Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Friday, December 30, 2016
Two by Two
It takes us nine months to get here but only a moment to leave this earth.
Carrie Fisher has passed and now her mom, Debbie Reynolds, who died of a stroke one day after Carrie died.
Life is a precious and wondrous thing. It requires constant care and nurturing to sustain it,
How many more reminders must we have in order to finally put our own lives in order?
Death takes all of us no matter how much money we have or how destitute we may be.
If I were to able to grant you one wish for today it would be this, "Be Happy."
For without happiness in our lives, life wouldn't be worth living.
And Love one another, for you never know when that last hug,
that last kiss,
that last, "I love you,"
will be yours or theirs,
Monday, December 26, 2016
Okay, it's official. I'm on somebody's shit list. There has been a falling out. I'm now the target of someone's anger. It doesn't matter that they were to blame for the angst they are feeling now, based on their own personal decision to do something that sent them along with everyone else hurtling out of control.
What I believe is happening is their decision not to communicate with me anymore is really directed at themselves (anger).
They are feeling betrayed, much remorse, pain and guilt for what they did and are now coming to grips with it. I tried to talk to them, reason with them, but they stung stubbornly to the belief that why they were feeling "betrayed" was my fault.
How is it that I can justify this saying that, "sometimes these painful experiences we have, whether self-inflicted or not, are exactly what are needed in order for us to finally come face to face with the demons hiding inside us? --Because I've had them.
How can you not expect hazardous fallout from a personal decision, the repercussions of which caused hurt and pain not only in your life but in everyone else's?
I've had more than my share of doing stupid things in my life that led to excrutiatingly painful periods in which I was forced to come face to face with myself. I wasn't able to turn away because the guilt was welling up from within. Every time I passed a mirror or brushed my teeth in the morning, the same face stared back at me reliving all the graphic details.
It took me a good ten years to finally come to grips with what I did and realize that I had suffered enough along with everyone else around me. The fact is we humans are two sides of a coin--one side shiny and polished (good) the other side dark and tarnished (bad). Until we get the dark side under control, we're going to run into trouble.
After wishing everyone a Merry Christmas today with the exception of the one person who refused to talk to me, I was suddenly struck with a subtle realization. --that I was here precisely at the right time to talk with this person (even though at the moment I was getting nowhere) because I had also suffered the same fate myself?
Could it be that the universe places people in different locations at different times precisely to be there when people need to hear the truth from others who have suffered through the same experiences that they endured?
Well, even though I feel that I am here at the right time and the right place, even though she could care less, I do believe that down the road the wisdom I've accumulated will be of help to her when she decides she wants to listen.
BTW, isn't that what is expected from All of us?
~ Blessings,
Saturday, December 24, 2016
A Christmas Wish
May peace be with you; my peace I give to you; I give it not as the
world gives as in empty promises and flattery. Let not your heart be troubled; furthermore, let it be without fear.
Friday, December 16, 2016
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Sweet Dreams
My friend's mother passed away December 11, 2016. Friends and family gathered together last night to say goodbye. When I arrived at the funeral home and walked inside, I was immediately aware of an aura of peace. Sometimes when you visit a funeral home to pay your respects this isn't the feeling you get but maybe one of sadness, depression and loss which is understandable but not so at this one. There wasn't any sense of this at all. Even though there were people milling around, standing around, hugging one another, paying their respects, this beautiful feeling of peace overwhelmed everything else. She looked beautiful and serene, this eighty year old woman in a crisp white cotton blouse with little buttons that twinkled in the candlelight, looking as if she had just fallen asleep. I stayed for awhile then said my goodbyes. I am constantly aware of feelings that can bombard me at times almost to the point of overwhelming my senses and this is what happened as I left for home. Driving along, beautiful scenes started flooding over me. Sunny meadows, small framed houses, beautiful rolling hills with marshy swales and towering birch trees. Family portraits with grandparents, mom holding the latest addition to the family, dad standing next to her and a bunch of kids. Flower and vegetable gardens and clotheslines with sun bleached sheets and shirts. Happy, happy, happy. Everyone was happy. And if there were any cares or worries, the families stuck together, just taking them in stride. I believe I was picking up on some of the memories of this eighty year old woman. Even though she had passed on, she couldn't let go of the memories that had molded her, framing her life. She was rich with them and kind enough to share them with others.
Thank you, Mary
Thank you, Mary
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Think You Know the Constitution - Take This Quiz
Monday, December 12, 2016
Little by Little
October 31, 2016.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Be Attentive.”
Thought Adjuster: “Be attentive to My signs of Love. My presence among you always manifests, you just need to be attentive to realize it.
“As you are on your daily path, things will be happening that will seem strange, different, ‘miraculous’ or surprising. Be aware of those small and large details of what will happen in your life.
“Pray. Say a prayer for just a few moments. Stop and be quiet, so you can hear Me.
“All the important answers are already in your heart. Your heart can guide you because I speak to you precisely from there. Then listen to your heart, and the sensations that it inspires in you.
“When you make a decision that troubles you, bothers you, causes you fear or distress, it is not a decision taken from the heart. Maybe you are basing it simply on reason.
“When you make a decision that brings you peace, security, trust, faith, hope and joy, you are making a decision from your Spirit, where all wisdom resides.
“Trust in yourselves, believe in yourselves. I AM with each one of you in all your processes of learning, growth and evolution. You do not need to understand everything. There are things that you will not understand, but that are necessary in your growth process. Then trust and believe that all situations that worry you today will come to an end and that the sooner you can connect with the Spirit in your heart, the more confidence you will have in the processes ahead to live.
“Trust. Give Me your hands, and help others trust, too. This is how little by little the world will become a place with more light, hope, peace and love, and with less fear, darkness, anguish, war and inequality.
“Today begins the transformation of your lives, and the life of the entire world.”
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Be Attentive.”
Thought Adjuster: “Be attentive to My signs of Love. My presence among you always manifests, you just need to be attentive to realize it.
“As you are on your daily path, things will be happening that will seem strange, different, ‘miraculous’ or surprising. Be aware of those small and large details of what will happen in your life.
“Pray. Say a prayer for just a few moments. Stop and be quiet, so you can hear Me.
“All the important answers are already in your heart. Your heart can guide you because I speak to you precisely from there. Then listen to your heart, and the sensations that it inspires in you.
“When you make a decision that troubles you, bothers you, causes you fear or distress, it is not a decision taken from the heart. Maybe you are basing it simply on reason.
“When you make a decision that brings you peace, security, trust, faith, hope and joy, you are making a decision from your Spirit, where all wisdom resides.
“Trust in yourselves, believe in yourselves. I AM with each one of you in all your processes of learning, growth and evolution. You do not need to understand everything. There are things that you will not understand, but that are necessary in your growth process. Then trust and believe that all situations that worry you today will come to an end and that the sooner you can connect with the Spirit in your heart, the more confidence you will have in the processes ahead to live.
“Trust. Give Me your hands, and help others trust, too. This is how little by little the world will become a place with more light, hope, peace and love, and with less fear, darkness, anguish, war and inequality.
“Today begins the transformation of your lives, and the life of the entire world.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
If you stop judging, you will find peace — Thought Adjuster.
If you stop judging, you will find peace — Thought Adjuster.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Where do you fit in? Have you found your place in the world yet?
Where you belong?
First it is important to acknowledge that just being here, experiencing this thing called life, is a privilege denied to many so ask yourselves, don't we really need to make our life count for something?
We all arrive here the same way, hapless and helpless, wet and crying because we've been pushed out into an alien world, exiting a warm sanctuary that has nurtured us for nine months.
We've started our earthly journey.
I remember growing up and just wanting to stay in bed. Life was just, well, too big, scary and I was frightened. I believed that nothing could hurt me, nothing could get to me if I just stayed undercover.
Slowly, I realized that this wasn't going to work. Life found me anyway.
I could run but I couldn't hide.
Each one of us has been gifted with unique talents. A unique mind and unique skills. Some of us instinctively know who and what we want to be when we grow up but for most of us, though, it takes time to figure out what's inside us and how these things sync together. This is just part of the growing process we all experience from embryo to full fledged adult.
It's really quite exciting if you think about it--we start out as toddlers, stumbling, falling and fumbling around, eventually growing up and making it to the point where we're able to make intelligent decisions, figuring out who and what we are and learning to take control of our own lives.
Give yourselves some time.
This is how we all start out but it certainly would make a difference to have some help along the way such as parents, teachers, mentors, pastors, priests and role models.
And another thing we need to learn is how to listen.
We're all good at talking, especially when it comes to ourselves, but much helpful and necessary information will come to us and help us on our journey if we just take the time to listen.
"Listen or your tongue will make you deaf"
Native American proverb
Friday, December 9, 2016
Grandmother Spirit
In doing Tarot readings, I light my candles and pray, asking spirit for any messages. I invite loved ones who have passed, my Native American spirit guides and the angels to listen and assist me with the divination.
I light my candles, sit quietly and meditate.
Yesterday afternoon I did a 5 card spread:
1. Present position (the nature of the question being asked) - "Are there any messages for me or anyone else, today"?
2. Past Influences
3. Future
4. Reason (this will shed light on no. 2.)
5. Potential (Outcome)
Before I had completely shuffled the cards two words whispered in my ear - "Grandmother Spirit."
I've never heard these words before and after the divination did some research. Apparently it is of Native American origin but its meaning to me is unclear.
The sites I visited weren't completely clear as to its meaning.
If anyone is familiar with this term I would appreciate an email.
I am of the mindset that nothing happens without a reason and believe that this was a message but its purpose and why now is a mystery.
However, I know that things happen for a reason and it's not up to me to say when the reason will become clear.
I am to be patient and wait for the universe to provide the answer.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
All bundled up and happily snuggling under the covers this morning, I was reluctant to get out of bed. When I did, however, I noticed something different. I became aware of a gentle, subtle feeling. It was how the light in the bathroom looked, normally bright but this morning, softer. The night light in the bedroom was also casting a softer glow. The way these lights looked this morning reminded me of a halo you see around an angel or the one you see around the moon. They weren't their normal brightness but more subdued, soft, even ethereal. Even the cats and new puppy were acting differently. No whining, no meowing, no jumping up and down. As the morning wears on I am feeling something in my solar plexus which is one of the signs that, indeed, something is happening out there. Something mutable and beautiful, soft and glowing, sincerity, warmth and compassion, forgiveness and tenderness. May each one of you have a spirit filled day.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
December 7, 1941 - Attack on American Naval Base, Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii by Japan
7, 1941, “a date which will live in infamy” was the date of the Japanese
surprise attack on the American Naval Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Over 3,000 Americans died that day, most of them members of the military, and
many of our finest warships were destroyed, including the battleship USS
Arizona. The Japanese were initially elated over the damage caused to the
American navy, but they soon realized that their ultimate goal had not been
realized. They had not demoralized the American people and destroyed our will
to fight.
Instead, they had only succeeded in
uniting the American people who did not cower in fear, but prepared to go to
war on two fronts. Millions of American soldiers, sailors, and marines, went to
war in Europe and the Pacific not only to defend the freedom of the American people,
but to free the millions who were being oppressed by the Japanese, the German
Nazis, and the Italian Fascists.
American casualties during WW II
totaled over one million with over 405,000 deaths. The entire country mobilized
to support the war effort. There were no anti-war demonstrations, none of our
soldiers were spit on for wearing the uniform of their country, and anyone who
had burned an American flag would have suffered severe consequences at the
hands of their fellow Americans.
Can you imagine what the outcome of WW
II would have been if instead of young Americans going into the military in
mass, or working in defense industries, or otherwise supporting our troops by
consenting to rationing of gasoline, tires, food etc. they would have grabbed
their teddy bears and coloring books and gone to hide in their “safe spaces” so
they could be protected from reality.
Unfortunately, most of the millennials
in our country today don’t remember Pearl Harbor or even World War II. I
recently looked at a common core lesson plan for teaching our children about WW
II and it was unbelievable. The heroism of our military was not mentioned and
none of the military leaders such as Eisenhower, Patton, or Nimitz were named. None
of the major battles were discussed including the invasion of Normandy, the
Battle of the Bulge or Iwo Jima.
The discussions that students were to
engage in were about things like the detention of Japanese Americans, racism
within the military etc. all politically correct subjects for the left people
who are supposedly educating our children. However, this type of misinformation
is not something new. A few years ago I was doing some part time work scoring
essays on student SAT exams. Most of the topics were mundane, but when the
topic dealt with American history I saw some very disturbing things.
For example, some high school students
thought that in WW II we fought Mexico, Spain, or even England. Some also
stated the WW II was started by the United States dropping atomic bombs on
Japan and that led to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. These are just some examples of the fact that
our children are not learning anything about American history and certainly not
about our Constitutional form of government.
At a time when we should be
remembering and honoring the Americans who died 75 years ago at Pearl Harbor,
the concentration of the media and our education system is on excluding Christmas
from public schools, rewriting our history, eliminating patriotism, and
destroying our Constitutional rights. It is time we reverse this.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Castle Keep
High on top a craggy mountain sits a towering castle, its gray and heavily mottled walls covered in ivy.
The castle keep (a fortified tower) is now vacant, a long forgotten, solitary, still and silent sentinel, once vibrant and seething with energy but now a discarded and hollow husk, lost to time and space as it no longer serves a purpose, that of seeing to the needs of the Lord of the Realm and his family along with his chivalrous and loyal Knights who were once housed there.A reminder of just how transient life is.
This was their sanctuary, their private abode, where they lived, slept. ate, plotted and planned, celebrated and reminisced, toasted their accomplishments and drowned their sorrows in tankards of ale and honey meade.
This vacant castle holds many secrets and its labyrinths are full of intrigue: acrimony, betrayal, passion, sorrow, fear and remorse, lust and lies, shame, dark corners and dank crevices, musty passages, a dungeon (or two) a chapel, several great halls, clerestories, splendid and magnificent stained glass windows, shadowed archways, cloistered alcoves, winding staircases, expansive rooms, small spaces, mammoth fireplaces with roaring fires, hallways leading to lofty chambers and embossed, intricately carved wood ceilings, long, streaming medieval banners hanging from cross beams of heavy, darkened oak, wine cellars, lavishly carved walnut tables and high back chairs that seated a myriad of people, fine porcelain china, embossed crystal wine glasses, pewter tankards, balsam fir boughs woven together with red and green silk ribbons intertwined with oranges and dates and dusted with cloves and nutmeg, ornate and stately candelabras, bowls of ripe fruit, intricately patterned Persian rugs covering the floors and heavy tapestries lining the walls with pictures of unicorns and beautiful ladies, libraries filled with books on arcane knowledge.
Tucked away from view are small, cold and cramped hiding places in the winter that are miraculously transformed into sunny, happy places in the summer with children scampering about, round ruddy mischievous faces peering out and crying, "catch me if you can", skipping about, laughing and giggling, running and jumping, merrily shrieking as their tiny, melodious voices, sounding like pieces of silver jingling in a pants pocket, echo off the walls of the castle's vacant chambers with sheer joy and happiness.
The grounds are rolling and lush, verdant and opulent. Other sections of the grounds are reserved exclusively for orange trees and lemon groves, Crepe Myrtle, cedar, ash, oak, vintage rose gardens (genus Rosa from the Latin) of Chinensis from China and Burma, Bracteatae from India, lovely Caninae from North Africa, blue wisteria, Greek statuary, keyhole design labyrinths, vineyards, azaleas, lilacs, hollyhocks and morning glories, dense hedgerows, spiral herb gardens, tables and benches with overhead canopies to protect one from the rays of the sun and the occasional downpour as the nobility, dressed in their finery, whisper and gossip, laze under the willow trees, playing board games, reliving the latest battles, the latest trysts, as they indulge their egos in banter and fine beverages, wine and the most delicious of delicacies.
A long, ambling winding road leads up to the castle, meandering through pastured meadows with gentle cows and goats, rambling stone walls, ancient and deep dark pine forests.
Down below are tiny villages with town squares, thatched roofed houses, smoke curling out of chimneys looking like willowy wisps, farms and barns, animal pens, blacksmith shops, tanneries and saddleries, almshouses, tinkers, strolling minstrels, vegetable and fruit markets, flower stands, chickens, hogs, snake charmers, thieves, churches, bawdry and boisterous inns and taverns, liveries and small businesses.
Overhead the moon is full and pregnant with secrets, an elusive and aloof muse, always the mysterious feminine whose bright luminescence shines down on every path, but who also delights in creating shadows that darken one's path, continuing to observe all that goes on below, from her cold barren, lofty domain.
Brittle brown leaves rustle noisily in the wind. A large barred owl flies in front of the moon, soaring to a graceful landing on a tree branch, just a stump of what it once was, yet still clinging tenaciously to life on an old and withered tree.
The old continues to give way to the new but memories will always exist. They just need to find a suitable place, an outlet, where they can be brought to light and shared with others...
~ Nightshade
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Beauty will Save Everything
Saturday, December 3, 2016
I am Human
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Heartbreak |
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
What if all that you and I knew and were taught was false? That everything you ever knew was just a figment of your imagination? That war and poverty, hunger and disease existed (in our minds only) because of a collective thought that kept perpetuating these things as we had, long ago, been conditioned to accept them? What if our world and everything in it turned out to be one giant illusion; one giant holding cell that was keeping us all imprisoned in ignorance and despair until a future date when we would be released to experience another completely different level of being, existence? That unseen forces, beings, had been tutoring us and coaching us, all along, in small increments over time so that we would be able to digest the information gradually? They knew the day was fast approaching when we would finally acknowledge that we didn't want anymore of the same ole same ole but something better.
We are standing on the threshold of the greatest event to have ever happened to the human race--a global graduation ceremony as we turn from the darkness of ignorance and error to one of mutual understanding, compassion, respect and love.
Why not? --We have Remote Viewers who claim to have seen the future and some of their uncanny predictions have, indeed, come true. Why not? --We have people who claim to have seen aliens and been aboard their spaceships and our own government doesn't seem to have any problem mentioning the names of a few ETs, outside visitors who are working alongside them, namely: J Rod and Valliant Thor.
I am feeling a most profound and sweeping moment of discovery heading our way. Things we've been wrestling with, confusion, uncertainty, jealousy, hatred and dark secrets we don't want anyone to know about are and will continue to be exposed as our planetary purification process continues to unfold.
Welcome to the Light!
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Fold, Spindle and Mutilate
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Discarded, Garbage, Refuse |
Ever talk to someone about something important to you and all they do is look the other way, clearly impatient, hoping you'll stop droning on as they could give a shit, pissed at you because you are taking up their time?
That's what I'm experiencing this morning.
Okay self, calm down and don't do anything stupid. In the heat of the moment, in a moment of cerebral blindness and frustration you could retaliate (payback) for their gross ineptness in not hearing you out by opening your big mouth and uttering four letter words that are clearly meant to hurt or maybe you'll choose to do something worse like picking up something to strike them with. The example I've given is what many of us, adults, kids and teenagers are experiencing today.
Frustration at not being heard, frustration that nobody has the time to hear us or even acknowledge that we're standing in front of them trying to be heard. We have something important to say and they're not listening.
This problem is growing exponentially worse by leaps and bounds.
Nobody takes the time necessary to listen let alone talk to anybody anymore.
Did you know that there are actually start up businesses that are taking people out for walks, because they/we have lost touch with our surroundings as all of us have our heads constantly buried in our cellphones so they are teaching them to reconnect with others of their kind (you know...humans) and nature by having them look at and acknowledge the trees, wildlife, plants and flowers, the sun, the moon, the sky?
And guess what, they are doing a booming business.
Is it any wonder?
Let's really get down to the grinding truth.
hat and who is a real family on this damned planet anymore?
Dad is too busy making money, Mom is too pissed off at Dad because Dad doesn't have the time for her anymore (like he did in the past) and she's been saddled with the kids so why should she take on the extra responsibility (his) and do his job, too, of listening to you when she's too busy being pissed off at him?--retaliation.
Revenge, Vindictiveness, Retaliation, Retribution and it's been growing for years. Why not throw in an adulterous affair because the husband doesn't satisfy the wife anymore as he's too busy making money and the wife doesn't satisfy the husband anymore because she's too pissed off at the husband. Now we really have a problem because you guys (kids, teenagers) are in the mix and serve to just heighten all the underlying grievances, emotions anger and resentment as the imprisoned grudges slowly unleash, making their way to the surface where everything boils over on everyone (the good, the bad the ugly) and G-d only knows what will happen next.
If there were ever a time for spiritual strength in one's life, it is now.
This is why I stress the importance of carving out a sacred place for yourself, a special time during the day where you can sit down and think things through, uninterrupted. Where you can weigh the options...should I say something or keep my mouth shut? Am I the one at fault and need to apologize? This quiet time is so you can get a handle on whatever is bothering you or what happened to you before the whole situation spirals out of control.
This is called self-discipline (you could liken it to damage control) and you control, to a great extent, just how your particular situation will end up. Will there be a few survivors or only casualties?
We all, every one of us,are being pushed and pulled, shoved, bruised, abused, tossed and turned, run over and in some cases, thrown out with the garbage.
Because someone has determined we don't count anymore...our feelings, our wants, our desires, what's important to us.
I'm here to tell you, You Are Not Refuse, You are not Garbage so stand up, wipe off the half eaten pizza and the slimy vegetables and grab the sides of the trash bin with both hands. Start climbing up and out and start taking charge of your life.
No one, NO ONE is going to do this for you but YOU.
Monday, November 28, 2016
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Don't be in such a hurry; slow down. Things will get done in the allotted time but only if you participate. There are veils upon veils and layers upon layers that mask our path. We all have a tendency to push too hard, expect too much and then blame ourselves (or others) when things don't go our way. Understand that there are those who are on infinite watch over us, monitoring our progress as they want us to succeed and are here to help, as each one of us who ascends a little higher will only help the rest struggling to do the same.
This benefits all.
In order for these Enlightened Ones to come to your aid, you have to invite them first. They won't come if you're in a state of exasperation and frustration.
Understanding, awareness, insight and inspiration are at your fingertips, just out of your reach, beckoning you, waiting for you, to invite them in.
You are the one in control of your destiny and ultimately, the final outcome.
It is up to you to whether to seek help or not. This decision is yours and yours alone.
Once this portal is opened and the connection made, it is up to you to see that these visitors are made most welcome.
William Blake, English Poet, Visionary ~ 1757 - 1827
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Cosmic Battle |
do not consider either the just, or the wicked, to be in a supreme
state, but to be, every one of them, states of the sleep which the soul
may fall into in its deadly dreams of good and evil, when it leaves
Paradise following the serpent.
William Blake,
"A Vision of the Last Judgement"
"A Vision of the Last Judgement"
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Friday, November 25, 2016
She stands in an open doorway leading to a long hallway
There is no sound
Her hair falls to her waist like finely woven strands
of braided wheat
She wears a long sleeved white gown overlaid with a Scaffolding of delicate lace
Fastened around her neck is a heavy necklace inlaid with Bands of Lapis Lazuli
A blue sash is tied around her waist
She is gently prompted to step inside
Once inside she finds herself moving slowly forward
And being compelled to look to her left and right
She knows...
There is no turning back, now
There is no turning away
She has stepped over a threshold
On the walls are painted murals of her past
Some are hushed and muted, blushing, soft
Others are mutant schisms screaming
Out at her, savagely staining the canvas
Dark reds,
black, indigo, violet
They tear into her soul
She hears someone,
"This is a time of Discovery,
This is a time of Reflection,
This is a time of Truth",
This is time to take ownership of oneself
And accountability for your deeds both good and bad
This is the final stage of preparation
As your day of reckoning is drawing nearer
She is on the last leg of her earthly journey
Thursday, November 24, 2016
11/23/16: Report: UFO in the northeast sky; 30 - 35 degrees above the horizon; azimuth - 70 degrees. Time: 8:30 p.m.
While driving home last night, with a friend, we both spotted the object twinkling and what got our attention were the red flashes coming off of it). It did not move but was stationary.
I don't have a telescope nor thousands of dollars in sky watching equipment only an I-Phone. Too dark to take any pictures.
When we did get home, though, we grabbed the binoculars and spotted at least seven more of these objects.
Three of them were positioned one on top of each other, leaving space in between.
See the objects in the middle of this picture to your right to get some idea of what I'm trying to describe here.
Are these objects ours or theirs?
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
The word "ordre" from 13th century Old French and from the Latin word, "ordinem."
Order, n. (English) ~ There are several English definitions of the word "order" but for the purpose of this post I will use only one: A condition in which each thing is properly disposed with reference to other things and to its purpose; methodical or harmonious arrangement.
Would you agree that order is of utmost importance if we are to be happy and accomplish anything at all?
In order for human beings to connect with their higher selves (their spiritual side) a state of order is necessary.
When in a state of turmoil, (disorder) it is difficult if not impossible to find the time necessary to train the body and quiet the mind so one can learn to concentrate and absorb information that will help gain a more fuller understanding of our existence here, why we need one another and help us understand we are all connected and how important that connection is.
We live in a world of uncertainty and chaos. Just look at what is going on in the mideast. Look at what is happening in our big cities.
Isn't this a good time, a good reason to try and dedicate a small portion of your day to finding some order, some peace in your lives as this will also help others and more importantly you, in coping with everything we see going on around us?
What good is a life that is devoid of any meaning whatsoever? What good is it to feel like you're walking aimlessly around, your outer shell housing just a bleak and empty existence?
In order for us to grow spiritually and continue our studies and expect anything worthwhile, we must insist on order in our lives and in our society if anything meaningful is to come our way.
Collectively people make up a society. Law and Order is necessary if we're to thrive and learn and will not only benefit us but the rest of society as well.
That nagging feeling that you just don't like where you are, that you wish something would change.
Turn your back on disorder and embrace order.
Learn to take charge of who and what you are meant to be.
Order, not disorder is the order of the day.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Electors (Electoral College) Receive Threats and Intimidation from the Left
Sunday, November 20, 2016
How Do You Get in Touch With Yourself?
Friday, November 18, 2016
Getting to Know Our Planet
Question: "What is the jet stream?"
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Spirit Speak
I am moving closer to spirit. In this deep, dark dimension we're all struggling in, it's like getting bogged down in a peat bog. And all of us are traveling blind.
It is only after much soul searching and quite possibly, some type of traumatic experience, an eye-opening revelation, that we are then able to connect with another side of our existence.
To all of you who are experiencing pain and torment, maybe because of a decision you made or quite possibly you chose to experiment with something you shouldn't have, or you're just plain fed up with getting nowhere, now, NOW is the time to ask for guidance.
Each and every one of you has a spirit guide and, quite possibly, more than one.
Get to know them as they are here to help you as you make your transit here.
Getting to know them is finding a quiet time each day to meditate, to think good thoughts, to say, thank you to those you love and to ask those who are watching over you to make their presence known.
No one is going to show up or come to your aid if you don't ask.
Sometimes the answers don't come, no matter how hard you try. You keep reading, you keep searching, you keep praying, you keep asking, "what am I doing wrong?"
You're not doing anything wrong. Wait and have patience. The answers will come.
Peace to All of You,
~ Nightshade
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