Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Monday, December 24, 2018
A Cry for Help
"Man today is painfully aware of the fact that neither his great religions nor his various philosophies seem to provide him with those powerful animating ideas that would give him the security he needs in face of the present condition of the world." ~ Carl Jung
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Tree Hugger
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Unraveling |
Whether it's politics or religion, Mother Nature, mental issues or some new disease, what we're heading into will push us to our limits.
You need to start grounding yourself to something sustainable, something that won't fold when horrific winds start to blow.
As much as I'd like to say we're making the necessary progress as evolving human beings, we still have a long way to go.
Right now we're watching a stew pot ready to boil over on a stove. You've managed to keep a watchful eye on it but distractions have taken you away from doing what was needed and now the stew pot has bubbled over leaving a horrific mess that needs to be cleaned up.
After this takes place, necessary stopgaps will be put into place to further slow down the process of unraveling.
We will come to learn that what is most important in our lives are actually the things that count, family, friends and coming together.
There is strength in numbers and always has been. But this time it will be different as we find the ties that bind us together will become even stronger.
Friday, December 21, 2018
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
No More Bots
I spoke to one individual about what they're been feeling lately. In fact, she brought it up to me. --she said, "it's like I have a new awareness a new perspective on things like I'm somehow much more observant toward my surroundings." " "I'm feeling some range of emotions I've never felt before". "I can't watch what's happening to animals anymore, it's just too painful." She was referring to a whale who just died because of all the plastic debris it had someone ingested while swimming in the ocean.
The first thing is we need to consider is all life on this planet and how we fit in as human beings. We're supposed to be their caretakers but we are anything but. We're neither above or below the animal and plant kingdom but somewhere in between.
We need to start integrating ourselves into the wonders of nature which is all around us because we are nature and nature is an integral part of us.
Somehow, through the years, we have forgotten this.
It is not in our nature to willfully take another's life; it is not in our nature to abort a baby; it is not in our nature to savagely slaughter innocent animals during a ritual sacrifice; it is not in our nature to torture those things who are innocent and helpless.
Are you feeling differently? Are you becoming more aware of your feelings, more observant like you've viewed something a hundred times before but somehow this last time you saw it differently?
How about your family, friends?
If so, this is all part of the Awakening.
Another part is, we are getting more involved with problems and earnestly seeking solutions because we're slowly learning that a better life for one results in a better life for all.
We are questioning and challenging things, as well. --"No, I don't want to submit to annual vaccinations anymore because I just don't trust them". No, I'm not eating anymore junk food because it's just not good for me." "No, I don't happen to believe what you're telling me because you consider yourself my spokesman." "I can think for myself". "I'm not a bot anymore."
To those in power, this is tantamount to rebellion.
Humanity is in a wake up mode in which things that didn't bother us before, things that really didn't matter to us, things we didn't pay much attention to, are being brought to our attention.
And, there's so much more that's coming. Reliable and earth shattering information on where we came from, secrets of the cosmos, alien encounters, new breakthroughs in homeopathic remedies for ailments and diseases, a new way of interacting and living with other life forms and a whole new and healthy perspective on why we're all here.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Monday, December 10, 2018
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Angels Among Us
We don't come to earth without spirit guides. These unseen guardians are here to keep tabs on how we're progressing. They are with us, each step of the way, offering guidance and encouragement.
They help us to recognize our shortcomings, whether we have a bad temper, are too impatient, etc. and teach us how to overcome these faults so they don't hinder our spiritual growth.
They lift us up when we're down, provide aid and comfort and watch us as we grow. With all this data they're collecting they have a good idea who will graduate to the next class and who will not.
Those that need a little extra tweaking are set aside in order to receive additional help.
There have been accounts where angels have saved people's lives, helped with providing answers to complex mathematical equations and brought numerous people together.
Why is it so hard for many of us to accept that there are angels among us?
I remember one moving story of a young woman who was on her way to a job interview. She was staying with her parents during this time and they waved goodbye to her as she and her young son drove away. She was supposed to arrive at the interview by a certain time but did not. The parents then contacted the police and an investigation ensued. Still, no one could find out anything about what had happened until one policeman was prompted to make it his mission in life.
He felt so strongly that he retraced her steps over and over, talking to many different individuals. Still nothing made sense until he decided he would return to the area she was last seen one last time. Suddenly he spied something on the side of the road he hadn't seen before as it had been hidden from view. He went over and picked it up and then saw tire tracks leading from the road down the side of the steep hill.
He ventured down and was able to see a vehicle wedged a distance from him. Soon he saw that it matched the description of her vehicle. He drew closer and saw that the young mother was deceased but her young son appeared to be asleep in the passenger seat.
He checked the young boy for vital signs and found that he was barely breathing. He called for an ambulance and the rest was history.
Or, was it?
The young boy recovered and was then able to tell an incredible story. Right after the accident, he remembered a brilliant bright light that slowly made its way toward the car. The light talked to him and told him that he was going to be okay, that his mother was already in heaven and being taken care of.
The angel comforted the young boy and stayed with him, telling him that he would be rescued soon and to have no fear.
At the time the young boy had no idea what the bright light was but after he had grown up, he knew exactly what it was and called it by name--an angel.
~Have no fear for your guardian angel is near~.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
The bird, the tortoise, have long since fled
The King of Beasts has made its bed
The Eagle soars
The Bull is strident
The Man is weary
But still defiant
Yet, throughout, all have remained
A constant reminder of things unnamed
Viewing the goings on
Following scripts of noble anons
[The reckoning is nigh]
Serpents slither into dens
They know what’s coming
It's called The End
The pain the woe the anger, fear
Is the result of what is clear
No cave no hollow no building stands
All is revealed
What once was banned
He Who has come to judge the past
And, with one last mighty gasp
The seal is broken
This, the one that was long unspoken
Loosening the hordes of those now awoken
The sky turns dark and thunder rumbles
Lightning strikes
Thiefdoms tumble
The arrogance of man is made bare for all to see
He who was allotted much time
To muzzle his own vanity
Evil now knows it was its undoing
All its altars destroyed
And of its own choosing
The King of Beasts has made its bed
The Eagle soars
The Bull is strident
The Man is weary
But still defiant
Yet, throughout, all have remained
A constant reminder of things unnamed
Viewing the goings on
Following scripts of noble anons
[The reckoning is nigh]
Serpents slither into dens
They know what’s coming
It's called The End
The pain the woe the anger, fear
Is the result of what is clear
No cave no hollow no building stands
All is revealed
What once was banned
He Who has come to judge the past
And, with one last mighty gasp
The seal is broken
This, the one that was long unspoken
Loosening the hordes of those now awoken
The sky turns dark and thunder rumbles
Lightning strikes
Thiefdoms tumble
The arrogance of man is made bare for all to see
He who was allotted much time
To muzzle his own vanity
Evil now knows it was its undoing
All its altars destroyed
And of its own choosing
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Are you ready to throw in the towel? You're determined efforts seem to have failed. You've done everything expected of you. You've even prayed. But you're totally discouraged. You've researched, studied, passed your assignments but still nothing makes sense.
Actually, you don't know it but you're on the cusp of discovering something profound--
You've been working toward this all along but didn't even know it. You've been trying to figure something out but didn't have the extra information. Now, a teacher has arrived, providing you with the missing puzzle piece.
Uncanny how this teacher just showed up. No, not really. You actually manifested this teacher into being by all your worthwhile efforts.
It's only after this helper shows up that you're able to arrive at the answer.
So it is with life.
No one has a clear definition of what life is.
Picture a gigantic bowl of soup with everybody swimming around in its broth, most helplessly floundering while a few have managed to figure out there's something else in there with them and were able to access it.
But with no clear definition and no direction in our lives it's fair to say that most of us are doomed before we even start. But those who managed to figure out where they want to go in life and how best to get there, it's a different story.
Once you understand it's not going to be easy down here, once you know that you will be challenged, encountering setbacks along the way is when you will have begun your journey to understanding.
Understanding is the difference between having a plan or not having a plan. It's going to be difficult to make it to B when you don't have a Plan A.
Most of us lack proper training in how to do anything down here and it's only through trial and error, mistakes and an occasional lucky break that we finally are able to muddle our way through but, if you have a plan, that will make all the difference between attainment and failure.
When you look out onto the world today all you see is calamity, confusion, chaos and rebellion.
Everybody is dissatisfied, has a grudge or some axe to grind. Obviously you don't go to these people for counseling and help. You, instead, seek out those who have an awareness, a handle on what's going on and based on their own experiences are willing and able to help others.
If not, you will find yourself stuck on the perpetual wheel of going nowhere.
This new found understanding will confidently propel you down your path as it limits the difficulties and challenges you encounter while further providing experiences and people that will enhance your journey.
This new found understanding has set you apart from all the others in the soup bowl but what about the others? --They have a choice as well.
The question is, "will you choose to be a nowhere man or a nowhere woman in that bowl of soup or, decide you will grab onto that crouton that keeps passing you by?
~ Blessings,
Monday, November 26, 2018
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
For Without Wisdom, There is Only "Folly"
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Riches |
In your decision you will soon understand that Humility is also required.
Wisdom is a Master, yet can also be It's Twin, a Servant, in which you find you are inexorably and exhaustively bound, spiritually.
There is no price one can put on Wisdom because it exceeds any value that can possibly be assigned to it.
This new quest will saturate and consume every part of you. It will dominate every hour of every day you spend on earth. You will think about it, dream about it, read about it, investigate it, learn about it and spend untold amounts of money on the pursuit of it. Yet, you will find that you never really come face to face with it. "Well, then", you ask, "what's the point"? The point is you've already crossed a threshold in that you have, in some magical way, become familiar with it and want to learn more.
Wisdom will beguile you, tantalize you with fleeting images, feelings, emotions and descriptions that further compel you on. You will soon become acquainted with scholars and philosophers and other learned men and women who have spoken about it and searched for it, all who have long since left this planet. You will find you come close, thinking you've mastered it, but Wisdom will always be one step ahead of you.
It's like learning to read Tarot Cards, the more you hold them, the more you look at them, the more you study them, the more you realize just how little you really know about them. The more questions you have leads to more study and then something new which compels you to look in another place, thus learning even more then you ever dreamed of.
Wisdom will not quench your thirst but will only make you thirstier for Knowledge.
Gaining Wisdom is more than all the Knowledge in the World for without Wisdom all your gains will amount to nothing.
What is a man that he hath achieved everything he ever wanted in the world but hath gained no Wisdom?
The answer to this lies in the Two of Wands Card in Tarot, (see below) in which we see Alexander the Great holding the globe in one hand with a firmly entrenched wand behind him symbolizing conquests and riches amassed and another one (future plans) resting comfortably on a block as he looks out over the Mediterranean Sea at his ships passing by.
He is wondering if it was all worth it, he is wondering why he still feels so empty after amassing untold fortunes and kingdoms.
He has learned, but only too late that all his passion (red roses) and sacrifice (white lillies) resulting in conquest and riches, but without The Wisdom to guide him, yielded him absolutely nothing but anger, doubt and sorrow.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
The First Thanksgiving was in the Year 1621 (397 years ago)
Happy Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2018. We have much to be thankful for. Time to embrace loved ones and our way of life. Thanks to those who keep watch over us, those who secure our safety and those who enter into harm's way in order to keep us safe and free. Some information re the First Thanksgiving:
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
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Reincarnation: One Door Closes and Another Opens |
In so doing, we come face to face with the deepest and most intimate parts of ourselves which is part of the integral part of our awakening.
The cosmos is always in the act of perfecting something whether it's birthing a new planet or destroying an existing one, a new mathematical equation in which the scientists stumble onto something profound and then work tirelessly to understand it, kingdoms rising and falling.
The one thing we all have in common is the inability to understand what we see happening to us and why yet an innate rush to judgement which is totally understandable, "Oh this is terrible, how are we ever to come out of this, etc.," yet unbeknownst to us the workings behind the scenes are doing just that, building us up and then tearing down and removing that part of us that doesn't work anymore, refining us through a series of processes as in a fiery furnace of perfection enabling us to become more compassionate toward our fellow man, more aware of our roles here on earth and the workings continually going on within us, around us that are, in reality only meant to solidify and sanctify our rightful and sacred place in the universe.
The one eternal integer in all of this is that the Creator does not change as we must. He is the Perfection of Perfection and Is, Was and Forever Shall Be.
But how can this be that the cosmos continues to be perfected from a state of imperfection if a perfect Creator created it? There are many explanations that people have come up with for this. The bottom line is, nobody has the answer. We all know that evil exists and is inherent in everything and reincarnation is the answer (or one answer, if you will) to righting the world's wrongs, regaining harmony and balance and setting ourselves on course to Wisdom and Understanding.
Is there an end to G-d's Plan of Perfection? There is no way to answer this as we just do not know.
Think of yourself as the center of a wheel. All around is movement and, in some cases, counter movement in which the cycles of life do not harmonize with you but are at war with each other.
These out of control and errant currents result in disease, mental health issues, violence, rage, abuse, war and poverty, just to name a few. So doesn't it stand to reason that you would want to keep your life free from these things and as meaningful as possible? Of course. In order to do so, meditation and prayer are necessary as you circumnavigate your path.
Remember, you and you alone are in charge of your destiny based on the decisions you make. Yes, the Creator is always there, watching over you but will not interfere until asked. You can either choose to go off the rails or walk a path that reflects a positive and harmonious state of mind.
Why is it that we do not teach others that their lives, their fate literally rests in their own hands?
This is one big reason I'm posting this information because it needs to be shared.
Temptation: Yes, we are all subject to temptation but understand that temptation will be an on going presence throughout your life. Your decision as to how to handle temptation when it appears will be integral as to how much pain or happiness you bring upon yourself as you walk the path.
Remember, you and I are never alone and help is always available when needed.
Make a change today. Instead of talking the talk, start walking the walk.
~ Blessings,
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Gate Keepers
It never amazes me the gems of Wisdom that always surround us and surprise you by making an unexpected appearance. So it is with a recent nugget of Wisdom, a thought that came out of nowhere having to do with "boundaries." What are they? Boundaries can be fixed or non fixed (imaginative). They rule our morals, thoughts, our actions (deeds).
Boundaries can be fixed like goal posts that delineate a football field or they can be expansive and imaginative like your thoughts in which you can imagine you can do just about anything.
Boundaries are part of the cosmos, the universal structure that contains everything that was, everything that is and everything that is to come. Boundaries are here to protect and guide us so we don't cross over a line into dangerous, uncharted territory, leaving ourselves vulnerable to unseen and unknown and evil external stimuli.
What has been happening to mankind since the Beginning is that we haven't learned to respect these boundaries but foolishly keep ignoring them and pushing them further away from us, acting like gods with unlimited power. Woe to us that we still continue to think this way. We continue to push forward even as that still, small voice urges us not to.
That still small is a Gate Keeper and is there to warn us before we go too far.
We think we can get away with something we clearly weren't meant to get away with but go ahead and do it anyway. Then we find ourselves in a lot of trouble in which we are able (or not) to find our way out of.
Examples of crossing boundaries:
We blurt out something hurtful, in anger to a close friend and then regret having opened our mouth.
We cheat on a test in school and then find out we've been caught and kicked out of school.
We take that one last drink, do one more inhale or injection and it winds up costing us our life.
Playing with a loaded weapon, not believing that it can go off but we go ahead and do it anyway.
Pushing the boundaries too far can sometimes cost you your life.
Boundaries...just something for you to think about as you go about your day.
Wisdom is a precious commodity and in rare supply. When it shows up it's because it was meant to be shared with those you love,
Friday, November 9, 2018
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Earning Your Stripes
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Okay, Already!! I Get It Okay???? |
Why am I blogging today because I have a message I want to get out but the details are all jumbled up in my head so I thought if I put it down on paper it would help clear things up.
I can't help but believe that each and every one of us was no accident. That we were born for a specific purpose on this planet to make a difference. Does this matter to you? Do you feel this way or are you lost or plain, "just don't care."
You really need to take a deep look inside you. Who you are, where are you going, your beliefs, etc. and ask yourself this question, "am I here to waste my time and everybody's else's or am I here because I have something worthwhile to contribute?
We have a finite amount of time on planet earth and then we're gone. If you're going to make a difference you need to do it while you're here not after you're dead and gone.
So, am I connecting with any of you on this? Have you been contemplating this very thing? If yes, that's great!
And don't worry about the bumps and bruises along the way. We all get them. Just think of them as earning your stripes.
The Wise Ones have been telling us (humanity) that this planet is evolving from one of Darkness (Evil) and into the Light (Good). People are waking up all over the place to the fact they don't want to see all the crap going on in the world anymore. They've had it. They're fed up. They want it to stop. Question: How can you stop something just by thinking about it? Ans: You can't. You have to get involved.
Some of you knew early on who you wanted to be, the profession you chose while others are still in the dark, trying to figure things out. A lot of us (myself included) didn't have a clue about what they wanted to do in life but kept praying, kept asking questions, kept investigating until the answer was forthcoming. It doesn't matter your age when the awakening occurs only that you received, heeded and took action.
Some of you are still betwixt and between. You keep going back and forth between one occupation and another. That's okay. You're in the assessment mode, the moment just before a door will be opened to you. Your answer is nigh as to your true path. Have faith! Have hope!
And pray, like your life and the world depended on it, because they do.
Monday, November 5, 2018
All is Well
By the dark
of the moon
She weaves
her spells
hearts, illness
She knows
all too well
She recites,
she incants
radiates, enchants
She breaks
open bottles
Of elixers
and spirits
fragrance of herbs
Combine as
she mixes
The warmth
from the light
Cast shadows
As she
continues her work
Neath the rays
of Lodestar
She works
until dawn
To ensure
the spell
Will bring
hope and cheer
And healing as
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Follow Through
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Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, The Apostles |
Life is a journey. We're all on a treadmill together encountering successes and failures, joys and sorrows, hardships and challenges. It's a trip in which we're learning all about ourselves, who we are, our strengths, our weaknesses.
These are known as Life's Lessons.
No one knows what's in store for us when we're born.
One thing I will tell you though, that the old saying, "your life can change in a second", is true.
A breast cancer diagnosis came like a thunder bolt on October 1 from my Dr.
I even joked about this with him as October 1 is the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
How crazy is that?
After two and a half months of biopsies, surgeries and radiation treatment I'm finally home, recuperating. The good thing is the cancer was caught in its early stages (Stage 1) where it hadn't spread into the surrounding tissue. I have to thank all the Drs., Nurses, Radiation Therapists for the speed with which they attacked this thing as Time was of the essence.
What surprised me, though, through all this was the inner courage I tapped into. It was like a latent part of me I never knew existed. I had no idea what lay ahead, I had no idea what the pain would be like, or what I would encounter. Yet I was determined to see this whole thing through, to the end (Follow Through).
My faith in G-d was instrumental in all of this. Without His Grace and providing me with the courage to quell my fears and doubts, it would have been much more of an ordeal.
Okay now you know my story. I have a question for you. When it comes time to follow through on something, will you? When it comes time to listen to advice, will you? When it comes time to meet life's challenges head on, will you? When life throws you a curve ball will you cave or throw it right back? What will you fall back on in order to move forward in success?
What do you believe in? Is this belief going to sustain you when you need it or wither up and die when you ask it for help?
The answer to this question is vital to your health and success in life. It may seem like no big deal to you at first but, in actuality, it may one day, save your life.
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened". Matthew 7:7
Friday, October 12, 2018
"What's Said in the OR Stays in the OR"
Hi All: Well it's been a good week since my surgery on Oct. 5 and I'm back online (but only for a short time) so I thought I'd share some thoughts with you.
**Remember, no matter what life throws at you whether it's an illness, a challenge or something else, you have the courage to get through it.**
I love the signs that say "Have Courage" but always wondered, "how do you know you even have courage"? Well, the answer is, first you need to encounter something you're afraid of or don't have a clue how to handle in order to access the courage residing within you.
I had a breast biopsy done on September 26 and on Oct. 1 I received a call from my surgeon with the results. Turned out it was a tumor (Invasive Carcinoma Breast Cancer). The good part is they caught it in time and I will be okay.
The innovations made in Cancer detection and treatment have improved greatly over the years and we only have those who went before to thank for this.
I cannot say enough about the health care community in this country from the General Practitioners, to the Nurse Anesthesiologists, Anesthetists, Surgeons, Oncologists and PA's. They work as a team and provide the best care possible for their patients.
To show you the great dedication and sense of humour I experienced as I laid in my hospital bed on Oct. 5 is as follows: Two Nurse Anesthetists who looked surprisingly alike but were not related walked into my cubicle and introduced themselves. They explained that they would be assisting the Anesthesiologist while I was in surgery. They had a twinkle in their eyes as they reached for my hand and said, with a big grin that they were known as the "Knockout Twins."
What a hoot. I thought my sides would burst with laughter. Then the Anesthesiologist parted the curtains and introduced himself. A roly poly guy with a big heart and a big grin. He proceeded to give me his life story as to how he became a Doctor and then told me his name. "Why", he asked, would a father name his kid Rocky with the last name of Stone"? Again,we were all laughing.
I thought I'd tease him a little and said, in jest, "I'm a little worried about what I might say when I'm under anesthesia. Are you gonna repeat anything I said like, you know, how may affairs I've had, or that night with so and so and what we did because, if you do, I'm gonna deny all of it!"
He looked me straight in the eyes and calmly replied, "what's said in the OR stays in the OR."
Boy, was I relieved.
Without these selfless and dedicated professionals we wouldn't have Savie Devices being used in Breast Cancer Treatment or the bionic devices being developed for critical injuries occurring on battlefields, car accidents and other tragedies.
I have more surgery (precautionary) scheduled for next Monday (Oct. 15). Then another pathology report and radiation treatment starts on Wednesday (October 17).
I have the courage necessary to get through all of this and so do you.
If you're going through something that's worrying you and wearing you down, remember, "you have the courage to get through it. Don't sell yourselves short. You've Got What It Takes!
I should know as courage and I have met on the battlefield of life and we're now working together as a team.
~ Blessings,
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
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Angel on Watch also known as a "Watcher" |
To My Followers: A health issue has turned up in which I've been scheduled for surgery on Friday, Oct. 5. It's gonna take a good 3 - 4 weeks to recover and I won't be able to post anything on this blog until after that time. The Tarot cards (Talk to Me Tarot) for each week will resume once I get back on my feet. I wanted to let you know because you would be wondering why there was no activity, etc. and why the things I normally update weren't being updated.
I had a young lady who just contacted me for a Tarot Reading and I got back to her with some questions but she now is advised that her reading is on hold.
I will do a blogpost and let you know when I'm back on line.
Thanks for your friendship and your loyalty.
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Badge of Honor
What is character? Character is defined as those attributes that make up a person. They form your reputation --Courage, forthrightness, resilient, kindness, determination, etc. You and I have heard the phrase, "who is that character?" or "that person is a real character" but character is much more than these hackneyed questions.
"Character" is what makes up a person. Character defines who you are. When we start out in life we are just one person who gradually interacts and is influenced by other people and events. How you were taught in life has a great influence on your character, your behaviour and how you are going to respond and react to things. It is also very telling as to how easily you can be swayed from one opinion to the other.
Personality (temperament) and character I believe go hand in hand. Does your personality define your character or does your character define your personality? They are both intertwined. Included in this (my own personal belief) is your DNA. Where you originated from, what you were exposed to, how many challenges and obstacles you faced (and how you met them and overcame them) the people you grew up with and the decisions you made as a result of the events and people you were influenced by.
Today, character isn't taught in schools nor, in many families. Character is considered a thing of the past, or is it? --I don't think so. In fact, I believe character is more important today than ever before.
In order to nobly lead a nation, you need character. In order to get through hard times, you need character, in order to do the right thing, you need character, in order to right a wrong, you need character.
It is so easy nowadays to just chicken out (as opposed to standing up for something) on just about anything. It's the easy way out that so many have chosen in life. But always remember that the decisions you make do have consequences.
Character is not group think. Character is honed and developed over time. It's your very own individual trait that let's others know who you are. It is so much more than laughing and pointing fingers at someone because they don't happen to fit into your little world of who is acceptable (to you) and who is not.
Character is laying down your life for someone else.
Character is putting others first.
Character is who you are and what you do, when no one else is looking.
So get in touch with who you are. Ask yourself today, "what type of character am I"?
~ Blessings,
"Character" is what makes up a person. Character defines who you are. When we start out in life we are just one person who gradually interacts and is influenced by other people and events. How you were taught in life has a great influence on your character, your behaviour and how you are going to respond and react to things. It is also very telling as to how easily you can be swayed from one opinion to the other.
Personality (temperament) and character I believe go hand in hand. Does your personality define your character or does your character define your personality? They are both intertwined. Included in this (my own personal belief) is your DNA. Where you originated from, what you were exposed to, how many challenges and obstacles you faced (and how you met them and overcame them) the people you grew up with and the decisions you made as a result of the events and people you were influenced by.
Today, character isn't taught in schools nor, in many families. Character is considered a thing of the past, or is it? --I don't think so. In fact, I believe character is more important today than ever before.
In order to nobly lead a nation, you need character. In order to get through hard times, you need character, in order to do the right thing, you need character, in order to right a wrong, you need character.
It is so easy nowadays to just chicken out (as opposed to standing up for something) on just about anything. It's the easy way out that so many have chosen in life. But always remember that the decisions you make do have consequences.
Character is not group think. Character is honed and developed over time. It's your very own individual trait that let's others know who you are. It is so much more than laughing and pointing fingers at someone because they don't happen to fit into your little world of who is acceptable (to you) and who is not.
Character is laying down your life for someone else.
Character is putting others first.
Character is who you are and what you do, when no one else is looking.
So get in touch with who you are. Ask yourself today, "what type of character am I"?
~ Blessings,
Citizen Soldier
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American Revolutionary War, 1775 - 1783 |
I am a Daughter of the Revolution. My blood has stained the ground. In this cherished land my boots have trod. In this cherished land my fears have gnawed- but I've thrown them off with a guffaw. With musket, powder, cloak and dagger, I am unlike polities swagger, for I am honour bound. The trees, my cover, the babbling brook, await the line I bait with hook. For up ahead opposition lies. And I am one and they are five. Covert and silent, I know the drill, as I creep across yon silent hill. I push aside locks grazing brow and grasp my musket more firmly now. My heart is steady as stealthily, I approach the enemy. Blood, sweat and loss is all I've known. For father, mother, children gone. And country on verge of collapse. I cannot bare hear dirge of Taps. What drives me is it courage, duty? Or is it liberty's proclivity? We must accomplish task at hand--restoration of this great land. All else is worthless if freedom lost and unresolved at any cost. ~ M.D.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
I remember, as a little girl, sitting alone in the middle of a forest. There were towering pines all around me, forming a circle. I do not remember how I got there. There were soft beams of light shining down, illuminating me. I remember the fragrance of the pines and tiny, yellow butterflies flitting all around me. There was a quiet stillness in the air and not a speck of dust. I was wearing a crown of white daisies and had on a dark blue dress and leggings. I was sitting cross legged on a patch of ground that had very little grass in it and the grass was dry and crunchy. I remember the stillness, the quiet, the peace and love that surrounded me.
This, I remember, from many years ago.
Now, please enjoy this You Tube Video as it is so familiar to what I experienced so very long ago.
~ Nightshade
This, I remember, from many years ago.
Now, please enjoy this You Tube Video as it is so familiar to what I experienced so very long ago.
~ Nightshade
Sunday, September 23, 2018
I Hear You!
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Boy, Am I Relieved!
Asheville, NC, US of A, September 3, 2018.
Teacher: Xsamuel.
Subject: “Announcement of Monumental Significance!”
Message received:
Teacher Xsamuel: “Greetings people of Urantia! I AM Xsamuel, of the Absonite order of consciousness engineers. I AM here to announce some exciting news. Many of you know that there is a great contingent of personalities (both celestial and human) at work in the system of Satania — working to free all 37 former apostate worlds from the deliberate corruption of the consciousness circuits by the Luciferian rebels. It has been a most difficult and laborious effort to cleanse the circuits, and in some cases, replace them completely while moving the various levels of consciousness to the new circuitry.
“The most difficult and important of all these circuits to dismantle were the circuits used by the rebel planetary princes — to dampen and control — to directly interfere with the consciousness circuits between human mind and the Indwelling Spirit of the Universal Father — the Thought Adjusters. It was Lucifer’s intention to sever the divine connection between mankind and Creator and prevent the natural and divine plan of ascension for His experiential children to aspire to perfection and god-likeness.
“I AM here to announce that officially, the corrupted consciousness circuits of the apostate prince have been completely and permanently shut down on Urantia, Friday, August 31, in the year 2018!
“What does this mean to the people of Urantia? It is the beginning of a new era of correction — one free from the direct interference of darkness to influence, infect and control the path of evolution and the ascension path of its people. With any virus, there is an auto-immune response and a recovery period. So too will human mind need to adjust and recover from the infection of a rebellious disease. Like addiction, the human mind has become dependent on the systems that have been born out of this corrupt control circuit. As a way to heal your world and bring it back to its natural path of evolution, Christ Michael has requested that new circuits of higher consciousness be introduced and available to those human minds that aspire to reach for greater attunement with their Indwelling Father Fragments.
“Soon, the Distribution Centers will begin functioning and the greatest way for you to take advantage of this higher stream of consciousness coming in through the Trinity Teacher Nexus, is to first, heal and repair your physical and energetic systems for greater reception. How do you do this? You are to restore and cleanse your biological and energetic systems through healthy living. Healthy living is decision based and all of you can make decisions to optimize your physical, mental, and energetic health. When you ‘decide’ to change the way you think and live, you are exercising your free-will to move into this higher stream of Adjuster attunement. We (the celestial administration) can only provide the mechanisms and structures for the attainment of Light and Life. It is you that must use your will and co-creative expression to go there. Now, there is no direct interference in your ascension path — you are free to move into it if you so choose!
“As you choose and move into ‘system optimization’ you will naturally want to tap into these higher circuits of consciousness, and to do that you must begin healing your relationships both on the human side and on the Spirit side. It is required that you use your minds to ‘listen’ with the heart and think deeply about the values of life and your relationship with all of creation. With each decision you make — a step forward on your path — you shall be guided to the next step. In faith, you step out and take hold of the reality you want to see in your personal life to then expand it into what you want to see for your communities and the world at large.
“Evolution, my dear ones, does not always crawl at a snails’ pace — it can have sudden leaps and change can happen very quickly — and it can happen with you. Ask for what you need, we are listening.
“I AM Xsamuel — please take a moment and consider the monumental significance of what has happened on your world — and do celebrate with us!”
Receiver’s note: An important thing to note here is that taking control of your personal health is the one thing that you can actively do to rid yourself of the last intrinsic control devices of the rebellion. Choosing to responsibly act in what comes into the mouth, the ears, and the eyes can ultimately change the landscape of the entire planet.
~ Blessings,
Teacher: Xsamuel.
Subject: “Announcement of Monumental Significance!”
Message received:
Teacher Xsamuel: “Greetings people of Urantia! I AM Xsamuel, of the Absonite order of consciousness engineers. I AM here to announce some exciting news. Many of you know that there is a great contingent of personalities (both celestial and human) at work in the system of Satania — working to free all 37 former apostate worlds from the deliberate corruption of the consciousness circuits by the Luciferian rebels. It has been a most difficult and laborious effort to cleanse the circuits, and in some cases, replace them completely while moving the various levels of consciousness to the new circuitry.
“The most difficult and important of all these circuits to dismantle were the circuits used by the rebel planetary princes — to dampen and control — to directly interfere with the consciousness circuits between human mind and the Indwelling Spirit of the Universal Father — the Thought Adjusters. It was Lucifer’s intention to sever the divine connection between mankind and Creator and prevent the natural and divine plan of ascension for His experiential children to aspire to perfection and god-likeness.
“I AM here to announce that officially, the corrupted consciousness circuits of the apostate prince have been completely and permanently shut down on Urantia, Friday, August 31, in the year 2018!
“What does this mean to the people of Urantia? It is the beginning of a new era of correction — one free from the direct interference of darkness to influence, infect and control the path of evolution and the ascension path of its people. With any virus, there is an auto-immune response and a recovery period. So too will human mind need to adjust and recover from the infection of a rebellious disease. Like addiction, the human mind has become dependent on the systems that have been born out of this corrupt control circuit. As a way to heal your world and bring it back to its natural path of evolution, Christ Michael has requested that new circuits of higher consciousness be introduced and available to those human minds that aspire to reach for greater attunement with their Indwelling Father Fragments.
“Soon, the Distribution Centers will begin functioning and the greatest way for you to take advantage of this higher stream of consciousness coming in through the Trinity Teacher Nexus, is to first, heal and repair your physical and energetic systems for greater reception. How do you do this? You are to restore and cleanse your biological and energetic systems through healthy living. Healthy living is decision based and all of you can make decisions to optimize your physical, mental, and energetic health. When you ‘decide’ to change the way you think and live, you are exercising your free-will to move into this higher stream of Adjuster attunement. We (the celestial administration) can only provide the mechanisms and structures for the attainment of Light and Life. It is you that must use your will and co-creative expression to go there. Now, there is no direct interference in your ascension path — you are free to move into it if you so choose!
“As you choose and move into ‘system optimization’ you will naturally want to tap into these higher circuits of consciousness, and to do that you must begin healing your relationships both on the human side and on the Spirit side. It is required that you use your minds to ‘listen’ with the heart and think deeply about the values of life and your relationship with all of creation. With each decision you make — a step forward on your path — you shall be guided to the next step. In faith, you step out and take hold of the reality you want to see in your personal life to then expand it into what you want to see for your communities and the world at large.
“Evolution, my dear ones, does not always crawl at a snails’ pace — it can have sudden leaps and change can happen very quickly — and it can happen with you. Ask for what you need, we are listening.
“I AM Xsamuel — please take a moment and consider the monumental significance of what has happened on your world — and do celebrate with us!”
Receiver’s note: An important thing to note here is that taking control of your personal health is the one thing that you can actively do to rid yourself of the last intrinsic control devices of the rebellion. Choosing to responsibly act in what comes into the mouth, the ears, and the eyes can ultimately change the landscape of the entire planet.
11:11 Progress Group
Note: What this means is that the celestials (Earth's helpers) are making progress in lifting the "veil" that shrouds human consciousness. These celestials, along with humans, are the Earth Warriors on Satania (Earth) and on the forefront of battling and overcoming the darkness that engulfs this planet. As a result of their efforts, we are starting to see the rot, the corruption that is at the core of so many things down here. Things and people and institutions we once believed in are now falling by the wayside as they are now being exposed to Truth and Light. ~ Blessings,
Monday, September 17, 2018
Dead Oak
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A sad Goodbye |
While photographing it this afternoon, I stood next to a vibrant and healthy oak to get out of the sun when, all of a sudden, I heard it say, "we feel your sadness, too."
I turned and acknowledged this beautiful and quiet giant whose shadow I was standing under and said a quiet, "thank you."
We humans have so much to learn about our surroundings but never have the time to do so.
If you can, when you can, take the time to listen to the wind, listen to the trees but more importantly, listen to your heart.
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Go with the Flow
You're beating your head against the wall. Nothing's working. All the hard work you've put in, the hours you've wasted, etc., etc., etc.
Maybe now's the time to take a step back and review your situation. Maybe you weren't cut out for that particular job or vocation.
You are to be lauded for the amount of effort you've put in but sometimes what we think we want, what we've been told to go after, what we've been pushed into, isn't for us.
That's the truth of the situation.
It's time to sit down and take a deep breath because self analysis is in store.
We're not always cut out for a particular something in life as G-d has other plans for us.
If we were to preface everything we do in life with a, "how can I serve You, Oh L-rd," maybe we'd start off on the right track.
We're not here on this planet to please ourselves but to please our Maker.
Once you put this into perspective the rest will flow.
~ Blessings,
Saturday, September 15, 2018
The Solar Minimum and What It Means (Important)
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Monday, September 10, 2018
Sleep Well
Sunday, September 9, 2018
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Rosh Hashanah Sept. 9, 2018 - Yom Kippur Sept. 18, 2018 The Shofar |
The Big Bang
The universe has a message for us which will be revealed shortly.
Earth's energy (coming from above) is manifesting across the planet as it pushes and propels us forward into the future (the Unknown).
The Unknown can be a very daunting and frightening place but the cosmos is aware and provides us with prompts, signals, and events that slowly bring us to a conclusion.
Something is going to happen on this planet and it has to do with counterpoise (bringing something back into balance).
From all I'm feeling and reading, this event is not too far off.
I know that many of you don't have the time to listen to your thoughts or your feelings. You gloss over them as you're too busy just doing your jobs, going to school and taking care of your families.
But for those of us who do, it's our responsibility to get the word out, to all of you.
I've emphasized this before but am doing it again. Take to heart what I'm saying here--make sure you have your gas tanks filled, bottled water, protein snacks, energy bars, along with canned food--tuna, beef, veggies and fruit on hand (make sure you have a mechanical can opener on hand).
It is time for us to come together in prayer for our President and his family, administration and this great nation we call home.
G-d Bless,
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Angels and Demons
Each one of us has a guardian angel or angels. How do I know? Because I've had visits from them. Just the other day, another one showed up during my morning Tarot reading.
The reading had to do with a question involving a procedure I'm scheduled to undergo and how it would turn out. While I really didn't get an answer to whether the result will be good or bad, a guardian angel showed up and delivered its message through No. VII, The Chariot Card.
There was no mistaking what it was, "after the struggle there will be victory."
Many years ago after feeling really angry and hurt about something, I collapsed into my recliner. I'm guessing it was about 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. My recliner is located in the corner of my bedroom and it faces the door.
Without any warning, an Angel (as opposed to a Demon) suddenly came up from behind me. I say came up because she felt like she materialized from the bottom up. Do you know what I mean? Yet, she was behind me so how was it that I was seeing her in front of me while we communicated? Something, to this day, I can't figure out and find quite interesting.
I say she because she felt feminine. She was cream colored from head to toe, her face, hands, hair and wings which were folded down by her side. Come to think of it, I do not remember any facial features but I do remember her hair as it was very short and cropped like that of an old woman who emerges from the beauty parlor after a tight permanent.
After a few moments she extended her arm out towards me and opened up her hand and in it was a shiny gold coin with symbols on it I couldn't make out. They reminded me of Greek hieroglyphics.
Nothing was said as she slowly and carefully picked the coin up with her other hand and turned it over. It looked the same as the other side but to this day I have tried to come up with an explanation as to what this all meant and are unable to do so.
Could it be that, "it's time to turn over a new leaf," or "there are two sides to every coin (situation)" or "You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see more clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye" - Matthew 7:3."
I know there was a message in there for me but maybe, for you, as well.
~ Nightshade
From The Free Dictionary:
Angel: A typically benevolent being that acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth.
Demon: An evil, supernatural being; a persistently tormenting person, force or passion (like the demon of drug addiction).
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"Who Do You Rely On, Your Demon or Your Angel? |
There was no mistaking what it was, "after the struggle there will be victory."
Many years ago after feeling really angry and hurt about something, I collapsed into my recliner. I'm guessing it was about 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. My recliner is located in the corner of my bedroom and it faces the door.
Without any warning, an Angel (as opposed to a Demon) suddenly came up from behind me. I say came up because she felt like she materialized from the bottom up. Do you know what I mean? Yet, she was behind me so how was it that I was seeing her in front of me while we communicated? Something, to this day, I can't figure out and find quite interesting.
I say she because she felt feminine. She was cream colored from head to toe, her face, hands, hair and wings which were folded down by her side. Come to think of it, I do not remember any facial features but I do remember her hair as it was very short and cropped like that of an old woman who emerges from the beauty parlor after a tight permanent.
After a few moments she extended her arm out towards me and opened up her hand and in it was a shiny gold coin with symbols on it I couldn't make out. They reminded me of Greek hieroglyphics.
Nothing was said as she slowly and carefully picked the coin up with her other hand and turned it over. It looked the same as the other side but to this day I have tried to come up with an explanation as to what this all meant and are unable to do so.
Could it be that, "it's time to turn over a new leaf," or "there are two sides to every coin (situation)" or "You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see more clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye" - Matthew 7:3."
I know there was a message in there for me but maybe, for you, as well.
~ Nightshade
From The Free Dictionary:
Angel: A typically benevolent being that acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth.
Demon: An evil, supernatural being; a persistently tormenting person, force or passion (like the demon of drug addiction).
Friday, September 7, 2018
What's it Gonna Take?
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Expansion of Human Consciousness |
I think we can all agree that there are advanced ET civilizations out there. They are capable of visiting earth along with other planets using propulsion systems we know little to nothing about. If they are so advanced then doesn't it stand to reason that their consciousness (thinking and reasoning) is far more advanced than ours? That they think on a quantum level instead of in third dimension (as we do) where all we're capable of seeing is just the solid object and not able to see through it?
So where are we on earth with our progress in advancing our consciousness? What is consciousness, anyway? It's the act of being aware. Being able to think and reason, to sense, analyze and understand who you are, what you are and the universe you are part of. It's Cognition--the act of being able to view and sense your surroundings and others along with the world you live in. This cognition extends to visions, thoughts and hopes, dreams and wishes.
Where are we, on a scale of 1 - 10 with learning to lift ourselves up and out of the dogmatic, ugly and chaotic earthly quagmire we still find ourselves in?
How is deeper consciousness obtained? Is it always this way.....a species starts out on the bottom rung of the ladder in planetary societal interaction and intelligence and then, through thousands or more like millions of years of trial and error, finally makes some progress?
Does this transformation in consciousness start with someone on earth who is so fed up with the status quo that they announce with an impassioned voice to the world they're just not going to take it anymore, that things have to change and that they're going to be the one to initiate such change?
Or, is it a different catalyst that is going to rout us up and out of our stupor into taking action such as a planetary cataclysm in which it is almost too late to do anything about anything?
We have all heard of those individuals with charismatic personalities who, just by the words they speak and how they look and dress, can sway people into action. This has both a light and dark side to it as we all know that this can go either way, good or bad.
So, what's it gonna take, any thoughts?
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Monday, September 3, 2018
There's More to a Neanderthal Than Just Good Looks
If you heat your house with wood, start stocking up now. If you have livestock or other animals outside I recommend you put in a frostless hydrant. These hydrants don't freeze like normal hydrants and are built to withstand frigid temps so you'll have an ample supply of water for your critters.
Take a look at whether you need to have some more insulation in your home around doors and windows or any other place that needs it.
For some months now I've had the feeling we're going to be in for a very cold winter which isn't normal for my area. Last winter we had a cold snap with 20 deg. and colder for maybe three weeks but this year it sounds like we're in for some bitter cold that's going to be hanging around for awhile.
My feelings were confirmed when I read the Old Farmers Almanac that in my area we're in for bitter cold which points to a miserable winter for animals, birds and humans.
Forewarned is to take the steps necessary and make the preparations in order to protect yourself and those you care for and love.
This feeling started after the beginning of this year's haying season when acreage that normally yielded 200 round bales only produced 27.
This year the rain fell at the wrong time, it didn't rain when it was supposed to and when it did rain it virtually drowned everything. Plus, it was blistering hot with high humidity so the grass didn't grow the way it should.
For livestock producers and those custom baling hay, the yields this year are way way down.
One bale of grass hay weighing approx. 800# is going for $70.00 and that was the price last week. Normally you could buy a bale for a lot less so for the livestock producers with 100 head or more or even those producers with 30, 40 head if they didn't have a surplus of hay on hand they either sold the majority of their cows already or will have to pay a hefty price for forage. And a cow needs more than hay when it's bitter cold in order to get through the winter. And to make matters more difficult, cows generally calve in February and March. It takes a lot of energy food (grain) also to keep an animal with enough body heat to sustain an abnormally cold winter and bring forth a healthy baby.
It takes one bale of hay per cow per winter and if the winter is extreme, the animal is going to need more hay.
If one bale weighs 800# (which is approx. a 4x5 bale of grass hay) and you need a ton of hay that would be 2-1/2 bales @ $180.00 a ton.
You can't feed many animals on just one ton of hay.
The garden and orchard didn't do well this year either. Too much rain, too little rain, too hot, too humid.
So, I'm passing this info on to you. Wherever you are start looking at what winter holds for you and start making preparations.
There's a little piece of Neanderthal in all of us.
It's called Survival.
Take a look at whether you need to have some more insulation in your home around doors and windows or any other place that needs it.
For some months now I've had the feeling we're going to be in for a very cold winter which isn't normal for my area. Last winter we had a cold snap with 20 deg. and colder for maybe three weeks but this year it sounds like we're in for some bitter cold that's going to be hanging around for awhile.
My feelings were confirmed when I read the Old Farmers Almanac that in my area we're in for bitter cold which points to a miserable winter for animals, birds and humans.
Forewarned is to take the steps necessary and make the preparations in order to protect yourself and those you care for and love.
This feeling started after the beginning of this year's haying season when acreage that normally yielded 200 round bales only produced 27.
This year the rain fell at the wrong time, it didn't rain when it was supposed to and when it did rain it virtually drowned everything. Plus, it was blistering hot with high humidity so the grass didn't grow the way it should.
For livestock producers and those custom baling hay, the yields this year are way way down.
One bale of grass hay weighing approx. 800# is going for $70.00 and that was the price last week. Normally you could buy a bale for a lot less so for the livestock producers with 100 head or more or even those producers with 30, 40 head if they didn't have a surplus of hay on hand they either sold the majority of their cows already or will have to pay a hefty price for forage. And a cow needs more than hay when it's bitter cold in order to get through the winter. And to make matters more difficult, cows generally calve in February and March. It takes a lot of energy food (grain) also to keep an animal with enough body heat to sustain an abnormally cold winter and bring forth a healthy baby.
It takes one bale of hay per cow per winter and if the winter is extreme, the animal is going to need more hay.
If one bale weighs 800# (which is approx. a 4x5 bale of grass hay) and you need a ton of hay that would be 2-1/2 bales @ $180.00 a ton.
You can't feed many animals on just one ton of hay.
The garden and orchard didn't do well this year either. Too much rain, too little rain, too hot, too humid.
So, I'm passing this info on to you. Wherever you are start looking at what winter holds for you and start making preparations.
There's a little piece of Neanderthal in all of us.
It's called Survival.
Sunday, September 2, 2018
We Are All Witches
I am chained in a tower, alone with my thoughts, huddled up against a stone wall conserving as much body heat as I can. The air is cold as I watch my breath crystallize in the frigid air.
There is a wooden bowl nearby and ragged remnants of someone's clothing lying in a corner.
It was late fall when I was forcefully brought here, the time of Mabon, Mabon being the Pagan celebration of the Autumnal Equinox.
It's dark and dreadfully quiet here as I look up through the small clerestory window at the shimmering moon and clouds drifting by. A solitary bird suddenly makes it appearance. Colors are muted, bleak and gray.
I wonder to myself, "where is this bird off to" and back comes the reply, "never you mind, you tend to your business and I'll tend to mine."
I rub my hands together to keep warm, gingerly reshaping the tattered pieces of cloth around my fingers and hand, asking myself, "how many know I am still here?" Its been months since I was taken. "Have they given up hope of ever seeing me again"?
I am here because I had a choice. I would either give up my Pagan ways, conforming to the malefic political/religious hierarchy in power or disobey. I chose disobedience as to do otherwise would be an act of cowardice not to mention heresy.
I lean my head back against the cold wall and lick my painfully dry, cracked lips. It's difficult now to produce even enough saliva to do even this one small thing to comfort myself.
I faintly remember the broken shard of mirror a soldier shoved in front of my face as he grabbed me by my coarse, grey hair, twisting its long strands around his ugly fist, sequestering me for a moment in order for me to be able to observe the marks of the beating I had endured as I was kicked and stomped to the ground, rolling from one side to the other, and all the while he cackling and guffawing at me the whole time.
My clothes still carry the faint scent of manure, sweat and blood and I'm still removing the remnants of straw, dirt and mud embedded in my hair.
There is an iron shackle around my wrist allowing me to stand but preventing me from walking very far. I can walk far enough to do my business but the stench of my long captivity is now especially overpowering.
I am surprised as I am slowly deteriorating both in mind and body that I have not quickly succumbed to the many maladies afflicting others of the community like stepsis, scury or pneumonia.
I now know they had been planning this attack for a long time and when the time was right, were able to take me by surprise.
No amount of incantations or powerful potion could stop what was coming my way.
I now know, after sitting for months in prison, that it was meant to be.
I had become a danger to them. A singular threat to their deranged and narrow minds of who would control and who would not. They had grown arrogant and proud as they raided this kingdom and that kingdom, slaughtering wholesale villages, communities in their baneful quest to amass as much wealth and power as they could.
Resentful and proud they attacked those who didn't agree with their lust to make themselves gods on earth. Except, of course, the real gods that had governed Mankind up till 10,000 years ago had long since vanished.
These so-called would be gods were nothing of the sort but unwashed, vile despots who were seduced by their own lies, greed and power. Instead of ruling the people with fairness and compassion, they opted for violence and subjugation.
Witches are Healers. And we are all Witches. As healers we are able to administer to and counsel those who seek us out. We turn none away but embrace them all whether slave or soldier, young or old. We are part of Them as They are a Part of We.
This is the Good News, Pass it On!
So Mote it Be!
Saturday, September 1, 2018
How do you get in touch with yourself? First we obviously know we're alive and occupy space but how do you connect deep down with who you are. There are other life forms and habitats that surround you that are important to your growth, such as dogs, cats, children, old people, flowers, trees, plants, oceans, mountains, deserts, forests and valleys. In order to learn about you, you need to interact and become acquainted. Your responses will be a clue as to what you want to be in life so it's a good place to start.
Does the ocean draw you in? What about a walk in the forest? Are you drawn to old children or babies? How about lying on a blanket under the stars? Did you visit an animal shelter and see a dog or cat that you just had to take home with you? What about someone having trouble, did you go to their aid or just walk away?
Even though we are singular (one body unit) we were made to be connected with others of our kind. We are, in a way like herd animals.
And I know some of you are still walking alone, feeling forlorn and isolated.
We can stay by ourselves for a period of time in isolation away from others but then we find we crave the companionship of other human beings because it's something we miss.
Isolation is something we may all experience or even choose but will soon find that companionship with others is integral to our growth.
Take a moment to think about yourself, your body, your skin color, hair, how on earth you were made. You are a wonder, a miracle.
How did we get the personality you have? Why were we born black or white or red or tan? Why are you female or male? What are your likes, dislikes?
Were we poured into this organic suit or were we shrink wrapped?
You are a walking, living, breathing piece of art, a Michelangelo in the making.
Get in touch with the masterpiece inside.
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