors who are working alongside them, namely: J Rod and Valliant Thor.
I am feeling a most profound and sweeping moment of discovery heading our way. Things we've been wrestling with, confusion, uncertainty, jealousy, hatred and dark secrets we don't want anyone to know about are and will continue to be exposed as our planetary purification process continues to unfold.
Welcome to the Light!
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Fold, Spindle and Mutilate
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Discarded, Garbage, Refuse |
Ever talk to someone about something important to you and all they do is look the other way, clearly impatient, hoping you'll stop droning on as they could give a shit, pissed at you because you are taking up their time?
That's what I'm experiencing this morning.
Okay self, calm down and don't do anything stupid. In the heat of the moment, in a moment of cerebral blindness and frustration you could retaliate (payback) for their gross ineptness in not hearing you out by opening your big mouth and uttering four letter words that are clearly meant to hurt or maybe you'll choose to do something worse like picking up something to strike them with. The example I've given is what many of us, adults, kids and teenagers are experiencing today.
Frustration at not being heard, frustration that nobody has the time to hear us or even acknowledge that we're standing in front of them trying to be heard. We have something important to say and they're not listening.
This problem is growing exponentially worse by leaps and bounds.
Nobody takes the time necessary to listen let alone talk to anybody anymore.
Did you know that there are actually start up businesses that are taking people out for walks, because they/we have lost touch with our surroundings as all of us have our heads constantly buried in our cellphones so they are teaching them to reconnect with others of their kind (you know...humans) and nature by having them look at and acknowledge the trees, wildlife, plants and flowers, the sun, the moon, the sky?
And guess what, they are doing a booming business.
Is it any wonder?
Let's really get down to the grinding truth.
hat and who is a real family on this damned planet anymore?
Dad is too busy making money, Mom is too pissed off at Dad because Dad doesn't have the time for her anymore (like he did in the past) and she's been saddled with the kids so why should she take on the extra responsibility (his) and do his job, too, of listening to you when she's too busy being pissed off at him?--retaliation.
Revenge, Vindictiveness, Retaliation, Retribution and it's been growing for years. Why not throw in an adulterous affair because the husband doesn't satisfy the wife anymore as he's too busy making money and the wife doesn't satisfy the husband anymore because she's too pissed off at the husband. Now we really have a problem because you guys (kids, teenagers) are in the mix and serve to just heighten all the underlying grievances, emotions anger and resentment as the imprisoned grudges slowly unleash, making their way to the surface where everything boils over on everyone (the good, the bad the ugly) and G-d only knows what will happen next.
If there were ever a time for spiritual strength in one's life, it is now.
This is why I stress the importance of carving out a sacred place for yourself, a special time during the day where you can sit down and think things through, uninterrupted. Where you can weigh the options...should I say something or keep my mouth shut? Am I the one at fault and need to apologize? This quiet time is so you can get a handle on whatever is bothering you or what happened to you before the whole situation spirals out of control.
This is called self-discipline (you could liken it to damage control) and you control, to a great extent, just how your particular situation will end up. Will there be a few survivors or only casualties?
We all, every one of us,are being pushed and pulled, shoved, bruised, abused, tossed and turned, run over and in some cases, thrown out with the garbage.
Because someone has determined we don't count anymore...our feelings, our wants, our desires, what's important to us.
I'm here to tell you, You Are Not Refuse, You are not Garbage so stand up, wipe off the half eaten pizza and the slimy vegetables and grab the sides of the trash bin with both hands. Start climbing up and out and start taking charge of your life.
No one, NO ONE is going to do this for you but YOU.
Monday, November 28, 2016
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Don't be in such a hurry; slow down. Things will get done in the allotted time but only if you participate. There are veils upon veils and layers upon layers that mask our path. We all have a tendency to push too hard, expect too much and then blame ourselves (or others) when things don't go our way. Understand that there are those who are on infinite watch over us, monitoring our progress as they want us to succeed and are here to help, as each one of us who ascends a little higher will only help the rest struggling to do the same.
This benefits all.
In order for these Enlightened Ones to come to your aid, you have to invite them first. They won't come if you're in a state of exasperation and frustration.
Understanding, awareness, insight and inspiration are at your fingertips, just out of your reach, beckoning you, waiting for you, to invite them in.
You are the one in control of your destiny and ultimately, the final outcome.
It is up to you to whether to seek help or not. This decision is yours and yours alone.
Once this portal is opened and the connection made, it is up to you to see that these visitors are made most welcome.
William Blake, English Poet, Visionary ~ 1757 - 1827
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Cosmic Battle |
do not consider either the just, or the wicked, to be in a supreme
state, but to be, every one of them, states of the sleep which the soul
may fall into in its deadly dreams of good and evil, when it leaves
Paradise following the serpent.
William Blake,
"A Vision of the Last Judgement"
"A Vision of the Last Judgement"
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Friday, November 25, 2016
She stands in an open doorway leading to a long hallway
There is no sound
Her hair falls to her waist like finely woven strands
of braided wheat
She wears a long sleeved white gown overlaid with a Scaffolding of delicate lace
Fastened around her neck is a heavy necklace inlaid with Bands of Lapis Lazuli
A blue sash is tied around her waist
She is gently prompted to step inside
Once inside she finds herself moving slowly forward
And being compelled to look to her left and right
She knows...
There is no turning back, now
There is no turning away
She has stepped over a threshold
On the walls are painted murals of her past
Some are hushed and muted, blushing, soft
Others are mutant schisms screaming
Out at her, savagely staining the canvas
Dark reds,
black, indigo, violet
They tear into her soul
She hears someone,
"This is a time of Discovery,
This is a time of Reflection,
This is a time of Truth",
This is time to take ownership of oneself
And accountability for your deeds both good and bad
This is the final stage of preparation
As your day of reckoning is drawing nearer
She is on the last leg of her earthly journey
Thursday, November 24, 2016
11/23/16: Report: UFO in the northeast sky; 30 - 35 degrees above the horizon; azimuth - 70 degrees. Time: 8:30 p.m.
While driving home last night, with a friend, we both spotted the object twinkling and what got our attention were the red flashes coming off of it). It did not move but was stationary.
I don't have a telescope nor thousands of dollars in sky watching equipment only an I-Phone. Too dark to take any pictures.
When we did get home, though, we grabbed the binoculars and spotted at least seven more of these objects.
Three of them were positioned one on top of each other, leaving space in between.
See the objects in the middle of this picture to your right to get some idea of what I'm trying to describe here.
Are these objects ours or theirs?
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
The word "ordre" from 13th century Old French and from the Latin word, "ordinem."
Order, n. (English) ~ There are several English definitions of the word "order" but for the purpose of this post I will use only one: A condition in which each thing is properly disposed with reference to other things and to its purpose; methodical or harmonious arrangement.
Would you agree that order is of utmost importance if we are to be happy and accomplish anything at all?
In order for human beings to connect with their higher selves (their spiritual side) a state of order is necessary.
When in a state of turmoil, (disorder) it is difficult if not impossible to find the time necessary to train the body and quiet the mind so one can learn to concentrate and absorb information that will help gain a more fuller understanding of our existence here, why we need one another and help us understand we are all connected and how important that connection is.
We live in a world of uncertainty and chaos. Just look at what is going on in the mideast. Look at what is happening in our big cities.
Isn't this a good time, a good reason to try and dedicate a small portion of your day to finding some order, some peace in your lives as this will also help others and more importantly you, in coping with everything we see going on around us?
What good is a life that is devoid of any meaning whatsoever? What good is it to feel like you're walking aimlessly around, your outer shell housing just a bleak and empty existence?
In order for us to grow spiritually and continue our studies and expect anything worthwhile, we must insist on order in our lives and in our society if anything meaningful is to come our way.
Collectively people make up a society. Law and Order is necessary if we're to thrive and learn and will not only benefit us but the rest of society as well.
That nagging feeling that you just don't like where you are, that you wish something would change.
Turn your back on disorder and embrace order.
Learn to take charge of who and what you are meant to be.
Order, not disorder is the order of the day.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Electors (Electoral College) Receive Threats and Intimidation from the Left
Sunday, November 20, 2016
How Do You Get in Touch With Yourself?
Friday, November 18, 2016
Getting to Know Our Planet
Question: "What is the jet stream?"
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Spirit Speak
I am moving closer to spirit. In this deep, dark dimension we're all struggling in, it's like getting bogged down in a peat bog. And all of us are traveling blind.
It is only after much soul searching and quite possibly, some type of traumatic experience, an eye-opening revelation, that we are then able to connect with another side of our existence.
To all of you who are experiencing pain and torment, maybe because of a decision you made or quite possibly you chose to experiment with something you shouldn't have, or you're just plain fed up with getting nowhere, now, NOW is the time to ask for guidance.
Each and every one of you has a spirit guide and, quite possibly, more than one.
Get to know them as they are here to help you as you make your transit here.
Getting to know them is finding a quiet time each day to meditate, to think good thoughts, to say, thank you to those you love and to ask those who are watching over you to make their presence known.
No one is going to show up or come to your aid if you don't ask.
Sometimes the answers don't come, no matter how hard you try. You keep reading, you keep searching, you keep praying, you keep asking, "what am I doing wrong?"
You're not doing anything wrong. Wait and have patience. The answers will come.
Peace to All of You,
~ Nightshade
If Trees Could Talk (and they do.....)
Peace To All Of You
The old oak tree I loved had to be taken down. It nearly broke my heart. It had to be at least 75 to 100 years old or more. I hung my kids toys on its branches and used to wrap my arms around it, gently stepping over its humongous roots, hugging it and telling it how much I loved it.
It sheltered people, livestock, wildlife and birds. It provided shelter and protection during storms and shade during the summer.
This was a special tree and had a special 'aura' to it.
It may have been an Indian stomping tree, I don't know but I knew it was very, very special.
It's massive trunk and branches are piled in a heap in the middle of a field.
This morning I took my little one out and was standing in the backyard close to the fence when I noticed a leaf (it looked just like one of the leaves on my old oak tree) that happened to be caught in the corner of the fence wire.
It was easy to see and almost at eye level. It looked a little out of place so I moved closer to inspect it. I didn't pay much attention at first but did think it odd that this little leaf was there, all by itself, plastered in between the wire as we were experiencing 40 mph wind gusts.
As I moved closer I noticed a small little opening in the leaf and leaned forward to inspect it further.
What I saw was a cutout that looked like a heart. I stood there, amazed, wondering just how it was that this little leaf out of all the gazillions of other leaves blowing all over the place had been caught in the fence, at this exact moment, the only one to catch my attention.
I will post a picture of it soon.
I slowly pulled the little leaf out of the wire and showed it to a friend. I didn't say anything to her about the shape, I just let her look at it.
She handed it back to me and said, without any prompting from me, "It looks like love."
She said exactly what I was thinking.
I miss that tree and think about it often. And I believe the tree knew how much I missed it and sent a message.
A message of love ~ "I just wanted you to know that I'm still here and that I miss you, too."
What a wonderful way to start a day.
Update: 11/30/16: Well I finally found how to post the picture of the leaf with the heart cutout. Sorry it took so long. Here it is:
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Brilliant and with Forethought by America's Founders: Why We Have an Electoral College
Are you familiar with The Electoral College and the role it plays in a presidential election?
If not, please look it up and you will find a wealth of information as to how it came about and why.
You will find factual information as well as information from those with a decidedly political bent, maybe a particular dislike or even a hatred for this, one of the Constitution's most brilliant thoughts.
This is what just occurred during the election of November 8, 2016 and already I'm seeing and reading about how the Electoral College needs to be abolished, blah, blah, blah.
Hopefully the information provided below will show you why The Electoral College is so necessary to our political process, helping keep this country strong and free because there are those who definitely do not want to see a strong America.
The Electoral College was made part of our Constitution during the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, when America was made up of only thirteen colonies. Some colonies were more populous like New York and North Carolina, for example, had fewer people to vote. Therefore, the larger, more populous states would have more "say" in who was elected than the smaller, less populated one. Along with this, the distance one would have to travel to get from one colony to another would take days.
In addition, the governors of these colonies did not trust any national, centralized government and were, therefore, wary of such, knowing that any power they did have to govern their own states would be slowly usurped by such a body.
The Founders were well aware of power being entrusted in the hands of one individual and the problems that would incur.if he decided to use his office to amass more power, forgetting the oath he swore to secure the peoples' liberty and freedom.
There were several ways the Founders considered in order to rectify this problem:
One was to have Congress select the president but disagreement arose in that members of congress may have an axe to grind, it would encourage interference from foreign powers, lead to corruption and perhaps alter the balance of power between the executive (the Presidency) and the legislative (Congress) branches.
The Judicial Branch is The Supreme Court.
Another idea was to have the state legislators elect the president but this was rejected also because the Founders felt that the state from which the president came from would erode the foundation of the fragile federation they were attempting to construct.
The third consideration was to elect a president by a so-called, direct "popular" vote but this was also rejected because the people in one state would be inclined to vote for their own candidate while ignoring the qualifications of a candidate from another state. With the result that no one person would emerge with a majority of votes and the more populous states would decide the outcome of the election.
Instead, a "Committee of Eleven" was put together in which a president would be voted for in an "indirect" election through a "College of Electors".
These electors, from each state, would be knowledgeable, unbiased and vote for the candidate worthy of merit, with no regard to political party or state of origin.
This is another example of the brilliance of the document that frames this country and the knowledge and wisdom of the Founders who saw to it that it came into being.
There is a concerted effort underway, by those who wish to see the Electoral College dissolved.
This must not happen.
As without the Electoral College and those informed, knowledgeable and wise enough to know who is best qualified, instead of many who don't have a clue about the candidate they are voting for, this country would be in deep trouble.
Please pass this information on to those who have no idea about this most important time in America's history when things were decided by a group of learned and wise men and the undoing of which would have an enormous and negative affect on us as citizens of a free country.
An eternal State of Vigilance is most required at this time, by all and unlike any other time we've seen before as there are those who would like to see The Electoral College done away with.
They are right now conjuring and scheming behind our backs to see to it that America's agenda and the undeniable message that was sent, the earthquake and tsunami that just occurred on November 8, 2016, proclaiming THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE is overturned.
Eternal Vigilance, by all men and women of good will is required at this time.
11/18/16 Note: I've added another link on why we have the Electoral College. It is:
many of you know my latest patriotic novel “The Rag” has been selling very
well, particularly as an e-book on Amazon Kindle and nook on Barnes &
Noble. Sales have in fact, been soaring in spite of or perhaps because of the
hysterical attacks by the left. I had also recently posted my popular booklet
“Our Constitution” as a Kindle edition, and it was also selling well. However,
just tonight I was informed by Amazon that they cancelled all sales of “Our
Constitution” and closed the website for the booklet.
They did not inform me, but I learned that
they had also cancelled the sales of all Kindle editions of “The Rag” my other
patriotic novel, “Amayehli: A Story of America” and my nonfiction historical
book about my father’s unit in WW II “The Mortarmen”. They claim the reason for
this is because my name is the same as the mystery writer Michael Connelly. They
are demanding that I change my name, something they know I cannot and will not
I have had books for sale on Amazon
since 1999 and my photo and biography are clearly different from the mystery
writer. Therefore, I suspect that the books have been censored by Amazon,
because they are not “politically correct”. The CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, is a
champion of left wing causes and recently purchased the ultra-leftist
Washington Post. He was also a big supporter of Hillary Clinton, and that makes
the timing of Amazon’s censorship of me even more suspicious.
This unprecedented move against me and
books will potentially cost me thousands of dollars and deprive many Americans
of the right to read my books.
am asking for your support here. I have written a strong letter to Amazon
threatening litigation, and would appreciate it if my friends would contact
Amazon and demand they reinstate my books. The books are still available in
paperback, but I don’t expect that to last for long.
In the meantime, if you want to order
a copy of “The Rag” or any other of my books don’t do it through Amazon, go to
my website at Michael
Connelly blog, click on the page of the
book you want and follow the ordering instructions. Thank you for your support.
If the liberals can get away with this we can be sure they will try to punish
others who do not support their radical agenda.
Michael Connelly
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Saturday, November 12, 2016
November 12, 2016 - UFO
Okay, at the risk of being challenged, at the risk of being humiliated, at the risk of appearing stupid or, "how much did you have to drink tonight" I'm going to go ahead and post what I saw.
At approx. 6:38 P.M. CST this evening as I was opening the door to empty a dehumidifier I glanced up at the sky and was astonished at what I saw.
I mean this object was so bright it almost took your breath away.
This was the brightest object I've ever seen in my life.
I had three other people with me and we all were literally dumbstruck. One is a former FAA (Federal Aviation Administration employee and a pilot) and is used to seeing things in the sky but he also agreed he'd never seen anything like this before.
We called NUFORC and spoke to a person who tried to make us believe it was the Star, Sirius. He asked a number of other questions which made us think he didn't believe us at all.
We explained to him that "This was NO star".
The object was stationary and reminded me of a kid's sparkler (the brilliance) yet it was not twinkling and it appeared to be moving slowly away from us.
It changed it's white hot brilliance to more yellow in color.
It had one beam of light coming up from the top and another coming down from the bottom. The other appendages that were coming out the sides reminded me of tree branches. Just think of a branch you break off a tree that looks like a "Y".
We were looking at it through binoculars and it seemed to change shape. It looked different when you saw it with your eyes, and different when you viewed it through binoculars.
We have the pictures to prove what we saw.
It's azimuth was about 220 - 230 degrees and it was 30 degrees above the horizon in the southwest sky.
The Truth is Out There.
At approx. 6:38 P.M. CST this evening as I was opening the door to empty a dehumidifier I glanced up at the sky and was astonished at what I saw.
I mean this object was so bright it almost took your breath away.
This was the brightest object I've ever seen in my life.
I had three other people with me and we all were literally dumbstruck. One is a former FAA (Federal Aviation Administration employee and a pilot) and is used to seeing things in the sky but he also agreed he'd never seen anything like this before.
We called NUFORC and spoke to a person who tried to make us believe it was the Star, Sirius. He asked a number of other questions which made us think he didn't believe us at all.
We explained to him that "This was NO star".
The object was stationary and reminded me of a kid's sparkler (the brilliance) yet it was not twinkling and it appeared to be moving slowly away from us.
It changed it's white hot brilliance to more yellow in color.
It had one beam of light coming up from the top and another coming down from the bottom. The other appendages that were coming out the sides reminded me of tree branches. Just think of a branch you break off a tree that looks like a "Y".
We were looking at it through binoculars and it seemed to change shape. It looked different when you saw it with your eyes, and different when you viewed it through binoculars.
We have the pictures to prove what we saw.
It's azimuth was about 220 - 230 degrees and it was 30 degrees above the horizon in the southwest sky.
The Truth is Out There.
I sprint across the moor
Nostrils flaring wide
Sinewed sides
Heavy Sighs
To take in earth and sky
The moor where the heathen
Black Oak dwells
The moor that mingles both heaven and hell
I must go out on the moor, again
For I’ve long since said goodbye
I must go where I was meant to be
To this fertile bog, the cold damp fog
This is the domain of the feudal thane
Where grows A. Lycoctonum
The Herbaceous Wolf Bane
I’ve picked up the scent of something
Someone has lost his way
Maybe they’re waiting for help to arrive
Well, now it’s on its way
I’ll see to it they make it safely home
I have a heart, you know
But if their deeds are quite loathsome
Then I'll ensure they're just another
"No Show"
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